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10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school


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1 Should students be allowed to use cell phones in school?
2 Should the Cell Phones Be Allowed in Schools

Should students be allowed to use cell phones in school?

10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school. Well in my opinion kids should be allowed to have cellular devices in school. Many parents want to be informed if their kids will be coming home and that way with a cell phone you can and warn your mom that you will not be coming home because maybe you are going to a friends house or you have a game after school.

I think that they can have a phone but they can’t use it in class. In my opinion if students will use it for something good then they should be able to use cell phones in school!

A phone can be used for many educational things like research, projects, calculators, and even putting in important dates when a homework assignment or a project is due. You can also use a phone to call or text your parents if maybe you forgot your lunch at home, need lunch money so you can eat at school, or let them know that you have tutorials after school that day.10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school

There are many things that phones are useful for!

Cell phones can keep you safe. Believe it or not cell phones can save your life. People think it is okay to take photos in class and post them when actually just hurting themselves. Students should take control of themselves before doing something stupid.


Kids should but shouldn’t be allowed to use their phones in school. One of the reasons kids shouldn’t be allowed to use their phones in school is because they can simply cheat during a test or get distracted by text messages or any social network. But a good reason that kids should be allowed to have cellular devices is that they can act in case of an emergency. Many kids don’t see the consequences, and until they get the consequences, and they realize they were wrong. Another reason why cell phones are bad in school is that kids can post a picture and cause their teacher to get fired from work.


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    I think student should be allowed to use cell phones in school they might need it for something during school.

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          It will help the cause and allow kids to have phones in class.

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      Go join my class the code is CB3932

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    I think too because they might need it to take notes.

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    i think they should be allowed to use cell phones.

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    I think they should be allowed to use cell phones

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      Y do u think that

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    I think students shouldn’t use their phones.

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      Students should they can be very responsible.

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    Tyler Merchant

    I think you should be able to also

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    Subscribe to Lottie Locks

    The article was originally published here.

    For upon |Should students be allowed to use cell phones in school?

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    Should students be allowed to use cell phones in school?
    72% Say Yes
    28% Say No
    • Cell phones are good

      I believe that cell phones SHOULD be allowed in public schools for many reasons. They are good for education, safety, and much more.

      1. Cell phones are good for education. Cell Phones are good for education for many reasons. First you can use cell phones for research purposes. Although most schools have at least 1 computer in the classroom and a computer lab, sometimes this still isn’t enough.

    • It can also be expensive to provide a computer to each student at school, so a good option is to use cell phones for research instead. Next, I want to talk about why apps are good for education. Some people think that some apps are bad and kids will get distracted and use them in class. And the truth is that cell phones have many educational apps as well.
    • Which do you think would be more fun and exciting for a student?

    • Either studying with a boring book that is hard to understand, or playing an educational app that is still studying, but much more exciting. I would definitely choose the second choice. Here are some good features of phones that are good for school: 1.Calculator.
    • It doesn’t matter if your phone is expensive or not, almost every single phone has a calculator. Lots of students are required to have a calculator as one of their school supplies, but if they have one on their phone, then they don’t have to get one. 2. Stop Watch. Lots of phones have a stopwatch, which can be used in science class. I know that when I was in public school we used stopwatches all the time for experiments, and the teacher only had 3 stopwatches so we had to take turns. 3. Dictionary.
    • Cell phones can be used as a dictionary, which can be VERY useful in a classroom setting. You can always search on the Internet for the definition, or if you classroom or school doesn’t have wi fi, you can text to 466-456 the word you need defined and Google will text you back the definition of that term.2. Cell phones keep you safe. Believe it or not, a cell phone could save your life. Here is an example: On April 20, 1999, 2 teenagers walked into Columbine High school carrying sub-machine guns and homemade bombs intending to do some major damage. 13 innocent students were murdered and many more would have been if it weren’t for some students and their cell phones. 1 student, hiding for his life, calls 911 and describes the location of the school, and what the murderers looked like. If it weren’t for him and his cell phone and many others, many other students would have died. There are many other true stories like this one where people’s lives were saved because of cell phones.


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    • Yes, student should use their phones at school

      We are preparing students for adult life; we should therefore allow them to use the tools that they will be using in their adult life. If we are preparing our students for life after school, we should allow them to use the tools they will be using when they get there. How many jobs can you think of right now where a smart phone is not beneficial? Mechanics order parts on their phone, engineers view blueprints, doctors calculate dosages, and grocers check inventory. The list is endless. By the time our students enter their professions, the need to utilize mobile technology will be even stronger. Not preparing our students for that world is negligent.


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    • A phone can be used for educational purposes.

      Students should definitely be able to use their phones during class. A phone is a great device. It can used for many educational things like research, projects, calculators, and even putting in important dates when a homework assignment or a project is due. You can also use a phone to call or text your parents if maybe you forgot your lunch at home, need lunch money so you can eat at school, or to let them know that you have tutorials after school that day. There are many things that phones are useful for.


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    • Cellphones in class: the learning and safety tool.

      Pretty much everywhere, cell phones are banned because most people say it’s distracting. Teachers don’t want kids texting in class when they’re trying to teach them important things. But the truth about more modern phones is they can be a great learning tool.

    • Students can use calculators (most likely not during math), stopwatches, timers, educational apps, the internet, and more with their mobile phones nowadays. School filters can connect with the wifi and be used to filter specific things that need to be filtered. Also, cell phones should also be used for safety.

     if something happens like the school phone line goes dead?

    • The employees at a school say you don’t need to use your phone to contact people but what if something happens like the school phone line goes dead? Also, if you need a phone number the school doesn’t have, it will most likely be under your contacts list. And if students might need to contact a student in another class for something important, they can always contact them. And if a student is sick, they can Facetime or Skype another student during class to watch the lesson and not miss anything important.


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    • Elc class now

      Hai saya tengah belajar elc nih ok o k o k o k o k o ko k o k o k o k o k o k o ko k o k o k o k o k o ko k o k o o k o k o k.Korang tengah buat ape tu?

      Posted by: farhanfirmino

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    • It’ll help keep their social life active.

      If students have their cell phones at school they could continue talking to their friends, and, in an emergency, text or call their parents or the paramedics. Also they could research stuff if needed if all the computers are in use. They could also take notes easier on cell phones or iPods.(:


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    • Yes, there are many good reasons.

      Sometimes kids forget their lunch and need to text their parents to get food. And what if you forgot to ride the bus or not? You can text your parent and ask. What if you need some medicine but have to have your parent’s permission, you could text and make sure it’s ok.


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    • We can be trusted.

      High school students are supposed to be trusted. We are growing up and we are supposed to be held accountable for the things we do and don’t do. If a student doesn’t want to do the work, you cannot force them to do it. It is OUR choice to decide what we want to do. And to the students who can actually focus on their work while given the privilege to use their phones, good for them. Although phones can be a distraction, they can also be a big help to us.

      -Franklin High School Student, Elk Grove, CA.


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    • I believe that trusting students to have a cell phone in class instills a level of respect that they pass on to teachers.

      Students should be allowed to bring their own devices and enjoy that freedom, while also being able to focus on their learning. Bringing their own device will encourage them and show a level of respect that they appreciate, and in return, they’ll pay more attention to the teachers and become better students because they give back the respect they earn. Only those who fail to show respect should have their devices taken away by the teachers.

      I hope this helps. Thank You.


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    • Increase excitement in education for teens.

      It’s boring for teens to look through a book to find answers. If the teachers allowed students to whip out their phones in class and search for the answer that way, students will be more motivated and more excited to search for the answer. Also, it could be a convenience for note taking. You could easily snap a quick picture of the notes on the board or voice record all of the notes the teacher is saying.


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    • As a Teacher, grrrr…. cell phones!

      I’m a teacher, and I’m so glad cell phones are banned at my school.
      1. Students might play video games in class.
      2. If a cell phones rings, it is distracting to everyone in class.
      3. Texting is super distracting.
      4. Cell phones enable students to cheat during tests, texting each other the answers.


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    • I vote no on students bringing cellphones to school.

      They could cheat. So they get distracted. Here ,they distract others from their work. They could text in class and the teachers might see so they might get their phone takin away! It is not worth taking your phone to school if you are just going to text in class and get your phone takin away!


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    • Why we should not have cell phones in class.

      We should not have cell phones in school because if they are going off like someone is calling them they will be distracting, the students could cheat on test, plus students wouldn’t pay attention in class because they will be too distracted texting others and playing games on their cell phones.


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    • No I will not allowed cell phones in school. I agree!

      I agree because it will be too distracting, there will be cheating, talking loud on the phone, playing games and NOT paying attention. Also you will be taking pictures and you will hear it say cheese and you will see the flash. you will be texting and not participating in class activities. if you are listening to music you will be dancing singing and you will hear it. So I would not have cell phones in school. So I say NO!

      Posted by: daisy25

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    • They’re bad

      Students need to get their act together in class and pay full attention to the teacher that is there. Wasting their time by using their phones distracts both the teachers and other students. These students are there for a reason and allowing phones in school would take away from their education.


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    • They did to pay attention

      I would say yes but the only time they will be able to use their phone will be during lunch after school and free play. For an emergency they can call their parents or guardians but the cell phones will have to be in their lockers and cell phones did to be shut down. The teachers will have permission to go throw their lockers and see if their cell phones are off. If there not off they will be taken away and their parents or guardians will have to come and pick them up and pay $15.00 dollars. If they get taken away the second time their parents or guardians will paying $15.00 dollars and spend one day in school suspension for one day.


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    • No, they should not be allowed.

      I am 14 and I think that mobile phones should not be allowed. They are a distraction. I find it very hard to concentrate during class if I am constantly receiving texts. I find school difficult as it is, let alone having another piece of technology to worry about. Don’t get me wrong, I love my phone, but just not during school – I go to be educated, not to spend more time on Twitter or Facebook.


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    • Phones are a distraction.

      Students need to get their act together in class and pay full attention to the teacher that is there. Wasting their time by using their phones distracts both the teachers and other students. These students are there for a reason and allowing phones in school would take away from their education.


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    • No, I don’t believe students should use their cell phones.

      Because the cell phone can distract them from learning. They could be on many things like going on Facebook, My Space, Twitter, and many other chat sites. The students can even be playing games, or watching something on YouTube. Allowing the kids to use their cell phones in the school can mess up their education, they wont be learning instead they would be doing something besides learning.

      Posted by: carlalove

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    • Cell phones distract students from their work.

      I believe that cell phones should not be in use during learning time because children would not fully concentrate on their work. Children could go on facebook, and facebook is not helpful for their learning. Children will be distracted by phones’ ringing or flashes from other children taking photos with their phones. Cell phones should not be allowed in school during learning time.

    The article was originally published here.

    Why K-12 Students Should Have Access to Cell Phones and Why Cell Phone Charging Stations Matter

    Joe Mecca , Jun 7, 2019

    When most people think of K-12 students with constant access to their cell phones they envision students slacking off in class by scrolling through social media, texting their friends, and playing games. But the reality is this: the scenario represents a small majority of any student body, and if those students didn’t have their cell phones, they would find other distractions.

    After all, class goofs, mindless daydreaming during math class, and causing class disruptions are behavioral types that have existed long before mobile phones even existed. Simply put, if kids didn’t have cell phones in school to use as a distraction, they would find other methods of distractions.

    the value and benefits that cell phones

    However, the value and benefits that cell phones add to the students’ experience have no substitutes. In fact, cell phones in schools do far more good than harm as they prepare students for the real world, help them learn how to be responsible, are engaging learning tools, and help promote safety.

    This article is intended to help school administrators and principals learn why cell phones in schools are a good thing. You’ll learn why schools should invest in a commercial cell phone charging station and charging lockers for school campuses and why they should be installed across campus.

    Cell Phones Prepare Students for Future Careers

    Any working professional likely uses tools like Google calendar to schedule meetings, Slack for internal communication with colleagues and clients, and platforms like Asana for task management. We’re only moving deeper into a growing digital age, and students need to be prepared to manage a digital life alongside the non-digital if they want to stick to deadlines, form strong professional relationships, and stay organized.

    Today’s students are savvy and can use digital calendars, like Google calendar, for keeping track of homework due-dates, study times, and extracurricular activities. By having a multi-device charging station in the quad, cafeteria, library, and in every building, students can keep their cell phones and tablets charged so they can manage their student lives while preparing for their working adult lives.

    Cell Phones Teach Responsibility

    There is a time and a place to browse Instagram, play Candy Crush, and take selfies. Just as a working professional would never do these things in the middle of a board meeting, so too should a student never do this in class. There’s a time and a place to set your phone on silent mode and ignore it (unless there’s an emergency call from family). And by allowing students the freedom to keep their phones in school, they’re learning a big lesson in being more responsible that will serve them well.

    Cell Phones are Tools for Emergencies

    There are a number of emergency levels that constitute different threats. Whether a student left their essay at home and they need to call a parent to bring it in or if there is an intruder on campus posing a threat to the safety of all students, having a powered cell phone can help prevent a disaster from getting worse.

    While we don’t want to expect tragedies to happen, it’s important for schools to have appropriate measures in place in the event that this happens. That includes allowing them to access their cell phones during school hours. And, cell phone charging stations and charging lockers at schools can help keep campuses safe and help alert emergency services in times of need.

    Contact a Commercial Cell Phone Charging Company for Schools Today!

    By providing cell phone charging stations and charging lockers throughout your school, you will be improving campus safety and empowering your students to be successful. Call a company that designs cell phone charging kiosks for schools today, and learn about the various types and options available that can enrich your school.

    The article was originally published here.

    Should Students be Allowed to use Cellphones in School?

    “Mobile phones are definitely here to stay and since technology is constantly becoming more advanced, these devices will be an integral educational tool that can enhance learning among students.”

    By Qrius

    One of the most debated topics today amongst educators and even the general public is whether cell phones should be allowed in schools or not. While technology is changing every sphere of our lives we need to figure out the best way to use these devices, especially in the education field.

    However, there are too many mixed feelings regarding this topic and there is no definite conclusion. Many are still reluctant to go forward with mobile devices seeing the negative impacts whereas some believe that the education system has one main purpose, to stay relevant and respond to the constantly changing priorities of the society. These latter group of people also are of the opinion that since technology plays an important part in our lives today it should be incorporated in the field of education.

    current scenario

    While such is the current scenario, the problem lies in these two groups of people with their different views and this frequently results in constant debate and conflicts. Since this is a hot topic of discussion, in this article we will basically try to solve this predicament and find out whether cell phones should be allowed in schools or not. We will begin by looking at some of the pros and cons of using mobile devices.


    Educational Apps, Digital Materials and More

    Mobile phones are definitely here to stay and since technology is constantly becoming more advanced, these devices will be an integral educational tool that can enhance learning among students. Students can access the internet, make use of key applications or app and learning tools to further improve their learning experience. Besides, apps these days provide a lot of solutions like RD Sharma solution for math students amongst others.

    Sense of Safety

    Most of the students have argued that they should be allowed to have cell phones with them because it could be used to contact their parents in case of an emergency. Students basically want cell phones to have a sense of safety.

    Solves Budget Problems for Schools

    Technology is quite expensive and it is more costly when you have to provide devices for a lot of students in schools. So, by allowing students to bring their own devices, schools can basically solve their financial problems. Schools need not provide expensive devices to students.

    Easy Teaching

    Teachers can also benefit from cell phone usage in schools. They can provide students with easily accessible resources like videos, helps links, news stories, online discussion groups, and more. Doing this could help to encourage participation and discussions in class. Cell phones also give students access to more information using the internet and help them research more about a topic. For instance, if students are looking for math study materials like RD Sharma class 8 solutions, then they can easily access these via smartphones.


    Easy Distraction

    A cell phone can easily turn from a classroom learning tool to classroom disruption. Students can easily get distracted and spend more time texting friends, watching videos or playing games than paying attention in class. Further, the use of cell phones could result in a number of negative behavioural issues like cheating during exams, theft, cyberbullying or even taking inappropriate photographs and videos. With so many distractions students can lose focus from the lesson easily.

    Complex Issues

    Not all parents can afford to buy a cell phone for their child. This situation could lead to a very inequitable system. The socio-economic factor is an important aspect to consider. Apart from this, extensive use of cell phones or mobile addiction can lead to different health issues like poor eyesight, loss of hearing and various mental health problems.

    While the topic is still controversial with no definite conclusion we can just say that educators need to find the right opportunities and develop a comprehensive education system that students need and want.

    learn about different science and math topics

    Meanwhile, students can subscribe to BYJU’S YouTube channel and learn about different science and math topics in a more engaging and efficient way. Also, they can access a lot of study materials which will be helpful to them.

    Stay updated with all the insights.
    Navigate news, 1 email day.

    The article was originally published here.

    Should the Cell Phones Be Allowed in Schools

    Last updated: July 29, 2017

    In most of the schools cell phones are not allowed and also most of the people think that cell phone has alot of disadvantages and in schools cell phones are the cause of disturbance.

    All the Yes points:
    1. Yes, it should be allowed for the case of emergency.
    2. Mobile phone use as a subject in school as computer is there.
    3. There could be emergencys and it’s their own choice.
    4. For perents to get a hold of the child
    5. Cell phone helps communication goes on
    6. Yes, to some degree
    7. They can be used as a tool.
    8. Depends.
    9. They Can Be Used Educationally.
    10. If used correctly they can diminish interruptions.

    All the No points:

    1. No, because students will be distracted
    2. camera phones are used to harass students
    3. Happy slapping trend: Take away the camera phone = kill the fad
    4. No, the schools have phones, the students can use those.
    5. no cellphones should not be allowed in school
    6. they can be used to cheat on tests
    Should the Cell Phones Be Allowed in Schools

    Yes because…

    Yes, it should be allowed for the case of emergency.

    It should be allowed to use cell phones in schools as if there is any emergency case parents can easily inform their children. It should not be allowed to use during lectures but during break it should be allowed.
    And it also helps after school time as if the children have any transport problem they can inform their parents. Other than this if they have to stay at school after the school time is over for any type of preparation they can inform their parents. but there is some schools that let phones in because of the safety reasons.

    No because…

    In case of emergency parents can contact head masters/mistresses or other members of the school faculty. Emergencies can occur during classes. What is a school child supposed to do in emergencies?
    Should the Cell Phones Be Allowed in Schools

    Yes because…

    Mobile phone use as a subject in school as computer is there.

    In today’s world there is a lot of progress in the tecnology about the mobile phones. AS the computer’s, now mobile’s retated sholud be also taught to the students and should made thm aware about its bad and good effects.
    No because…
    Should the Cell Phones Be Allowed in Schools

    Yes because…

    There could be emergencys and it’s their own choice.

    I think that the students should be allowed to bring cell phones as long as they don’t disrupt class or distract themselves and not pay attention due to the phone, if that happens the teachers can just confiscate it and tell that particular student that he/she may not be able to bring a cellphone to school. I think students should have the right of bringing a cellphone to school because its theirs.
    They have responsibility. if they dont cause trouble with it i think they should be allowed because also it is really convenient for emergencies and also the school phones might be out or they might not have access to one so it think bringing a cell phone is handy also you could use it to help for your classes like a calculator or as a flashlight. Therefore cellphones should be allowed.
    No because…
    Should the Cell Phones Be Allowed in Schools

    Yes because…

    For perents to get a hold of the child

    If something has happen or if they want to rearrange to be met somewhere else
    No because…
    Should the Cell Phones Be Allowed in Schools

    Yes because…

    Cell phone helps communication goes on

    well, we have to thoroughly see what it is meant by not allowing. If not allow mean no cell phone at all within school circumstance, i would like to say big no.

    As it is stated “mobile Phone”, students will bring it wherever they are such as, in the toilet, library, cafe, or even class. It grows the mobility and flexibility between parents and their children. Why mobility and flexibility are so important?

    In case their parents are sick, or someone important for them is dead, or most cases, the students needs their parents help to bring something important that they forget, mobile phone is the first help to access, unless there is no even an account in their cell phone.

    Even if there may be a phone center in any school, yet it is still not as flexible as mobile phone. If the case is about class disturbance, it does not mean that we have to completely ban them. we can just simply establish a helpful school policy.

    For example, during the class the teacher shall ask student to put their cell phone in front of the class, or near the teacher. Then, student will have no chance to make use it wrongly that may disturb the class session. So overall, cell phone helps student to shorten the range between their parents. Parents can still control them. Parents still have their capability to inform anything important.

    No because…

    student shouldnt be allowed to bring cell phones to school and excuses like flexibilty is really ridiculous.

    there is no need for that i mean there is already a system that works just fine.
    if there is a emergency the parents or guirdian should call the school office and then they will send some one down to inform the child plus texting or calling the child wouldnt make a difference because .
    you are still going tohave to go through the office people to take your child out of school so that will be a even longer process and even if a teacher does take their cell phones of them during class think about during lunch times students have the opportunity to miss use their cell phone such as text bully .
    Many kids have been affected by this and allowing students to bring their phones to schoolwill only make things worse especially for the teacher because of the distractions of cellphones capability may be important but so is a childs education and future
    Should the Cell Phones Be Allowed in Schools

    Yes because…

    Yes, to some degree

    I think that iPod’s should not be allowed in school to some degree because it gets distracting at times, and people can be playing games and be on the internet instead of listening to the teacher and learning at school. There is a purpose to school, and if you decide to just sit there and play games all day then you will not learn anything, and your grades might start dropping.

    I think that people should be allowed to be using their iPod’s and electronic devices when it is recess time because that is the time when you are free to do anything you want. if people want to spend their recess on there iPod’s when it is their free time, I think that, that is totally fair.

    I think that any other time during school hours is not ok, because if a person is talking and you are sitting in your seat with your iPod, then you might get it taken away, but it is also being disrespectful to the person that is talking, because you are not giving them your attention and being a respectful listener.

    you can download games and apps prior to going to school and use them while connected to school wifi or not

    No because…

    I think you are wrong. You could download a program that allows you to block websites. If you have them in your school you can auto matically deny any games or webistes.That they should not be be on. You are not being disrecpetful. If you are not looking and just ingoring te person thats how i fill.
    Should the Cell Phones Be Allowed in Schools

    Yes because…

    They can be used as a tool.

    Most schools dont have a computer of some sort so the kids have to write those papers. Yet if you add ipods to the school it cuts back on paper and other materials that are needed for school such a pencils, and ink. Think do you really want ipods in school.

    No because…

    Your theory requires every student to have an ipod, which is either coming from the parents pocket (which will start big problems) or its coming from the schools pocket (which is a lot more money, trusting a kid to not lose/steal that ipod). in the end, the computers would be cheaper and more “green” 🙂
    Should the Cell Phones Be Allowed in Schools

    Yes because…


    They should be allowed because it used for educational related tasks like, using the calculator or searching up information or taking notes when you forget your notebook or pencil. But I also think that teachers should limit the use of it, like during lessons and only to use during work time. It”s not like the teacher will let students use it during a test!

    No because…

    Students will hide the iPod on a test, so why take the chance of having to have a student retake the test. It would also give the kids a grade they don’t deserve.
    Should the Cell Phones Be Allowed in Schools

    Yes because…

    They Can Be Used Educationally.

    In my opinion ipods,cellphones, and other electric devices should not be banned because you could use these devices for learning. Ipods could be used as calculators. Cellphones also used as calculators and if you can get internet you could search something small and quick up. Other electronic devices like laptops can be used for reasearch for note taking etc.
    We are living in the twetny first century, people have to recognize that we are getting more into technology and getting rid of paper and pencil. Electronics are moving there way into our lives and theres nothing we can od to stop it. Using technology in class is definetly a yes.
    There’s so much more you can do when using things like ipods, cellphones and other electronic devices. Yes students will be off task sometimes but they wil still get there work done. Over all I tihnk that elctronic devices should be aloud in schools for educaitonal reasons.

    No because…

    allowed* and you had a device you could have looked that up on.

    point being, we learn more from searching and studying that we do from google doing our work for us.

    In the end, it comes down to the fact that cheating is easier, much more accessible, being distracted, plaiying games is right at the finger tips of the students. Then comes the whole “listening to the music while the techers trying to talk”… not a good idea.

    Then is comes down to money. If you want to eliminate paper and such and have all documents on a laptop or another sort of hand-held device (tablet, mp3 player, phone) then schools could eliminate books, worksheets ect.

    But this means every student needs to have the same device which so that the teacher can provide documents (in the same file format). This also means that every parent or school district needs to dish out so much money for very student to have said electronic device.

    This means instead of $40 for a lost text book, its $200-500 for the electronic devic thats lost or stolen. This would increase “crime rate” in schools!

    Overall its expensive, allow for kids to cheat, get distracted and learn in less effective way. The idea of it sounds nice, but its not as good as the first glance.

    Should the Cell Phones Be Allowed in Schools

    Yes because…

    If used correctly they can diminish interruptions.

    Let’s assume a large class is taking a test. This class has maybe twenty-five students. The odds that you are able to separate all the students that may possibly be talkative or disruptive is minuscule, but if you allow these students to use an iPod at a low volume they will likely just listen contently. I have personally seen students get away with it for the simple reason that they draw no attention with their head down listening quietly to their preferred music. Isn’t the focus of many school rules to minimize distraction to other class members?
    No because…
    Should the Cell Phones Be Allowed in Schools

    No because…

    No, because students will be distracted

    Cell phones should not be allowed in schools because if the students get bored, they might use them to play games or do other activities that distract their attention from learning.
    In case of family emergency, the teachers have a cell phone and the parents could call them.

    Yes because…

    Sometimes teachers, parents or students are part of the problem.

    Parents with teacher cell numbers can include fathers/mothers/students who want to have an affair with a teacher(or vice versa) thus harass the teacher in question(or vice versa) with a multitude of text messages and after-hours phone calls, obsessive paranoid parents who want teachers to hop at their command, and students who think a teacher is their friend and should be updated on and invited to their every social venture. Conversely, teachers may harass parents/students.
    Should the Cell Phones Be Allowed in Schools

    No because…

    camera phones are used to harass students

    “Last month, WBOY reported on an incident at WFMS where a fight in the bathroom was recorded on a cellphone and posted on Facebook. Everyone involved in the fight was tagged, including the boy who was beaten up.” -[[]]

    Kids who get threatening text messages and phone calls are 4 times as likely to commit suicide than their counterparts. [[]] “Over a quarter (26%) of teen cell phone users reported having been harassed by someone else through their cell phone. Girls are significantly more likely to experience this (30%) than boys (22%).

    This trend is more common for those teens whose parents are under 40 and low in educational attainment.”-

    [[]] [[]] school fights/rapes are recorded via cell phone to add to the humiliation of the victim and the sense of empowerment perpetrators of these crimes have;

    there is an understanding that most of them are not caught, even after evidencing their crime and using videos and pictures to spread more fear.

    “Many schools in London have banned mobile phones because of fears of bullying and robbery. A number of violent attacks on schoolchildren have been filmed on mobile phones equipped with video cameras.In one of the most serious incidents a teenager was shot in the leg by two teenagers who photographed her injuries with a mobile phone.

    Kerry Deville, 17, had surgery to remove the pellet at Leeds General Infirmary after the incident in Wortley.”[[]] [[]]

    Yes because…

    knowledge/reporting of these crimes

    It is not the knowledge/reporting of these crimes that needs to be drawn to a halt but their perpetration. Kids will be raped,bullied and harassed with or without cell phones. At least with cellphone evidence the police or ultimately the law can’t shrug the incident off.
    [[]] currently most rape cases are dismissed and there are cases where rape victims are dubbed drunken/drugged seducers.
    [[]] [[]] At least when evidence is documented even when it is by malicious evil-doers with cruel intentions, the justice system can’t turn a blind eye to justice.
    Should the Cell Phones Be Allowed in Schools

    No because…

    Happy slapping trend: Take away the camera phone = kill the fad

    Many students, like biased media hubs are interested in shocking, horrifying and getting the attention of a mass audience via cheap thrills. A camera phone is the perfect mechanism by which young people aim to derive their 60 minutes of fame.
    The more shocking the video, the greater the attention/ratings/Youtube-views, take the camera away and the opportunity for fame(main motivation for this sort of erratic behavior) is also removed.
    [[]] “Happy Slapping is known to have started in the South London London Borough of Lewisham,[3][4] in a format known as “Slap Happy TV”, where a happy-slapping video would be recorded, and then watched by dozens of people like a TV show.
    The first newspaper article to use the phrase “happy slapping” was “Bullies film fights by phone”, published in The Times Educational Supplement on 21 January 2005, in which reporter Michael Shaw described teachers’ accounts of the craze in London schools.

    The Phrase Finder describes the phenomenon thus:

    Unprovoked attacks on individuals made in order to record the event, and especially the victim’s shock and surprise, on video phones.
    Origin: Happy slapping … began as a youth craze in the UK in late 2004. Children or passers by are slapped or otherwise mugged by one or more of a gang while others record the event on video and then distribute it by phone or Internet.Initially the attacks were, as the phrase would have us believe, fairly minor pranks …

    As the craze spread the attacks became more vicious – often serious assaults known in legal circles as grievous bodily harm.”

    [[]] “United Kingdom: On 9 May 2005, a 16-year-old Plant Hill Arts College student was beaten up and left unconscious in a vicious “happy slapping” attack in Blackley. Footage of the attack was circulated on students’ phones.[18].
    United Kingdom, 18 June 2005: Police arrested three 14-year-old boys for the suspected rape of an 11-year-old girl who attended their school in Stoke Newington, London. Authorities were alerted when school staff saw footage from the students’ phones.[19].

    United Kingdom, 7 December 2005: Singer Mylene Klass was happy-slapped in Bermondsey, South London.[20]

    United Kingdom, December 2005: A 15-year-old-girl, Chelsea O’Mahoney (an alias)[21] and her co-defendants Reece Sargeant, 21, Darren Case, 18, and David Blenman, 17, were all found guilty of the manslaughter of David Morley near Waterloo Station,
    in London. Barry Lee, 20, and another 17-year-old were cleared of all charges.
    According to press reports, “The 15-year-old girl had told Morley that she was making a documentary about ‘happy slapping’ before her gang of friends kicked him to death.”[22][23] Denmark, 10 May 2006: Two men aged 17 and 19 attacked a woman in Copenhagen; one kicked the victim while the other filmed the incident using a mobile phone. Two plain clothes police officers saw the incident, and the assailants were immediately arrested and the mobile phone confiscated.[24]

    Sweden, 1 September 2006:

    After a 16-year-old boy happy-slapped and hospitalised a 15-year-old Balkan boy in the city of Örebro, the victim’s 17-year-old sister stabbed and killed the assailant with a hunting knife and claimed self-defence. The killing was filmed and distributed online.[25] Australia, 23 October 2006: Police in Victoria launched an investigation into the contents of a DVD at the centre of the 2006 Melbourne teenage DVD controversy which contained footage of several teenagers sexually assaulting a girl and setting her hair on fire. Copies of the film were allegedly sold at the Werribee Secondary College for $10.[26][27].

    United Kingdom, 26 January 2007: Andrew Elvin, 17, was jailed for a minimum of 12 years for the murder of Luke Salisbury,

    who died three days after being attacked by Elvin on 2 March 2006. Caine Hallett, 18, was sentenced to five years for manslaughter for the same incident, while Danielle Reeves, 18, faced a retrial in May 2007 for manslaughter.[28]
    United Kingdom, 14 February 2007: Eight youths set upon a 31 year-old man in Brighton, who turned out to be an amateur boxer. Two of the youths were hospitalised by the intended victim and four were arrested for causing an affray.[29]
    United Kingdom, July 2007: Anthony Anderson, 27, of Hartlepool, urinated on a dying woman while a friend made a video of the incident. He is reported to have yelled
    “This is YouTube material!” [30].
    United Kingdom, November 2007: Emily Nakanda, 15, a contestant in the TV show The X Factor, withdrew from the competition after a happy slapping video in which Nakanda allegedly attacks a teenage girl was discovered on the internet.[31].

    United Kingdom, February 2008:

    A 15-year-old girl admitted filming the death of Gavin Waterhouse, 29, in a “happy slapping” attack which ruptured his spleen,[32] and was convicted of aiding and abetting manslaughter.[33] She was sentenced to two years detention. The judge stated that the courts had to make an example of such youths.[34] United Kingdom, May 2008: A teenage girl fell to her death from an attic window while trying to escape a “happy slapping” girl gang.[35] United Kingdom, August 2009: A retired care worker was assaulted and killed by two teens as he left his house of worship.[36]”

    Yes because…

    Instead of taking away phones, using the premise that bullies are attention seekers; wouldn’t it be more sensible to figure why they crave attention or why their willing to use extreme violence to promote themselves?

    From fights over a girl at the gate, underage sex, rape, teen pregnancies to Latrine humiliations, none of this is new. All of these things have been reported in books, journals, articles, movies and T.V programs dated from before everyone over 13 had a cell phone. To blame cellphones for this , is rubbish.

    The logical answer has always been psychological counselling, juvenile imprisonment or some other curative/preventive/disciplinary action. To snuff/censor the act is to censure it . It is the least effective and most ignorant way to handle this. Pretending there isn’t a problem, won’t do away with it.

    Should the Cell Phones Be Allowed in Schools

    No because…

    No, the schools have phones, the students can use those.

    The students at school bring their phones in case of an “emergency”. But realistically the only serious emergencies that are happening at school are forgetting your gym clothes or lunch one day. In my school perticularly, an elementary school, you shouldn’t need a cellphone, there is a phone in every classroom, as long as you ask the teacher, they’ll probably let you use it, but with a personal cell phone, students can always get distracted and be tempted to use them during class.
    Yes because…
    Should the Cell Phones Be Allowed in Schools

    No because…

    no cellphones should not be allowed in school

    i think cellphones are a bad idea to bring to school because there is a probability that you phone might get lost, and your going to tell your parents that you lost the phone. They would get really mad at you. The other bad thing about bringing your cellphone to school is that someone might steal it and not give it back to you. They also might call random people and talk to them. If your cell phone has an annoying ring tone it might ring in class and the teacher might take it and not give it back to you. There are so many things that can go wrong so i think that cellphones should not be allowed in school. If there is an emergency then you can use the office phone or use your friends.KA
    Yes because…
    Should the Cell Phones Be Allowed in Schools

    No because…

    they can be used to cheat on tests

    with all the new smartphones that have internet access, it is easy enough to simply google an answer.
    Even non smart phones can be used to text answers.
    Yes because…

    Guys let me tell u something
    Most teachers prepare their lessons from the internet so the teachers are depending on internet then why don’t students use internet or “google” to prepare the lesson before the teacher explain it then they would have a background about the lesson and if they had a question they would ask.
    Another thing is that searching for an answer for ur question helps u understand it more than receiving a direct answer .seeing much point of views help u understand something from all directions more.
    Also it will help students just to carry their devices that has their ebooks and never carry all their books that weigh more than 8kg every day that will cause for them back problems. ofcoarse studying in electronic books would be different than in real books but it will help students more.
    Also it would me more fun in doing activities for students using programs like “Kahoot” and more.
    And then its according to the student to follow rules or to not and get hisself into problems and distraction, so the school need to do its job in teaching and that’s all.
    This is written by a student in 8th grade in a school where electronic devices are not allowed.

    Andrew Readinger

    I think that phones should be allowed at school because students could just put them in their booksacks during class and if they need to call their parents if their sick or they need something they can. Phones aren’t even that big of a deal if you have them at break either because the key word is “BREAK”.


    Rebuttal of “If used correctly, they can diminish interruption”
    Of course the focus of many school rules is to minimize distraction to other members of the class, but think about that student as well. School rules focus on minimize distraction to every class member, including the most talkative ones.
    So imagine every class member participated to the teacher but the student with their Ipod participated on their favorite music. That student may not speak, but they can’t focus on the class, ‘cause they’re focus on their fav songs !
    And then there is test. Maybe in class the student did take notes and listens well. But think about it. There are many ways to cheat when you have an Ipod. For example, record the lesson and in exams just simply plug your earphones, put it on, play the record and pretends to move like you’re listening to music, and no one knows you’re cheating!
    Believe me, that would be a very common way to cheat if schools allow electronic devices. And then e ven the teacher checks the songs, when the record is done they could change the name into name of songs. So with just an Ipod you can cheat, let’s better not think about ways to cheat with cellphones and other devices that is smarter than an Ipod


    To prevent cheating, teachers can keep the students’ phones in a protected place. A way to discourage students from trying their luck is to threaten to confiscate phones for a long period of time. Students will (hopefully) think about the huge consequences and allow their teachers to hold onto their cell phone during the test period.


    That’s why students shouldn’t depend on the phones to study. As they search answers from the internet, they become dependant on phones and become too overconfident that they can’t listen to the teachers. Which leads them to fail in the exams.

    sheik abdul

    But that has a downside for students may carry an extra cell phone with them or even use calculators which may not be allowed for the tests and yet they resort to cheat even if the teacher confiscates all the phones under his or her watch their can be a big problem where by a phone gets lost and the teacher will be held responsible.many in this way have a great loss which would bot ha e happened if the phones were banned at first place.rather than wasting time collecting phones and starting tests it is better to never be allowed in school


    I think that it should be allowed in school because it can be used as an emergency tool, can use educational apps, it’s a convenient way to stay in touch, it is an extra layer of security, and can be a research tool. I agree, that some people won’t use it for this, but it can easily be turned off and put in a pocket. Some school districts (most) have restricted some websites and stuff like that so it won’t be a problem.


    I think that the majority of the students don’t use phones properly even after many precautions. There are also many websites which are inappropriate to watch for students whose duty is to study. They get addicted to games. But even if a student doesn’t get addicted to games, the student uses the media to get their answers i,e., The Google, the student will get addicted to search answers instead of thinking by his own. This causes the sense that the student has READ the answers, but can’t remember their answers as the habit of finding answers by themselves gets over.

    This causes less memory abilities. It also causes them to be overconfident of themselves which may lead them to fail in exams. This causes to things; they cheat in exams or getting themselves in the state of depression, which causes them tension and have lacking abilities to study properly. These are one of the main reasons to the teens who remain in depression. So it’s better to use mobiles in home or ask teacher for any doubts. It’s a strong opinion of me to not use mobile phones in schools.

    Im Cool

    I think they should be able to have phones in school because they can be used to look up a word in a dictionary or if they don’t know how to spell a word they can look up how to spell it on the internet.


    I think if phones can help in spellings, then why are the teachers available in schools. Or it’s better to study at home if you want to study from internet. Asking helps from the teachers helps the students for getting better information from the point where the student is lacking the most. Teachers can understand students clearly whereas say all the answers are understood by the internet. As the internet is made from the human brain, it is better to ask from a teacher. It’s said that no super computers can run as fast as the human brain.

    yo bro

    but the cruelness and discrimination among the student’s by the teachers in today’s world are constantly growing day by day which is not helping one. in fact, it is demotivating the students which is leading to bad results.


    But what if a student is sick or just needs to know how their gong to get home they’re going to need a mobile phone to communicate with their parents.




    No mobile phone should not be allowed in the school allowing mobile phone will rise the competition between student as overwhelm of latest and expensive model of mobile so according to my view mobile phone should not be allowed in the school and if it is allowed the student who want to do study also did not take his attention to the study because we know that there are many interesting social networks like WhatsApp Facebook YouTube histogram vidmate etc. that attract students are people towards it and if we use it as a nice way that it is useful but if we start to use it for malicious purpose then it become very dangerous


    Some study material phone and tablet are also there in which all the system is related to the studies only so this will help them and not disattract their mind and help them in studies

    nokwazi jamile

    yes I think children should bring cell phones to school because sometimes in life you need knowledge from the society and sometimes you just have to do it yourself but many people would prefer learning from their phones. besides that what if a learner struggles in school and needs to research something from the internet. or maybe a learner takes some type of medicine e.g. pills for HIV, and that person sets a timer on their phone and when they need to take the pill they forget because phones are not aloud in school. we need to consider phones in school because you never know what would happen if you do not bring your phone


    I think we should be allowed to have phones in school. There are many reasons that support my asserts.

    Having a phone in school lifts a huge burden off of parents because it is a way of contacting them in case of an emergency, such as a fire. You can also use it to tell them when you are going to be home. Also, if a teacher wants you to contact your parents, you have a simple and easy way of doing so. Thousands of students have been saved from events that would have been disasters, if it weren’t for their phones.

    A phone can also be used for educational purposes. You can ask if you can play on educational apps like Prodigy and Khan Academy. Your phone may also serve as a calculator, for tests, projects, or assignments that allow calculator usage, such as sine, cosine, and tangen. You might also be able to use your phone to take pictures of notes so you can write them down later.

    Phones are a great resource to cure boredom with. Many students have nothing else to do on the bus, so they turn to their phones to kill time. Also, if allowed, you can go on your phone during your free time or after lunch.

    However, there are a lot of contradictory insight on my opinion. Many people ruminate that phones are a huge distraction, and could disturb teaching at any point of time. Others deduce that students in this generation are irresponsible and abuse the privilege of having phones. In spite of that, I object. We are responsible, and very rarely do things come out of hand in the subject of students having phones out in clas

    brad gillespie

    Cell phones shouldn’t be allowed in schools. Just imagine being a teacher and trying to get a little focus from your class, when they have their phones just out of sight, and are constantly checking them. There isn’t any easy way to monitor this, and it isn’t a teacher’s job to be bothered with it.

    A teacher’s job is to teach, not to monitor a group of unfocused brats who aren’t paying attention. And if you really need to contact someone, ask the teacher if you can go to the office and make a call! — rather than sneaking off to the bathroom to make one. If someone outside the school really needs to get ahold of you, they can call the office! Gee — just how the hell do you think anyone survived 40 years ago?

    It certainly wasn’t by being constantly in need of knowing if anyone had liked something we did or said, or posted….and feeling the need to be the attention of everyone you are connected to. Imagine just how much more real-self esteem you would have if you weren’t so dependent on never ending attention from your ‘cell’ mates! Leave the phones home.


    If the teacher is making the students bored, it’s their own fault for the students taking the phones out. If the teacher actually makes the class interesting, the students won’t go on their phones to play or to chat.


    For students there are some helpful educational purposes for carrying around your phone at school, like if the teacher doesn’t have enough time to create a quiz for an activity in class on paper then the teacher can turn to online purposes and look towards Kahoot, a quiz website and app that allows people to connect together via a code and participate and compete against each other in a friendly point scoring game, also other apps help the students like pre-built in apps like calculators and other gadgets that are easily obtained from the app store or the google play store, for example, the dictionary or a thesaurus, also not in teens but also in primary school kids where learning apps can help them to read or write via having to waste any paper, using technology more these days has actually had a drop on paper production and it continues to do so even in the future, this means our planet can grow more trees resulting in more oxygen and better more important air to breathe, who uses paper the most out of any group of people on the planet, the answer would be students either if that’s at school, high school or even at university, all of it means you still use paper so switching to electronics more means that you are using less paper in the long run.
    I feel that electronics are the better way to go yet mostly older people from older generations don’t agree with what phones and laptops for example are doing to the society these days, it’s a new world and if we are going to survive with all of this new tech then we need to adapt the right way so why are schools banning phones and tablets instead of teaching us about the importance of these new tools.
    Music in schools is also another really good debatable topic, some people say that it doesn’t help you learn and some people say that it does help learning but why do they disagree, is this because that when in class they can’t hear the teacher talking or is it because some people have there music too loud or get distracted, there are lots of ways resulting in better outcomes without banning these electronics, if schools weren’t lazy and just managed the outcome of phones and music coming into the school grounds then I bet that an increase of learning from students will increase, music in teens relaxes the mind and takes off stress, if music is all at a low setting so that the student can still think and not just be listening to the music to keep them entertained or not focused. If in a test then students can just put there phones in a box or so to stop from cheating even if they were able to cheat I still think that there’s a lot better and sneaky ways to cheat a test because just say a phone out in an exam in a open room with markers walking around I doubt that a finger could even slip into the students pocket without the markers noticing. Phones do benefit kids as they are helpful and useful in schools, especially in emergencies and other important matters, I read on a site that doesn’t think phones should be in schools that if there’s an emergency that the parents can just call the headmaster or deputies but I find that a problem if it’s embarrassing for the student and they don’t want them to know.

    There are many different schools all around the world and as a student right now, researching comments and discussions for my topic of “should cellphones be banned in schools” my strong belief is NO they shouldn’t be at all, there’s so much good and little bad, instead of banning them, teacher’s get off your ass and stop being lazy, parents stop being so harsh when you have no clue what actually goes on at school, most of students are good anyway and i understand the distraction issues and problems iv talked about before but it annoys me how older generations aren’t letting us new generations spread our wings, but anyway this was a waste of time, look at the vote, we win.

    Yessica Haircut

    I do think devices should be allowed in school.Right now I’m actually writing a paper on whether or not electronics should be allowed in the classroom. I think yes because, one, it could be used in an emergency to contact home, two, they can encourage educational engagement and lastly, they can be used as tools, and replace workbooks, or other school supplies.Tech in school has a lot of benefits and if more schools allow it in their school it will boost the education of their students.


    youtubing, gaming and chatting is not going to boost their education which is mostly what they do with their cellphone. most students now a days dont use technology as an educational advantage but instead using it more for non-sense activity. When your in school, your focus is to listen to your teacher and get an education face to face, I would say children are more less intelligent and lazy now than before the era of cellphone devices. this is my opinion about this topic. 🙂


    Youtube has tutor videos that help much more then teachers
    education games such as study island and khan academy, prodigy as well
    Chatrooms designed for learning can be useful because kids ask questions they are stuck on and other people can hep them


    well if kids nowadays are “dumber” than kids from other eras, (I’m guessing that this is somebody from a previous generation) then how come your grammar sucks? “When your in school, your focus is to listen to your teacher and get an education face to face, I would say children are more less intelligent and lazy now than before the era of cellphone devices.” Here, let me fix that for you “When you’re in school, your focus should be on learning, and listening to your teacher. I would say children are less intelligent, and more lazy, then before cellphones were created.”
    Not to mention when online, you can learn on your own, even when watching YouTube. Of course not EVERYTHING is educational, but being a kid is not all about learning. Being a kid is also about enjoying life while you are young. I always hear people say school is the easiest time of anybodies life, so why not enjoy it? When you are on vacation, do you constantly worry about bills? No and yes, you keep it on a tab in your mind, but you don’t obsess over it.


    Yes, And the truth is that cell phones have many educational apps as well. Which do you think would be more fun and exciting for a student? Either studying with a boring book that is hard to understand, or playing an educational app that is still studying, but much more exciting


    I think you are right. when kids feel more stress with books they, of course, will prefer using an educational app on phone. for example, byjus is a learning app which helps in maths so much. isn’t that cool!!


    i think that there should let us have our phones in school because if our parents of someone that happen in there house they can call their parents or if there was an emergency in school like this is for the girls out there if the peried has happpen you can call your parnts

    Tseereng Deki Tsho

    No Phones should not be allowed in the school.
    Not only would cell phones cause distraction to the kids who are carrying them, it will also pose a distraction to the kids who aren’t carrying their phones on them and are trying to learn.

    Cheating on tests would also become a growing problem. In many schools, cheating is already a great problem. And them cheating would become a lot more easier.

    With expensive phones on everyone’s bag,there would be stealing too! And there would be a unhealthy compitition to see who has got the latest and the hottest brand.

    It would make bullying a lot more easier. Rumors and news will spread 10times faster. The faster form of bullying would make school even worse for kids who are already bullied.


    i think we should cause some kids are actually use there phones in a responsible ways so the kids that use them responsibly should be able to use there phones in class. Also ones who don’t use there phones in a responsible way shouldn’t be able to use there phones in class.

    A kid at school

    I agree lauryn with but the fact that bullying easier because there are no bystanders to witness the bulling and the fact that you can text anonymously so they wont even know who bullied is worse. But who Knows i am Just a kid at school.

    Julia Darwin

    If the class is taking a test then all the kids should focus on what they are writing. But listening to music will distract them as then they’ll focus on music not on their exam. How can somebody focus on exam while listening to music. And also studies say that listening to soft music helps in getting to sleep. If their is such question in which the child is stuck, then he/she will feel sleepy despite of concentrating on his exam and try to solve that question.


    I think that these cellphones should not be banned from schools why? Because theses gadgets can help students in learning and eventually makes the works of students much more easier. With just a single tap or a swipe students could go to diffetent educational sites that they would gain knowlegde from. If you are going to complain about the fact that theses students are using these gadgets during class hours why not do some disciplinary actions? You can confiscate cellphones as a teacher. But only confiscate them during class hours and just let the students use them during break or recess. These phones could also be used especially when really needed like an emergency or something students could text or call there parents when they have transportation problems or if they are going to stay in school for an activity. It eventually lessens the nervousness of the parents … And they know the where-abouts of their children.
    So I say yes.


    ban during lecture hours is the way to go.


    Phones should be allowed in school, but with limitations. I believe that phones should be kept in lockers/backpack unless the person in question wants to call their parents. Not in class. This means no happy slapping, no harassment, no cheating on tests, no distractions. This way, you can call your parents for safety reasons. My friend has anxiety when she doesn’t have her phone with her, and she could just take her backpack to class and not get her phone out. It works for everyone.

    There is, of course, a phone at the office that you could use if you wanted to call your parents, but the problem is…

    My friend didn’t have her viola at school. Since orchestra was later in the day, she thought she’d call home and ask for it. They wouldn’t let her call her parents with the office phoneI let her use my phone, they found out and lectured me. I mean seriously, why wouldn’t they let her use the phone? She wanted to call to get materials for learning!

    I once didn’t feel well and asked to call my parents. They asked me to go to the nurse’s office and said they would send someone.

    After the first incident, my mom emailed the principal about it and asked them if I could just use my phone to call her if I ever felt ill or wanted to go home. The principal never responded.

    So we’ve decided that silence is agreement. I’ve texted my mom on a few occasions and it’s been very helpful, especially if I forgot something or Track was canceled and I needed to tell her. One time, there was a lockdown because someone got shot a few blocks away, and it was very relieving for both of us to just be able to text each other.

    The sister of a friend of mine was once actually very sick- sicker than I was- and they wouldn’t let her call home. They just had her wait in the nurse’s office like they did to me. She couldn’t call home because they wouldn’t let her. I’m not sure what happened if she finished the day of school or finally got to go home, I just know that she had the flu and couldn’t go home.

    I don’t trust the people at the office to let me call home if I need to. They’ve proved themselves untrustworthy in the past. Students should ALWAYS have the power to call their parents, even if they don’t give an explanation to their teacher.

    I believe this resolves all the ‘no’ points, while still allowing phones for safety reasons. If you see any way the above could be improved, please comment below.


    On April 20, 1999, 2 teenagers walked into Columbine High school carrying sub-machine guns and homemade bombs intending to do some major damage. 13 innocent students were murdered and many more would have been if it weren’t for some students and their cell phones. 1 student, hiding for his life, calls 911 and describes the location of the school, and what the murderers looked like. If it weren’t for him and his cell phone and many others, many other students would have died.


    I think they should be allowed in school but not in classrooms. I have had several occasions where a hockey/netball/football match has been rearranged and I can’t let me parents know in time (my school has a strict phone ban). Phones could be distracting in lessons but at break or lunch, I think it is fine.

    Shaun Barnes

    I think cellphones should not be allowed in school because they could cheat in a test or call and text people and not do their work and just sit and play games when the teacher is talking or their working on a test

    Avery Smith

    I agree with you because shcools have phones for kids to use they might not be iphones or samsungs but at lest they work


    no, because if there is a family emergency, the parents can contact the teacher/principal and reach the students through there. “as a learning aid” most schools nowdays have computers,tablets,phones, ect. for easy use WHEN AND OLNY WHEN THE STUDENTS NEED SOMETHING. students can come to the teacher and say; may i use use my chromebook/tablet/phone and look up soandso? if its appropiate, the teacher will say “yes” if they think it is innapropriate,the teacher can say “no”. they can be used to cheat on tests.


    Yes cellphones should be allowed as every coin have two sides likewise if we try to see and accept the positive one it have positive effects


    should students be allowed to use cell phones in school? Well yes kids should be allowed to have cellular devices in school. Many parents want to be informed if their kids will be coming home and that way with a cell phone you can and warn your mom that you will not be coming home because maybe you are going to a friends house or you have a game after school. I think that they can have a phone but they can’t use it in class. In my opinion if students will use it for something good then they should be able to use cell phones in school.cell phones make it possible for students to stay in touch with family and friends. A student can call home and ask a family member to bring them a forgotten assignment or lunch money or to come pick them up if they are sick. Also, cell phones allow parents to keep track of their children’s whereabouts before, during, and after school. And, of course, there’s always the possibility of a student needing to contact a parent because of a dangerous situation. Thus, having a cell phone is like having a guardian angel. Students can also connect with friends, but not just because it’s a fun thing to do; my teacher asks us to text or email our friends when they are absent to let them know what’s going on in class and to inform them of any homework. When used responsibly, a cell phone can be an excellent communication tool.Geography and to keep track of my homework. My science teacher lets us use our computers to do research when we are doing group work or working on a project. For example, when we were studying weathering in chicago we did research on local jobs having to do with protecting the
    Weather. Plus there are lots of great learning websites – including essay-writing websites – we can use to supplement the learning in class Cell phones are a quick and easy way to incorporate technology in the
    Classroom. Cell phones should be allowed because they are useful to students. If a student does not ride the bus, he or she can call family members to pick them up to get a ride home. Cell phones can also be useful in school because they can allow students to look up things on the internet.If a student forgot his homework or calculator on the day of a calculus test, he could call his parents and ask them to bring it to school without causing a scene. In more serious emergencies, like a school threat or shooting, cell phones could help students connect with worried parents.

    Storm Crow

    Should Phones Be Allowed At School?
    How do they affect our lives? Phones should not be allowed at school. Not only are they a distraction from education, but they expand the chances of a child cheating. Although parents take the excuse of emergencies or even the chance to be responsible, but really, children take the opportunity to be on their phone for mere entertainment. ‘Smart’ Phones should not be brought to school, it may damage brain cells. Emergencies are NOT an excuse. The teachers should be prepared for dangerous emergencies. We all should know by now that not many cell phones are used during emergencies. This could actually DISTRACT a child from an emergency. They would be focused on saving their electronics rather than their own lives.
    What are phones used for? Sometimes phones are brought to school, used for entertainment, as stated in the paragraph before. Though students could cheat using their cellular device. Sometimes, allowing the use of the device could make the child more productive. Our lives are being affected by the use of the new technology. Even without access to technology, children could still learn by their peers and the information a book or even a teacher offers to them.
    Not only is their education distracted, it is quite often that a child will leave their ringer or notifications on. This happens to distract not only themselves but the entire class.


    So what if the child feels ill and needs to go home? Someone I knew became very sick and the office wouldn’t let her call home. Would you entrust your child’s safety, health, and well-being with a few office people you don’t know?

    What if students walk home and they get stuck somewhere? Students should be able to call their parents at any time because situations might and will arise.

    Phones should be allowed at school, but not in class. They should be left in the backpacks/lockers, but students can use them to call home at any time. This way: no distractions, no harassment, no cheating. Only safety.


    i think cell phones should be allowed in schools because what if you are in a bad situation at home and no ones there you have to call someone close to you.

    Crystal Dust

    Phones should be allowed because what if there’s a emergency and the teacher isn’t there one of the students would have to call 911 but if phones aren’t allowed then how’s the kid supposed to get to the hospital 📱PHONES ARE USEFUL

    Molly Henke

    I most definately agree!!


    No, phones shouldn’t be allowed at school because it’s distracting and disturbing ,students may cheat using phones and take photos of students without pirmission .As a teacher I disagree with the point of getting phones to school


    But when there is a test or quiz the teacher can just take the phones and give the students there phone’s back after they are done .


    It’s not just at a teat or quiz that students could do something that isn’t allowed. For example, they can text during study time or play games when they are supposed to be working on an assignment.

    Joseph Stalin

    well simply create a large penalty (and i mean gigantic penalty) for taking pictures or doing anything your not supposed to

    i agree

    students will still find a way to cheat OR bypass the penalty.
    there is a solution to everything!!

    Some one

    But it can be taken away and the learner can be searched for any other mobile devices and that will also be taken away. It will only be used for educational purposes so it should be aloud to a certain extent. Heavy school bags are damaging the child’s health and well being and could cause problems in the future


    Phones should be allowed in school, I get what you mean by it being a form of distraction in school but shouldn’t we have enough trust in students themselves to have enough responsibility to not let it distract. Okay so yeah there are those students who do use it to take advantage of things but in a way how are we (as students) supposed to learn these things to get better and learn from it? After all aren’t parents and teachers of this generation who say that we need to better from this technology upgrade?

    Priyansh Dixit

    The students come in school to learn which makes it self explanatory that they are unwise and that they lack necessary experience, it is not weather we put our trust in them or not to do the right thing but do they even know themselves about what the right thing is.

    Dennis Mwangi

    Phones should not be allowed in school because,there is very high probability that students would use the phones inappropriately such that they cheat on exams and also other students without the cellphone may hv low self-esteem which may decline his performance


    These are some valid points.


    we should because If a student forgot his homework or calculator on the day of a calculus test, he could call his parents and ask them to bring it to school without causing a scene. In more serious emergencies, like a school threat or shooting, cell phones could help students connect with worried parents.


    i agree with you phones might have a lot of negative character features, but don’t think negative guys think of all the good that phones can do to help society.

    Zack Smith III

    If you want them to be successful in the real world, and use them responsibly, start them now, and guide them towards what is the right way to use them. Also if it is that big of a problem schools wouldn’t be changing their policies to accommodate cellphones.

    Priyansh Dixit

    That is the sole reason invigilation exists, to make sure students do not cheat. Despite, students still cheat with the help of chits/notes and it is not that phones can be used in more secrecy because no phone will be smaller then how small a paper chit can be. The school will need to take care of cheating and even if it is not completely eradicated, it would be right to say that it can be moderated till a point. This is the best our system can do, with or without the allowance of cell phones.


    We would love to hear what you think – please leave a comment!


    See ,we alwayss blame phones but i think phones are our great help i think using a phone is not bad . It is a common machine . And we have to think that how we should use phones.


    i think that they should be allowed to use there phones in class cause they could had of forgotten there laptop or something like that what they use for looking things up!


    i think phones should be allowed because in school,you wont have to carry big heavy bags nor write with pens nor need to waste money on stationary so phones can realy help students

    The article was originally published here.

    Cell Phones In The Classroom: Learning Tool or Distraction

    These days, more and more students are bringing cell phones to class. Even elementary school-aged students have cell phones in their pockets and backpacks.

    However, the news of Ontario’s decision to ban cell phones in classrooms opens again the debate about whether or not students should have cellphones in school. It also brings up the question of whether it’s possible for technology to exist in the classroom as a learning tool—rather than simply a distraction.

    Ontario’s Classroom Cell Phone Ban

    Starting in September 2019, cell phones will be banned in Ontario classrooms during instructional time.

    The new ban means elementary and secondary school students won’t be able to use their cellphones in the classroom unless it is for educational purposes, medical reasons, or as a support for students with special needs. How the ban is enforced will be up to individual boards and schools.

    By banning cellphones, Ontario’s Education Ministry hopes to remove distractions so students can focus on acquiring foundational learning skills they need, including reading, writing and math.

    The decision and renewed debate has many teachers and parents left wondering: can cell phones ever really benefit students in class, or are they best left tucked away?

    Read on to learn more about the pros and cons of students having cell phones in school.

    Cell Phone Use In The Classroom

    Students check their phones in the classroom an average of more than 11 times a day. That can add up to a lot of time spent distracted from schoolwork. And when students are distracted, it’s a recipe for extra stress, frustration, and catch-up time for everyone.

    With students spending up to 20% of their in-class time texting, emailing, and checking social media, it’s no wonder the debate about cell phones in the classroom is alive and well.

    Students check their cell phones in the classroom more than 11 times a day.
    [Tweet this]

    Learn more about the pros and cons of students bringing their cell phones into the classroom.

    How Cell Phones Can Be Used Effectively In the Classroom

    If properly managed, cell phones can be used as tools to help children learn in the classroom. The following are some of the pros of allowing cell phones in school:

      1. Using educational learning apps

    Cell phones give students access to tools and apps that can help them complete and stay on top of their class work. These tools can also teach students to develop better study habits, like time management and organization skills.

      1. Incorporating digital platforms into lessons

    Using social media can keep students interested in class and encourage them to participate in the discussion. Some teachers create twitter hashtags or message boards students can use during class discussions to share thoughts and ideas. This can be especially helpful for students who might not be comfortable speaking in class.

      1. Supplementing lessons with digital materials

    Teachers can take advantage of cell phones by providing students with resources to find more information about a topic. This can include videos, news stories, online discussion groups, and more. Allowing students to access these resources in class can help encourage participation and discussions.

      1. Providing easy access to more information

    Cell phones can give students access to more information, letting them research more about a topic while having class discussions. This is especially true for current events that have not yet been covered in school textbooks.

    The Drawbacks Of Allowing Cell Phones In Classrooms

    While cell phones can be used as learning tools, it is a challenge to make sure students are using them for school-related tasks. A cell phone can easily turn from “classroom learning tool” into “classroom disruption”.

    Cons of allowing cell phones in school include:

      1. Distractions and interruptions

    When students use their cell phones to check social media and text their friends in class, it leads to distractions for those students as well as for their peers. This can cause disruptions in class, particularly if the teacher is constantly telling students to turn their devices off.

      1. Cyberbullying

    Cell phones can also lead to increased problems with bullying on the schoolground. Cyberbullying can be harder to see than other forms of bullying, making it difficult for teachers to identify and stop when it is happening.

      1. Cheating

    Cell phones can be a helpful learning tool in class. But they can also be used by students to access information while taking a test, leading to cheating. Even if a student isn’t caught, this can lead to him or her having a poor understanding of the material in the future, and is unfair to students who studied hard to do well.

      1. Disconnection from face-to-face activities

    While cell phones can help encourage participation by offering different channels, this can also lead to less in-person discussion and fewer learning opportunities. Learning to work together with others is an important part of students’ education, and can be lost with too much dependence on cell phones and other digital technology.

    The Bottom Line: Should Students Have Cell Phones In School?

    There’s no easy answer: there are both pros and cons to students having cell phones in school. Although they can be used as a learning tool in the classroom, this only works as long as students use them effectively.

    This means for teachers who decide to use cell phones (or any other digital device) as part of their lessons, it’s important to set ground rules and keep a close eye on how they are being used.

    The article was originally published here.

    Cell phones be allowed in schools?

    Cell phones have become more of a necessity than a fancy item. Even young kids can be seen carrying cell phones and smartphones, either chatting or playing some game. There is no denying that they have become a part of everyday life. In fact, life cannot be imagined without a cell phone.
    But lately, it has become a hot topic whether or not to allow cell phones in schools.

    By Tahir Qureshi

    Jun 20, 2017 14:39 IST

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    Debate topic Cellular phones

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    In favour of: More and more children and teenagers are getting their own cell phones as they are a very handy, cheap, and useful mode of communication. Especially in case of some emergency children can swiftly call their parents or helpline numbers like the police.

    If students need something from home they can call and ask someone to bring it. This is very useful in case of homework. If the school bus or any other transport is not available they can call home and ask to be picked up.

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    Sometimes there might be a scenario where students have to stay back for some extra class or assignment then they can inform their parents.

    Students should not only be allowed to carry cell phones but encouraged to judiciously use this wonderful new age technology. They can use their phones to keep updated whether by browsing news websites or educational portals. A low priced smartphone costs much less than a common Personal Computer or a laptop hence it would be easily affordable for many parents to give a smartphone to their children.

    During a classroom session it is very much possible to miss out on certain crucial points. Here cell phones can be used to record and playback the entire content and they will not miss any point.

    Cell phones should be allowed but only after a certain age or class, for example class 9 onwards they should be allowed.

    Against: Cell phones should not be allowed in schools as they will cause distraction for both students and teachers. Even the classes might get disturbed if any student is found fiddling with their phone. The student will be at a loss as they will not be able to keep up with the class.

    Students might start browsing irrelevant, inappropriate websites and waste their time which can be utilised for studies. Also, they will be negatively influenced by the content of badly chosen sites which will hamper their overall growth, mindset, and personality.

    Cell phones can be used for cheating during tests as many cases have been reported. Moreover, schools have their own telephones which students can use if needed. Phone cameras can be used for malicious purposes like for clicking inappropriate pictures or making videos that are not in a good taste.

    Allowing cell phones in schools will give rise to an unhealthy, unwanted competition as students with expensive and latest model phones will overwhelm those who have got low-cost or old model phones. Not only would there be disparity within a single group but parents would be under constant pressure to get new expensive phones for their children. It is for the same reason that school students are assigned uniforms which they are required to wear everyday to school so that all students look the same without any prejudice.

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    The article was originally published here.

    Should students be allowed to use cellphones in class? It depends.

    In the classroom, teachers are up against an ever-growing hurdle in the smartphone era: commanding students’ attention as increasingly ubiquitous electronic devices carry a round-the-clock allure – just as they do for most adults.10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school

    Some educators embrace phones in class as a way to boost learning, allowing access to endless information and incorporating devices in school in a world that now relies on them. Others view phones as a distraction and show of disrespect, banning them with a vise-tight grip.10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school

    Should students be able to use their phones in class? Well, it depends on whom you ask.

    The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette contacted more than a dozen school districts throughout the region to invite educators to share their perspectives on the role of phones in class. The responses ranged from encouraging students to use them for assignments and other educational tasks to barring them altogether.10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school

    “Kids have changed so much in such a short amount of time,” said Todd Price, 11th-year principal of Montour High School in Robinson. “One of our biggest challenges as educators is always engaging them, making learning relevant to them. It’s a cellphone generation, a video game generation. They’re just constantly plugged in.”

    Early in his career as an administrator, Mr. Price believed that students should keep their phones out of sight and would readily dole out detentions if they skirted the rule. But it created what he described as a “forbidden fruit phenomenon” and drove students to find ways to work around the restriction.

    Today, technology abounds in the district – even hall passes are electronic – and it would feel, well, hypocritical if he were to keep with the more draconian approach, he said.

    “We just really don’t make it more than it is,” Mr. Price said. “We have to realize and understand that they’re connected to their phones all the time, and to ask them to totally unplug from that environment is a challenge. I’m just not sure what the return on that would be for an administrator to go on a witch hunt for their cellphones.”

    Mr. Price encourages teachers at his school to make their own rules on whether to allow phones. Some set up charging stations where students may retrieve their phones when they please. Students from another district recently toured Montour High and watched in envy as their fellow teens operated in a cellphone safe zone, freer than the restrictions at their own school, Mr. Price said.10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school

    Brad Wilson, supervisor of customized and online learning for the Upper St. Clair School District, said access to technology seems to prevent most would-be problems involving cellphones. Every high school student there has a Chromebook, and the district’s Internet server prohibits access to most social media websites, which generate the bulk of cellphone-related struggles anyway, he said.

    “How do we keep the good things going but also prevent some of the other problems that schools face now?” he said.

    But if it were up to Dave Sabina, a 19th-year Woodland Hills Jr./Sr. High School teacher, phones in his school would be done away with altogether. They have become a growing problem over the last five or six years, and the students with phones seem to be getting younger, he said.

    From his standpoint, the problem is this: How are teachers supposed to rival the intoxicating glow of a smartphone?

    “The phone is much more entertaining than I am,” he said. “It’s hard to compete with YouTube and their favorite rap video. Sometimes if you try to get them to give it up, that’s the most valuable thing they own, besides their shoes. They don’t want to give it up.”

    Some younger students are banned from bringing phones to school, yet still manage to sneak them into the building, hiding them in their clothes, he said.10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school

    A possible solution recently dawned on Mr. Sabina in the form of a lockable pouch from a company called Yondr. The technology received national attention in recent years when comedian Dave Chappelle began requiring fans to lock up their phones during his stand-up routines.

    Over the summer, Mr. Sabina informally pitched the technology to school board members – it would likely cost in thousands of dollars to roll out at the high school – although it has not yet been adopted. “I wish the public would get behind us and maybe look at this honestly,” he said.10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school

    But Caitlin Dee, a long-time substitute French teacher at Baldwin High School, employs a lower-tech approach to the same end. Borrowing a technique she observed last year while student-teaching, she uses a storage pocket chart numbered one to 30, similar to a calculator holder, and awards points to students who give up their device for the period.

    “I was tired of seeing kids on the phone when I’m trying to talk every single day,” she said. “It was too much to say, ‘Put the phone away,’ six times a day in a class that lasts 45 minutes.”

    Ms. Dee, a 2013 Baldwin High graduate, tells her students that when she was in school students weren’t allowed to have phones out at all, not even in the lunch line. She recently sent a note to students’ families informing them of her stance on devices in her class. Some bristled at the put-your-phone-away incentive until they heard her reasoning, she said.10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school

    “I don’t want to be that teacher who takes away all the phones, but I want them to be responsible for their learning,” she said.

    But elsewhere at Baldwin High, phones are part of class. Christopher Ross, a robotics teacher, instructs students to record video on their phones of their robots executing assigned tasks. “I prefer they don’t have them out when I’m teaching, but they can pretty much have them out any other time,” he said.

    Teddy Gabrielson, a computer science teacher at Penn Hills High School, has students watch videos, share their work on social media and work with each other using their phones. A student who was absent even recently used their phone to teleconference into class to participate in a group project, he said.10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school

    “Phones can be a distraction,” he wrote in an email. “But there is no difference between students having phones and students having tablets or laptops. We certainly wouldn’t want to limit computer use, so why do we want to limit cell phone use?”10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school

    Many Chartiers Valley High School teachers ask students to turn over their phones at the start of class unless the lesson that day calls for it, Principal Patrick Myers wrote in an email. Some Pittsburgh public schools collect phones at the start of the day and return them at the end of the day, district spokeswoman Ebony Pugh said.

    But what does the science say?

    At Rutgers University, psychology professor Arnold Glass had long dreamed of how technology could make his classes more interactive and help his students learn. He became an early adopter. But about five years ago, students began to seem more distracted and exam scores lagged, he said.10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school

    “I started to investigate why I hit the plateau, and it became pretty obvious,” he said.

    Mr. Glass led an experiment that included 118 Rutgers cognitive psychology students. Over the semester, he banned laptops, phones and tablets for students in one class and allowed them in the other section. The results confirmed his suspicion, he said.

    The first-of-its-kind study, published in July, showed that students who divided their attention between devices and their instructor fared “significantly worse” on their final exams. And students who did not use devices in the section that allowed them fared worse, too, the study found.10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school

    “It was just like the effect of someone on their phone in the movie theater, except the ramifications are more than just being annoying,” Mr. Glass said.

    He banned devices from his classes outright in what he described as an ethical obligation after establishing that they hurt their exam performance.

    Plus, he said, “I would be a complete hypocrite if I didn’t.”

    The article was originally published here.

    Should Cell Phones Be Allowed in School?

    Two teenagers looking at their phones

    The number of mobile phone users in the world is expected to surpass 4.6 billion by 2019. With 237 million people in the United States currently using a mobile phone, it’s unlikely you will see a person without a device in hand. Researchers are studying the impact of spending too much time online, but there is a particular focus on young people and one polarizing question: should cell phones be allowed in school?

    How Much Are Teens Using Cell Phones?

    A recent Pew Research Center study found that 92 percent of American teens go online daily, and the percentage increases to 94 percent for teens with access to a smartphone. Nearly 75 percent of teens have access to a smartphone, and with open Wi-Fi networks in schools, libraries, and at home, staying connected is effortless.

    For teens, being connected to the internet also means being connected to friends through various social media platforms and texting applications, such as WhatsApp. Educators are battling for attention as a student’s focus is directed to the recent notification that has lit up the student’s screen rather than the lesson at the front of the class. As a result, educators and researchers are asking if cell phones should be allowed in school and if a balance between tool and distraction is possible.10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school

    Digital Disruption: 10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school?

    Research from Asurion found that Americans check their phones every 12 minutes, and with smartphones’ functioning as our alarm clocks, appointment keepers, and even house keys, it is easy to understand why we are so easily distracted.

    Teachers already struggle with maintaining students’ attention during class, and with cell phones’ providing other ways to “escape” the classroom, many teachers feel that students’ grades have declined as a result. Research supports this theory and has shown that multitasking can be detrimental to one’s academic performance. Checking Facebook while listening to a class lecture can actually increase the amount of time that students will have to study at home since they did not absorb the content fully in the lecture.10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school.

    The distraction provided by social media apps, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, can potentially lead to signs of addiction as well—users may experience some form of agitation or anxiety when their phones aren’t around. There are even preliminary research findings that longer periods spent on digital devices correlate to decreased feelings of mental well-being.10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school

    It’s a strong case against the use of cell phones in school, and some schools have even implemented a zero-tolerance policy for the use of cell phones. There is not yet enough research, however, and educators, parents, and students are still divided on if cell phones should be allowed in school.10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school:10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school

    Additional Tools for Learning

    Cell phones, tablets, and other devices open up a world to access facts and ideas. If a student needs to define a word, a search on the internet will quickly return the definition and thousands of other pages with related content. There are also hundreds of educational apps to help students keep on top of their schedules and coursework, such as Moodle, or even to help them learn new languages, such as Duolingo.10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school

    For students who have difficulty conceptualizing ideas or engaging with topics such as biology, the use of devices has made it easier for instructors to share educational videos. And these aren’t the hour-long, droning videos of the past. Short videos are proving to be more effective in capturing students’ attention and developing their understanding of the material. These videos are paired with active learning tools, such as answering a poll or completing a test, to help students comprehend the content.

    When it comes to focusing on an assignment, allowing students to listen to music can be beneficial, as it helps quiet the unconscious attention system that shifts to whatever our senses determine to be significant. One student’s clicking a pen can be incredibly distracting for another student. Music can help remove these distractions and shift a student’s focus to the task at hand.10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school

    So, Should Cell Phones Be Allowed in School?

    Research on the effect of teens’ cell phone use in school is still in its infancy. With the wildfire growth of students’ access to smartphones and other devices, educators are working hard to identify the right balance between function and fun. As smart home devices emerge and wearable technologies become further integrated into our lives, we may be at a point where we can’t separate ourselves—and students—from10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school technology.

    Recommended readings:

    How Teachers Can Cultivate Their Leadership Abilities

    A Complete Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming a Teacher in 2018

    Technologies and Tools to Bridge the Minority Gap in the Classroom

    10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school


    The Statistics Portal: Cell Phone Users Worldwide

    The Statistics Portal: Cell Phone Users in the United States

    Pew Research Center

    National Center for Biotechnology Information, US National Library of Medicine

    Oxford Learning

    National Education Association

    New York Post

    Science News for Students

    The Guardian

    The article was originally published here.

    Cell phones in school: Let’s talk about the pros and cons

    Elena Donovan Mauer

    Elena Donovan Mauer

    Oct. 18, 2019
    Cell phones in school: Let’s talk about the pros and cons

    There’s no doubt that more and more kids are getting cell phones. According to a 2018 study by Pew Research, 95% of teens already owned or had access to a smartphone. And a 2017 Nielsen poll found that about 45% of kids who have phones got them between the ages of 10 and 12.10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school

    “My daughter just turned 10 and started middle school this year, which meant more independence and being on the bus with older kids,” says Jené L., a mom in Rotterdam, New York. “We wanted her to have a way to access us if she needed to.”

    Many families rely on cell phones to keep schedules organized, do online research, communicate with each other and create peace of mind. After all, when kids have cell phones, parents or emergency services are a simple call or text away.

    But with all the positives of cell phones come negatives, too, including how much they can distract kids and that they may give unfettered access to questionable content on the internet. Many people find themselves wondering where to draw the line when it comes to how and where kids are allowed to use their phones. One of the biggest questions is: Should cell phones be allowed in schools?

    There’s a case to be made both for and against having cell phones at schools. Here are the pros and cons, according to parents and experts.

    Cell phones in school: The pros

    Several reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school:

    Increased sense of safety

    Many parents just feel safer knowing their child can reach them if they’re sick, if they have to stay after school or if there’s an emergency.

    Kate M., a mom in Marshfield, Massachusetts, says she gave her son a phone in sixth grade, when he started staying after school four days a week to play sports. The phone isn’t just a convenience; it gives her peace of mind.10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school

    “You never know what situations can arise,” she says. “And sometimes kids make questionable choices and end up where they shouldn’t be. With my son’s cell phone, I can track his location or he can call me if he is unexpectedly stranded.”

    Learning benefits:10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school

    While in the past, cell phones in schools were mostly considered a distraction, today they can actually play a role in teaching and learning.

    “Phones can be a great tool for the classroom — for research, taking polls, assessing progress and more — especially for middle and high school,” says Ria Schmidt, Ph.D., education consultant for Schmidt Education in Round Rock, Texas.

    There’s no denying there are tons of learning apps on the market today. Some teachers also utilize apps like Socrative, where they can engage students, give quizzes, ask for student feedback and more.

    Potential value :10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school

    Jelterow Mckinnie Jr., an educator and author of “Diary of a Teacher” points out that the use of cell phones in school has the potential to save schools and/or families money.

    “Many [learning materials] may be searched and downloaded from the internet,” says Mckinnie. “Students are able to submit their work electronically and could decrease the cost for parents of having to purchase so many school supplies.”

    A smartphone can not only replace paper and pen but sometimes a textbook and a computer printer (and pricey ink) since it can download and store information and documents. Plus, it may even be a good substitute for some calculators or tablets, says Mckinnie.

    In fact, in a 2015 study by Pearson, 58% of students said they’d used a smartphone to complete schoolwork.

    Prep for the future

    We’re willing to bet that the future holds lots of opportunities for careers in tech, which means learning smart ways to use technology could potentially set kids up for success.

    “If the ultimate goal is to produce a person capable of being marketable in the future marketplace, then students need to be exposed to various ways to use technology to help them learn and complete their tasks,” says Mckinnie.

    Opportunity to create good practices

    A case could be made that instead of banning cell phones, schools should be teaching kids how to use them responsibly both in the classroom and socially.

    “Cell phone bans demonstrate a dereliction of the school’s duty to equip students to participate thoughtfully and responsibly in modern society,” says Martin Moran, director of the Bennett Day Upper School in Chicago. “Given the power of technology and the ways in which it can be weaponized to spread disinformation, a school must not only allow cell phones in classes but also create a dedicated curriculum that helps students develop responsible use of these devices.”

    Cell phones in school: The cons

    Still, some parents and educators think cell phones should be put aside while kids focus on their classes. Here are a few reasons why:

    Potential for distraction

    “Our kids, the digital natives, are already more distracted than ever before, and because the brain was not meant to multitask, this makes it even more important that the phones stay at home or at the very least in the locker,” says Tere Linzey, Ph.D., an educational psychologist and founder of BrainMatterZ. “Retention depends on the ability to ‘attend’ to the subject at hand.”

    Social skills

    Linzey also points out that cell phones can take away from kids’ in-person socializing.

    “Employers and teachers mention to me all the time about the lack of social skills in [many] young people today,” she says. “The simple things like saying hello, introductions, being polite, manners and people skills are lacking today. In business they call it ‘soft skills,’ but students don’t have them if they are constantly behind a screen. What you practice is what your brain hardwires! Phones allow students to stay distracted without having human contact or conversations. If they don’t practice conversations, communication skills and social etiquette, then they do not acquire them — hence no ‘soft skills.’”

    Mental health risks

    “What we know now, after over 10 years of personal devices in the hands of children … is that they are becoming less educated, more anxious and chronically depressed,” says Lisa Strohman, J.D., Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and founder of Digital Citizen Academy.

    It’s not so much about school policy, she says, but rather that more time in front of a screen could be bad for kids’ mental health.

    Researchers have seen a dramatic increase in rates of depression (52% rise), psychological distress and suicidal thoughts and behaviors among teens have increased dramatically over the last decade, and many experts connect that rise with the rise of cell phones and digital media.10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school

    2018 study found that teens who used screens seven or more hours per day were more than twice as likely to have been diagnosed with depression than teens who only used them for an hour per day.10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school:10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school

    School hours could provide a large chunk of the day that they get a break from screens, which might have a positive impact on mental health.

    Burden on teachers:10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school

    Enforcing cell phone rules adds one more task to a teacher’s long to-do list. If kids are allowed phones in their classrooms, they may be tempted to use them to text their friends or cheat by looking up answers on the internet, creating a stressful situation.

    “The amount of time and escalation that results from a teacher trying to take a phone from a student can derail a whole class,” says Janet Ferone, president of Ferone Educational Consulting.


    In a 2017 report, 14% of school students said they’d been cyberbullied in the previous year. And while in-person bullying is much more common, getting harassed over text or social media can follow kids wherever they go.10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school

    “Remember passing notes in school in eighth grade? Now they text,” says Jeanette D., a middle school teacher. “Remember when someone said something unflattering in school? Now it is shared schoolwide. Remember when the bus dropped you off at home and you could get a break from the drama? Now it is in your pocket 24/7.”

    Middle ground and limits

    Most parents, teachers and experts we spoke to don’t want to ban cell phones from school completely, but many have concerns about how they should be used that’s developmentally appropriate, offers balance to kids’ lives and allows them to learn and think in healthy ways.

    “‘For me, the question isn’t ‘should cell phones be allowed in schools?’ but rather, ‘how can schools manage the inevitability of cell phones in schools?’” says Ferone.

    And thankfully, there are a few ways both schools and parents can find a middle ground:

    Waiting for readiness

    The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says there’s no “right age” to give a child a cell phone and stress that it’s important parents understand the pros and cons of cell phone use before they decide to do so. However, an organization called Wait Until 8th asks parents to pledge to wait until eighth grade to give their kids cell phones for a host of reasons including their addictive nature, ability to distract and tendency to interfere with sleep. But it’s largely a family decision that may depend on many factors, including a child’s maturity level and specific family situations, suggests media and tech resource Common Sense.

    No-frills ‘phones’

    For parents not ready to give their kids an iPhone or Android, there are other options that can allow your child to communicate with you when they need to. For example, instead of a smartphone, Jené sends her daughter to school with a Gizmo watch, which allows a child to call parents and send text messages but not have access to the internet or apps.

    Anna A., a mom in Winnetka, Illinois, gives her third-grader a Relay, which is a screen-free mobile phone that operates similarly to a walkie-talkie. This gives her peace of mind when her daughter walks and bikes to school with friends.

    Schoolwide rules

    Many schools set specific rules for when and where kids are able to use their cell phones.

    “One solution has been that phones need to be kept out of sight and on silent, unless the teacher specifies that the phone can be used as part of the lesson for research and only when a sign stating ‘Electronics in Use for Learning’ is posted, so administrators walking by see that a teacher is not disregarding the rule,” says Ferone.

    Classroom-specific rules

    Teachers may have rules for their own classrooms that work for their teaching style and subject matter.

    “In a classroom I was in recently, the teacher had a spot where students placed their phones when they came in,” says Schmidt. “When there was an opportunity to use them, they retrieved them. It worked really well.”

    Carrie Piegza, an eighth grade science teacher in Las Vegas, has a unique policy that she says works for her.

    “I personally allow cell phones for use as calculators, timers and music players [in my classroom],” says Carrie. “If they are caught doing anything else, the phone gets confiscated. Quite a few teachers disagree with my music use, but I find it helps many of them focus better when working on individual assignments.”

    Parent regulation: The AAP recommends parents set rules and limits to kids’ cell phone use, so they’re balancing screen time with other activities and because cell phone use can interfere with sleep. Finding the right rules and boundaries may vary from family to family, but it’s good to be clear and find ways to enforce the rules if they’re broken.

    “I have it set that most apps on my son’s phone are not accessible after 9 p.m. and before 7 a.m.,” says Kate. “And I have to physically input the password for new apps. I do occasionally take away phone privileges by changing the password. He can still accept incoming calls and make an emergency call, if necessary.”

    The consensus

    In the end, it’s likely that the answer to the debate is finding the right balance and for parents and teachers to keep a close watch on how and when kids are using their phones. Adding instruction on how to use cell phones safely and properly is a great idea, too.

    As Moran suggests, “Schools must pair a policy by which students are allowed to use their cell phones with a dedicated curricular program that teaches them not only all the benefits of mobile technology, but also how to avoid the myriad dangers that come with an unexamined digital existence.”

    The article was originally published here.

    Cell Phones at School: Should They Be Allowed?

    by: Maya Cohen
    Should cell phones be allowed in school? A 2010 Pew Research Center study found that 65 percent of cell-owning teens bring their phones to school despite any bans that may be in place. Most schools now allow students to have cell phones but require them to be turned off during class because they can be disruptive and distracting. Read on for the pros and cons of allowing cell phones in school to help make the right decision for your child.

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