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A Creative Writing: Improve Your Craft as an Author


8 Simple Yet Efficient Ways to Improve Your Craft as an Author

Creative Writing: For Upon|No matter how good you are as a writer, there is always room for improvement. The best authors are always looking to improve their craft. Whether it’s reading more books in their genre, taking a writing course, or attending writers’ conferences, they know that honing their skills is essential to write better.

Fortunately, it isn’t that hard for you either. There are several simple yet efficient ways to do just that. From reading regularly to practicing writing, we are going to explain some of these ways below in this article. Keep reading to be on your way to becoming a better writer.

1. Read Widely and Often

There’s nothing as good as reading that will help an author improve their craft. By reading widely and often, you expose yourself to different styles of writing and different ways of communicating. This will help you broaden your understanding of the publishing world and find your own voice as a writer.

Additionally, reading often will help improve your writing speed and accuracy. By reading other authors’ work, you can learn new techniques and gain insights into the writing process. Whether you’re reading for pleasure or for professional development, the routine will be worth your time and effort.

2. Join Creative Writing Classes

Crafting a good story is both an art and a science. It takes both practice and knowledge to be able to create something that resonates with readers. That’s why creative writing courses can help you as much as practicing and reading on a daily basis.

In creative writing classes, you’ll learn the basics of good writing, from characterization to plot development. You’ll also get the opportunity to practice your writing in a supportive environment. And perhaps most importantly, you’ll get feedback from your peers and instructors on your work.

Also, if you are looking to collaborate with other writers, these classes can give you the opportunity to meet other authors in your industry.

3. Write on a Daily Basis

There’s no doubt that practice makes everyone perfect. The more you write, the better you’ll become at your craft. Make a daily routine of writing on some topic, whether you’re working on a book or not. It doesn’t matter how long you write for, just as long as you’re doing it regularly.

Soon you’ll see your skills start to improve, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a great writer. Also, sitting to write on a daily basis will also improve your other daily life skills, such as productivity and efficiency.

4. Enter Writing Competitions

It’s no secret that competitions can be challenging for you as a writer, but if you’re serious about becoming a better author, it’s a must that you enter competitions to analyze your true skills. By putting your work up against the competition, you can get an objective measure of where you stand and what you need to work on.

Moreover, competitions force you to write to a deadline and to produce your best work. They also give you a chance to get feedback from expert judges that are pros in their field. And even if you don’t win, competitions will teach you so much that it will be enough to make you better than most authors out there.

5. Write Drunk, Edit Sober

Don’t take it literally. We’re just talking metaphorically. When you are out there writing about your favorite topic or completing a book, make sure to write as you’ve no idea what the editing is. Remember, there’s nothing like a perfect first draft.

So, don’t push yourself to write an ideal draft the first time. You will not do any good to yourself instead of wasting your time. The best approach is to keep the words flowing out of your hand as you write and then edit the draft once it has been completed. Editing later will enable you to save some time and catch more errors as compared to the first time.

6. Take a Break Before Starting Editing

No matter how great of a writer you are, you won’t be able to catch any mistakes in your manuscript if you start editing as soon as you finish writing. That’s why it’s important to take some rest before you start editing.

A short break will enable you to forget about what you’ve written, and you’ll be able to edit it as it’s not your own work. Coming back with fresh eyes and a clear mind will also help you catch any errors or typos that you might have missed before, and it will also help you see your work in a new light.

7. Convert Passive Voices in Your Writing into Active Voice

It’s tempting to write passive-voice sentences when you’re writing in a hurry. However, these types of sentences make your writing sound weak and uncertain. On the other, an active voice makes your writing sound more powerful, confident, and to the point.

So, no matter what you’re writing – be it a novel, an essay, or even just a blog post – it’s important to use active voice. It will make your writing livelier and more engaging, and it can also help to clarify your meaning.

While there are times when passive voice can be used for effect, generally speaking, it’s best to stick to an active voice in your writing to sound more authoritative and engage your readers.

8. Join a Writer’s Group

There are several writers’ groups available on social media platforms and portals that serve as a platform for authors to improve their overall craft. In these groups, you will meet other writers who can offer feedback and support on your work.

You will also have the opportunity to workshop your own writing with others. You will also find the much-needed motivation and encouragement you need, especially when you’re feeling stuck or doubtful about your skills.

In these groups, you can also find publishers, editors, and literary agents who can help you get your work published and promoted to the right audience.


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