For upon |Speeding up the time taken for travel is a constant race the human kind is running on, with possibilities of exploring more in less time being on the winning end. Automotive industry, since the 1800s has made our dreams come true bit by bit. But there’s no stopping until we find a way to travel in the speed of the light at affordable rates.
Industrial Revolution 4.0:
With each industrial revolution bringing on an upgrade in automotives, it is of no wonder that industrial revolution 4.0 aka Internet of things is taking things to its hand when it comes to the next big upgrade in this industry.
In Fact, the interconnect of internet of things has already started to shapen up pretty well. Our present cars are connected to our smartphones, register on real-time traffic alerts, stream online playlists, and offer emergency roadside assistance in just a click. A study conducted recently on the impact of IoT suggests that IoT product and service suppliers are bound to churn out revenue exceeding $300 billion in 2020.
Seamless working of IoT:
The awe striking feature IoT is about to bring in the field of innovation that has been worked on the developments over 30 years, the longest phase ever to be taken, is the driverless car. This almost too good to be true project has been made a reality with the sensors set in different components of the car and hence making them communicate with each other. The other groundbreaking technology employed is the satellite map integration to navigate through the jungle of lanes decorously in the ongoing traffic.
Having a device that tracks, traces data roaming and global services with us at all times is the pacemaker to the heart of IoT in automotive industry. Our smartphones generate every essential data required to communicate in IoT, which has speeden up the process of it becoming a reality. Typically, a state of art new technology, when bought with a large sum of investment tend to go irrelevant within a short period of time. Automotive IoT differs in from this case. The enhancements come as upgrades to the pre-existing devices integrated in the vehicle, making it worthwhile for the foreseeable future.
What to expect in the future with IoT:
A third eye approach in an estimate study project that the insurance agencies are prone to be met with a downfall, given that automated driverless vehicles are said to decrease accidents by a barrel. A contingent course of rewriting road laws would come into action with automated cars such as Tesla. This would demand a fail proof software to be fed in IoT, which, incase failed, would be punishable by law.
Contus’ contribution in Fleet Management IoT:
Fleet management is the process of tracking, diagnosing, calculating downtime and overall maintaining vehicles in large numbers. created an admin portal through which vehicles and their contracts could be tracked for diagnoses, store entire database of said vehicle diagnostics, estimate wages, search relevant vehicle through filters for various requirements cutting off the down time consumed and setting criteria for drivers to be followed and met. This has made it possible for the automotive companies using Contus product to eliminate downtime of vehicles, forecast driver/ vehicle shortage and address it in advance, and track these vehicles enroute. The productivity of the users have increased bountifully, directly reflecting in their revenue.
The road in which Automotive IoT is travelling holds promising destinations with abundant contingencies. It’s high time we shift the gear and race the path.
Meta Description
Portraying the Industrial IoT’s fruitful Contribution in redefining the automotive Industry for an effective outcome in the present and nearer future through the upswing of Industrial Revolution 4.0.
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