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For Mobile App: 3 Ways to Maximize In-App Marketing


3 Ways to Maximize In-App Marketing

For Mobile App: For upon |People are on their phones “all the time” – we are not exaggerating. An average American adult spends 2 hours, and 51 minutes on his/her smartphone every day, while mobile accounts for about 65% of the total digital media consumption. For Mobile App.

Since mobile obsession is growing day by day, mobile marketing strategies turn out to be the most effective way to capture consumers’ attention. Among them, in-app marketing seems to be the front-runner. For Mobile App.

What is in-app marketing?

In-app marketing is about engaging with your users with responsive In-App Pop-Ups and turning your users into loyal customers. For Mobile App.

You can select certain actions that customers take within the app such as clicking on a product or opening the app. These actions will trigger In-App Pop-Ups. One great advantage of in-app notifications is that you can deliver your message even if your customers have disabled push notifications. So, in addition to what you can do with Push Notifications, you can:  For Mobile App.

  • Send customers more targeted content and enhance the user experience
  • Show a series of tutorials to your first-time customers
  • Remind users to opt-in for push notifications for your app

How Do In-App Pop-Ups  Work For Mobile Marketers in the Most Effective Way?


Marketers are under increasing pressure to prove the ROI of their marketing campaigns. So, the first thing to do is to define a specific goal. Then, decide on key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of your campaign. In order to achieve your goals, you also need to take segmentation into account. For Mobile App.

You should define how to segment and target your users based not only on their demographics but also on their activities -or what we call behaviors- within your app. You can create customer profiles by integrating data from your apps, websites, and CRM systems. For Mobile App.

With the right customer segmentation strategy, you can gain deeper customer insights and approach your users with relevant and tailor-made messages. As a result, you can improve your customer engagement and make the most of your in-app marketing campaigns. If your in-app notifications do not target the right segments at the right moment, then your campaign will probably fail. And the last thing that you want would be to put your effort into winning over the wrong customers. For Mobile App.

Deep Linking

You can enrich your app notifications with deep linking and make them far more useful. For Mobile App.

Deep linking allows you to take your mobile users directly to a specific screen within your app. And it will enable you to engage your customers who open your app with much more meaningful interactions. For Mobile App

You can communicate a sale campaign for a particular product category with an in-app notification. Then, it’s better to take users that are interested in your campaign straight to the related page without zero friction. Or, you can remind your users who open the app of the products left in the basket. Deep-linked notifications can take them to abandoned shopping baskets and recapture their attention. For Mobile App.

Testing & Optimising

You set your goals, determine KPIs and communicate your campaign. Now it’s time to measure your efforts and see whether you need to adjust your marketing efforts. Analyzing and evaluating campaign results is critical to understanding what works best for your business. It will show you which segment is more responsive to your in-app notifications and which segment is proven to be more valuable. You can also figure out what kind of content increases conversion rates. For Mobile App

One of the best ways to measure the effectiveness of your campaign is A/B testing. First, decide what kinds of push notifications your customers are more likely to respond to. Then take these in-app notifications and run multiple tests. It’s especially crucial to have a real-time picture of how your customers are responding to different variants since it will give you the ability to act on data and optimize your campaign in real time. Such optimization will allow you to produce better results and increase conversion rates. For Mobile App.

In Conclusion

An in-app marketing strategy will make sure that you can make the most of every second customer spent within your app and allows you to measure your campaigns detailed. You can increase conversion rates and revenues by turning active users within your app into profitable customers with personalized, timely, and relevant notifications. For Mobile App.

The article was originally published here.


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