For upon |One day, in a mystical land, far, far, away, there was a school for wizards. No, this is not a story about any normal wizard, this is the story of a special wizard named Hairy Pooter. Now that I have introduced him, now you are probably wondering why he is so special. Well, when he was a baby, his family was under attack by the evil wizard Solid Shart. This evil wizard wanted to be the most evil, most gruesome wizard known to man and muggle, but he never could kill Hairy. When he attempted to, all it did was put a #2 emoji on his forehead. From this day forward, he thought that there was no good in Solid Shart.
13 years later.
Hairy was living with his crooked Aunt and Uncle, and their son, Milk Dud, who got everything he wanted. To make matters worse, they hated magic. They despised it worse than a stubbed toe, and that is saying something. Also, on top of that, they hated Hairy, and sadly, they hated him worse than magic, which is why he was locked up in a space under the stairs with his bird, Hedgeflick. It was coming close to school time when Harry was at the Zoo with his crooked family, when he saw a snake, and started… talking… It was so weird. They were hissing back and forth, like they both spoke the same language. Then, Hairy told the snake he hated Milk Dud, and the snake tried to break out to eat Dud. In the end, the snake failed because the glass was to thick, but the idea still passed a very clear point, and the crooked end of the family noticed it, so they all left with Hairy.
The day had come, the day of leaving for Hogwarts. They crooked family wasn’t as happy because they would prefer to torture Hairy than let him go have fun at wizarding school. Because of this, the evil Uncle locked up the door to the space under the stairs, and that was that. Hairy always thought he may have been an evil ancestor of Solid Shart because he was a “snake.”
Hairy woke up that morning with his trunk, wand, and bird, and he tried to push the door open, but it wouldn’t budge. He tried again, but it still wouldn’t budge. Then, he remembered something. He had a wand! He put a spell on the ground so it would turn into a teleporter, and blasted himself to Hogwarts.
He walked up the gates to Hogwarts, but it was caution taped off. It stated “Closed due to Solid Shart.” This was weird, he remembered who it was, but he didn’t understand what it could have done. He was as confused as a chicken without a head. He looked around and saw some Wizard Police dudes and the master wizard of the school, Dumbledork.
He walked over to asked what the problem was, but out of nowhere, a hole started growing in the plain next to the school’s entrance The hole got to be about 20 feet by 20 feet in size, and out flew Solid Shart. He screamed in his evil voice something evil, but it was very hard to understand since his voice was such a low tone. Dumbledork got up, grabbed his wand, and went up to fight. Sadly, he got his bum whooped and flew over and crashed with a bang, and lowkey, sharted. Then, out of nowhere, Hairy Pooter flew on his Nimbus to fight.
He flew around, zapping his wand, trying to hit him with the same exact spell he used on his parents to kill them. He hit tried, but then he realized something. There was a little metal hockey puck on his back with an evil face on it. All Hairy needed to do was hit that hockey puck thing off of his back, and maybe he would become a good guy again. All he needed to do was distract him.
He spun at full speed on his broom around him, and Solid Shart couldn’t keep up. Eventually, Hairy managed to get a clear sight on his back, so he fired the spell. It hit dead center and knocked it off. Solid Shart fell down with a crash to the ground and got up. He said he was sorry for any damage that he had caused through the years.
All of the sudden, the sky turned bright. The sky just beamed with happiness. Hairy ran over to Solid Shart and gave him an awkward hug. Now, instead of hating him, he felt happy and started to like Solid Shart. THE END!
good story i like it make another one
only one thing that i saw, you put Dumbledore in paragraph six instead of Dumbledork
one thing I saw was you called Hairy pooter Harry in one spot
What the heck is this? It’s wierd, unreasonable… I love it!
this is A1
yeah right
The article was originally published here.