Future Trends in Health Care
United Health Care: In the time of universal domination of digital technologies and communications, it is impossible to imagine any kind of activity, where the possibilities of people’s distant communication would not be used. Such methods, certainly, got wide recognition in the field of medicine. Telehealth nursing is rendering highly skilled help over a long distance with the use of modern means of communication and telecommunication. Experts are capable of rendering such assistance from any point in the world. If you need an academic paper related to the medical topic, you can buy a nursing paper.
The global Internet and video equipment allows transferring almost instantly any data about a state of health in the best federal and foreign clinics. Not only text information, but also graphic, photo, and video data of diagnostic research and medical manipulations can be transferred. Thus, it is not necessary to go anywhere as the aid will come from modern telehealth nursing, allowing people to receive consultations from highly skilled experts from remote clinics.
A great deal of nursing information can be transferred now using the phone, including encephalograms, electrocardiograms, photos, x-ray pictures, and medical documentation of all types. Such information can be gathered and transmitted from the patient’s house or the doctor’s office to the chief nursing center for interpretation and consultation concerning treatment. United Health Care.
Advanced Modern Branch
Telehealth nursing is an advanced modern branch. Moreover, it was formed on a joint of nursing, modern telecommunications, and computer technologies. Due to achievements in these spheres, telehealth nursing is successfully applied to address the need for information exchange between experts. Therefore, it brings a lot of good results, increasing the quality and availability of qualified diagnostics and treatment of patients.
Telehealth nursing is a complex concept for systems, services, and activities in the field of health care, which can be transferred remotely using information and telecommunication technologies. Its purpose is to develop world health care, gain control over the distribution of diseases as well as promote education, management, and research in the field of nursing.
Telehealth nursing can be used in understaffed medical centers and city, rural, and remote areas for the increase in quantity and quality of staff performance in the spheres of health protection, cure, and care of patients. Thus, various countries can improve their work on control, prevention, and treatment of diseases. Telehealth nursing can also promote advancement in such areas as the organization of the health systems, provision of healthy food, and water supply, hygiene of the population, and environment.
Telehealth Technologies
The potential of telehealth technologies for separate groups of the population, such as children and their mothers, teenagers, elderly, and disabled people, living in remote regions, is especially great. It is supposed that telehealth nursing will have a considerable impact on healthy lifestyle implementation, improvement of the process of education, and especially, illiteracy elimination by the use of means of multimedia. Moreover, telehealth technologies provide unique possibilities for distance learning and the professional development of medical workers.
Telehealth interaction is not considered a unilateral process but it assumes the exchange of information to let the scientific knowledge, as well as the experience of the personnel in places, grow. It should promote health improvement of the population at the international, national, and local levels.
The experience of some developed countries shows that “the implementation of telehealth technologies could increase health efficiency and comfort as well as reduce the expenses related to the use of human, technical and financial resources”. However, it is necessary to pay special attention to the ways of providence and an appropriate realization of these advantages in developing countries in compliance with their paramount requirements.
Telehealth Projects Worldwide
Experience in the implementation of telehealth projects worldwide enables to allocate the following advantages of telehealth nursing: a) remote control of chronic patients reduces the time of their staying in the clinic; b) effective use of telemedical systems leads to a general reduction of the waiting time in health systems; c) information and telecommunication technologies will help to overcome the isolation of seriously ill patients and disabled people; d) these technologies allow certain patients to exchange personal experience and give the chance to consider various opinions about the health system, United Health Care.
Additionally, such technologies can make medical information available for public purposes (at home, at schools, and in medical centers), as well as for those, who did not receive it due to medical care earlier (in suburban and rural areas); f) the society can use information and telecommunication technologies for creating special networks of “self-help” and providing medical information, which stimulates people to their health assurance. Health Care Administrator Career
Additionally, the availability of means of multimedia (visual, text, audio, graphic) can overcome the illiteracy of users and help them choose the way to exchange information interesting to them. Telehealth nursing allows a bigger number of people to be diagnosed and surveyed in local clinics without going to large medical centers in the cities.
Ensuring universal medical services became technically possible for the first time. Also, telecommunications can promote the provision of medical education, information, and medical care to the population, living in remote areas. The doctors-specialists will not be limited by distances and geographical boundaries.
Medical Experts
Medical experts, who were earlier in isolation in remote areas, can continue training in the specialty and even have practice — telehealth nursing gives them a chance to receive experience and new knowledge. In addition, scarce resources, such as expensive equipment and experts, can be used for servicing a considerably bigger number of patients.
Plus, telehealth nursing offers a global distribution of skills and knowledge just as access to international databanks on various medical specialties becomes possible throughout the whole world. It ensures that a medical certificate becomes available to everyone. Also, telehealth nursing may lead to improvements in the sphere of public health care, ranging from the increase in information provided to the decrease in mortality from diseases.
Telehealth nursing provides possibilities for consultation quality improvement and improvement of final diagnosing owing to the use of advanced equipment to boost the assistance quality. In telehealth nursing, the reduction of expenses can be achieved by providing medical care to some patients at home instead of hospitalization, which will lead to the reduction of expenses on patients’ transportation and medical experts’ trips.
In telehealth nursing, the recommendations of qualified experts can be transferred to a mobile telehealth aid station in case of emergencies and accidents, as well as to similar stations found on vessels, planes, or ambulance cars. United Health Care.
World Medical Association
The World Medical Association realizes that telemedicine in the future will surely play a more and more significant role in nursing (Poole, 2006). The development of the supervision systems at a distance demands paying attention to the following aspects:
– it is necessary that the central station could accept and answer the calls, going from various systems of round-the-clock supervision at a distance;
– interacting systems such as “interphone-systems”, allowing to carry on the dialogue and carry out interventions, are necessary;
– the telehealth network has to install a medical connection from the house of the patient to the most equipped medical center.
Experience has proved that telehealth nursing helps to improve the activity of medical institutions, assists in solving the problems of lack of staff, and reduces the cost of medical staff training in regions. Moreover, telehealth nursing has proved that it can provide joint support to doctors, working in remote and isolated areas, having increased work that appeals to them.
Telehealth Nursing
Thus, a well-planned strategy in the field of telehealth nursing will open wider access to medical care and promote the improvement of the population’s health, as well as improvement of the overall quality of medical care. In the future modern medical methods of treatment and technologies will lead to a possibility of treatment for many potentially incurable diseases.
Such progress in medicine worldwide will lead to the fast growth of several chronically ill patients and invalid people of different ages. Telecommunication technologies will make possible new ways of collecting information and satisfying of medical necessities of the patient at a distance for the doctor. The fast transmission of nursing information will allow the patient to stay in his/her own house and social environment and get the most exhaustive and modern nursing care.
Telehealth nursing is an exclusive possibility of a new millennium. It is especially relevant in a promptly changing world with its “double burden” of old and recurring diseases, which are widespread in many developing countries. Telehealth nursing can serve as a powerful lever of growth and development for developing countries, opening “access to huge volumes of new development, information, and ideas”.
Schools, clinics, and libraries have an opportunity to maintain close interaction and exchange of information in the field of health care. Many scientists consider that telehealth nursing can become the key tool in the achievement of the general goal — “health for all” in the 21st century.
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