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April 2018

10 Effective Ways to Generate Leads Using YouTube

While YouTube is a fun way to scour for the internet’s most viral videos, it’s also a powerful way to disseminate your brand’s message. With over 1.5 billion monthly active users, the platform’s reach is second only to Facebook. In regards…

CRM Mean: Why CRM is an Enterprise Necessity

Why CRM is an Enterprise Necessity CRM Mean: In a global economy where business services can be offered in diverse ways and by countless service providers, competition is becoming more difficult to manage. The barriers to market entry are…

Advisory Clients: 10 Ways to Get New Clients

10 Ways to Get New Clients Advisory Clients: Realistically, it will be impossible to keep every client due to any number of factors; the marketing director you've worked with for years leaves or another design firm offers a "loss leader"…

Reasons Which Make Blogs Lovable

The popularity of blogs is increasing every day. They can be a part of a website or simply a type of a website. They are extremely affordable and inviting for those who want to be creative while posting personal information, commenting…