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Distance Makes The Heart Grow Fonder? Is It True That


Is It True That Distance Makes The Heart Grow Fonder?

There are no fairytales about successful long-distance relationships. Instead, the stories are about the prince sweeping the princess off her feet and them riding away together on a horse. The keyword here is “together.” So, if you and your partner aren’t spending all your time together does that mean that there isn’t a fairytale ending in store for you? What about the saying, “Distance makes the heart grow fonder”?

There’s been a lot of debate over the years about “if absence makes the heart grow fonder.” Some people believe that the time away from each other is good and helps to create a longing for the other person. However, there are others who see the difficulties that come with being in a long-distance relationship.

Challenges To Long-Distance Relationships

When you combine any two people together there are going to be periods of disagreement and times when they struggle to really connect. However, adding distance to the mix can make some of these challenges more difficult to overcome.

Here are some of the challenges that long-distance relationships face:


There are multiple ways that communication can be a challenge within a long-distance relationship. Good communication in a relationship is crucial to the long-term success of it. It’s also a struggle in many relationships, but the struggle can be magnified in a few ways when you and your partner are apart.

When you are living separate lives in separate locations, it can leave one or both of you feeling like there isn’t enough communication in your relationship. You may end up feeling like you don’t really know your partner. Miscommunications become even more challenging because it can take longer to be able to correct them due to the distance.

It’s also possible for the opposite to be true as well. Your partner could be contacting you too much. It’s not that you don’t want to talk to them, but if they’re making it difficult for you to do other things such as work or enjoy time with your friends, then it can become a problem.


Jealousy can be a problem in any relationship, but when you add distance to it, it can become even more difficult. When you aren’t in the same area to be able to see and get a feel for the individuals that your partner is interacting with, it can cause your imagination to run wild.

If you don’t keep jealousy in check, then it can become a problem in your relationship. Your partner may be frustrated that you don’t trust them, and jealousy can consume you and your time.


If your partner is not in the same area as you, it can leave you feeling lonely. You may want to be able to spend time with them but don’t have the ability to. If you see other couples around together, it can make it even harder for you to be by yourself.

Loneliness is difficult to deal with. It can also lead to feelings of depression, which can creep into other areas of your life as well.

Growing Apart

The less time you spend with your partner, the easier it will be for the two of you to grow apart. When you are constantly having to spend time with other people and possibly try different hobbies, it can cause you to find new interests. If the two of you are constantly going in different directions, it can leave you feeling like you’re not really that connected. This can cause you to grow apart from each other and be the Ending of your relationship.

How Modern Technology Is Helping People Overcome The Obstacles

While there are a lot of challenges that face couples in long-distance relationships, modern technology is helping to make it easier. In the past, if two people were in a long-distance relationship, it would mean writing letters back and forth. Then, it became easier when couples could call long-distance without it costing a fortune.

But now, we have the ability to video chat with people anywhere in the world. This can be a game-changer for relationships that are long-distance. It allows you to be able to continue to connect with your partner no matter where they are. You can hear their voice, see their facial expressions, and get a real feel for what they’re trying to communicate.

If you find yourself in a long-distance relationship, this can be the thing that helps you to be able to keep that connection with each other when you can’t be physically together.

Tips For Long-Distance Couples

Don’t worry if you find yourself in a long-distance relationship. It doesn’t automatically mean that your relationship is doomed. In fact, if you and your partner are committed to your relationship and making it work, then you can set yourself up for success just as much as any other couple. Here are some things to help make your relationship work:

Don’t Leave Communication To Chance

When you’re trying to make a long-distance relationship work, communication is key. That means you need to prioritize time to communicate with your partner. Don’t leave this to chance.

While you don’t need to plan every minute of when you’re going to text, it can be helpful to have a schedule for when you’re going to call each other. Regular video chats can help keep your relationship strong. But in order for that to happen, it means you’re going to need to plan out a time that works.

Once you have that plan in place, make sure you stick to that time. Put it on your calendar and prioritize it over other things. If your partner sees that you’re constantly canceling and rescheduling, it’s going to show them that they are not a priority to you. You need to be intentional.

Know What The Ultimate Goal Is

It’s important that you and your partner both have the same end goal in mind. If one of you is just looking to have fun in a relationship and the other one is looking for the potential of marriage, it’s going to make your relationship difficult.

In a long-term relationship, it’s important to know what you’re trying to accomplish. Are you married and living in separate locations until one of you can find a different job? Are you still getting to know each other before one of you commits to moving closer? Where is the relationship headed?

Relax When You Do Have Time Together

If you’re in a long-distance relationship it can be tempting to plan every minute of your time together. You want to make the most of the time that you have when you are in the same location. But this can put a lot of pressure on the time that you have to spend with each other.

You don’t need to over-schedule this time. Even just allowing time for the two of you to be spontaneous together, do the things you love together, or even just sit on the couch next to each other binging on Netflix, works.

Keep Living Life

Your relationship is not going to succeed in a healthy way if the two of you stop living life when you’re not together. If you don’t live in the same area, it’s unrealistic that both of you are just going to go to work and go home without having any type of social life. It’s important that you make time for the hobbies that you enjoy along with friendships.

Focus On Building Trust

Trust is the foundation on which every single relationship is built. Relationships in which partners are geographically far apart can seem to amplify this. You need to be able to trust that your partner is being faithful to you while they’re away and they need to be able to trust the same about you.

This can be a difficult thing to adjust to and in the beginning, you may find the two of you asking each other lots of questions to check up on one another. But this isn’t a healthy way to continue the relationship. If you cannot trust your partner and feel that you always need to be checking up on them, you are going to drive yourself crazy trying to maintain your relationship. You have to be able to build trust in that person and then operate your relationship in that.

Don’t Be Afraid Of Couples Counseling

In the past, it was difficult for couples that were long-distance to do couples counseling. They would have limited time for sessions because they could only attend them when they were together. When you have a long-distance relationship and don’t get to see each other that often, spending time in counseling sessions might not be what you want to do.

But thanks to modern technology, it doesn’t have to be that way. You and your partner can now do online couples counseling. This allows you to work on your relationship with a licensed therapist even if you’re across the world from each other. That means you can work on keeping your relationship healthy while you’re apart and then spend your time when you are together in more exciting ways. This can truly help the statement “distance makes the heart grow fonder” to be true in your relationship.


Long-distance relationships may take a different kind of work, but they can be possible and rewarding if you and your partner are both committed and communicate well. If you need help in the process, consider online therapy such as Regain to help you on your journey.

“My girlfriend and I have been working with Alison for about four months now and with her help and guidance we have strengthened our relationship tenfold. Her communication style is amazing, and she really strives to make the best of our time with one another. If you’re looking for a counselor you can put your faith in with the whole experience, she’s the one to go to.”

“With Cassandra’s help, we’ve been able to bring our relationship to a new, healthier, and much happier level, working through painful situations, growing as individuals and as a couple, and with tools to stay on this path. She’s very responsive, and it has been great to have her facilitate our messaging through the app all week. I highly recommend Cassandra. She’s skilled, supportive, and down-to-earth. We feel totally comfortable with her.”

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Does It Mean When Someone Says Distance Makes The Heart Grow Fonder?

The idea that distance/absence makes the heart grow fonder asserts that being apart from someone increases your perceived value of their presence; this is quite common in long-distance relationships.

Over the years, there have also been several studies showing that distance and absence can make the heart grow fonder of someone. Additional studies have similarly shown that long-distance couples can have more in-depth interactions with one another than their counterparts who see each other frequently.

The saying that absence makes the heart grow fonder has been around for some time and remains deeply popular to this day. This doesn’t mean that long-distance lovers won’t have any issues, but it does mean that couples in long-distance relationships may miss each other more intensely.

Ultimately, different people have their own outlooks on whether or not absence makes the heart grow fonder. No two long-distance relationships are precisely the same.

Does Distance Really Make The Heart Grow Fonder?

There is no denying that distance and absence make the heart grow fonder in certain cases; however, this is not necessarily the case for all long-distance lovers or people in long-distance relationships. Remember, no two relationships are identical to one another.

Sometimes, long-distance couples can grow apart from one another. In other scenarios, people in long-distance relationships may determine that the distance is too great a strain on their relationship. Sometimes, absence makes the heart grow fonder, but there are certainly exceptions to this rule.

There are many factors and circumstances that can impact long-distance couples, long-distance relationships, and whether or not they succeed or fail. This is something important to remember when it comes to intimacy, long-distance lovers, etc.

What Is The Hardest Part Of A Long-Distance Relationship?

Despite the saying that absence makes the heart grow fonder, long-distance relationships still come with certain challenges. Many long-distance couples have confirmed that not getting to see their significant others can be hard in long-distance relationships. While absence makes the heart grow fonder in many cases, this doesn’t mean that long-distance lovers never run into any issues.

Many people in long-distance relationships make good use of video chatting, talking on the phone, and other means of keeping in touch. Although distance can make the heart grow fonder, long-distance couples still have to work hard to make their relationships work. Some people have even suggested that those in long-distance relationships will need to put in more work than others to succeed.

How Do You Show Love In Long-Distance Relationships?

Despite the hard work that long-distance relationships require, there are thankfully many ways for long-distance couples to show each other love.

Phone calls, text messages, video chats, emails, and interactions on social media are just a few ways for couples in long-distance relationships to show love. Couples in long-distance relationships can thankfully rely on technology to stay in touch with one another and keep up with each other.

While long-distance relationships often require considerable amounts of time apart, the time spent together can also be a great way to show love. Because absence makes the heart grow fonder in so many cases, united long-distance lovers can show love by making time for each other when it’s possible. Ultimately, if people in long-distance relationships are determined enough to show love and make it work, there is no shortage of options.

What Are Red Flags In A Long-Distance Relationship?

Although distance can make the heart grow fonder, it is still very important to recognize red flags in a long-distance relationship. Long-distance couples should know what to be aware of, what to watch out for, and what to recognize as serious matters of concern.

With that being said, secrecy and refusal to commit are two of the biggest red flags in long-distance relationships. Long-distance couples should be serious about their relationships and willing to convey this seriousness. Likewise, long-distance relationships should not be kept a secret or under wraps. If either secrecy or noncommittal behavior is present between long-distance couples, then this is definitely something that needs fixing.

Additional red flags in long-distance relationships include never having time for the relationship or flirting with other people. Likewise, if long-distance couples are flirting with other people, many folks would consider this a form of infidelity, a clear problem in any relationship.

In the long run, recognizing red flags in a long-distance relationship is critical for long-distance couples. It can help determine whether intimacy, long-distance, and success are possible or if it’s time for the parties to go their separate ways.

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Can Distance Fix A Relationship?

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What Destroys A Long-Distance Relationship?

Why Do They Say Distance Makes The Heart Grow Fonder?

Can Distance Make Love Stronger?

Does Distance Make The Heart Grow Fonder For Guys?

This article was first published here.


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