Emergency Electrician: electrician emergency service
For upon |An emergency electrician can be important to many people, when an electrical problem presents itself, you may become in desperate need of a quality electrician who can actually help in all situations. There are several occasions that an emergency electrician will be needed, so be sure to have a good number on your phone in order to ensure you know who to call.
Below we have listed several situations where you may need an electrician and also what to do whilst waiting for your electrician to arrive.
No power to property:
If you have no power over your property, you should do 2 things first to ensure you don’t waste money on calling an electrician. The first thing to do is check to make sure all the switches are on at the consumer unit. The switches ( MCB’S) are usually in the up position. If facing down then put them into the up position. If the RCD does not reset then please see below. If everything is up and the power is still off then check that you have money on your electrical meter. Sometimes these meters go into debt and all your power gets switched off.
RCD Will not reset
If the RCD trips and it won’t go back up, then there are things you can do before calling out your emergency electrician. The first to do is move all the switches (MCB,s) into the of position. Try resetting the RCD. Usually the RCD will reset and you can then identify the circuit that is causing the problem by putting each MCB in the on position 1 at a time. The 1 MCB that makes the RCD trip again will be the circuit that requires attention. This way you are able to have the rest of the power on in the house. If the circuit turns out to be the sockets, you can unplug everything on that circuit and reset the MCB again. If this resets then you have a problem with an appliance and an electrician will not be required. If the problem persists then call an electrician.
Drilled Through a cable in the wall
There are times when people actually drill accidentally through a wall, the first piece of advice is to make sure you isolate the electrics for this circuit. If the the consumer unit has an RCD then please follow the advice above in regards to resetting RCD’s. Once this has been done then you’re your emergency electrician.
Exposed cables due to broken accessory
If you break an accessory like a switch, socket, or fuse spur and the cables become exposed, then you will need to put safety first and ensure you isolate your circuit. The first thing to always do is put safety first. If you system has a RCD installed on it then we recommend you follow the advice for resetting RCD’ s. Once this has been completed then call your emergency electrician.
Arcing Cables and Burning smells
If you have arcing cables and burning smells coming from your electrical installation the isolate the system immediately. If you know the circuit, then you isolate this circuit on its own. Your safety is paramount to all this and you must ensure you do this first. Once done then call your emergency electrician. Trade Facilities Services understands that there are various reasons for dealing with electrical emergencies, our first advice though is always to put your safety first. Once you have done what you can to ensure your safety of you, your family/friends, and if required pets. This is when you should call for your electrician. When calling your electrician always try to ensure that they are registered with a governing body, for example; NAPIT or the NICEIC. By using an electrician from a registered governing body you can ensure that they are qualified and competent to do the job at hand.
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