Top digital wallet trends for 2022
Mobile App Development Companies: For upon |Before getting started with the digital wallet trends, let us ask you a question- Do you still carry hard cash in your wallet? Do you still think hard cash is more important than digital cash? Do you think digital cash is way safer and faster?
If you are answering one no and 2 yes, well, you are actually following the current digital wallet market trends. This can be validated from the data that showcased that digital wallets transactions reached $4,296 billion USD in 2018 and are expected to reach $13,979 billion USD by 2022. Mobile App Development Companies.
Digital wallets trends have taken a swift high from the last few years and are expected to reach new heights in the coming years too.
Keeping the same thing in mind, many investors and businesses are planning to invest in digital wallet trends-based apps by connecting with the best mobile app development company. However, before getting the app development process to get started, let us first understand the top digital wallet trends for the coming years. Mobile App Development Companies.
So, without further ado, let’s get started with the designation of what is digital wallet trends and then will move ahead with the trends associated with them.
What is a digital wallet?
Also called an e-wallet, a digital wallet is a product-based framework that stores the transactional-based information of the users along with saving their passwords and other related financial data. With the help of e-wallets or digital wallets, users are given the choice of making transactions online via mobile applications. Mobile App Development Companies.
They are trending as they are fast, secure, and allow one to effectively make payments as and when required.
As they are trending in the market, many businesses, organizations are investing in the making of digital wallets to take themselves ahead in the race.
Top digital wallets trends for the coming year
AI-powered wallets
When it comes to the financial sector, safeguarding each and every data of the users and of the company is crucial from external threats and data forgery. Thus, security is one of the foremost things to take care of. The better the security will be, the higher will be the footfall of the users using digital wallets. Mobile App Development Companies.
This is the reason the payment industry needs to upgrade itself in terms of technology to make its payment system strong and robust. Keeping all these things in mind, banks are moving towards ML and AI.
ML called Machine learning and AI called Artificial Intelligence helps in detecting fraud transactions in real-time taking place during the transactions made to the bank software system.
These technologies together make the payment gateways and the overall process smooth and secure.
Contactless payment
The next top digital wallets trends for the coming years is contactless payment. It is a way through which user simply wave their smartphone across the reader and the payment is done. It is considered fast than the other conventional digital wallet methods and is way more convenient than inserting a card. Mobile App Development Companies.
Google, Apple, Samsung have their own contactless payment systems called Google Pay, Samsung Pay, Apple Pay. For the payment, users just need to download the application, add all the card-related information, and wave the smartphone across the reader. Mobile App Development Companies.
Smart speaker payments
The smart speaker allows users to give voice-based commands to the speaker along with receiving a response in return. Through smart speakers, users can command for getting various information like traffic updates, ordering food, weather updates, booking a cab, and so on. Mobile App Development Companies.
Though many tech giants have come up with the concept of smart speakers, however, Amazon is the first one that came up with the first smart speaker in the year 2014. Google Home and Apple further joined the league in the years 201 and 2017 respectively. Mobile App Development Companies.
As smart speakers are taking over a lot of domains, when it comes to transactions, only 28% of the people used smart speakers for sending money and making direct payments. The percentage is not huge enough as people fear security issues.
Even after the percentage, the tech giants are investing in the same and as per the reports, the usage of smart speakers will grow and reach a whopping 77.9 million users in the year 2022.
Mobile Point of Sale (mPOS)
mPOS is one of the revolutionary technology freeing merchants from bricks and mortar locations and in-store payments. It simply librates them to move to anywhere be it concerts, trade shows, food trucks where accepting payments from the users is convenient and seamless. Mobile App Development Companies.
The technology is undoubtedly going to trend in the digital payment technology market too as stats are also pointing towards it. According to Business Insider, by the year 2021, there will be around 27.7 million mPOS devices available. Mobile App Development Companies.
Biometric authentication
Biometric authentication is the next digital wallet trend that is emerging greatly. It is a verification method that involves the biological and structural characteristics of a user. The verification method involves facial recognition, fingerprint scanners, heartbeat analysis, iris recognition, vein mapping, and so on. Mobile App Development Companies.
As more theft and data forgery is taking place, biometric authentication is considered the best choice for making digital payment effectively. As per the data, there will be around 18 billion biometric transactions taking place every year. Mobile App Development Companies.
The aforementioned examples are the top 5 examples of Top digital wallets trends that are going to bring way better revolution in the financial sector. Also, with the growing demands of them, they are going to remain in the market but with better features and technologies to use! Mobile App Development Companies.
In case you are also willing to take your brand to the next level and want people too accustomed to you, it is the right time to invest in mobile app development processes.
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