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CAT 2018 Admit Card: Here are 4 Important Things to Know


For upon |IIM Calcutta will conduct CAT 2018 on November 25 in two slots under the supervision of Prof.SumantaBasu.The CAT admit card will be made available online from October 24, 2018, onwards until the examination day.It is expected that the CAT 2018 results will be declared in the second week of January. Candidates can visit the official website to download the admit card by entering their login id and password received at the time of registration.

Carry the admit card along with a photo id proof on the day of the examination to avoid the cancellation of the candidature. Read all the instruction given on the CAT Admit Card and remember the following points before appearing in CAT 2018.

Admit Card Schedule

The importance of Admit card is known to all, without it the candidate is not allowed to enter in the examination hall. CAT 2018 admit card will be released on October 24 on the official website.

Once the CAT admit card is released on the official website candidates shall download it without any delay. Students can download the admit card until the day of examination. To access the admit card, enter your registration number and password. The registration number and password are sent to the candidates on their registered mobile number and email id respectively, on completing the registration process.  In case, you forget your login credential click on the “Forget Password” tab, you will receive a reset link on the registered email id, click on the link and reset the password.

Inaccuracy in Admit Card

When you download the CAT admit card it is very important to check it for any error. The hall ticket is computer generated so the possibility of any inaccuracy is very low. However, if the candidate has made any mistake while filling the registration form, they can file for the change in error on time.

Exam Centre

Students should check the examination centre and the city in the CAT Admit card. The test centre is allotted as per the preference selected by the candidate at the time of registration. However, any request for the change in the centre is not allowed. IIM is the sole authority which holds the right to allow or cancel the exam centre or city.

Important Documents

After downloading the admit card candidates shall take a print out of the same on an A4 size paper. Paste a recent coloured photograph on the admit card and carry it with you on the examination day. Do not forget to carry a photo ID proof along with the admit card, it could be any of these College ID proof, Driving License, PAN Card, Voter ID, Aadhar card, Employer ID, Passport, and Identification Affidavit.

Applicants must read all the instructions carefully given on the admit card to avoid any confusion on the day of the examination. Check the documents required, reporting time, exam centre, etc. Alongside, IIM Calcutta will send an intimation mail to the candidates stating instructions that the candidates shall follow during the examination.

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