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Driveway Sealcoating: Driveway Cracks: Will Sealcoating Help?


Driveway Cracks: Will Sealcoating Help?

Driveway Sealcoating: A driveway is part of the curb appeal for your residential or commercial property. The condition of your driveway indicates how you care for your property in general. The first impression of your property cannot be redone.

Driveway cracks can also be a potential safety issue. Uneven asphalt can cause vehicle damage or create a potential fall hazard. This can lead to a legal liability issue. This situation will improve with the detailing of regular maintenance.

Will sealcoating fill driveway cracks?

Sealcoating a driveway will improve the appearance but it won’t fix the driveway cracks. Any pre-existing cracks, defects, or potholes will still be visible after sealcoating. Industry professionals recommend imperfections need repair before applying sealcoating.

Why use a professional to repair driveway cracks?

Many cold climate areas experience driveway cracks due to extreme weather fluctuations. High-level oxidation and humidity issues are a bigger factor in Florida. Fill driveway cracks to protect the initial asphalt investment and reduce future costs.

The first step of a professional asphalt company will be to examine the asphalt. The resulting analysis will note all cracks and which repair technique would be advisable. These techniques incorporate the impact of local weather.

Filling driveway cracks may use materials not available for the home consumer. A professional understands a product’s intended use and the best application process. Using a recommended local professional can mean less maintenance moving forward.

What is the process for repairing driveway cracks?

An asphalt professional will adhere to a standard process:

1) Cracks will be completely cleaned. Removal of all debris ensures the area in and around the crack is free from natural or artificial matter.

2) Small cracks need evaluation to see which crack filler is a suitable option for repair. A liquid filler may be recommended.

3) Larger cracks or potholes may need the application of a professional-grade product. A hot or cool application may be recommended. This decision will depend on environmental factors or the size and depth of the crack.

Property maintenance can be expensive so there may be a tendency to put asphalt repair off. Once asphalt erosion begins, it deteriorates quickly to the point where repairs are no longer a viable option. It is recommended to deal with driveway cracks as soon as they become visible to protect your initial investment.

Repaired driveway cracks. Now, why sealcoat?

Over time, unsealed asphalt will fade from black to grey. Hot Florida sun oxidizes asphalt, degradation will occur, and the surface will be susceptible to crumbling or cracking.

Fluids leaking from vehicles can interfere with the surface of the asphalt. These can react with and stain the surface of your driveway. Sealcoating will protect your driveway from these materials.

Sealcoating is not necessary for repairing driveway cracks and potholes. Still, sealcoating is advisable because if not applied, driveway degradation will continue. This degradation will lead to higher maintenance costs long term.

Sealcoating your repaired driveway will create a new, even, uniform appearance. Visitors to your residential or commercial property will see a well-maintained property. Sealcoating will protect your initial investment, prolonging the life of your driveway.

What to expect with the sealcoating process?

Before seal coating, the driveway will need to be completely cleaned of all debris. This ensures the seal coat will adhere to the asphalt.

The application of the seal coat can incorporate specialized equipment or be applied by hand with a squeegee. 

Upon seal coat application, nothing and no one can step on it for 24 to 48 hours while the driveway cures.

About ABC Paving and Sealcoating

You will find the best seal coating contractors at ABC Paving. With more than 20 years of experience, ABC Paving and Sealcoating is Florida’s leading paving contractor. ABC Paving and Sealcoating provides commercial organizations with the highest level of customer service, professional workmanship, and services, including:

  • asphalt paving
  • asphalt repairs and prevention
  • pothole repairs
  • seal coating
  • line striping and pavement marking
  • thermoplastic crack filling
  • signs and safety devices
  • concrete sidewalks
  • concrete curbs
  • site preparation
  • signs and safety devices

We use our experience and the latest equipment available to get the job done right the first time in a timely, cost-effective manner.


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