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Spiritual Halloween: The Spiritual Significance of Halloween


The Spiritual Significance of Halloween

spiritual significance of halloween

Spiritual Halloween: Halloween, which gets its roots from the pagan festival of Samhain, falls on October 31st when the veil between the world of the living and the world of the dead is believed to be the thinnest.

Samhain is all about celebrating the cycle of death and rebirth. In the northern hemisphere, the leaves are dying and nature is preparing for the still of winter. Just the same, in the southern hemisphere, the dormant buds are preparing to rebirth themselves and open to the start of summer.

Death and rebirth is an important cycle that is seen in nature constantly, and it’s also something that is mirrored within us.

We are always going through our own process of shedding, releasing, and rebirthing ourselves as we travel along the journey of life.

This is a time to honor the “deaths” that we have all experienced throughout the year. It is a time to make peace with all the things we have needed to let go of and to celebrate the cycle of the new.

In pagan times, Samhain was celebrated from October 31st till November 1st, as it was believed on 1/11 spiritual activity was at its highest.

This was due to the rising of the Pleiades, which would reach their highest point in the sky during this time of year in the Northern Hemisphere.

The Pleiades are said to represent the cycles of death and rebirth, and this coincided with the cycle and rhythms of Mother Nature too.

The veil between the living and the dead is also said to be the thinnest due to the Sun’s position in the deep and intuitive sign of Scorpio.

Scorpio energy is all about transformation and honoring the cycles of death and rebirth, but it also rules over the paranormal and our connection to other dimensions and portals.

Another reason that spiritual activity is so high on this night is due to the number code or vibration of the date 111, which we receive when the calendar turns to November 1st.

111 is an angel number of protection, divine intervention, and angelic support. It also indicates that our guardian angels and loved ones are nearby and are sending us a message.

We can also look at the number code of 111 as three pillars, representing this world, the next world, and the state in between.

When we unlock this number code, perhaps we too are able to travel with greater ease between these three states of being.

Even though a portal is unlocked at this time of year, what we now celebrate as Halloween, is really a celebration of Mother Nature and the ever-evolving energies that live around us and through us.

As you know, energy cannot be destroyed instead, it simply shifts from one form to another, and that is exactly what we are called to honor during this sacred time.

In pagan times, important rituals were conducted on Samhain to celebrate death, the gods, and the spirits and to understand the connectedness of all beings and creatures in this Universe.

Halloween is not a night to be feared. It is a time to give just a little extra thought to the fact that we are spiritual beings that never die. Instead, we live in different forms and in different ways. We continually recreate ourselves through the cycles of life.

Whatever “deaths” you have experienced this year, whether it be the death of ideas, loved ones, attitudes, relationships, dreams, and so on, Halloween is the perfect time to honor the shift and to honor the new energy that will now be welcomed into your life.

Halloween is also a great time to celebrate and remember loved ones who have crossed over. You can do this by lighting a candle, leaving out your favorite food, or simply saying a prayer or blessing.

October 31st-November 1st is also a powerful time for strengthening your intuition and connection to the Divine, eternal flame within.

This article was first published here.


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