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CCELL Vape: celebrities have been quick to jump ccell bandwagon


These celebrities have been quick to jump on the CCELL bandwagon

CCELL Vape: In this age of reality shows dominating the US TV networks and social media influencers ruling cyberspace, celebrities like to be seen as trendsetters. But sometimes a trend takes off with such rapidity that even the biggest celebrity names can appear to be running to keep up as opposed to leading the way.

The recent and ongoing fascination with the latest CCELL vapes is a case in point. Now celebrity vapers are nothing new. However, the big-name stars with vape in hand have tended to predate the social media age. Just try typing celebrity vapers into a Google search and you’ll see the likes of Willie Nelson, Jack Nicholson, and Samuel L Jackson mentioned over and over again. Huge stars from the US stage and screen, undoubtedly. But at 90, 86, and 74 respectively, they are hardly representative of the smartphone generation.

The point with these guys, and others of the same generation, is that they have taken up vaping as a substitute for more harmful habits. That’s fine and it is credible, but it is different from the perspective of the new generation of millennial vapers who are choosing a CCELL vape almost as an accessory.

What are CCELLs all about anyway?

CCELL is a new style of vape, that uses the latest ceramic wick and lithium-ion battery technology and pairs it with fashionable pod-style designs that come in different sizes, colors, and shapes. The result is a vape that delivers superior performance and, even more important for the fashion-conscious, it looks like a stylish accessory.

Having a CCELL to hand, or perhaps even on a necklace, is becoming as much of a fashion statement as Audrey Hepburn’s outrageous Quellazaires were back in the 1950s. Here are some of the most famous millennial influencers who have been happy to be seen using the latest vaping technology.

Katy Perry

This US West Coast singer was born in Santa Barbara but has always managed to maintain a “girl next door” image that helps fans identify with her and vice versa. She was an early adopter of the vaping revolution, but what is interesting to note is that her tastes in vaping have changed over the years as vaping technology has improved.

The most recent celebrity snaps of her have shown that she has switched to the new and fashionable pod-style vapes.

Prince Harry

Over the pond, the Monarchy is a strange institution. On the one hand, it seems very stiff and formal. Yet every generation of royals has at least one member who dares to be different and reminds us that royals are humans too. 1 In the 1930s, King Edward chose love over the crown and abdicated. In the 50s and 60s, Queen Elizabeth’s sister Margaret led a hedonistic party lifestyle. In the 1980s, Prince Andrew was known as the Party Prince.

Prince Harry has certainly taken on that role for the millennium. He and Megan might have formally stepped away from royal duties, but the media on both sides of the Atlantic are so fascinated with his every move that it is scarcely possible for him to enjoy any indulgence without it appearing online and in the newspapers.

According to one vaping magazine, Harry has even admitted to having a quick vape during royal ceremonies. If that’s true, a small CCELL pod that is no bigger than a USB stick would be just the thing!

Cara Delevingne

Model, actress, singer, social media influencer, and now children’s author, is there nothing Cara D, as she is known to her 42 million Instagram followers, can’t do? Vaping has been an important part of the Londoner’s life for more than a decade after she first tried it on a family visit to France.

She likes to stay ahead of the pack and try different kinds of vapes. Here is one celebrity vaper who is definitely a trendsetter and not a follower. CCELLs provide just what she needs in terms of a choice of different styles, all of which deliver functionally, too.

Zayn Malik

One of the biggest musical success stories of the millennial age, Zayn Malik is another celebrity who loves his vape and is happy to shout about it. In fact, when he was a cover star for Paper Mag, he was pictured fuming away happily.

That was way back in 2016, and a lot has happened both in the world of Zayn and in the world of vaping since then. CCELL-style vapes have become the style of choice among the millennial generation that Zayn represents. As for the man himself, he has left his One Direction bandmates behind and enjoyed solo success, as well as a collaboration with Nicki Minaj – and he has even launched a shoe line. But one thing hasn’t changed, and that’s his enjoyment of a good quality vape.

Robert Pattinson

When you are one of the highest-paid and most in-demand actors of your generation, you can probably do whatever you like wherever you like. That theory was given extra credence when he memorably paused during a speech at the Elle Women in Hollywood Awards in honor of Uma Thurman to take a quick puff on his vape. When she came onto the stage, Uma took a quick puff from it too in an act of solidarity.

Of course, that was more than a decade ago. Today’s CCELL vape products are much smaller and give the stars a chance to relax without drawing too much attention to themselves.

Kylie Jenner

We can’t leave out the most famous US social media vaper of the 21st century. Kylie Jenner sometimes gets criticized because she is “famous for being famous” – as if socialites never existed before the Instagram age!

Kylie is actually a very shrewd businesswoman and everything she does is done with planned precision. That includes her very public Snapchat display of how to blow impressive vape rings. That was back in 2016, and Kylie still loves to vape – and more to the point, she loves to keep it classy.


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