For upon |The Hadza are hunter-gatherer people who live in northern Tanzania.
Gathering Tubers
In the Yaeda Valley of Tanzania, women and children set out to collect tubers, a staple food of the Hadza people.
The Hadza are a modern hunter-gatherer people living in northern Tanzania. They are considered one of the last hunter-gatherer tribes in Africa with approximately 1,300 tribe members. Their native homeland includes the Eyasi Valley and nearby hills. The Hadza people remains an important study focus for anthropologists, as they represent a modern link to ways of human existence and survival largely abandoned by most of humanity.
As a hunter-gatherer society, the Hadza people have no domesticated livestock, nor do they grow or store their own food. The people survive by hunting their food with hand-made bows and arrows and foraging for edible plants. The people’s diet is primarily plant-based but also consists of meat, fat, and honey. They create temporary shelters of dried grass and branches, and they own few possessions.
The Hadza speak a unique language known as, which incorporates clicking and popping sounds as well as more familiar sounds. According to their own history, which they preserved through oral tradition, they have lived in their current environment bordering the Serengeti plains since their first days as a unique group. This is relatively close to the spot where Homo habilis, one of the earliest hominids, lived 1.9 million years ago. Genetically, the shows one of the oldest lineages of contemporary humans.
Contemporary settlements and farming practices currently threaten the lifestyle of the Hadza people. They have lost between 75 percent and 90 percent of their land over the past 50 years.
In the Yaeda Valley of Tanzania, women and children set out to collect tubers, a staple food of the people.
Photograph by Matthieu Paley
The article was originally published here.
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