For upon |Future can be a scary word. Just hearing it sends shivers down my spine. Thinking about the future puts so many thoughts in my head. Not only my futures but what the futures of the world consists of. There are so many things that go into the futures that it is unbelievable. Here are a few ideas that come to my mind when I think about the future.
The first thing many people think of when they hear the word future is technology and its advances. Scientists predict robots and electric cars that drive for us. They also think about advances in health technology and how they can save people’s lives. Technology is growing more and more every day around us and we might not even be aware of it. It is kind of freaky to think about robots coming to life on Earth I will admit it. I think these advances in technology, despite how weird they are will end up being for the better good in the end.
Self Letter
Another thought I get when thinking about the future is my own. I think about my job, what I’m going to do after I graduate, who I’m going to marry, etc. It all is a lot to think about but it’s those types of things that, it is one of the things I hate about today’s society. They pressure you into knowing exactly what you’re going to do with your life when not everyone knows. If you do know, congratulations!
I have come to find out that trusting God and letting Him guide your life, lets out a lot of the stresses of your person’s future (that is if you are religious). It is good to have a dream and a plan for your life but know that you will never stick to that plan because life has many twists and turns. It will all work out in the end.
Future, as scary as the word seems, it isn’t if you break it down and stress less about it. Just focus on the present and let what goes on in the present guide your futures.
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