Psychologists offer many answers to this question, some of which may surprise you.
For upon |We’ve heard it from friends and loved ones: a loving wife, who has done everything ‘perfectly’ cannot understand why her husband has cheated. She feels she has done ‘everything’ right, considered her husband’s needs and placed them even before herself. Perhaps she gave up her career opportunities in order to support him and to care for the family. And truly, it IS hard to imagine why a husband would cheat on the perfect wife. This perfect wife may possess admirable characteristics that many in her life admire – including you. So why then do husbands cheat on the perfect wife?
Psychologists offer many answers to this question, some of which may surprise you. Here are just a few reasons why husbands may be unfaithful to a devoted spouse (hint: they have very little – if nothing- to do with the betrayed partner).
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