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Social Media Marketer: video content promotion


How to re-purpose your video content for different social media and promotion channels

Social Media Marketer: For upon |Creating content is a very time-consuming and hideous task. Yet you want to make sure that you reach all your followers and even reach more. There is no better way to do more with less than to reproduce your video content. Avoid Google penalties Social Media Marketer.

Why should you repurpose your video content?

Lessen your work and reach more people

Creating content is a very time-consuming and hideous task. Yet you want to make sure that you reach all your followers and even reach more. There is no better way to do more with less than to reproduce your video content. Social Media Marketer.

Avoid Google penalties

You also don’t want to get penalized by Google for duplicating content. Google doesn’t care whether you own copyrights to your video or not. If they find that you are using the same content on different platforms, the system might mark you as infringing copyright rules which qualifies you for a penalty. Social Media Marketer.

Get more subscribers

Re-purposing your video content also helps you to catch more fish. You get more subscribers for your email list, your social media pages or groups, and many more.

What kind of freebies can I create from my video?

Create snippets and tell a story with them

Series are a great way to keep your followers on their toes waiting for what’s next. Cut your video into several segments and share it as a series on your Instagram and Twitter and then link back to where you have the full video so people can watch the wider story. Social Media Marketer.

What tools do I need?

Cutstory: You can use cut story (Available to only iPhone users) to create short pieces from the video that run for 10-15 seconds and keep sharing them until they are all out there. Social Media Marketer.

Make long-form videos

Let’s say you have several time-lapse and animated quote videos, you could combine them and come up with a beautiful long-form video possibly for Facebook or for you to embed in your blog post. Social Media Marketer.

What tools do I need?

iMovie allows you to put short videos together but it’s only usable by Mac IOS users. If you are not a Mac owner, don’t shoot yourself; you can use these Gopro editing tips. Social Media Marketer.

A professional video editor:  If you are not a Mac owner, don’t shoot yourself.  If you are looking to produce a highly professional video, it’s no doubt you need someone experienced to help you.

An e-book

When people hear the word e-book, their nerves send lazy messages to the mind saying, an e-book is a lot of words and takes lots of time to write, but that’s not true. Not all e-books need to be millions of words. Social Media Marketer.

You can produce an e-book of 2000-3000 words and give it to your subscribers as a freebie.

To do this you will need to transcribe your video(s) into text. If you have a content repurposing budget, you can pay a transcriber to help you do the job faster. Social Media Marketer.

What tools do I need?

Canva & PDF

Use Canva to create a stunning and professional book cover and then turn your text into a PDF so that your e-book is easily downloadable.

A template

People love templates. They help them get the job done without doing lots of research. You offering your followers a template is both an awesome gift and a great way to repurpose your video content. Social Media Marketer.

Let’s say your video is about how to write a follow-up email, you can create the template of the email so that people just edit it.

What tools do I need?

Word doc: Use a Word document to create a template that can be edited. It works best if you use an example of something that you tried and it worked for you. Social Media Marketer.

Google Drive: Upload the template via Google Drive or attach it as a doc to an email you will send to your subscriber.

Offer something printable

If your video is about a weight loss challenge, for example, you can create a printable calendar of daily exercises or a meal plan and ask your subscribers to pin it to the wall or glue it to their fridge or mirror. Social Media Marketer.

This acts as a great reminder for them not to forget to follow their schedule but it also helps you market yourself.

What tools do I need?

Pablo: Pablo allows you to write over images

Canva: Canva does what Pablo does but also gives you free design templates

Write a blog post

You can’t go wrong with a blog post. Blog posts do a great job of creating traffic and converting readers into subscribers. The good thing about a blog post is that you can insert the video into the blog post as well. This makes it more credible and interesting for the reader. Social Media Marketer.

If you don’t have much time on your hands to write a beautiful blog post, you might want to hire a good writer to do the job for you.

Share the blog post on all social media channels and don’t forget to put it in your emails to your subscribers.

The article was originally published here.


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