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Amethyst Meaning


What does amethyst do? You need Amethyst crystal benefits if…

At the end of an exhausting day or in the middle of a chaotic situation, have you ever wished for even just a minute of peace and quiet? Are you working on connecting with your inner wisdom and knowledge? Are you on a spiritual journey to elevate your energy? If you said yes to any of these, or even if you didn’t, you need Amethyst.

From beginners to more seasoned crystal practitioners, Amethyst is an essential part of every crystal lover’s collection. Get answers to questions like what Amethyst and what is Amethyst good for below.

Introduction to Amethyst Healing Properties

The properties of Amethyst crystal are deeply connected to the third eye chakra, the center of spirituality and intuition, and the crown chakra, the chakra that governs our connection to the universe. The purple crystal meaning of Amethyst is associated with energy centers. This helps to explain why Amethyst crystal is such a powerful stone to balance, open, and activate the third eye and crown chakras.

When working with the Amethyst crystal healing properties to bring more peace, relaxation, and spiritual awareness into your life, you’ll begin to understand why Amethyst is one of the most popular and sought-after crystals around the world.

Amethyst History & Lore

Amethyst, due to its deep purple color, is associated with Bacchus, the Greek god of wine. Large drinking vessels used for water and wine were often carved from this stone. Roman matrons believed that wearing Amethyst would help to guarantee fidelity. Cleopatra is said to have worn a ring made of Amethyst engraved with the image of Mithras, a Persian god, who was considered a source of enlightenment and love.

Amethyst is one of the twelve gemstones that lined the walls of heaven in Revelations. In the Roman Catholic church, the pure color of Amethyst is associated with the wine transfigured to Christ’s blood in the sacrament of Mass. Amethyst has been a signature gemstone for bishops and is often incorporated into many of their ceremonial rings.

Origin & Regionality

Amethyst is found in Brazil, Canada, India, Madagascar, Namibia, Russia, the United States, Uruguay, and Zambia. The deepest and most vibrant colored Amethyst we’ve found to come from Uruguay.

Amethyst Crystal Meaning

An essential stone for every crystal lover’s collection, the Amethyst crystal meaning is powerful for a variety of intentions. This calming stone allows you to quiet your mind, which can aid in sleep, meditation, and generally moving through life from a higher state of being. No matter who you are or what your goals are in life, an Amethyst crystal can support you along your life’s journey.

Some of the most well-known Amethyst uses are for spiritual practices, specifically deepening your connection to self and your ability to tap into your intuition. Besides facilitating your intuitive sense, the Amethyst’s metaphysical properties also help you work toward inner peace and allow you to rest and relax when you need to most – before bed, during a stressful situation, or before you begin meditation.

Although not as well-known for protective abilities, Amethyst also works to protect your spirit by surrounding your energy field in a bubble of violet light. By raising your energetic vibration and keeping your spirit at ease, this stone can be a powerful addition to your energetic armor.

Finding Inner Peace

The Amethyst crystal properties help to relax your mind, body, and spirit. This calming effect can guide you to return to a state of equilibrium, even if there are external factors disrupting your peace. The Amethyst crystal stone meaning purifies your energy field of unwanted energy so you can connect to your inner peace and leave the rest behind.

Specifically, the Amethyst crystal healing properties are connected to your headspace, and work to soothe your mind of any worries, stress, or tension. This stone helps to remove any mental distractions or clutter so you can clear your head and find some room to breathe. From a clear and calm state of being, you will be better able to find peace of mind and settle down from a chaotic or frenzied state.

Not just for immediate relief from high-stress situations, the Amethyst crystal meaning is also ideal for daily energetic maintenance. By working with this stone on a consistent and daily basis, you can begin to build up a stronger sense of self-awareness to acknowledge when you’ve lost touch with your sense of peace, and you’ll be able to reconnect to that state more easily and more quickly every time. Eventually, you may find yourself in noisy, busy, hectic situations but your inner environment is filled with pure peace.

Tapping Into Your Intuition

Another powerful way to work with your Amethyst crystal stone is to strengthen your intuition. As a stone of spirituality, Amethyst helps to deepen your connection to self. Through this heightened awareness and connection, you can begin to tap into your intuition. Your intuition is like a voice in your head, subconsciously guiding you. For some, it could be very subtle, while it could be very profound and obvious for others. Sometimes we choose to ignore it, but when you listen to your intuition you will always be guided by your highest self. The more you work with your Amethyst crystal, the more you’ll be able to connect to that sense of intuition.

How to Use Your Amethyst Crystal

Using Your Amethyst Crystal for Finding Peace

So what are Amethysts used for? Our favorite way to use the Amethysts’ crystal properties for finding inner peace is to create a crystal program for yourself. By wearing Amethysts’ crystal jewelry, carrying the stone with you, and adding it to your space, you can create an internal and external environment of peace and relaxation no matter where you are or what you are doing.


Wearing Amethysts’ in the form of jewelry is a powerful way to connect with the stone’s energy throughout the day. Your Amethysts’ bracelet, necklace, or earrings can remind you to maintain your sense of inner peace so that you aren’t vulnerable to the distress or distractions of the outer world.


In addition to wearing the stone, carrying an Amethysts’ stone with you in your purse or pocket allows you to hold and connect with its energy when you need it most. If you find yourself needing to reconnect to its peaceful energy, hold your crystal and take a few breaths to settle into a more peaceful state of being.


The last step in your crystal program for peace is to bring the stone into your space. Place it near your bed, in your workspace, or somewhere else you’ll see it each day as a reminder that peace is available to you whenever you need it. The stone will also emit calming energy to create a more peaceful environment.

Amethysts’ Crystal Intention for Finding Peace

When working with Amethysts to find peace, use the following crystal intention: I am at peace.

How to Use Your Amethyst Crystal for Tapping Into Your Intuition

To strengthen your intuition, create an Amethysts’ crystal program for yourself that includes wearing it, carrying it, and placing it in your space. Together, these different ways of working with the crystal support your overall intention.


Wearing Amethysts jewelry enables you to keep a constant flow of this crystal’s energy in your energy field. When you wear it, you have a tangible reminder to listen to your intuition when it speaks to you.


To enhance your crystal practice for intuition, keep a piece of Amethysts in your purse or pocket. Whenever you want to tap into your intuition, hold the stone to your third eye to open and activate this energy center.


To complete your crystal practice, place an Amethysts crystal in your space. For intuition, we suggest placing it in your sacred space or somewhere you will see it each day.

Amethysts’ Crystal Intention for Tapping Into Your Intuition

When working with Amethysts to tap into your intuition, use the following crystal intention: I trust myself and my intuition.

The article was originally published here.


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