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Free Online Math Games for Grades 6-8


For upon |There are different features to look for in a free online math game website. For students in grades, 6-8 sites with some advertising might be acceptable, if there is exceptional educational content. There are certain math standards for grades 6-8 that may also come into consideration when choosing a website with free online math games.

Math Standards for Grades 6-8

For a complete list of math standards for Grades 6-8 visit the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics website. A summary list of math standards is here solely to compare the standards to content on free math websites.

Here are the math standards used for all grades, each with an applicable example for students who are in Grades 6-8.

  1. Number and Operations Standard: work with/compare/order fractions, decimals, and percents; use factors, multiples, prime factorization; analyze algorithms.
  2. Algebra Standard: identify functions as linear or nonlinear; use symbolic algebra; use graphs.
  3. Geometry Standard: use coordinate geometry; apply geometric ideas.
  4. Measurement Standard: understand both metric and customary systems; solve problems involving rates.
  5. Data Analysis and Probability: compute probabilities; understand the relationship of data sets to their graphical representations.

Best Free Online Math Games for Grades 6-8

BBC Schools includes several free math games for students age 11-14. Try the Maths File Game Show (yes, in some countries Math is referred to as “Maths”). Click around the sections to find more math games. The site is maintained by the British Broadcasting Corporation.

Funbrain Math Arcade is a series of 15 games that can only be “unlocked” by beating the games one at a time. Funbrain also offers the popular Math Baseball game. Go to the Funbrain Kids Center to find more math games including Math Car Racing, Sudoku, Cookie Dough, and Measure the Weather. Students will love this site. Note: there are very enticing (ex. Pokemon, GameBoy) and sophisticated-looking banner ads on this site.

Run by Pearson Education, Inc.

Harcourt School’s Elab Free online math games for Grades 6-8 cover Fractal Patterns, Order of Operations, Proportions, Division of Fractions, Decimal Patterns, Growth From Interest, Pi, Rational Numbers, Cube/Cube Roots, and Integer Games, Percentages, Slope of a Line, Two-Step Equations. These free online math games are published online by Harcourt School Publishers and area also games are available in Spanish.

Illuminations Click on Activities, then check off the star for grades 6-8 to find appropriate free online math games. Games use Javascript or Macromedia FlashPlayer, and Adobe Acrobat for worksheets. These free online math games are provided by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. The site is non-commercial.

Kids’ Place Brain Teasers Each week find students in grades 5-6 and grades 7-8 will find new math brain teasers. The previous week’s teasers are archived. This site is run by publisher Houghton Mifflin.

Math Games is part of the Utopia site created and maintained by the University of Texas at Austin. Games include Adventures in Geometry, Math Commander, a timed math game, addition and subtraction with negative numbers, and Space Quadrants.

Moneyopolis is a free math game that teaches students in grades 6-8 about basic financial planning concepts. This sometimes dry topic is made accessible and fun as students help a visit from outer space to help them get back home. The site teaches math, financial planning, and logic as well as honing reading and computer skills.

Registration is necessary, and the site’s owners, Ernst amp; Young, ensure complete privacy.

The National Library of Virtual Manipulatives. Visit the “Virtual Libray” and click on Grades 6-8 for free online math games. Run by the Department of Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the Utah State University. A Java-enabled browser is required for the games to run function properly.

Reich Mathematics Problems, Games. And Articles Each month find new online math games hanging in the virtual vines. Students in grades 6-9 will want to check Stage 3 (math you use before the age of 14). And Stage 4 (math you use before the age of 16). Select the game difficulty yourself. The site is operated by the University of Cambridge.

Shodor Interactive Students grade 6-8 will find 10 age-appropriate free online math games. The games run on Java. This educational website of free online math games is operated by non-profit research. And education organization, the Shodor Education Foundation, Inc.

Students in Grades 6, Grade 7, and Grade 8 will be challenged by some of these free online math games. And will be too entertaine to know they are learning.

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