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Website Traffic: best analysis report improve site traffic


Best Analysis Report To Improve Your Site Traffic Volume

Website Traffic: Adwords traffic is expensive, and it adds up quickly. I took a look at your website, and my feeling is that you could phase this Adwords spending out over the next few months. I think I can help you gradually replace the Adwords traffic you purchase with non-paid traffic from Google.

Could I give you a phone call, and explain how I could help you do this?

My goal would be for you to be #1 in Google for your top keywords, and for you to see a high return on your investment in 61 days. Here’s how we can do that:


I’d like to look for keywords that have

Little competition,

High search demand,

Strong  relevance to your industry, and

High revenue/visitor.

It’s not about just increasing traffic. We find keywords where the traffic converts into leads, and more importantly, sales.

Once we have a list of keywords, then we need to…


Our goal here is to ask ourselves these questions:

Who is your typical customer?

Are some customers better than others? If so, describe the ideal customer, and explain why they’re different than other customers. Website Traffic.

What is their need/problem that you solve?

What is your unique selling proposition? Why should your customers use you instead of your competition?

What messaging do you use (2-3 sentences) that explains both what your customers’ pain is, and how you solve it better than anyone else?


We’ll work with you to ensure you have ample content on your website that contains the correct keywords and messaging. Our goal is to write content that turns website traffic into revenue.

In 30 days or less, we’ll increase the revenue/visitor to your website. As a result, you’ll see an increase in revenue. So, in 30 days, you’ll be able to start reducing the amount of money you’re spending on Adwords. Revenue will continue to increase as your rankings and traffic from Google improve over the next few months.

Step 2 is to increase the number of people talking about your website online. These links will generate increased non-paid rankings & traffic from Google, and allow us to further reduce your Adwords spending. I like to work on your website first and create links 2nd. The backlinks take a few months to generate increased Google rankings and traffic. I don’t want to make you wait 3-4 months to see results. This strategy lets us make sure you see a good return on investment right away.


Each industry is different. A link-building strategy for someone selling shoes won’t work if you sell custom fabrication systems for offshore drilling platforms. We conduct a competition analysis and use the results to fine-tune our link-building strategy.

We need to tailor our approach to your specific industry. What we’re doing is better described as PR outreach or online marketing. To build links, we interact with people that care about the problem that your firm solves.

This can be either:

Your existing customers – This is done primarily thru social media. Our goal here is to keep them thinking about you, and buying your stuff.

Online discussions – We generally set up Google alerts, find relevant discussions, and join these discussions when appropriate for Website Traffic.

Relationship building with key influencers in your market space – the key skill here is relationship building.

We can start gradually. As we implement the process above, we’ll see more non-paid traffic flowing to your website. This free traffic from Google will start to generate revenue, and you can slowly decrease the amount of money you’re spending on paid, Adwords traffic. Adwords traffic is expensive, and I’d like to help you decrease this cost.

We are a small company that specializes in helping other small businesses create a big presence online.

Could I give you a call to learn more about your business, and see if we can help decrease some of your Adwords budget?


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