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How are Chat Support Services the untapped potential for your Business?


Chat support service is known to assist customers with precision and care, while on the other, it incorporates palpable perks to the team and businesses

The problematic aspect of the online shopping industry is the absence of a human interaction to provide precise assistance to customers in real time. Businesses are experiencing an exodus of visitors from their websites because of the absence of any sort of support. This leads to a downfall in the comprehensive revenue for the businesses.

Hence, chat support services are so much in demand today. Companies are eyeing this business strategy to avoid the exodus of visitors from their website. Every visitor is a potential business opportunity, so, if a single prospect/customer leaves the website, you are actually encountering a loss. This is why availing live chat support service can reduce the bounce rate of your e-commerce website and can offer you a much credible image in the market.

On one hand, chat support service is known to assist customers with precision and care, while on the other, it incorporates palpable perks to the team and business’s bottom line. Let’s dive into the benefits offered by the chat support services to your business:

Chat support offers easy accessibility for the customers

When a customer is shopping at an online store, the aspect that can make your business stand out from the others is the level of real-time assistance you provide. A study has shown that around 40% of customers find the support given by a live agent in the middle of a purchase as the most significant aspect of the business.

With the help of chat support services, you are empowering your customers to get an instant access to assistance. These services decrease the hold time remarkably, which allows the customers to multi-task while they are waiting.

Few businesses offer the facility of a toll-free number (1-800 number), but navigating through a bewilderment of numeric alternatives is still a tedious task for the customers. Approximately 90% of the customers consider live chat support as a helpful option and around 63% of the patrons are more likely to return to the online businesses that provide chat support.

Curtails operational expense

Chat support is known to save ample of employee’s time. This also means that outsourced chat support service also trims down the phone expense that a business would otherwise need.

Live chat curtails the average interaction cost, which, in turn, trims down the overall call center cost. This offers a chance to your business to raise the overall productivity.

The live chat agents are highly efficient as they manage numerous chats simultaneously. This means that whether it’s a peak demand season or an off-season, the need to hire or layoff experts is weeded off completely, which further saves the expense. Compared to a call center, live chat agents multitask and spend quite less time on the phone.

Positive impact on sales

It is quite simple. The more your customers get satiated with the service level you offer more becomes the probability of an elevated sales figure. While the customers are involved in making a purchase, a number of issues may arise. Now, when an immediate assistance to the customers is provided at that time, closing a sale becomes more likable.

An impeccable service level ensures a low bounce rate and reduction in abandoned carts. This increases the sales number correspondingly. The live agents also implement sales tactic such as upselling while assisting the customers. When the live agent provides the comfort level to the customers, the former is in the ideal position to endorse additional purchases that may be relevant to the latter.

A competitive edge

It is imperative to provide chat support assistance for any business in order to accomplish a competitive edge in the market. Unfortunately, there are many online businesses that still does not render this instant help to the customers. There are many customers who are spending a lot of money online, and if you wish to tap your share of patrons, ensure to provide a stellar level of chat support.

A study reveals that 2 out of 10 customers who interacted with chat agents did more than 75% of their holiday shopping online as compared to the 14% who never chatted. So, without any doubt, chat support services give your business a competitive edge in the market.

Tapping on the pain points of customers

The situation or instance in which customers get stuck, which may lead to their agitation and frustration is basically termed as the pain-points. For any business, identifying the pain points of the customers is like a dream. Chat support service offers you to leverage on this benefit.

A live chat agent is known to offer a real-time support to the customers who are making an online purchase. The marketing experts generally ensure to extract the pressing issues from the social media and other channels. These paint-points are then immediately resolved the live agents.

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