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Video Games Stores Near Me: Play Video Games After School?

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1 Should Kids Be Allowed To Play Video Games After School?

Should Kids Be Allowed To Play Video Games After School?

Video Games Stores Near Me: For upon |A lot of kids struggle to learn in school because of all the video games they play outside of school.

Some people believe that kids should be able to play lots of video games after school because they like video games and they need a break after a day of learning.

What do you think? Write an essay on whether or not you think kids should be allowed to play video games after school.

The article was originally published here.

Is Playing Video Games Good or Bad for Children?

“You know what’s really exciting about video games is you don’t just interact with the game physically—you’re not just moving your hand on a joystick, but you’re asked to interact with the game psychologically and emotionally as well. You’re not just watching the characters on screen; you’re becoming those characters.” – Nina Huntemann, Game Over. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Video games have become an integral part of popular culture, as well as one of the largest industries in the United States. They are a topic of extensive discussion, especially in the media. For more than a decade now, a vast majority of children in the United States engage in playing video games during childhood. Results of a nationally representative study of U.S. teenagers show us that 99% of boys and 94% of girls play video games. Video Games Stores Near Me.

social activity

Most young kids see video games as a social activity, rather than an isolating one, and they believe video games are a great way to spend time with their peers or even make new friends. While children often don’t see anything wrong with their engagement in video games and like them because they are fun, exciting, and challenging, parents may worry about the potential negative effects they may have. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Some parents may prefer that their children invest their time in other activities out of concern that video games could encourage violence and procrastination, which in turn could lead to neglect of school commitments, and even the development of addiction. In the aftermath of a violent incident or a display of antisocial behavior, the media often links the behavior to video-game use and paints them as the cause, sometimes regardless of any correlation, which is why parents, in turn, focus more attention on the potential dangers of video games rather than their benefits. Video Games Stores Near Me.

media can add fuel to the fire

In this way, media can add fuel to the fire without really tackling the issue, leading parents to forget that games are today a normal part of modern childhood and to start believing their children shouldn’t be playing games at all, which can create conflict between them.

On the flip side, some psychologists suggest that video games can actually have many benefits, especially bearing in mind that “the nature of these games has changed dramatically in the last decade, becoming increasingly complex, diverse, realistic, and social in nature”. So, in order to understand the impact video games have on children’s development, we need to look at both the positive and the negative effects of these games. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Benefits of Video Games

Problem-solving and decision-making skills

Games usually include some puzzles or other problem situations that players need to solve in order to get to the next level. Playing a game such as The Incredible Machine, Machinarium, Angry Birds or Cut the Rope, makes for an excellent workout for children’s minds as they have to use their logic skills and creativity in order to achieve a goal; they have to search, plan, and experiment with different approaches in order to solve puzzles and deal with other problems. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Some scientists believe that video games could be used as training tools to develop quicker decision-making. They showed that video-games players had heightened sensitivity towards their environment and were able to make correct decisions more quickly than people who didn’t play games.

Hand-eye coordination, fine motor, and spatial skills

Some games require the real-world players to keep track of the position of a character, where they are heading, and at what speed, at the same time as they must keep an eye on diverse stimuli. The player has to take into account all these factors and then coordinate the brain’s interpretation with the movement of his hands. Video Games Stores Near Me.

In order to accomplish all of this, the player requires a great deal of eye-hand coordination and the utilization of visual-spatial ability. Research suggests that people who play video games have better visual-spatial attention skills and are more successful in the visual processing of images than non-gamers. Meta-analysis studies show that, by playing video games, spatial skills can be acquired in a relatively short time, and that the results are often comparable to formal training designed to enhance the same skills.

This effect is well-known, as, nowadays, pilots and surgeons are being trained on video games (you can check out the game which is a validated training tool for laparoscopic motor skills, right here).

Multitasking skills

Being able to effectively and quickly switch between two or more tasks is an important skill in life. It’s been suggested that video games may enhance one’s ability to apprehend and track many shifting variables and manage multiple objectives. Some researchers report that children who played video games performed significantly better compared to other children on a version of the multiple-object tracking task. This multitasking ability can especially be seen in strategy games where a player must take care of lots of different buildings and units and can encounter many unexpected surprises, which forces them to be flexible and change tactics quickly and accordingly. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Negative Effects of Video Games on Children

Aggression in Children

It’s a widespread concern that violent video games promote aggression, reduce prosocial behavior, increase impulsivity, and have a negative effect on children’s moods. Parents are afraid that this is yet another form of media, besides TV shows, movies, comics, etc., where children can encounter violence daily and become desensitized to it. By now, much research has been conducted showing that playing violent video games increases aggression in children, leading to a lack of empathy and prosocial behavior. Video Games Stores Near Me.

These studies are usually conducted by having children play an aggressive game (e.g. Grand Theft Auto) and assessing their aggression afterward. On the other hand, there is also a lot of research that provided evidence of video games having only immediate and short-term effects on aggression, or even that they have the opposite effect – they make children less aggressive, and that, in the long term, video games are not promoting or causing aggression in players in their offline lives.

unclear if playing aggressive games really does cause the player to become aggressive

It is still unclear if playing aggressive games really does cause the player to become aggressive. Some would argue that it’s not that games are making people aggressive, it’s just that gamers who already have aggressive tendencies are more attracted to these kinds of games. If you’re a parent and you have a concern that your child is showing aggressive behavior and is unwilling to talk to you about it, you might want to consider talking with a parent with a similar problem or even try to find someone who has expertise in the subject. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Gaming Addiction

There is no doubt that video games can indeed be highly addictive, as they can lead to behavioral dependency characterized by excessive or compulsive use of computers or video games, which can interfere with one’s everyday life.

While it may be controversial, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially recognized “a pattern of persistent or recurrent gaming behavior as a disorder in June 2018. In order for a diagnosis to be assigned, the behavioral pattern should be evident over a period of at least 12 months and should result in significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational, or other areas of functioning. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Gaming Disorder is manifested by:

  1. Impaired control over gaming (e.g., onset, frequency, intensity, duration, termination, context)
  2. Increasing priority is given to gaming to the extent that gaming takes precedence over other life interests and daily activities
  3. Continuation or escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences

On the other hand, the American Psychological Association (APA) concluded that there is not sufficient evidence to determine whether the condition is a unique mental disorder, but they are subjecting gaming to further research (along with caffeine-use disorder and several others).

We can also talk about the consequences that investing too much time in playing games can have on some of the important aspects of children’s lives.

Poor academic performance. This is one of the negative consequences of extended and reckless engagement in video games. As with any activity, if children are devoting a lot of their time to playing video games, their school performance can be affected as they’ll have less time for their school obligations. There’s an obvious correlation between these two. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Adverse effects on health.

Video games also have an indirect effect on physical health, if children are choosing video games over physical activity (here you can read our take on why children should take up sports). Children who are too invested in games can easily skip meals or even sleep in order to play the games they like.

What’s the Verdict? Are Video Games Good or Bad?

Video games are neither good nor bad. Technically, video games are just games with a visual component and can be more social and distracting due to constant availability. They can be used as a powerful teaching and skill-honing tools but can also be over-used and have an overwhelming effect on a child’s life if they frequently get angry and frustrated while playing games. It all comes down to appropriate and moderate use. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Video games are fun and can sometimes enrich a person’s life and create happiness, but they shouldn’t be used as a substitute for living your own life outside a video game.

Young children especially have problems with this line, so parents need to help them by providing understanding, support, and guidance while also imposing rules when necessary. We’ll now take a look at just how parents can help children maximize the benefits of video games while minimizing their potential harm.

Parents as Mediators in Children’s Gaming Life

– Take the time to get to know your children’s habits around video games, but also do the research and know about the content and rating of the video games they play. Try talking with them about their feelings and observations about the games they play in order to understand what drives them to play them.

– Set limits on how long and how often your children can play games, and make sure they do it in their spare time, after finishing their homework or chores around the house. Monitor your child’s video game consumption while also showing respect and a willingness to understand their playing time. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Modern online games often don’t have a pause button, and currently, many popular games are matches played with other people, in real-time. So try talking with your child to set up more appropriate restrictions; for example, it might be more appropriate to make a deal and say “1 game” instead of “30 minutes”.

– Find a game you can play together, as this can be a good bonding activity for the whole family. If they know more about a particular game than you, you can act as their pupil and see how good they are in the role of teacher. Here you can find some games to play with children of different ages. Video Games Stores Near Me.

motivating them to learn through games.

– Try to use video games to increase children’s school engagement by motivating them to learn through games. There is a large number of educational games to choose from which can help with learning, math, history, etc. Having fun while studying makes children persistent and less likely to quit, as some video games are capable of making difficult subjects fun and easy to understand. If you’re unsure about mixing technology and education, you should definitely read our article on this subject. Video Games Stores Near Me.

– If you’re afraid that your child is addicted to playing video games, try to help them recognize their compulsive behavior. Encourage them not to feel guilty or ashamed and be patient with them. If you have trouble communicating how you feel about them excessively playing games, don’t be embarrassed or scared to ask for help. Here at Nobel Coaching & Tutoring, we have amazing Coaches who can help you with this. Video Games Stores Near Me.

The article was originally published here.

Ten reasons why children under the age of 12 should not play violent video games.

Video games are a ubiquitous form of entertainment in today’s children and youth, and while fun and exciting, video games have a dark side that parents, teachers, and clinicians can no longer afford to ignore.

all shooters are gamers

The recent rise in mass killings by gun, knife, and moving vehicles, has wrongly focused on gangs and gun control as a primary intervention. Society would be wise to shift attention toward understanding the underlying components of a mass killer. While there are likely multiple factors contributing to the origins of mass killers, we do know that all shooters are gamers and that gangs use video games to practice the art of shooting. Immersion in a virtual reality of violence has a profound impact on developing brains, highlighting the urgency in looking at what type and how much violent media our children are exposed to, and at what age. Regarding brain and body development, Video Games Stores Near Me.

what children do determines who they become. Children who excessively engage in mindless, fast-paced, violent media content, will have a much different brain and body than a child who plays outside in nature. The new generation of video games contains substantial amounts of increasingly realistic representations of physical and sexualized violence. The mature nature of such games is not suitable for children under the age of eighteen, yet many children I work with are playing violent, mature content as young as age 3. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Managing video game use by children

Managing video game use by children is not easy, but well worth considering with reference to the negative ramifications of gaming overuse on child health and wellness. Three parameters are important to consider in video game management: duration, content, and age of first exposure. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Children who start gaming later in childhood, and who follow expert guidelines for game duration and content (see below), will demonstrate fewer negative effects. Whereas children who play fast-paced, violent video games for long periods, and who start gaming as a young child, will exhibit a greater number of below noted negative effects.

It is advised that children who experience 3 or more of the following escalating conditions should work with their parents, physician, and/or therapist to reduce video game duration, change to non-violent content, and quit violent gaming altogether if < 12 years of age. This is a hard step for most parents to take and an even harder step for parents with children exhibiting adverse effects of video games. Parents cannot continue to look away from these potential or real problems in their children. What we resist, persists; what we look at, disappears. Video Games Stores Near Me.

  1. Physical Harm

When children are gaming their bodies are sedentary and their hearts and brains are overstimulated, causing significant physical harm. Developing bodies crave movement, yet video games entrance and hypnotize the brain into telling the body to sit still, often for very long periods. Psychiatrist Dr. Victoria Dunckley author of “Reset your child’s brain” reports that when children play video games, their sympathetic nervous system responds with a hyperarousal state of “flight or fight” characterized by adrenalin release from adrenal glands and dopamine production in the brain. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Causal factors for video game

We know that sustained high blood pressure and increased heart rate from prolonged gaming increase the risk for heart attack and stroke in later years. A child who plays video games who is also taking stimulant medication for ADHD, or a gaming child who is physically unfit, increases their risk for eventual heart attack and stroke. In over 30 years as a pediatric occupational therapist, I have observed rapid escalation in the prescription of stimulant medications to incredibly unfit children who refuse to participate in PE or outdoor activities. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Causal factors for video game-induced hyperarousal are fast-paced and violent content, bright lights, rewards, multitasking, and interactivity. Long-term high adrenalin stress states can result in chronic adrenal fatigue, implicated in a number of physical illnesses including cancer and autoimmune disorders.

Question: Is your child physically healthy?

To Do: More green time, less screen time. Only allow screens if homework is finished and kids have played outside for at least one hour after school. Get out the bikes; do more family-based activities

  1. Brain Damage

To achieve functional efficiency during brain development, the brain prunes or cuts away neuronal tracks to areas of the brain that are not being used. The frontal lobes of the brain are known for executive functions such as attention, memory, and impulse control which are critical for academic success. Because brains develop in conjunction with stimuli in the surrounding environment, media content in high screen users is key regarding brain pruning.

Exposure to mindful or educational content results in active or constructive learning, which maintains and strengthens neuronal tracks in the frontal lobes. Whereas exposure to mindless or entertainment content such as fast-paced and violent video games constitutes passive or destructive learning which research shows rarely requires the use of frontal lobes, resulting in frontal lobe pruning. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Again, ‘what you do determines who you become. Numerous research studies have documented frontal lobe atrophy in children who game over 4-5 hours per day. While brain development has a degree of plasticity or ability to repair the damage, over half of the brain is hard-wired at age 12, and the majority of the brain is hard-wired at age 20 years. Children have the right to a childhood free from violence. Encouraging outdoor play in nature can heal the neurological damage created by overexposure to violent media content. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Question: Is your child impulsive or has difficulty paying attention?

To Do: Talk with your child’s teacher to see how they are doing academically, and ensure your child is not allowed to game at school.

  1. Sleep Deprivation

The National Sleep Foundation reports that over 60% of children and youth are chronically sleep-deprived. While we know that sleep is essential for brain repair and body health, what the general public doesn’t know is that sleep deprivation increases the incidence of obesity, diabetes, poor academic performance, risk-taking, heart problems (stroke and heart attack), and even cancer. During my classroom-based Tech Talks, 75% of students report they are allowed screens in their bedrooms, and 50% report they use screens when they should be sleeping. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Question: Is your child using screens late or in the middle of the night?

To Do: Prohibit all screen usage one hour prior to bed; book, bath, bed. Do not allow screens in bedrooms or any other area where you can’t monitor content e.g. back seat of a car, or bathroom when you’re not home.

  1. Violence

With the rise in video gaming, prolific research is documenting the concomitant rise in violence and aggression. In 2009 the American Academy of Pediatrics profiled extensive studies showing media violence is causally linked to child aggression, desensitization to violence, nightmares, and fear of being harmed. Early exposure to violent media content has been shown to increase the risk of violent behavior. Video Games Stores Near Me.

The American Academy of Pediatrics published a policy statement Virtual Violence in July 2016 advising pediatricians, parents, industry, and policymakers regarding current video game research and recommendations. Regarding research findings, the Virtual Violence policy states: “Summarizing the results of > 400 studies including violent media of all types, researchers found there was a significant association between exposure to media violence and aggressive behavior, aggressive thoughts, angry feelings, and physiologic arousal. Video Games Stores Near Me.

similar analysis focusing only on video games

Another study performed a similar analysis focusing only on video games. The results, based on 140 such studies, found slightly larger negative effect sizes. Some contend, rightly, that these correlations are in the small to moderate range, but they are stronger than the associations between passive smoking and lung cancer, and many municipalities have banned smoking because of that risk”. APA goes on to recommend that children under the age of 6 years have no exposure to media violence, and first-person shooter games should be restricted from children under the age of 12 years. Video Games Stores Near Me

Question: Has your child threatened to harm you or themselves if video games are restricted?

To-Do: Get your family physician on board to talk with your child about video games and if needed, get a referral for a family counselor or therapist immediately. This is an urgent situation and requires assistance from trained professionals. Check out Common Sense Media’s list of non-violent video games! Video Games Stores Near Me.

  1. Game Transfer Phenomena

Media imagery affects behavior, a fact capitalized on by the advertising industry. Video game imagery is increasingly realistic and highly immersive, even more so with the onset of large screens and virtual reality headsets. Research is now documenting Game Transfer Phenomena, where gamers retain visual imagery and violent behaviors endemic in the game and transfer these to real life.

A study of adult gamers showed 71% visualized video game imagery with eyes closed after gaming; 31% visualized imagery with eyes open. This raises the question of what children experience following video game immersion. The problem with younger children is that they are more impressionable, and what they see on TV or on video games, they act out in real life. Video Games Stores Near Me.

One 9-year-old boy I assessed who spoke incessantly about playing Halo Zombies,

The gamer brain is becoming increasingly problematic in schools where children act out scenes from violent mature video games resulting in acts of sexualized and physical violence toward other students. One 9-year-old boy I assessed who spoke incessantly about playing Halo Zombies, threw a rock at a passing truck breaking the window stating “I thought I saw zombies in it”.

Matthew de Grood, a noted ‘chronic video gamer’, killed five college students stating “I thought they were zombies”. Dr. Andrew Haag testifying psychiatrist in the trial proceedings stated that de Grood “was having delusional symptoms which had a profound impact on how he perceived reality”.

The recent mass shooting in a Saskatchewan school killing 4 students was by a noted ‘loner and video gamer’. Serial killer Dillan Millard reported he played Halo 4 hours per day using Zombie bullets which explode upon entry. ISIS recently created the ARMA III video game to train ISIS recruits. The recent mass shooting in Florida killing 49 people was by an ISIS militant. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Question: Does your child “see or hear” video games when not playing, or act out behaviors endemic in the video game?

To Do: In addressing the recent rise in mass killings, a prevention protocol should include restriction of violent media content for developing brains. Banning video games for children < 12 years is an excellent start toward protecting civilians from that intent on mass killings.

  1. Mental Illness

The Canadian Mental Health Association reports that 1 in 7 children and youth have a diagnosed mental illness.  Douglas Gentile’s 2009 study indicated 1 out of 10 children aged 8-18 years are addicted to technology, with Common Sense Media reporting 50% of youth self-report screen addiction.

Never in the history of humankind have there been child addictions. Difficult and expensive to treat, very soon this will become the job of every health and education professional…treating child and youth screen addictions. Schools wouldn’t give children cocaine or crack, yet they readily hand out equally as damaging and addictive devices to students on a daily basis, unmonitored. I routinely walk behind students in the hallways, Video Games Stores Near Me.

playground, and classrooms and observe social networking, video games, and even pornography. A 14-year old youth I was assessing for aggression toward other children told me he played violent video games “almost all the time”.

Unplug Challenge”

When asked why he hurts other children stated “I get a rush when I hurt others”. While this boy reported he understood there could be a link between violent video game use and aggression, he did not believe that playing video games had any impact on his liking to hurt other children. When asked if he could do the “Unplug Challenge” and not use any screens for 24 hours, he immediately responded with “No way”.

With increasing research showing harmful effects of screens on child and youth mental health, prohibiting violent media content in children under the age of 12 years is urgently needed. Prohibiting personal device usage in school settings makes a strong statement to children and their parents about the need to limit screen usage. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Question: Do you think your child is happy?

To Do: Children want to play with their parents and friends. Put the phone down, pick up your kids, and go do something fun outside…now.

  1. Poor Social Relationships

Children learn social skills from watching and interacting with their parents. If parents rarely communicate with each other or their children, these children fail to learn social skills and go on life strife with communication and behavioral issues. There is a critical period at 6-18 mo. of age for attaining social ability.

Infants who spend too much time in front of screens, and too little time interacting with their parents, have an increased risk of developing autism and oppositional defiance disorder. Parents model functional (or dysfunctional) relationships, which dictate to a large degree how their child will relate to others. Parents who have good relationships with each other, generally understand how to relate to and meet the needs of their children, who in turn pass these social skills onto their siblings and friends. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Children who live in a virtual world for long periods have great difficulty dealing with problems and demands in the real world. Children whose parents overuse screens feel neglected, and consequently, find solace in screens. Hilarie Cash, director of reSTART internet addiction recovery center, states in this video that youth and young adults in her program tell her that

there are a number of steps parents can take to prevent gaming addiction including:

  • Help your child develop alternate interests in video games;
  • Repair your own relationship;
  • Do not expect perfection in your child;
  • Be attune to your child’s needs;
  • Set rules and guidelines for internet usage;
  • Model those rules yourselves.

As social skills are key in establishing a primary relationship with partners, as well as securing jobs upon graduation, children and youth who have social anxiety or are socially phobic will have much greater difficulty experiencing meaningful relationships and finding work.

Question: Does your child have real (not screen-based) friends?

To Do: Prepare and eat dinner together screen-free every night and invite conversation and dialogue with your children, spend at least half a day once per week in screen-free outdoor activity, and spend your family holiday screen-free. One hour per day, one day per week, one week per year screen-free. Video Games Stores Near Me.

  1. Poor Academic Performance

Regarding early exposure to violent media content, Dimitri Christakis’s study on fast-paced, violent cartoons in 2011 exposed 4-year-old children to 9 min. of SpongeBobs, and found significant decreases in memory, concentration, and attention…after only 9 minutes!

Research by Jay Hull in 2015 found that moderate gamers who use less than 4 hours per day of video games show increased risky behaviors (sex, reckless driving, drugs/alcohol, smoking), increased defiance, and decreased executive function (attention, concentration, memory). Heavy gamers who use > 4 hours per day of video games,  have 4-5 times increased incidence of previously noted effects.

While high school dropout rates have steadily declined over the past decade, gamers are at a much higher risk than non-gamers for dropping out of high school and university. The increasing incidence of absenteeism and tardiness of children and youth in schools always has me asking students what they were doing at home, and not surprising to hear they were gaming late into the night. Students who are good at gaming often tell me that school is “boring” or “too hard”, and that they don’t get rewarded for trying to do their work. Video Games Stores Near Me.

42% of 20-29-year-old men are living at home,

Many students I work with outright refuse to do school work, and many teachers are turning to use video games as a reward for produced work at school. We are all aware that high school dropouts have much greater difficulty finding and sustaining jobs, as do video game addicts who again are looking for rewards and achievement in their work that they find favorable in video games. One alarming Canadian statistic is that 42% of 20-29-year-old men are living at home, neither working nor attending school; up from 27% in 1981 and 32% in 1991. What is this potential workforce doing at home, and why are parents allowing it to happen? Video Games Stores Near Me.

Question: Is your child struggling at school?

To Do: Talk with your child’s teacher to see how they are doing academically, and ensure your child is not allowed to game as a reward at school.

  1. Sexual Perversions

42% of children have viewed pornography by age ten. Early exposure to porn is linked to hypersexualized behaviors including early entry into sex, sexting (sending sexualized messages and photos), high-risk sex, and sexual violence. What studies fail to include in their data is that all video games rated Mature contain graphic sexual content and sexualized violence.

One of the major “enhancements” in Grand Theft Auto 5 is that the player can not only rape and kill women, but they’ve now added torture scenes. It is imperative that parents investigate and continuously monitor what their child is watching/playing on their device. Children are curious about sex, and while it’s natural to ask questions and want to know more about sex, there is nothing natural about what children are readily viewing on the internet. Video Games Stores Near Me.

The dark web is now easily accessible and contains slasher videos and extremely violent porn. In 2017 the UK reported a rise of 71% of sexual assaults by children on children over the past 4 years which they attributed to internet porn.  Utah was the first state to declare pornography is a public health crisis. Again, what children watch is who they become.

Question: Have you asked your child if they are using porn?

To Do: Watch what video games your child is using or ask them and lookup ratings on Common Sense Media; remove access to all sexualized content. 

  1. Mass Killings

Some (but not many) parents I talk to who have children with problematic gaming issues, tell me their child has threatened the parent or themselves with harm should they proceed with video game restrictions. When a child threatens harm to themselves or others, they are clearly in trouble and not in control of themselves or their actions. If a parent feels threatened when trying to implement video game restrictions, then it is imperative they seek assistance from a medical professional e.g. physician, psychiatrist, or psychologist. Video Games Stores Near Me

While most shooters are gamers (14 mass murders are linked to violent video games), this does not mean most gamers will become shooters. What parents, teachers, clinicians, and government can do to prevent mass killers is stop letting children under the age of 12 be exposed to violent media content.

Student education regarding the impact of violent media content by trained teachers in schools is paramount, as is parent education by counselors and clinicians (RNs, Dr., therapists, psychologists). Government should legislate the video game industry to include clear warnings on all video games referencing harmful effects of video games on children. Parents spending more time with their children and less time on screens will improve child mental health and lessen problematic behaviors and acts of violence. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Question: Are you scared of your child?

To Do: Have your child urgently assessed by a medical professional e.g. physician, psychiatrist, or psychologist. Engage in more healthy activities as a family. Listen to your child’s concerns and stories, don’t talk and lecture.

This article was written by Cris Rowan, pediatric occupational therapist, biologist, international speaker, and advocate for children. Cris can be reached at 

Additional Information 

Zone in Website profiles programs, workshops/webinars, training, and consultation services.
Zone’in Research Fact Sheet 300 research references the detrimental impact of technology on children.
Technology Impact Educational Videos on physical, mental, social, and cognitive domains.
Cris Rowan Videos on EdTech, Critical Factors for Growth/Success, Balanced Technology Management.
Child Development Series Newsletter monthly free newsletter with collated research and news.
Moving to Learn Blog research referenced articles by Cris Rowan with over 1000 hits per day.
Virtual Child Book is available on Amazon in English, Chinese and Spanish versions.
Ten reasons to ban handheld devices for children under 12 years of age Huffington Post 2.6 million likes.
Suffer the Children – 4 min. slideshow profiles problems associated with tech overuse by children.
Balanced Technology Management – 7 min. slideshow profiles solutions in six sectors: parents, educators, health professionals, government, researchers, and technology corporations. Video Games Stores Near Me

Support Programs

Tech Tool Kit manual of tools and strategies for families to balance technology with healthy activity.
Unplug’in Game board game to build skills and confidence in activities alternate to technology.
Tech Talks for Families webinar series; 10 sessions/10 weeks/10 hours. Includes Tech Tool Kit.
Tech Talks for Therapists and Teachers webinar series; 5 sessions/5 hours. Includes Tech Tool Kit.
Consultation Services for parents, teachers, health professionals, government, researchers, and technology production corporations. Video Games Stores Near Me.

I have to agree somewhat it can cause all that stuff it can happen but it depends on the parents and the time they start and if you let it get out of hand but I started playing halo when I was about six and have been playing shooters all my life and I’m not violent and I have good grades

All shooters are gamers?

Correction, MOST of the population plays video games now- especially the younger generations. It’s entertainment- it’s escapism. Maybe instead of attacking a hobby, you should consider why they feel the need to escape from reality. Ex: abusive home life, bullying, etc.

If mass shootings were “a gamer thing” why are these atrocities happening at schools and not video game conventions? Why are schools and the gov not enforcing “no bullying” laws? I remember being on the bus, while being harassed all day, seeing the poster that talked about bullying being illegal. Video Games Stores Near Me.

But of course, evidently, everyone’s just a wimp these days. So instead of helping them society just makes excuses because all the older folks think because they’re good at repressing emotions and being an asshole to everyone who triggers their many insecurities- that kids should just “put up with it” and toughen up.

she’s a gamer too- does that mean she’ll shoot someone???

I’ve watched my younger sister go through multiple accounts of pretty horrendous bullying, she’s a gamer too- does that mean she’ll shoot someone??? No. But she might shoot herself. Suicide is a serious issue for teens. Maybe you should focus on something like child suicide rates and shit parents and stop demonizing things that make their lives livable.

While I agree that kids underaged shouldn’t play mature-rated games I’ve yet to meet anyone in the gaming community that agree with violence and prefer to keep it on screen. Many of us are artists, scientists, historians- boiling us down into such a blatant generalization is grossly offensive. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Stop using scare tactics and biased information to scare parents into ripping the controller out of their kids’ hands. You’re simplifying a very complicated problem and think that the solution is simple. It’s not. It’s as complex as the human mind- every individual is different. 1. We all feel the call of the void. 2. We are all genetically unique.

We all go through different lives

3. We all go through different lives. So, in conclusion, it is foolish to blame one aspect of these individuals as the sole reason for their behavior. Gaming provides an avenue for the community- something most shooters don’t have, having isolated themselves, becoming lost in delusions. Which, by the way, you can develop delusions without ever even turning on a console. Crazy. I know.

Hello, I am a Fellow teenager and I have to somewhat agree with the relationship part of it. I recently started High School and I have fallen in love with Fornite Chapter 2 and it’s great. I have won about 30 games with my friends and we all have so much fun playing. The point I’m getting at is that people can change so much.

I have agreed that video games can be very addicting but once you enter the Homework world it is a whole new responsibility to keep up with. Last year I was that poor, cold, shy kid but now I have about 10 new friends and I’ve grown up with them since 2nd grade. So give your son/daughter a chance and let them have fun and maybe that could be the spark they needed this whole time! Video Games Stores Near Me.

All shooters are gamers

“All shooters are gamers” This is a very deadly comment for which people will generate an idea of gamers and shooters are the same people, there is no actual evidence of proving a long term effect on people playing violent games but unfortunate incidents for people to directly blame on them (May the victims rest in peace) I would be very happy for people to counter my opinions with reasonable evidence and claim of course, as in this will help me in my high school study and prepare myself for college. I myself am a gamer. Video Games Stores Near Me.

The very definition of violent is: using or involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.

Yet many people say, “oh it’s ok for them to play it’s not real”
So, they’re still playing, and obviously, there is a negative outcome.
Kids talking about shooting and killing is not appropriate and I agree that they shouldn’t be played with, at least by teens and kids.

Adults can make their own decision on how they want to spend their life playing shooting and killing games, that’s up to them. But if I have learned anything from history is that war, fighting, hurting, violence, all needs to end.
And it’s not gonna happen any time soon with these games.

Parenting, Media, and Everything In Between

Video Games You Can Say Yes to After School

Kids can learn all kinds of things, from social studies to social skills, with these great apps and games. By Jeff Haynes

It’s a modern-day dilemma: Do you ban gaming during the school week in hopes it will encourage more studying? Or do you use games as a reward for finishing homework but risk kids doing a rushed job?

Research on the positive effects video games have on players’ brains may make those questions moot. In fact, all that decision-making, logical thinking, and strategizing kids do while they’re playing may not be wasted on enemies in Fortnite. Spatial reasoning, for example, is strengthened by playing games that emphasize building — a lift that’s especially good for girls interested in STEM careers. Video Games Stores Near Me.

boost cognitive abilities

Action games can boost cognitive abilities including perception, attention, and reaction time. And some games can condition the brain for all kinds of learning — sort of like how football players take ballet to improve their coordination.

So, how do you find the kinds of games that encourage the type of thinking that pays off? Look for games that include planning ahead, experimentation, problem-solving, and creativity.

These games might not have the same appeal as Fortnite or Far Cry 5 (which can also serve up brain benefits) but might be the middle ground you and your kids can agree on for school nights.

Of course, it’s still a good idea to make sure video games are balanced with plenty of offline brain-building activities and exercise. And taking an active interest in your kids’ games and other media is another surefire way to boost learning. Check out these great games that you can “yes” to after school — or anytime. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Math Blaster Online, 7+

Do your kids need help with equations? Math Blaster Online gives them plenty of practice as they join the Blaster Academy to save the universe using their math skills. It also lets your kid’s team up with other players to solve problems together in a safe, socially positive online environment.

Art Academy, 8+
Art Academy is more than a video game — it’s a fun art tutorial. The game walks you through the basics of drawing, shading, and other skills so you can apply them to real-life creations.

Lifeboat to Mars, 8+
Young scientists can experiment with creating a brand-new ecosystem on Mars to help support terrestrial life on Earth. Players can choose to work on microbes or on animal and plant missions to accomplish the task of terraforming the red planet. Even cooler, once they’ve finished a few missions, players can design their own missions for other players to try. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Minecraft, 8+
Minecraft can reinforce geometry concepts as it strengthens players’ thinking and reasoning skills, creativity, and even collaboration. The game has a strong, positive online community and even has an educational module teacher can modify for classroom lessons on different subjects.

Oregon Trail, 9+

Oregon Trail has been teaching and entertaining kids for more than 40 years. The game continues to innovate through digital versions that provide realistic storylines and context. Players take on the role of a wagon leader directing settlers from Missouri to Oregon in 1800s America while dealing with issues such as disease, food, and weather.

GarageBand, 10+
GarageBand has exactly what fledgling musicians need to take their music to the next level. Kids can record vocals and instruments and mix tracks to create — and share — new songs while learning essential audio-engineering and composition skills. It’s like having a professional recording studio in the palm of your hand. Video Games Stores Near Me.

The Political Machine 2016, 10+
While The Political Machine 2016 may be focused on the main political players of the 2016 presidential race, the hot-button topics that candidates have to address are no less important today than they were then. Whether you’re addressing issues like gun control, immigration, or global warming, players will have to figure out ways of swaying public opinion to their viewpoints, raise funds, and hopefully conduct a successful campaign.

SMART Adventures Mission Math 2: Peril at the Pyramids, 10+

Peril at the Pyramids is a story-based math app, where kids test their math knowledge to solve a mystery of disappearing artifacts at an archeological site. The app provides an engaging setting for players to use their logic skills as they solve engineering, science, and technology problems, as well as play mini-games that reinforce math concepts.

Walden, A Game, 10+
It’s not often that students get a chance to explore a celebrated work of American literature in a video game, but Walden, A Game puts you directly in the shoes of Henry David Thoreau as he explores the wilderness around Walden Pond back in 1845. The game highlights many of the themes of the novel, including the simplification of your life, the importance of self-reliance, and the impact of nature. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Sid Meier’s Civilization VI, 11+

With more than 20 cultures from around the world, Civilization VI is an ideal supplement to history class. Players lead a civilization from the Stone Age to the stars, using a variety of political, scientific, or military goals to accomplish their ends. Players can also find new religions, spy on rival countries, and explore various governmental systems through their country’s development as they try to become the most important society in the world.

Spore, 11+
Can you design and develop the perfect creature? Spore lets you develop a species from its microscopic origins to an intelligent, social alien life form that can venture into space and interact with other sentient life forms. This is a great way for your young scientist to explore the methods and ideas behind biology. Video Games Stores Near Me.

The article was originally published here.

Should Children Be Allowed To Play Video Games?

There are several ways children can learn and grow and there are an equally large amount of ways to facilitate this growth.

Knowledge and growth can be gained through the telling of stories, listening to music, viewing beautiful artwork, and simply through playing and having fun.

Throughout history, many media sources such as books, video, and the Internet has been utilized to provide these types of learning experiences. Today each of these media outlets has been noted for their ability to share knowledge and inspire but what about one of today’s newest and most controversial forms of media.

With its growing popularity and the discoveries of both positive and negative effects this new form of media called “video games” has led more and more people to start asking the question.

“Should children be allowed to play video games?”

Before I proceed, allow me to share a story. This story tells the learning experiences and discoveries of a young child. Imagine a child who seldom leaves his home outside attending school. He was seldom allowed to play with other children outside of school and as a result, had little interest in playing outside. Video Games Stores Near Me.

As a result, the child turned to books and video as a source of knowledge and growth. This proved to teach the child a great many things but as he grew older he became less interested in watching educational programs and reading books and no longer gained any inspiration from them.

However, the child eventually received a new way to learn and grow. Through this, the child experienced fascinating stories, heard various types of interesting music, saw beautiful environments, and could even be or interact with the heroes in the stories.

Through these experiences, the child gained knowledge of historical facts, an interest in music, a renewed appreciation for storytelling, an interest in various subject areas, and so much more. One may now ask “what was the source of this”. The answer to this question is quite simple: video games.

believe that this quote describes the views of many parents: “for many parents

When most people think of video games they see little use for them besides being a source of entertainment or as a waste of time. I believe that this quote describes the views of many parents: “for many parents, the mere mention of video games conjures visions of kids’ little brains turning to mush from staring at a screen all day” (Landau, 2006).

Although it is true that there are negative effects associated with playing video games, with proper guidance there is so much that can be gained from the positive effects of playing video games. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Before divulging into either side I think that it would be best to first discuss both the possible positive and negative effects on children from playing video games. There are several negative effects of playing video games.

Much of the negative effects of playing video games result from excessive amounts of use. Effects occurring as a result of excessive use include an increased chance of obesity, a weakening of the body, and a decline in social abilities.

possible negative effects that are still undergoing research

There are also a few possible negative effects that are still undergoing research. First, is a possibility of increased aggression as a result of playing highly violent video games. The “General Aggression Model (GAM) tries to explain the development of aggression and individual differences in susceptibility to violent video games” (Kooijmans, 2004). A paper is written by Thomas A. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Kooijmans of the Rochester Institute of Technology states that “GAM helped how complicated an issue the relationship between aggression and violent video games is. Gentile et al. (2004) claim those possessing more hostile factors are at greater risk for becoming more aggressive from playing violent video games,

while those possessing less hostile factors see little effect on their aggression” (Kooijmans, 2004). Researchers have found evidence that suggests a link between highly violent video games and increased aggression is possible but more research is needed to confirm this information. Video Games Stores Near Me.

The second, negative effect still under research is a possibility of an addiction to playing video games. Like the previous effect, no conclusive evidence has yet been found.

Benefits of playing video games

When viewing the positive effects of playing video games one may be pleasantly surprised at the results.

Benefits of playing video games include an “increase in problem-solving skills, the ability to perceive and recall subtle cues, foresee consequences of actions and act on past consequences, a manner of releasing or controlling aggression, a means of dealing with success and failure, and an opportunity to improve the spirit of cooperation” (Gardner, 1991). Other benefits of playing video games include improved reading, math, map reading, hand-eye coordination, and social skills. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Of course please note that effects can depend on the game being played. There are more benefits as well as some specific health and mental health benefits but this should provide an ample amount of information to gain a proper perspective.

There are many who are opposed to children playing video games and would rather see video games eliminated. Granted their arguments are not completely without reason and they do contain are a few strong points.

The most notable is that some video games contain extreme portrayals of violence, and inappropriate material, and may cause an increase in aggression. Examples of this can be seen in games such as Mortal Kombat and the highly controversial Man Hunt.

Man Hunt unsuitable for everyone

Admittedly these games are definitely not suited for children and possibly in the case of Man Hunt unsuitable for everyone. Two other notable arguments include an increased chance of obesity and a possibility of developing and becoming addicted.

As stated prior evidence exists that suggests both effects are possible however more research is required before confirming this information. The argument about obesity can be considered sound since most video games involve little to no movement.

Another notable argument would be that video games can cause a decline in academic performance. This is a valid concern since academic performance can be important to a child’s future. There are of course other arguments why children should not play video games. One being video games can result in a decrease in social skills. Video Games Stores Near Me.

These are valid concerns however each argument possesses its limitations. Limits on the suggested link between violent video games and increased aggression include a lack of conclusive evidence and hard facts that confirm there actually is a link.

This can be confirmed through a 2008 study in which results found little to no correlation between virtual violence affecting aggressive behavior in real life (Ferguson & Kilburn, 2008). Similarly, a major limitation of the addiction argument is that there is no conclusive evidence or hard facts confirming there actually is a link.

A limit of the obesity argument

A limit of the obesity argument is that it is based solely on playing video games excessively. Another limit would be the increasing amount of video games being made that require a degree of physical activity. This somewhat disarms the argument because being physically active decreases the chances of obesity.

There are multiple limitations to the argument of video games cause a decline in academic performance. One is that the argument is mainly based on playing video games excessively.

This is because doing anything but schoolwork excessively can cause declines in academic performance. Another limitation is that video games have been proven to increase the knowledge and cognitive ability of children.

One example of this is that by playing video games containing large amounts of text children can actually improve their reading abilities. One limit regarding the argument of video games causes declines in social skills is that many video games involve playing and interacting with other people virtually. Video Games Stores Near Me.

children can even play video games

Also, children can even play video games in the same room as friends or family members. Because of this playing video games can actually encourage social interaction between players. Among opposing views one common limit would be that they are often biased against video games, what’s more, “video games are often used as scapegoats for concerns also associated with other media such as television or films” (“BBC News,” 2005).

Clearly, there are reasons children should not play video games however there are also many more reasons children should play video games. One reason being video games can aid in a child’s development.

For example “Younger children can play early literacy games where pattern, shape, and sequencing are key elements” and as a result “children can learn in a group while laughing together to a game that highlights core pre-literacy skills” (Borawski et al.,2009, p. 49).

Even older children can play games such as “Nintendo’s Endless Ocean, which aligns with AASL’s Standards for the 21st Century Learner in all four areas” (Borawski et al., 2009, p. 49). Another reason that children should play video games would be that video games contain many creative elements which in turn can inspire creativity. Video Games Stores Near Me.

“video games with strong storylines can feature major plot twists

For example “video games with strong storylines can feature major plot twists, deep character development, and dramatic climaxes” (Hutchison, 2007, p. 217). I am certain that people would doubt this but there are many video games featuring strong storylines as well as entertaining gameplay and can be found for children of all ages.

For example, younger children may enjoy the adventures of Mario in Super Mario RPG whereas adolescents may enjoy the storylines of Namco’s Tales of Symphonia or Nintendo’s Fire Emblem Path of Radiance. Video games also feature beautiful artwork and well-composed music. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Parents may also enjoy that video games feature many styles of music ranging from classical to rock and they need not about worry their children hearing the offensive lyrics contained in some of today’s popular music.

Two other reasons children should play video games are that they can increase problem-solving skills and increase hand-eye coordination.

Nintendo’s Legend of Zelda series or games featuring

Problem-solving skills can improve by playing video games featuring complex puzzles such as Nintendo’s Legend of Zelda series or games featuring much planning and strategy like the Civilization series or the Fire Emblem series.

Strategy-type games can also teach players planning and organizational skills by giving tasks like managing various resources and units while trying to clear each level or map. Mitch Wade co-author of Got Game states that “from surveying professionals who grew up playing video games we saw that the button-pushing wasn’t important but the problem-solving and they’re better at things you need in business” (Lewis, 2005).

Playing shooting-type games can improve hand-eye coordination. Admittedly many shooting games like the popular Halo series are not suitable for children and adolescents however shooting games such as the Star Fox series are much more suited for adolescents. Video Games Stores Near Me.

benefits of video games

Other benefits of video games include “getting unmotivated students interested in subjects like history and can help gifted students apply critical-thinking and other higher-level skills to subjects they already know” (Shreve, 2011). Because video games combine aspects of several types of media such as books, art, and movies all of these benefits become possible. Video Games Stores Near Me.

Now that both arguments have been shown one question that parents may ask is “Is there anything to help guide me as I determine which games are right for my children”.

Fortunately for parents like other forms of media video games also have a rating system.

In the United States, the rating system used is the system set by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB). ESRB or “The Entertainment Software Rating Board is a non-profit, self-regulatory body established in 1994 and video game content ratings, enforces advertising guidelines and helps ensure responsible online privacy practices”

Another important tool for parents to help regulate which games their children may play would be parental controls.

Parental controls can be found on each of today’s major video game consoles and allow parents to “select the maximum ESRB rating level you deem appropriate for their children” (ESRB) as well as prevent access to other features. This is usually done through the setting of a four-digit password. Through the use of parental controls and rating systems, parents can help ensure proper use of video games as well as further ensure that video gameplay remains to be a beneficial experience for their children.

Overall video games contain positive and negative effects and although research has been done on both, there is still much more needed to be done. However, the biggest obstacle in understanding the beneficial effects of video games is both a lack of understanding and common misconceptions. Video Games Stores Near Me.

As a result with the proper research and an open mind video games can be seen in a whole new light. In conclusion, I believe that children should be allowed to play video games because despite the negative effects of playing video games with proper use the positive effects of playing video games can have rewarding effects for everyone.

The article was originally published here.

Can Playing Video Games Be Good for Kids?

    Some games might improve kids’ hand-eye coordination and problem-solving skills. Video games that require kids to actually move or manipulate the game through their own physical movement can even get sedentary kids moving — but not as much as if they actually played outside or participated in sports. Other games don’t have such benefits, and violent video games have been shown to increase kids’ aggressive behavior.

    Like a lot of aspects of raising kids, when it comes to video games, the healthiest approach is moderation.

    For kids and teens 5 to 18 years, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that parents place consistent limits on time spent using any media. This includes playing video games on gaming consoles, tablets, or smartphones. Using media should not take the place of getting enough sleep or being physically active. So consider setting limits to keep game-playing from interfering with schoolwork, household chores, and the physical activity your son needs every day. Video Games Stores Near Me.

    Also, make sure that your son is playing games suitable for his age group. All video games are rated and labeled by the Entertainment Software Rating Board. Steer clear of any rated “M” for “mature.” Those are for ages 17 and older, and can contain heavy-duty violence, strong language, and sexual content.

    Keep the video game console in a common area of the house, not your son’s room. That way you can catch any inappropriate content in the games he’s playing, and he’ll be in a position to interact with others in the house while he’s playing. Also, pay attention to time spent playing games on smartphones and tablets. Video Games Stores Near Me.

    Make sure your son has other appealing choices: sports, activities, chances to socialize with friends, and downtime to be creative. If you continue to have concerns about his video game activity, talk with your doctor.

    The article was originally published here.

    How long should children be allowed to play video games?

     A new study indicates that playing video games for a limited amount of time each week may provide benefits to children, but too much can be detrimental.

    A new study indicates that playing video games for a limited amount of time each week may provide benefits to children, but too much can be detrimental. The findings are published in the Annals of Neurology.

    There’s much debate over the potential benefits and risks of video gaming in children and teens. To provide some clarity, Jesus Pujol, MD, of the Hospital del Mar in Spain, and his colleagues investigated the relationship between weekly video game use and certain cognitive abilities and conduct-related problems. Video Games Stores Near Me.

    In their study of 2442 children aged 7 to 11 years, the researchers found that playing video games for one hour per week was associated with better motor skills and higher school achievement scores, but no further benefits were observed in children playing more than two hours each week.

    The team also found that weekly time spent gaming was steadily linked with conduct problems, peer conflicts, and reduced social abilities, with such negative effects being especially prominent in children who played nine or more hours of video games each week.

    “Video gaming per se is neither good nor bad, but its level of use makes it so,” said Dr. Pujol.

    When the investigators looked at magnetic resonance imaging scans of the brains of a subgroup of children in the study, they noted that gaming was linked with changes in basal ganglia white matter and functional connectivity. “Gaming use was associated with better function in brain circuits critical for learning based on the acquisition of new skills through practice,” Dr. Pujol explained. “Children traditionally acquire motor skills through action, for instance in relation to sports and outdoor games. Neuroimaging research now suggests that training with desktop virtual environments is also capable of modulating brain systems that support motor skill learning.” Video Games Stores Near Me.

    Story Source:

    Materials provided by Wiley. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

    Journal Reference:

    1. Jesus Pujol, Raquel Fenoll, Joan Forns, Ben J. Harrison, Gerard Martínez-Vilavella, Dídac Macià, Mar Alvarez-Pedrerol, Laura Blanco-Hinojo, Sofía González-Ortiz, Joan Deus, Jordi Sunyer. Video gaming in school children: How much is enough? Annals of Neurology, 2016; 80 (3): 424 DOI: 10.1002/ana.24745

    The article was originally published here.

    Why You Should Let Your Kids Play More Video Games:

    Father and son sitting on couch using controllers to play a video game

    Much like television, the topic of whether video games are good for your child or not has been discussed and debated for many years. Kids will always be drawn to video games, just as they used to play jacks and marbles for fun, today’s modern child is acclimated to all things digital.

    Personally, having grown up with a father in the military and a mother who was working around the clock, I needed ways to entertain myself. Since I liked having a creative outlet, I was drawn to drawing, reading, and, eventually, playing video games. Video Games Stores Near Me.

    By playing video games, I would become the fearless hero, going on adventures, taking on challenges, and eventually defeating the mighty video game boss (or villain). To a child, this sounds amazing, but to some parents, this aspect still raises some eyebrows.

    What’s So Bad About Video Games Anyway?

    It makes sense to worry about any behavior that could seem addictive or isolating – video games included. Many parents have concerns about their children spending too much time indoors, eyes glued to a TV screen. Some common concerns that make parents concerned about video games are:

    Parents worry about the potential dangers of their kids becoming overly immersed in playing games, with concern that their children may be living too much of their lives in the 3D and virtual worlds.

    Age Appropriateness
    Is the content appropriate for their child’s age group? Like movies or music, if the game contains violence, parents are concerned that their child may be exposed to inappropriate language or behavior. Video Games Stores Near Me.

    Safety & Health
    Parents are concerned that their children might become couch potatoes and won’t get enough exercise. Anti-social concerns are also linked to this as well.

    How Can Parents Know What’s Safe?

    Many of these concerns can be monitored and regulated at the parent’s discretion. Did you know that there is a rating system for video games? You can consult the rating guide, courtesy of the Entertainment Software Ratings Board below.

    Content is intended for young children.

    Content is generally suitable for all ages. May contain minimal cartoon, fantasy, or mild violence and/or infrequent use of mild language.

    EVERYONE 10+
    Content is generally suitable for ages 10 and up. May contain more cartoon, fantasy or mild violence, mild language, and/or minimal suggestive themes.

    Content is generally suitable for ages 13 and up. May contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling, and/or infrequent use of strong language.

    Content is generally suitable for ages 17 and up. May contain intense violence, blood, gore, sexual content, and/or strong language.

    Content suitable only for adults ages 18 and up. May include prolonged scenes of intense violence, graphic sexual content, and/or gambling with real currency.

    Not yet assigned a final ESRB rating. Appears only in advertising, marketing, and promotional materials related to a physical (boxed) video game that is expected to carry an ESRB rating, and should be replaced by a game’s rating once it has been assigned. Video Games Stores Near Me.

    3 Surprising Benefits of Video Games

    Have you ever heard the terms video games and beneficial in the same sentence? Probably not. Usually, when people think about video games they picture players as mindless zombies, but there are some surprising benefits you may not be aware of.

    Enhances Creativity

    Messy table full of art supplies and child making a smiling face on paper

    Today’s games offer more substance with more challenging concepts, strategies, and advanced graphics than what I played as a kid. Minecraft: Pocket Edition, for example, is a wildly popular game that encourages kids to explore their creativity through a video game interface while still having fun. According to CNBC, there are over 998,000 kids and adults playing Minecraft, where players can create their own virtual universe using building blocks. Video Games Stores Near Me.

    CNBC reports, “Parents and educators alike have discovered that this game is more than just a mindless activity that possesses kids. It is actually an innovative educational tool that inspires, educates, and builds 21st-century skills that help children in school and in their future professions—especially in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and math), where interest is lagging.

    According to research by Michigan State University Scholars, a study of nearly 500 12-year-olds found that “the more kids played video games, the more creative they were in tasks such as drawing pictures and writing stories.

    As I grow older, I see exactly how much imagination is tied to my own creativity – and how I’ve been able to nurture and grow my creative talents. Playing video games actually allowed me to think outside the box. Because of the exposure, I had to role-playing, problem-solving, and logic games growing up, my overall cognitive skills improved. Self-expression is the key here, and by letting it flourish, your children can benefit – regardless of the outlet they choose. Video Games Stores Near Me.

    Helps the Brain with Processing Speeds and Memorization:

    Chalk drawing on pavement of human head and brain

    By playing video games, you are constantly challenged and pushed to reach new levels – each one more difficult than the last. As a player, if you fail to adapt to the new level or increase your skillset, you won’t be able to finish the game. Therefore, you’re always striving to improve. This very concept encourages kids to think critically, assess situations, develop pattern recognition and make informed decisions. Video Games Stores Near Me.

    Because of my own honed video game skills, whenever I took tests at school, I immediately looked for patterns to help me think through problems and used my memory recall skills to help me memorize key points in-class lectures.

    A study by The University of California, Irvine (UCI) supports this, as they explain the connection between that 3D video games and the brain.

    Craig Stark for UCI’s Center for Neurobiology of Learning & Memory, explains how “Video games are not created with specific cognitive processes in mind but rather are designed to immerse users in the characters and adventure. They draw on many cognitive processes, including visual, spatial, emotional, motivational, attentional, critical thinking, problem-solving and working memory.”

    Allowing your children to play video games enhances their memorization and problem-solving skills and remember – the more immersive a video game is, the more potential your child will have to learn.

    Increases Social Behavior

    Hands of multiple people using controllers to play video games

    Video games are surprisingly social these days.

    When I was a kid, gaming was more of a solitary pastime, since interactivity was limited without an online connection. Now, kids all over the world can play video games with each other; friends can share replays of their best video game moments on Twitch or YouTube and a world of social connections are available within community chats built into many games. Video Games Stores Near Me.

    Gaming isn’t just limited to playing in the same room anymore, kids can also group up and play online with one another. Online multiplayer games give kids a chance to participate, and sometimes even lead, a diverse group or team – enhancing their leadership, coaching, and teamwork skills. All of which strike bonds with other players and make the experience that much more social. Video Games Stores Near Me.

    As GeekWired explains in an article about the subject, “Playing video games is today, even more so than in the past two decades, highly social activity for most children as the vast majority of children play their video games with a friend… Some games explicitly reward effective cooperation, supporting and helping behavior.”

    Video Games Can Be Beneficial – in Moderation

    There are many reasons why video games can be a benefit for your child – and reasons why you may not be comfortable handing over the XBOX to them, too. Moderation is a good thing.

    As with any digital consumption, it’s important to limit screen time for kids. Talk to them about how much time they currently spend playing games – whether it’s through a game console, smartphone, or tablet.

    97% of teens in the U.S. play video games – and the business is continuing to boom as digital natives grow up with technology in every part of their lives.

    Video games aren’t going away anytime soon either, so the best way to deal with them is to stay informed. The more you know, the happier you and your kids will be. Below is a great starting checklist to help.

    • Check the ratings of all games your child plays
    • Set limits to how often & how long your child can play
    • Keep video game equipment in shared spaces
    • Enable parental controls for game consoles (see our article on How to Set Parental Controls for Nintendo Switch)
    • Stay up-to-date with the newest video game consoles and see what is the best game console for kids

    When in doubt, trust your gut. You know best what is suitable for your kids and what fits in with your own house rules, but just remember that video games are not the enemy… the video game villain is!

    The article was originally published here.

    Children and video games: a parent’s guide

    Pro tips on which games your child should play, how long they should play for, how to limit screen time – and what to do if their friend plays violent games

    Games can bring your children together and amuse them for days – but then you somehow have to get them to stop. Photograph: Finnbarr Webster / Alamy/Alamy

    For me, parenting often feels like endlessly having to say no. 1No, we can’t have Kinder Eggs for breakfast. 2No, we can’t buy a horse. 3.No, it doesn’t matter that you only met her once, you still can’t wear swimming trunks to Auntie Ethel’s funeral. Although that last one was my husband. Video Games Stores Near Me.

    Now my eldest son is six and has discovered video games, there’s a new no to add to the list: no, we can’t sit around playing Crash Bandicoot in our pants all day. Even though this is basically how I spent the whole of the 90s, and it’s what I’d be doing now if I didn’t have two small children.

    I do manage to get some gaming in, thanks largely to the fact that it’s part of my job. I write about games for a living, and also appear as the games expert on the TV show Dara O Briain’s Go 8 Bit. So I can tell you all sorts of fun facts about when Space Invaders was invented and why Mario has a mustache.


    I’m less confident when it comes to parenting – I may be able to speed-run the first level of Sonic the Hedgehog in under 45 seconds, but I have yet to get a small child to put his shoes on in less than 25 minutes. Nevertheless, other parents often ask me about managing their kids’ gaming. It’s the question I most hear at the school gates, apart from, “Didn’t you know it’s World Book Day?” and, “Is that wine on your trousers?” So for what it’s worth, here are my top tips. Video Games Stores Near Me.

    ‘What games should my child be playing?

    Like films, all video games carry age ratings, and it’s worth paying attention to these. If you wouldn’t let your child watch an 18-rated film, they shouldn’t be playing an 18-rated game. Fortunately, it’s a myth that all games are about shooting stuff. There are 18,000 titles on Amazon with an age rating of 3+. Some of them are even good.

    What would I recommend? Well, you might want to look out for games that encourage kids to create, such as Minecraft, LittleBigPlanet, Lego Worlds, or Super Mario Maker. They get to use their imaginations, and you get to feel slightly less guilty that they’re not playing the violin and learning fractions. If you have a tablet, Toca Boca makes beautiful, interesting games for young children that won’t have you crying with boredom within 30 seconds. Video Games Stores Near Me.

    Super Mario Maker is great for teaching your children about art and game design, and you can build and test levels together. Photograph: PR Company Handout

    PRO TIP: If you’re a lapsed gamer, consider introducing your child to some of your old favorites – that way you can have a nostalgic chat, and also beat them. These days there are swish remakes of classics like Ratchet & Clank and Crash Bandicoot, plus new installments in fondly remembered series such as Legend of Zelda and Mario Kart. Don’t bother with the original games; they’re all horribly difficult and look like they’re made of Ceefax. Video Games Stores Near Me.

    Alternatively, try and find kid-friendly versions of the games you enjoy playing anyway. If you love Grand Theft Auto, try Lego City Undercover; if you’re a fan of Doom, introduce your kids to Splatoon. This way they may be able to turn pro by the time they’re 13, guaranteeing you a handsome retirement fund.

    ‘How long should my child play for?

    Ideally, my kids would spend their day’s building rafts out of foraged driftwood and catching trout while laughing gaily in the sunshine. Unfortunately, we live in the real world. Catford, to be specific. Also, they hate that stuff.

    I do make sure they spend time outdoors and enjoy other good things like reading books, attending music lessons, and constructing elaborate weapons out of old cornflake boxes. But I also allow them to play video games because kids need downtime. It’s about balance – I don’t let them play games all day, just like I don’t let them eat Kinder Eggs for every meal. Unless it’s Easter. Or we’ve run out of fish fingers.

    PRO TIP: There are no official UK guidelines on screen time. The American Academy of Paediatrics recommends no screen time at all for children under the age of 18 months, followed by a maximum of one hour a day up to the age of five. There’s no suggested number of hours for children aged six and up, but, you know, doing anything for more than a few hours a day is probably not a good idea – 90 mins is often bandied around as a sensible upper limit. Video Games Stores Near Me.

    There is, however, a lot of complicated research into this subject, which tends to get inaccurately reported – often when the tabloid press has run out of stories about Kim Kardashian. Earlier this year, a group of scientists wrote an open letter asking for screen time advice to be based on actual evidence, and that playing games is not inherently harmful. And who am I to argue with scientists?

    ‘What’s the best way to drag kids away from a screen?

    It can be easier to get kids off their consoles if you agree to a time limit at the start of the session. Give them a five-minute warning before the time is up, so they have a chance to save their progress. Be firm, but reasonable; if they really do need just one more minute to finish the match or beat the boss, show magnanimity. Hell hath no fury like a child whose mum pulls the plug just as they’re about to finally defeat the Blargian Snagglebeast. The nuclear option is to tell them that every minute they spend playing after the time limit expires will cost them five minutes of their next session. This may end up requiring a spreadsheet and a calculator. Video Games Stores Near Me

    PRO TIP: For younger kids, use a kitchen timer to set the agreed limit and place it somewhere they can see it (not reach it – they may be unable to tell the time, but they aren’t dumb.)

    ‘What do you do if their friend plays Grand Theft Auto V?’Should Video Games Be Allowed In Schoo

    Keeping your children away from violent games when they’re at a friend’s house is a major parental challenge. Photograph: Alamy

    Managing your child’s exposure to games at other people’s houses can be trickier than evading the cops after you’ve robbed a Rockford Hills jewelry store and run over a pimp. It’s a social minefield: how do you tell another parent you don’t think your kid should be playing games that their child is allowed to play, without making them feel like you’re judging them, which you are?

    It’s best, to be honest, but not too honest. Put the emphasis on your child – explain you’re concerned about how mature they are, how easily influenced they might be, whether they’re developmentally ready to see a Nazi zombie battered to death with a rusty pipe, and so on. Chances are the other parent will be sympathetic, and will wait till you’re out of earshot to laugh at your lily-livered Guardian reader sensibilities. Video Games Stores Near Me.

    PRO TIP: There is a lack of conclusive evidence about the link between video games and violent behavior, and lots of debate. A small amount of exposure is unlikely to turn your child into a homicidal maniac. The important thing is to maintain an open, honest exchange of dialogue. Or if you have teenagers, just do your best to interpret the eye-rolls.


    As with most aspects of parenting, managing your kids’ gaming comes down to a combination of making informed, considered decisions, and making it up as you go along. Arm yourself with facts – get to know the Pegi rating system, and learn how to use your console’s parental controls (the Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch all have them, as do tablets and phones – the InternetMatters site has a handy guide). You know your child better than anyone else, so trust your instincts when it comes to what’s right for them. Video Games Stores Near Me.

    Most importantly, remember that video games are brilliant, and can be great for children. They can teach us how to create, how to play, and how to lose. They are thrilling, inspiring, scary, beautiful, and hilarious, sometimes all at the same time. Most of all, they are fun. And both kids and grownups could use some of that these days. Video Games Stores Near Me.

    The article was originally published here.


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