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Miss Daisy Is Still Crazy by Dan Gutman:Nawahl’s book review


For upon |The book I just read was called Miss Daisy is STILL Crazy by Dan Gutman. Mr. Cooper is sick, and that means A.J. and the gang are getting a substitute teacher. It’s crazy Miss Daisy, and she’s weirder than ever! She wants the kids to eat bonbons all day instead of learning. She thinks that germs are out to get her. Will third grade ever be normal again? Miss Daisy is not one of your normal teachers, she doesn’t know how to read or write at all and doesn’t know anything! A.J. and his class are going to the nurse for a germ lesson . They learn that germs are every where. At lunch they find out most germs are good germs, but Miss Daisy doesn’t know that. That means she still thinks that all germs are bad. She goes crazy! Read the book to get full detail.


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Thank you… remember to read book 1, Miss Daisy is Crazy!

Love,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Nawahl B

The article was originally published here.

The book I just read was called Mrs. Daisy is Crazy by Dan Gutman.  In this book, Miss Daisy who teaches 2nd grade, doesn’t know how to add or subtract. Not only that, she doesn’t know how to read or how to write either. She is the dumbest teacher in the history of the world! Mr. Klutz , the school principal makes a deal to the kids that they can turn the school in a video – game arcade and for Mr. Klutz to dress up like a Gorilla, but they have to read 1 million pages for that to happen. Miss. Daisy puts up a school meteor in the hallway showing how many pages they have already read. On Friday, they reached 1 million pages! They got to turn the school into an arcade and Mr. Klutz dressed like a Gorilla. It was so funny, and they got to eat cake!

My favorite part is when they reach 1 million pages and got to turn the school in a Video – Game Arcade and Mr. Klutz dressed up as a Gorilla!..I give this book a high recommendation!

Thank you!…Love,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Nawahl B

The article was originally published here.

Book Review

Miss Daisy Is Crazy by Dan Gutman has been reviewed by Focus on the Family’s marriage and parenting magazine. It is the first book in the “My Weird School” series.

Plot Summary

A.J. likes video games and football. He hates school. When he mentions this to his new teacher, Miss Daisy, on the first day of second grade, she admits she hates school, too. She says she’d rather sit at home on the couch eating bonbons and watching TV.

When it’s time to study math, A.J. learns Miss Daisy hates it as much as he does. In fact, she doesn’t understand the simple multiplication the kids repeatedly explain to her. Mr. Klutz, the bald principal, comes to speak to the class about rules. They quiz him about his hairless head and ask him if the rumors about a dungeon for bad kids are true.

At spelling time, Miss Daisy confesses she can’t spell. She asks the kids to write some of the words they can spell on the board. A.J. is baffled that someone so dumb could have become a second-grade teacher. At lunch, A.J. and his friends talk about Miss Daisy and her strange behavior. They wonder if she could be an imposter. Maybe she kidnapped their real teacher and tied her to railroad tracks.

kids think about telling the principal their suspicions until A.J. reminds them how good they have it.

The kids think about telling the principal their suspicions until A.J. reminds them how good they have it. If Mr. Klutz discovers Miss Daisy’s ignorance, he will fire her and hire a real teacher. Then the kids will actually have to learn. The other kids agree with A.J. and decide to keep their mouths shut about Miss Daisy being dumb.

At recess, the kids talk about buying the school and turning it into a video-game arcade. Next, the class visits the nurse’s office. A.J. believes the nurse, Mrs. Cooney, is a spy. He bases this on the fact that she has a suspicious-looking chart written in code on her wall (an eye chart) and has lots of strange tools. Mrs. Cooney weighs and measures the students, and A.J. is sure she’s gathering this information for her spying purposes.

Miss Daisy asks the kids what they’d like to be when they grow up. A.J. says he wants to be a football player, because a friend told him football players don’t really need to know things like math and spelling. The next day, Miss Daisy brings in bonbons for the class. They try to use the bonbons to teach her about math, but she still seems confused. She also asks questions about football. The kids tell her about the length of the field, and she sneaks in a math lesson.

Mr. Klutz visits the class

Mr. Klutz visits the class and says he’s heard they want to use the school as an arcade. He says if the student body will read 1,000,000 pages, the kids can have the building for a night. As a bonus, he will dress in a gorilla suit for the event. The kids begin reading like crazy, and Miss Daisy puts a giant thermometer poster in the hallway to track their progress.

Miss Daisy invites a football player to speak to the class. The player is one of A.J.’s favorites. Miss Daisy asks him if it’s true that football players are dumb and don’t need to know things like math and spelling. He explains that he uses all of those things to study his playbook and write letters to fans. He also says he went to college and plans to return to school to be a doctor at the end of his football career.

The kids at A.J.’s school meet their reading goal. Parents bring video-game systems to the school for one night, and Mr. Klutz dresses up like a gorilla. A.J. plays video games until he’s sick of them and says it’s the best night of his life.

The next day, Miss Daisy tells the kids she knows nothing about history. She asks them to tell her what they know. A.J. thinks he sees her trying to read a book later on, but he knows she can’t read. He tells her not to feel bad. He assures her they will help her learn her subjects, and they won’t tell Mr. Klutz how dumb she is. She hugs him gratefully. A.J. says it won’t be easy getting Miss Daisy up to second-grade level this year, but he will try.

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Authority Roles

Miss Daisy pretends to be ignorant so that the kids will have to teach her their subjects in school. She pays attention to the kids’ interests and incorporates them into her lessons. Motivational Mr. Klutz has a sense of humor, allowing the kids to touch his bald head. He dresses up like a gorilla for the kids’ video-game party.


The word butt appears a few times.



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Book reviews cover the content, themes and worldviews of fiction books, not their literary merit, and equip parents to decide whether a book is appropriate for their children. The inclusion of a book’s review does not constitute an endorsement by Focus on the Family.

The article was originally published here.

Miss Daisy Is Crazy!

(My Weird School #1)


Dan Gutman,
Jim Paillot (Illustrator)
4.02  · 
Rating details ·  8,136 ratings  ·  416 reviews

Something weird is going on.Miss Daisy, who teaches second grade, doesn’t know how to add or subtract. Not only that, she doesn’t know how to read or write either. She is the dumbest teacher in the history of the world!

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Paperback, 96 pages
Published July 1st 2004 by HarperTrophy (first published June 29th 2004)
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Jan 16, 2012 Acjerome2002 rated it did not like it
Shelves: kids-books

I really dislike these books, but my 6-year-old loves them and keeps bringing them home from the school library.

I’m trying not to be a grouch, but the main character AJ has a really snotty, negative attitude. Many things are dismissed as “weird”, “dumb”, “annoying” or “boring”. I would not be happy if my sweet impressionable son starting talking like that all the time.

Also, did I miss a memo somewhere that the rules of grammar changed since I left school (it wasn’t THAT long ago was it)?
WRONG: …more


Feb 12, 2009 Bellezza rated it liked it

Shelves: read-in-2009
We’ve been reading a lot of Dan Gutman books in our school because he made a special guest appearance as an author/speaker yesterday. These books are funny, especially appealing to kids, and in the same manner as Junie B. Jones only for boys. Don’t let the illustrations put you off (as they did me) as being unappealing; the text is really quite hilarious. Reluctant readers will especially enjoy this Weird School Series.


Apr 01, 2015 Cicely rated it did not like it
This was recommended to me by the Barnes & Noble sales associate that said the series was popular right now. I have a 1st grade, 7 year old son who reads relatively advanced; I was looking for a bit of a challenge but still having a few pictures and what not. The reading was not difficult for him; however, after reading the first few chapters he told me there was a lot of “bad words” in this book. Mind you, he thinks words like “stupid,” “shut up,” and the alike are bad words. But …more


Jul 13, 2009 Elizabeth rated it liked it

Recommends it for: 2nd graders and reluctant 3rd graders
Recommended to Elizabeth by: a 10 year old in the Ludlow Library
Shelves: kids-books, realistic-fiction
I was impressed – I’m skeptical of series-books, especially ones with rhyming titles and dippy cartoons – but this was awfully sweet without being nauseating. It’s a good high-interest, easy read for reluctant readers who will enjoy being smarter than the narrator and other characters. It’s about a level L on Guided Reading – read-a-loud to kindergartners or first graders, and independent reading for 2nd or low 3rd.


Mar 26, 2009 Aidan rated it it was amazing
I learned AJ likes football, and he said football players were dummies. My favorite part is when he asks one of the football players, “do you like knocking people on their butts?” That was really funny.


Jun 17, 2010 Taylor rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: funny, summer-reads
THis book is laugh out loud funny.
It’s is in a seires, so there is
more rolling on the ground coming.


Sep 05, 2011 Dolly rated it liked it  ·  review of another edition

Recommends it for: children starting to read chapter books
Shelves: math, other-usa, 2011, childrens, library, education-school

We’ve read a few of the books in the My Weird School Daze series by Dan Gutman. But it wasn’t until recently that we realized that he’d written two other series as well, My Weird School and My Weirder School.

We decided to start from the beginning, with A.J. and his pals in second grade, and work our way through the books. So far, we really enjoy them and this story was a good example of irony and a teacher playing ‘dumb’ with her students in order to encourage their participation and stimulate …more

Janet Blowers

Apr 20, 2010 Janet Blowers rated it really liked it
Shelves: young-adult
This book is the first book in this series that my youngest daughter, Claudia is reading. Actually she finished it first and loved it so much she wants to buy the whole series. It was really cute how the teacher, Miss Daisy pretends not to know how to read or write or do math, and she has the kids teach her using their favorite subjects. Everyone thinks Miss Daisy is Crazy, but she comes up with some great ways to teach the kids using football and video games. She gets the kids to read a million …more


Oct 19, 2008 Olivia rated it it was amazing
I think that Miss Daisy is very crazy.


May 29, 2011 Stacie rated it it was amazing

Shelves: children-books, books-i-own
This was a funny story! I read this out loud to a third grade class and they loved it!


Jul 05, 2013 Dawn rated it it was amazing

Shelves: classroom, 2nd-grade-read-alouds
Students and I enjoy reading this one in class. They love that the teacher is not so smart.


Apr 19, 2011 Emily rated it really liked it

Shelves: children, humor
Overall Review: This ended up being a super fun kids’ book! The second grade kids have started school, but their teacher doesn’t know how to read, write, spell, or do arithmetic! Not only that, there’s a rumor there’s a dungeon (principal says it’s on the third floor)! So, plans are laid to buy the school and set it up as a video game arcade! The principal and teachers turn that desire into something fun and rewarding for everyone. My kids loved it and there were some great lessons taught …more


Jul 27, 2010 Taliahshaw added it
Recommends it for: briana. McQueen
Recommended to Taliahshaw by: Taliah. shaw
Miss daisy is crazy is a good book to me.The summary of the first chaper is a boy name a.j.Aj does not like school I think he does not like school because school is boring and there’s nothing to do in school.To me I like school in good for its your education I love school.The second chapter is a bout miss daisy not being smart. I think every teacher in a school needs to know there adding,subtracing,multication,and divion.Now the kids in the book don’t think that miss daisy is dumb wow.The third …more

Lubianka Carrillo

Nov 22, 2014 Lubianka Carrillo rated it really liked it

Shelves: reading-response
This story is about a boy named A.J which goes to a school with his friends named Emily, Michael, Ryan, and Andrea. They all go to the same school which they have a teacher named Ms. Daisy which is a dum teacher but they get threw it together. The problem they are facing is that they all have a teacher who doesn’t know math or even arithmetic. My opinion is that I can never go to a school that is weird because I would be freaked out. My evidence says ” I hate arithmetic too! ” You do ” we all …more


Mar 19, 2015 Julian rated it liked it
Shelves: 2015
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here.

Sterrett Family

Nov 23, 2015 Sterrett Family rated it it was amazing
Matthew: This is the first My Wierd School book by Dan Gutman. I personally loved Miss Daisy’s love for Bonbons! She said that she could eat a whole box of Bonbons in one sitting! I liked when Mr.Klutz came to the video game night dressed like a gorilla!! Can you belive that!! I loved it!


Oct 22, 2010 ABC rated it really liked it

Shelves: older-kids

This is a very slim chapter book, but it is cute and funnu. It was also more educational than I thought it would be.

The setting is second grade and A.J.’s teacher doesn’t know how to read or do arithmetic! (Or so she claims…) This book is a good level for most second graders.

Audrey C

Mar 31, 2017 Audrey C rated it it was amazing
i read the book Miss Child Has Gone Wild by Dan Gutman. This book is about A.J and his class going on a field trip to the zoo with Miss Child, a zoo keeper, because they won a field trip for winning the cleanest classroom award from the principal but there is a new girl named A.J. So some of A.J’s friends think they’re in love because they’re basically the same people, they like to ride on their skateboards and they both like penguins so the book is about them going on a field trip to the zoo …more


Oct 25, 2013 Cesar rated it liked it

The book I read was “Miss Daisy is Crazy.” I liked the book because AJ hates school, and he is funny. He is eight years old.

AJ starts the school in second grade and everyone has to present a little information about himself. He stands up and says he hates school. Everyone thinks he is funny. Miss Daisy is his teacher and she says she doesn’t like the school either. AJ thinks Miss Daisy is crazy because she doesn’t like school. As a teacher, she is supposed to like school. One day a man comes to …more


Feb 02, 2016 Siina rated it liked it  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: kids
Kahjo kouluni series is very popular here in Finland and no wonder – the books are easy-reads with good humour, great insight and thoughtfulness you never expected. First I was sceptic, since the Finnish publisher of the series publishes mostly content-lacking nonsense. The first book is about kids in their second grade, who’s teacher is a simpleton and the class has to teach the teacher. Of course along the way you learn that she may actually be a genius of some sort! The kids make even a …more


Apr 06, 2016 Bernie rated it it was amazing
My first grade grandson has struggled with his reading which then made reading an unhappy and exhausting experience. We went to the bookstore when he was visiting so we could find something that he would really want to read. I saw the series of My Weird School books and thought that something with a name like that would be funny enough to hold his interest. Well, he started reading in the car, he gave up the video games, he laughed the afternoon away only occasionally asking about words he could …more

Liz B

Sep 27, 2015 Liz B rated it liked it

Shelves: yakids, readaloud

I read this aloud to my almost-second grader this summer. He loved it. HILARIOUS antics from kids and adults, and in the end it is all very sweet. He liked that there were pictures on most of the pages, and the story was easy to keep up with from night to night.

His strong preference is still for picture books so that we can read 2 or 3 in a sitting. It’s also nice to have something we’re reading over the course of a few days. We read a couple more in the series together. He can read them on his …more

Maximilian Lee

Feb 04, 2018 Maximilian Lee rated it liked it
I kind of liked this book because I think it is really fun with all of those experiments. I didn’t like this book because I knew all of those experiments already.So  I also think the concept of taking over the whole world is too babyish.

Mary Thomas

Mar 16, 2019 Mary Thomas rated it really liked it

Shelves: 2018-2019-school-year, early-chapter-books

An enjoyable read with my second grader. He giggled at several parts, which is always fun. I didn’t particularly care for all the references about school being dumb, but it was kind of funny when Miss Daisy agreed!

katie vongphrachanh

Apr 25, 2018 katie vongphrachanh rated it it was amazing
The book was so good ( miss Daisy is crazy) My weird school!! So crazy!!!!!!!!!! …more


Jul 26, 2019 Juliette rated it it was amazing

Mis daisy is CRAZY !!!!!!!!!!!! She is a crazy substitute teacher! She dosn’t know how to add or subtract! So instead of the teachers teaching the students , the students teach the teacher!


Jan 07, 2019 Andrew rated it it was amazing
I thought the book was very very good I think dan gut an is a great illustrator his weird school series are the best I think everyone should read weird school seeris


Dec 09, 2019 Helen rated it really liked it

Recommends it for: all kids
Shelves: kids-teens, humor
I really liked this short book! It was fun to see how Miss Daisy motivated the boy uninterested in school!


May 22, 2015 Carmen rated it it was ok

Shelves: lower-elementary, upper-elementary, humor, male-protagonist, reading-writing, math

Not my kind of book/series (main character reminds me of a 2nd grade Greg Heffley), but I can see the appeal it would have to some readers in 1st or 2nd grade. AJ announces proudly that he hates school on the first day of 2nd grade. (Heartbreaking! Not the kind of attitude we encourage in my school or family.) His teacher, Miss Daisy, confesses she also hates school and can’t read or write or do math. She may not be completely honest about this, as she employs some clever ways of getting the …more


Apr 30, 2015 Sonia rated it did not like it

Shelves: tutoring-books

I knew i was going to hate this series.

My student read this book to me in another attempt to get me into it.

I hated the book, but i couldn’t tell him that. He never reads and if this gets him to do it then by all means read it. So I had to smile, smile, and smile through all the passages. Even the passage that went, “Blahblahblahblah” for half the page.

Authors should not be allowed to write that in books. At all. It’s just page filler and isn’t funny at all.

AJ is a character I do not like. AT. …more

The article was originally published here.

Well-tailored for beginning and reluctant readers, this light, appealingly goofy debut tale in the My Weird School series features short chapters, a relatively large typeface and ample cartoon-style illustrations. On the first day of second grade, narrator A.J. introduces himself to his new teacher by announcing that he likes football and video games—and hates school. He and his classmates are shocked when Miss Daisy replies, “You know what, A.J.? I hate school too.”

“You know what, A.J.?

And then she confides that she doesn’t understand arithmetic and that she can’t read, slyly soliciting her students’ help in both subjects. The kids conclude that she just might be an imposter, but wisely decide not to tell the principal, thinking that she’ll be replaced by a “real teacher” who knows the three Rs, and then they’ll have to learn “all that stuff.” The kids’ attempts to educate their teacher allows Gutman to slip a sprinkling of math challenges and vocabulary definitions into his breezy narrative, but the lesson of the day here is fun rather than facts. As affable as Miss Daisy, the school’s principal goes to the head of the class in the series’ second installment, Mr. Klutz Is Nuts! (ISBN 0-06-050700-4), also due this month. Ages 7-10. (July)

The article was originally published here.

Miss Daisy Is Crazy

Written by Dan Gutman
Illustrated by Jim Paillot

Reviewed by Brian F. (age 8)

One of the weirdest books in the world is Miss Daisy Is Crazy! by Dan Gutman. It all started one day when A.J. went to school. It was the first day of school, and he was going to second grade. His teacher’s name was Miss Daisy. There was something weird about her. He couldn’t figure it out first .She didn’t like school.

why would she be hired as a teacher?

She couldn’t read, write, add, subtract, or divide! She explained” All I want to do is eat bonbons!” The students had to teach themselves and her. So they thought why would she be hired as a teacher? So that is exactly what they did. The next day when they went to lunch, they thought Miss Daisy was a spy! They thought that because spies don’t know anything. Everyday Miss Daisy got smarter and smarter! Will Miss Daisy ever be smart? Is she really a spy? They didn’t like school, so at lunch someone said,” Let’s turn the school into an arcade!” Read to find out!The book Miss Daisy Is Crazy! Is REALLY crazy! This book is really funny, because in one part a principal was wearing a gorilla suit. Another funny part was when the teacher didn’t know anything. How could she teach?

Did you know the book was weird too? How strange?

It also had fascinating pictures such as when a teacher had numbers on top of her head that showed addition and subtraction on page 9. These fascinating pictures make you turn to the next page. Did you know the book was weird too? How strange? In conclusion, Miss Daisy Is Crazy is really funny, has fascinating pictures, and has amazingly weird events!

I recommend this book to people who like suprising events. It was suprising when the principal let the kids turn the school into an arcade. The book was surprisingly a wonderful story. I hope you read this book, and don’t forget this is just one story out of a series of books.

The article was originally published here.

With more than 12 million books sold, the My Weird School series really gets kids reading!

In this fifth book in the laugh-out-loud My Weirdest School series, the students of Ella Mentry School are in for a surprise. Mr. Cooper is sick, and that means A.J. and the gang are getting a substitute teacher—crazy Miss Daisy! Now that she’s back, she’s

The article was originally published here.


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