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Mobile App Development Apps: 5 Mobile App Development Trends


5 Mobile App Development Trends to Watch Out for in 2024

Mobile App Development Apps: For upon |As projected over the past few years, browsing and consumption from mobile phones rather than desktops and laptops is one thing that has not disappointed me. This article, however, will look at the mobile app development trends to watch out for in 2022

In 2018, a report indicated the number of people with smartphones globally to be 5.135 Billion. With this number steadily growing, the average person uses his/her smartphone for virtually the entire digital experience.

  1. Accelerated Mobile Pages through AMP and EMM

Through the use of a boiled-down version of HTML, app developers will make it easier for users on their apps to load pages faster for a faster browsing experience and more retention.

While this technology is more popular with Twitter and Facebook, it will shape the future of apps in the year 2022.

In 2019, the accelerated mobile pages are going to solve the loading pages problem that has persisted since the inception of internet browsing.

It works on the principle that the web pages that the apps will interact with will be cashed so they are not fetched from ‘far.’

  1. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

2022 is set to be the year of making chatbots more effective and efficient in solving people’s problems.

App developers have practically dug into virtual assistants more than you could imagine. As such, 2022 is set to become the year when all the loose nuts and bolts of Siri and chatbots are fastened.

  1. Internet of Things- related apps

Here, the possibilities are endless. Whether they are sensors, surveillance cameras, or stereo systems, app development in 2019 will largely be informed by the need for specific IoT devices.

Another trend that will pick currency in 2022 will be the proliferation of wearable devices. These app-specific wearables will characterize much of 2022 mobile app development due to their efficiency in tracking movement, like watches and also for fitness brands.

But because of the security aspect that has always been a thorn in IoT devices’ flesh, serious APM tools will have to be installed to check on the wearables.

  1. Customized Mobile Apps for Local Brands

Unlike in the past when mobile apps belonged exclusively to gaming companies and more tech-savvy brands, 2022 will usher in an era where just about every other brand will be pushing for their mobile app.

This field is projected to gross highly, with the ability to develop more industry-specific on-demand mobile apps being an attractive venture.

Small-scale mobile app developers will be the biggest beneficiaries of this digital transformation that will ensure more brands are run on apps.

  1. Mobile Payments

Statistics show that there are more M-commerce transactions than e-commercial transactions. 2022 is going to be a year when the divide will be made clearer as more people transact through their mobile.

Upcoming app development will have to include more than three payment options to tap into the fast-growing e-commerce industry.

As people continue to develop trust in contactless mobile payments, mobile app developers will be charged with coming up with apps that facilitate these payment plans.

Currently, the most trusted E-commerce platforms doing well on mobile apps are Google Pay and Apple Pay.


Mobile app development is no doubt the future of internet experiences. Virtually every other company with a website is having an app or is in the process of having one up and running.

In this short guide, these are some of the mobile app development trends that will characterize the year 2022.


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