My First Roller Coaster Experience
For upon |I remember the day when I first rode a roller coaster. It was at Michigan Adventure. There was a light breeze and as the car passed a giant roller coaster, I knew that was the one that I should ride first. Unfortunately, my mom said the ride was too big and scary, so I wasn’t allowed to ride it. I was slightly disappointed but I was still determined to ride a fast and scary roller coaster, and it would be the first roller coaster I ever rode.
When I entered I couldn’t contain my excitement, I wanted to ride all the roller coasters. I was ready to conquer every single one, that is with my mom’s permission to ride it of course. I was bouncing up and down looking all around me. Suddenly I pointed to the one I wanted to ride, it was called Mouse Trap. When my mom looked over she told me that we would definitely ride it but that we were going to the water park first. I was outraged, I told her that we HAD to go to Mouse Trap or I wouldn’t come to the water park with them. My mom laughed a little and kissed me on the head while I had my arms crossed. As we made our way to the water park I was thinking about the roller coaster.
I thought of it so much that I wasn’t aware of my surroundings and almost ran into someone! After we went to the water park, I was bursting with excitement for we were about to ride the Mouse Trap. I was jumping around, pushing my family to go faster, for the sooner we got there the sooner I got to ride Mouse Trap. When we got to it, I looked up at the roller coaster and smiled, but when I lowered my head there was a large line in front of me. “Aww, man!” I whined with outrage. I was so hyped to ride the roller coaster that I forgot that lines existed! I didn’t want to wait in line so I kept complaining to my mom about why we couldn’t have gotten the fast pass.
The fast pass allowed the user to go through a different line which is much shorter so the person could go on the ride sooner. After what seemed like ages, we finally made it to the ride. “Yes!” I cheered when we made it to the front of the line. I almost exploded with joy as I hopped onto a seat. As we escalated upwards I held a big smile on my face, because this was the FIRST roller coaster I ever rode. We suddenly dropped down, it wasn’t very steep but it was pretty fast. I threw my hands up into the air and yelled, “Woohoooo!” We suddenly began turning, and I could feel the rush of wind on my face. It was a very thrilling experience, so afterward, we rode it again, but after that, we headed off to ride other roller coasters.
Now let’s talk about the after-the-experience. After having left the Mouse Trap I felt like I could ride any roller coaster without fear. I couldn’t stop talking about it, and if you were there, you could see that my family was getting annoyed. I told my mom about how awesome it was and that I wasn’t scared at all. After we rode some roller coasters, such as the corkscrew, we got a bit hungry. I felt like my stomach was eating itself!
My family and I agreed that we should take a break and eat. However, you would think that I would be quiet while eating, but nope! I was talking all about the Mouse Trap and once I talked about it I couldn’t stop! I only took one bite of pizza before claiming that I was full and that I was ready to ride more roller coasters! When it got late and all the roller coasters were closed, we headed home. Normally on long car rides, I would fall asleep. This time was different, I kept talking about the Mouse Trap until we got home.
The Mouse Trap was a wonderful experience. Although I have to admit I was a little bit afraid of it while waiting in line, once I rode the roller coaster I lost my fear and enjoyed the moment. My point is that I had a wonderful experience and those who have never ridden a roller coaster should go out get tickets and ride one! It is a wonderful experience and you shouldn’t be afraid at all! If you are, just start off riding slow and small rides. Just go out there and ride a roller coaster!
My First Roller Coaster
It’s good to step out of your comfort zone. Whether it’s trying something new, or making friends. My experience was riding a ride that seemed big to eleven-year-old me. California Screamin’, in Disneyland, was my first crazy, upside-down rollercoaster.
Disneyland is always a fun place! They have small rides for kids and big rides for adults who are kids at heart. Many rides look threateningly big through a kid’s eyes, and Screamin’ looked terrifying to me. As I passed the ride, I could hear screams and the swooshing noises of the coaster car cutting through the wind. The passengers reached the top of the hill, stopped, and then sped down waiting to be caught by the tracks. I winced as the coaster raced down the hill. Yikes. Drops scared me, but the only thing worse was going upside down.
Could you fall out? The structure of the ride just went up, and up, and up, into the sky. Heights were not my thing. I started walking faster to get away from the frightening thrill of California Screamin’. I could see the boardwalk in view. Almost there. Maybe we could play some games. I just had to pass this ride, and I was there. When I had almost passed the long line of people waiting, I noticed the sunburned, waiting for riders. They looked impatient as they were leaning up against anything they could find. I slowed to a walk as I examined the people around me. This was just slow enough for a familiar sweaty hand to grab me on the shoulder.
“Hey,” my mom said, “Why don’t we ride this?”
She pointed up to the rollercoaster that I had been fearing.
“Umm, no thanks.” I quickly replied. I tried to hurry on, but no luck.
“Oh come on you’ll love it!” my mom enthused me.
“Ya go with mom, I’ll take your hat.” my dad offered.
I silently handed him my hat and peered up at the ride. It couldn’t be that bad right?
“That looks calm,” I thought, “I can probably ride this.”
“Ok fine let’s go!” I said, the end of my words starting to pick up excitement.
My mom and I headed off toward the ride leaving my dad and brother behind. I was half excited to go on this ride, despite my nervousness before. The line moved quickly and we were soon halfway through. I was wondering why the ride looked better when I looked up at it the second time, rather than the first. Then it hit me: I had forgotten about the loop and drop! The sun had been beating down on my face and blinding me without my hat. I overlooked the worst parts! However, there was no turning back now. We were almost to the coaster cars. I became more nervous as time went by. Would this ruin big rides for me? I didn’t know the answer, but it was too late to think, we were getting on. I was too scared to sit in the front or the back,
so we settled in the middle. When we got on the ride, the seat belt bars came down, and my regret settled in. I was stuck. The coaster slowly inched out of the covered boarding area and into the launch. The sun blinded me as the ride inched closer outside. Then the car stopped, and the heat soaked into the riders as we waited to blast off. After a few seconds that seemed like minutes, a voice came through the headrests on the seats. It was talking about safety, and then came to the countdown, moments later. Five. I clenched my sweaty hands and had a nervous smile on my face. Four. I’m glad my dad took my hat or, it would’ve fallen off. Three. Why did I go on this? Two. My mom tilted her head toward me, smiling.
“Ready?” she asked.
One. I nodded slightly and the ride began. The music immediately started pumping through the headset. I could not hear anything else. The car shot forward at unimaginable speeds. I was screaming. However, I was screaming with thrill rather than fright. We boosted up a hill, not the biggest one, but still pretty tall. I couldn’t even tell if we were going up or down, so by the time we were over this hill I was ready for the big one.
The ride continued over a few more bumps and then approached the big hill. The coaster slowed and snapped into place on the inclining tracks. We started going up: click, click, click, slowly but surely. I tilted my head, resting it to the side, and took in an amazing view. I could see across the whole park. We were so high, I didn’t dare look down. Click, click, click, it would take a while to get to the top.
“Fun?” my mom asked me while half screaming.
“Oh ya!” I shouted back, equally loud.
Click, click, clunk, we were at the top.
1I peeked over the front of the coaster as the people sitting up front started screeching. I could see the big drop coming. I was excited! 2I soon joined the screeching riders as our division of the car fell over the hill. Wind raced through my hair and cooled my face. So far. This was fun! I barely had time to recuperate from the drop before we started toward the loop. Here it comes! I hoped I was ready. The car accelerated through the loop, my face was pulled for less than a second, and we were through.
What? That was it? I was happily surprised and screamed at the top of my lungs throughout the rest of the ride. The following thrills were just bumps and sharp turns, not as terrifying, but still super fun. After we got off California Screamin’, I couldn’t stop talking! That was amazing! We immediately got fast passes to ride again later. My mom was right, that was so much fun!
I am so glad I stepped out of my comfort zone! I almost didn’t go on this amazing ride. My mom knew I would love it, and boy was she right! Later that same year in the summer, my cousin and I went with our grandparents down to Disneyland. When we arrived there I wanted to go on Screamin’. However, my cousin had never been on anything like it, putting her in the position I was in before.
I convinced her to go, and we even rode together in the front car! I’m so happy I got to take my cousin on this ride! Riding California Screamin’ helped me build up to even bigger rides that are my favorites today! I was even willing to go four times on Expedition Everest which goes backward at one point. Stepping out of your comfort zone is a great thing to do it helps you grow in understanding and makes you braver. Even if it’s something as simple as a rollercoaster.
The article was originally published here.
Descriptive Essay- Ride of My Life.
AHHHHHHH!!!!! People are screaming everywhere. In front, in the back, and on both sides of me. Our ride just started and people are already screaming their lungs out. I tried to keep my mind calm as we began to slowly rise. Higher and higher. From my point, I could see most of the park. People are as tiny as ants from here. As we reach the peak, I shut my eyes and refuse to look down. WHOOOOOOSHHH!!!!!
“Are you sure it isn’t scary?” I asked with a shaky voice. My heart is pounding rapidly and I start to feel uneasy. “Lisa, just trust me. Okay? It’s nothing. Go and sit down. I’ll sit right next to you. Do you remember what you said earlier,” said my cousin, David. 3 look over at my aunt, who was just getting off of the ride. I sigh. I recalled what I said earlier, “I’ll go on whatever your mom goes on!” Why did I have to act so confident? Well, my aunt went on it so I have no choice.
I walked slowly over to a row of four seats and sat in one of the middle chairs. These chairs did not comfort me. They were black with yellow seatbelts that go around our shoulders. David sits on the left side of me and my other cousin, Peng sits on my right side. As one of the workers fastened all of us into our seats, I knew that it was too late to change my mind. I looked over at David. He smiled widely and said, “I lied. This is the scariest roller coaster here.” My mouth dropped open as our ride began. I should have known better than to trust him especially when he said “Trust me.”
I always fall for this trick.
The strong wind pushed my small head against the rubber black seat. My head bangs into the back of my seat multiple times giving me a headache. I could feel every sharp turn and twist because with each turn my head would sway along also. I was scared but at the same time, I loved the feeling. This isn’t so bad. Why was I even afraid in the beginning? I’m starting to like this. I opened my eyes slowly. We went up, down, left, right, upside down, and all around. Roller coasters aren’t horrible, they just seem frightening from the outside. This was my first major roller coaster ride and now all I want to do is go on more amazing roller coasters.
After I got off the roller coaster, I realized that this was one of the best days of my life. I had such an extraordinary time. Of course, everyone has a great time at an amusement park but I have been to Dorney Park many times before. Every other time, I only went on what my family called the “baby rides”. There was a time about a couple of years ago when I tried something crazy and at this time I loved all sorts of rides. This is how I remember it.
Oh no! We’re going too fast. We’re going to crash. Suddenly our ride came to a quick stop. I wasn’t prepared for this. I shot right out of my seat and was falling…
“If you guys are bored, why don’t we try something fun,” said our babysitter, Randall. At once, the word fun caught my and my brother’s attention. “Okay,” we all said with so much excitement. “We’ll make our very own ride right here,” said Randall’s twin brother, Ryan. My heart was beating faster. I loved rides and the thought of having our in right here in our house made me full of energy.
1….2….3…. Randall gives the carpet a little push and then we are sliding down the stairs. I didn’t want to admit it, I was scared. It was going too fast. My heart is beating so rapidly that I think it would burst out. Kerry is screaming behind me with his arms hugging me firmly. Next thing you know, we suddenly stopped halfway through. It was too sudden. I flew over Johnny’s head and was starting to drop. Bang.
I hit my head on the television and landed on the hardwood floor beneath it. I looked up and saw Kerry screaming and kicking. Uh oh. This couldn’t be good. His hands were out in front of him and landed right on top of me, pushing against my stomach. Ouch. I should have felt hurt or sick but I didn’t because I had such a great time and it was the funniest thing ever.
Now that I have gone on another roller coaster and have become more mature, I realize that all of the horrible things that happened to me when I was younger were because I was never informed on how I should sit or where I should put my arms. Since I was older and learned about what to do and what not to do, I had more fun and I enjoyed the experience. When I gave things a second chance, I overcame my fears and I’m more willing to try something else.
Sometimes people are more scared to try new things or are too scared to learn from their mistakes that they will not be able to enjoy themselves as much as they could have. You can’t always let your nerves take over you just like I did. If you give things a second chance then maybe you will see things differently. I think that everyone should just enjoy their life to the fullest without holding back.
MY FIRST TIME: On a Roller Coaster
My two older sisters love amusement parks. They are thrill-seekers and go on the scariest rides.
Every year, my father and I had the job of waiting in line for them for their next ride or we’d go to the food court. But on this day, my older sister, Christina encouraged me to ride the roller coaster with them. Without any hesitation, it was a no from me. But both sisters continued to nag me.
“You should try it you know. 1I think you’re tall enough now.”
“I will hold your hand when you sit next to me.”
“I don’t want to go,” I said shaking my head.
“Come on I promise you it’s really fun. I will let you keep my arcade prizes if it’s not. You’re going to regret it if you don’t go because this is our last ride of the day.”
I had to admit she could be convincing. After thinking for a while, I slowly took my sister’s hand.
She smiled and dragged me towards the huge line for the roller coaster.
My hands were shaking from the fear I felt. My sister assured me again that it was going to be OK.
Even my father encouraged me to go on with them. So I felt pressured to give it a try. Seeing the majestic heights of the roller coaster and other rides gave me goosebumps. I started to freak out and become pessimistic about the situation.
“What if those buckles unlock and I shoot out?” I thought to myself. I shook for 30 minutes as the line got shorter. As I got closer I could see the tremendous speed and height of the roller coaster.
“Why did I say yes? WHY DID I SAY YES?” I freaked out even harder (on the inside).
I turned around to look for my dad so I could back out. But he was already out of sight; he’d walked off to find a spot to wave to us while we were on our ride. So I clung to my sister and took a deep breath.
When our turn came and a guy in a red polo shirt measured my height to see if I was tall enough, I knelt slightly.
“Alright buddy you’re good,” he announced.
“Darn it,” I said to myself.
“I think the front seat will be the best so we can see everything,” my oldest sister suggested.
“Hey, don’t you think the back will be the scariest with all those hard turns?” I said.
They didn’t listen to me; the three of us piled into the front. We all raised our hands as the guys in red polo shirts locked us in with seatbelts that had yellow buckles. I double-checked to make sure they were locked. They didn’t make me feel safe at all. I shook from fear.
“Hey, it’s going to be fine, trust me,” one sister said.
Soon, there was a loud blaring noise to signal that the roller coaster was starting. It moved slowly as we climbed up a steep incline.
My eyes were closed. As I was able to feel us going up, I heard what sounded like metal gears rattling. “Please stop, please stop going up!” I yelled. I opened my eyes for a second to see where the roller coaster was. But all I saw were endless tracks that we still hadn’t gotten up to.
In a few seconds, the rattling noise stopped. I opened my eyes, wondering if we’d stopped. But nope, it was at its peak getting ready to drop. Soon, everybody started screaming. I was caught off guard without any preparation when the roller coaster went downhill with grand acceleration. And that was pretty much it. Without realizing it, my eyes were open and I was enjoying it. I was enjoying it a lot.
Ever since that day, I have challenged myself to go on the scariest and most thrilling rides. Two years ago, I even rode Kingda Ka, at Six Flags Great Adventure without any reluctance I’ve heard is one of the tallest and fastest roller coasters in North America.
The article was originally published here.
I enjoyed reading about your first roller coaster ride. You are a very brave girl! 1I remember going to the Ohio State Fair with my family and thought it was wonderful!
I did go on many rides but never dared to go on the big roller coaster. I now have two grandchildren and look forward to taking them to the fair when they get
a little older.
The article was originally published here.