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Pisces: 1 Everything You Need To Know About Pisces


Pisces is the 12th and final sign of the zodiac (February 19 to March 20) and is represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions. Called Meena in Vedic astrology, this water sign is all about culmination, and it deals with the realm of dreams and mystical experiences.

Here, we’ll learn about some of the basic Pisces personality traits in life and love.

Pisces personality traits

  • Empathetic
  • Sensitive
  • Psychic
  • Adaptable
  • Dreamy
  • Generous
  • Curious
  • Creative
  • Naive
  • Gullible

Endlessly empathetic and understanding, the Pisces personality is sensitive—and maybe a little psychic. Pisces is often touted as a mystical oceanic figure, with prophetic creatives such as Michelangelo, Kurt Cobain, and Nat King Cole born under the sign of the fishes. (Learn more about what 2022 has in store for Pisces in our annual astrology forecast.)

Watery Pisces is also a mutable sign, aka it occurs when the seasons are changing. In the northern hemisphere, the season of Pisces happens when winter is turning to spring and everything is melting, making way for new life.

This mutability means that Pisces is adaptable. Think of the ever-changing waves and waters of the ocean—deep, sublime, and filled with wild creatures.

The ocean is also where life began, so another way to think about Pisces is in terms of primordial creative energy.

Water signs’ first language is that of emotion and empathy. Often, Pisces relates to others and themselves first and foremost through the realm of feelings or energy. Their mutability makes them adaptable and a tad vulnerable to suggestion.

Pisces is ruled by Jupiter in ancient astrology and Neptune in modern astrology. Neptune is the planet of the unconscious, and creativity. An outer planet known for its imaginative and dreamy qualities, Neptune grants the Piscean personality an inclination toward the arts, magical thinking, and spiritual realms.

Otherworldly is also a key Piscean term. Their ancient ruler Jupiter is the planet of expansion, generosity, and belief systems. Jupiter grants Pisces people the gift of empathy and emotional understanding.

Above all, Pisces is always envisioning, searching, and wondering about what’s beyond the material world.

Finally, Pisces is a believer in the zodiac. Pisces’s opposite sign is Virgo, the skeptical editor of the zodiac. Together, these two signs are in constant conversation about expansion and contraction, faith and skepticism. They are two sides of the same mutable coin.

Challenges and opportunities for growth:

Pisces tend to be a little gullible and can be prone to people-pleasing. Generosity is amazing, but make sure you’re taking care of yourself, too. It’s OK—and sometimes necessary—to raise an eyebrow or just say “no.” Take a cue from your opposite sign, Virgo, for how to be a generous critic.

Pisces in love, sex & relationships

Pisces’ mantra in love and friendship is often, “Whatever you want to do is fine.” They’re often so watery and mutable they prefer when someone else takes the lead.

The typical Pisces is open to possibilities and, much like their neighboring sign Aquarius, willing to experiment in relationships and sex.

Pisces is looking for an emotional and mystical connection—a partner and friends to transcend earthy realms with.

As a mutable sign, Pisces can be up for partnering for life with one mate, and/or try polyamory. Anything goes. Yoga classes, art workshops, water activities of all sorts, adventuring, and spiritual questing are all ways to the Piscean heart.

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Pisces in friendships

Similar to their approach to romantic relationships, Pisces approaches friendships in a similar “live and let live” fashion. They’ll have no problem if you want to call the shots.

Your Pisces friends are also likely the ones you go to with emotional problems. They might cry with you and lend a shoulder or an ear.

1Pisces is all about love and truly believes there is no “right” way to give and receive it. 2Pisces keywords in relationships in general include generosity, vulnerability, and transcendence.

Pisces in career & money

Pisces folks are often natural-born creatives. This means that whatever career they choose, they like to be expressing themselves.

They’re also often the sensitive ones at the office who you can go to with your most pressing concerns. They just seem to get it.

Neptune rules the musical arts, so people with strong Pisces placements will often play an instrument or be very into the sonorous moments in life: Oceanic sounds, music of all sorts, concerts, festivals, etc.

Pisces also makes natural healers and teachers and will thrive in anything involving astrology, art or music therapy, counseling, dancing, and education. And of course, anything involving the sea or boat travel is a win for this water sign.

Since Pisce’s folks are so devoted to going with the flow, they can often forget about the necessity of money. Endlessly generous, Pisce’s is apt to give their resources to those in need, as well.

Whatever career the Pisce’s find themselves in, they’re always thinking about how to improve the lives of others.


Pisce’s are natural-born creatives. They’re also often the sensitive ones at the office who you can go to and vent. Pisce’s also makes natural healers and teachers and will thrive in anything involving astrology, art or music therapy, counseling, dancing, and education.

Pisces compatibility

There are no absolutes when it comes to astrological compatibility, so take these lists with a grain of (sea) salt. Above all, Pisce’s values generosity and creativity, always interested in questions of growth, transcendence, and togetherness.

Compatible signs

Generally, the most compatible signs for Pisce’s friendships and romantic relationships are fellow water signs (Pisce’s, Cancer, Scorpio), as they speak that same flowy emotional language, and earth signs (Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus) because they’re so grounded.

Incompatible signs

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) are usually a bit tougher, though there’s plenty of room for growth and new insights in these relationships.

The takeaway

Pisce’s is the mutable water sign of the zodiac, and we can learn how to be our most generous, emotional, and expansive selves through this empathetic and mystical energy.

This article was first published here.


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