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Love at First Sight: Love is a Strong Word-Incredibly strong feelings


Love is a Strong Word: Incredibly strong feelings

For upon |Love at first sight- you either believe it or you do not. Many say that you can not love a person at first sight because you do not truly know the person yet. Many say that you should not chase love because if it is meant to be then it will happen at some point. Does Gatsby love Daisy, or is he in love with the idea of her?

I believe that love is a strong word, and in The Great Gatsby, I think my statement is proven to be true. In my opinion, Gatsby is truly in love with Daisy. For being just a man who “loves” a girl, he purposely bought a house across the bay from hers so that he could still see her, he used his neighbor Nick to see her so that he could show off his house, and he even tried to make Daisy tell Tom that she never loved him. Love at First Sight.

Jay Gatsby, the man known for his huge mansion and elaborate parties worked for three years to buy the mansion that he lives in. Is a mansion necessary for just one man to live in? Why would Gatsby spend so much money just to have a mansion in West Egg on the bay?

Gatsby loved Daisy

I believe that Gatsby loved Daisy Buchanan from the moment that he met her, and when he realized that she married someone else, he was determined to do almost anything to see her again. I am sure that Gatsby was planning to continue his life with Daisy once he returned from the Army, but he soon realized that she had married Tom, and Gatsby knew that he had to win her back. Here comes the plan- do anything to impress her, and who isn’t impressed with money? They say money can’t buy happiness, but Gatsby plans to win Daisy over by doing just that.

There is no coincidence as to why Gatsby bought the mansion across from the bay. His only dilemma is finding a way to show Daisy what he has, which is what he plans to do next. A mansion is a big place for just one man to live, so I figure that Gatsby doesn’t plan to keep it that way. Although it is a great house for parties, I believe that he bought it for two reasons: to show it off to Daisy, and because he is just right across the bay from her. Love can make you do crazy things, and I fully believe that Gatsby is in love.

Nick Carraway, the man who lives in the bungalow next to Gatsby’s mansion, is his go-to man. Gatsby figured out that Nick knows Daisy and Tom. This is where his next plan to win Daisy over comes into play.

Gatsby decides to ask Nick if he will invite Daisy over to his house for tea, without Tom. Gatsby then plans to spark conversation with Daisy and hopes to eventually take her over to his house, so that he can make a good impression on her.

Love at First Sight

The reason why I believe that Gatsby is truly in love with Daisy is that he brought his neighbor into his plan to help him. Gatsby goes to extreme measures just to be around Daisy so that he can try to impress her. If he wasn’t in love, he would not have gone through the trouble of using his neighbor’s own time to prepare a way for him to impress Daisy.

As the story progresses, Gatsby continues to make his way into Daisy’s life. His love for her is still strong, so strong that he just wants her to himself. For the next plan, Gatsby tries to make Daisy tell Tom that she never loved him. Love at First Sight.

For Gatsby, that will be satisfaction. If he can get Daisy to do that, he knows that he has won her over and that he has her to himself. In this realm, Gatsby is taking a risk.  As a wise man once said, “You have to risk it to get the biscuit”. In the long run, Gatsby’s plan will even bring him success with Daisy or it will not.

Daisy knows

Gatsby knows that he will never get Daisy unless he tries. He also knows that Daisy knows of Tom’s affair. With that as a disadvantage on Tom. Gatsby knows that there is a good chance that Daisy will admit that she never loved him. I believe that love can be risky, but for Gatsby, it is a risk that he is willing to take. A risk for true love. Love at First Sight.

Everything that Gatsby did showed that he was in love with her. He would potentially do anything for her. Gatsby, I believe that he loved her at first sight. It takes courage to fight for the girl of your dreams, especially when she has a husband. Love is a strong word, and love has strong feelings.


Your essay was really good. It was quite similar to mine! I like how you transitioned all of your sentences. It made it easier for me to follow along. The word choices you picked showed me that you had a wide-ranged vocabulary which is awesome! I need to improve in that aspect. However, I noticed that you didn’t support your information with evidence from the story.  Good job!

The article was originally published here.


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