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When Is the Last Time Your Business Had a Cybersecurity Audit?


When was the last time your business underwent a cybersecurity audit? Hopefully, it’s within recent memory. If you can’t remember the last time you had a cybersecurity assessment (or if your answer is never) then you’re already overdue.

The importance of checking your vulnerability to cybersecurity threats on a regular basis cannot be overstated. If your business uses the internet—in any capacity—then you’re vulnerable to cybercrime.

COVID-19 exacerbated this threat even further. In fact, since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020 reports of cybercrime have increased by 300% in the US alone. To decrease your risk of falling victim to cybercriminals read on for some essential information.

What Is a Cybersecurity Audit?

If you’ve never had a cybersecurity audit before, you’re probably wondering what it is and why it’s so important. In simple terms, it’s the process of checking your cybersecurity is up to snuff. In reality, however, it’s much more in-depth.

A comprehensive cybersecurity audit has several different components. It looks at data security, operational security, and network security among other things. There are countless different means cybercriminals use to target businesses, so it’s important to cover all angles.

Cybersecurity audit companies first conduct an analysis of the above areas. Then, they give their recommendations for improvements. For a business, this is invaluable information to receive.

It’s recommended you perform an audit at least twice per year. Usually, an assessment of your cybersecurity will take a minimum of 10 days. It could take significantly longer, however.

Why Your Business Needs One

There are many benefits of assessing your business’s cybersecurity. First and foremost, it reduces your risk of a cyber attack. As we mentioned above, cybercrime is on the rise.

Cyberattacks don’t just cost you time and money. They can also cause you to lose your customers and your reputation. It can damage and even devastate a business.

On the flip side, having an up-to-date stamp of approval on your security measures can help your business. It will mean more of your employees and clients will be able to trust your business. You want your stakeholders to have full confidence in your company.

One of the most useful parts of any cybersecurity is the final one. The advice and recommendations given by your cybersecurity company will be actionable, insightful, and have the power to save your business from big trouble. If you’re worried about the strength of your cybersecurity get cybersecurity remediation here now.

Make Your Business More Safe Today

The safety of your business matters. It’s important to your customers, your employees, and your livelihood. This is why conducting a cybersecurity audit on a regular basis is essential.

Don’t become another statistic on cybercrime. Take control of your cybersecurity today.

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