I’ve always suspected the @RoguePotusStaff account on Twitter to be a troll account run by the White House staff to run its classic Brietbart disinformation campaigns against Americans. My suspicions just got confirmed by what this user discovered from the @roguepotusstaff website on Twitter.RoguePotusStaff
For upon | Java Shack? This was a very interesting “call-out” in the site code. Then came the additional revelation that Java Shack is housed in a building that used to be the headquarters of the American Nazi Party.
Funny how the @RoguePotusStaff has a website with a specific “call-out” to those on the alt-right and Nazis? It’s a classic LARPing gig that alt-righters and trolls like to do on 4chan and Reddit to dupe gullible progressives into believing what they’re saying through the various @rogue accounts on Twitter. RoguePotusStaff
And even funnier is how Richard Spencer liked to hold his meetings at Java Shack, the coffee shop in the building of the former American Nazi Party. One wonders if Stephen Miller may be running the various @Rogue accounts…….or what his 4chan/Reddit account is. We shall see in due time…
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