How to Create Engaging Content that Drives Traffic
Create Content: 3 Secrets of the Content that Boosts Both Traffic and Engagement
No matter how good your marketing content is it won’t pay off if it’s invisible to search engines. And also, any optimization effort is futile if the materials you offer don’t deliver any value to your audience. People often wonder what is more important, SEO or content. The unvarnished truth is that both are essential. Yet many experienced writers and marketers seem to have no clue how to make the above-mentioned couple get together.
Results of SEMrush’s joint research with CMI show that ‘finding a balance between the creative element and search optimization’ is the key challenge faced by most of the respondents. This is not surprising as copywriters often see optimization as a threat to the natural process of content creation.
Below you’ll find tips on how to painlessly introduce some SEO into the very core of your writing routine and let modern technology support your creative spirit.
Catching Catchy Headlines
Any text starts with a headline but not all headlines have equal ranking potential. As people mostly surf the Internet to find solutions to their problems, the topics you offer should answer the questions they ask and cover the issues they discuss. And the more exact the match is the better. To find prospective headlines you can check the ‘People also ask’ section in Google for the keywords from your niche, search Quora, Reddit, and social media, or try a topic research solution.
Embracing SEO Metrics
The vast variety of goods and services offered on the Internet nowadays has turned driving traffic to a website into a serious challenge. In such a tough environment content can make or break a marketing strategy and you just can’t disregard optimization. There are lots of significant metrics like word count, readability, the use of keywords and semantically related words, etc. You may feel that keeping all these things in mind while writing kills even the most creative muse.
That’s not quite the case, as making your text relevant and easy to understand also requires an unconventional approach and concentration. If you prefer handling words to handling numbers and don’t want to spend too much time with complicated keyword research tools or readability checkers, just automate all the above-described processes. With handy solutions like the SEO Writing Assistant add-on, you can optimize your content on the go. No extra time or extensive SEO knowledge is required. The add-on seamlessly integrates with the writer’s workflow, providing optimization recommendations right in Google Docs or WordPress.
The overall readability score and word count will show if your content is understandable for the audience. Target and recommended keyword metrics will help you ensure a text correlates with popular search queries and has a chance to appear in Google’s TOP 10. Just write as you always do and watch the parameters change in real-time in a small tab on the right.
Final Note
No matter how good at content writing and optimization you are, or soon will be, there’s always room for improvement. That is why tracking the performance of each and every piece of content that you create is a must. Rectify the deficiencies and learn from good examples. Start with comparing the performance of the content you have optimized with our help against non-optimized texts – you cannot but see the difference.
This article was first published here.
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