For upon |The creature in Frankenstein and Edward in the movie Edward Scissorhands have many similarities, as well as some major differences. Both the Creature and Edward are creatures with human qualities made by unnatural causes. Both are abandoned by their creators. However the Creature was abandoned immediately, while Edward’s creator died so we can not fault his creator with abandoning him. One thing that both the Creature and Edward have in common, is a undesirable trait. For the Creature it is his ugliness and for Edward it was that he had scissors for hands. Both of these qualities caused them to be scorned by society. However it was much worse for Frankenstein’s creature, because Edward was at first welcomed for his trait. The people loved his scissor hands and would have him cut their hair or trim their hedges. However after a major mood shift, the people become scared of the hands. They see Edward on top of a child with a cut on his face who is screaming and fear Edward as a monster. A similar thing happened in Frankenstein when the creature saved a boy, but was shot because the people thought he was trying to hurt the boy. I think the Creature definitely had it worse off the Edward. Edward had lots of pleasure in his life. He fell in love with a girl who loved him back, he was taken in by a kind family, and he was praised by the town. The ending of the movie was also a happy ending. Although Edward lived in isolation, he seemed happy. He had a purpose, which was trimming hedges and making ice carvings which created the snow on the village where the women he loved lived. The Creature however was never accepted by society. Although he had some happiness when he lived by himself in the hut watching the family, it did not last long. The Creature never got to love someone, which he desperately wanted to do. The ending of Frankenstein was not happy; the Creature kills himself.
One theme used in the production of Edward Scissorhands was conformity. The entire town looked the same with the same colorful houses and cars. However Edward’s house was much different. It was dark which made it contrast with the rest of the town which was colorful. It also had unique architecture. The people in the town were very much effected by mob mentality. They were constantly calling each other to find out what the “group feeling” was about Edward. When they wanted to have a barbecue to welcome Edward, they went as a group to ask Peg. When one lady had Edward trim her shrubs, they all did and when one lady wanted Edward to trim her hair, they all wanted him to trim their hair. The biggest example of conformity was the stark change in attitudes for Edward after they thought he might be a robber. They changed from his biggest fan, to his biggest enemy. I think that this also has parallels to Hollywood and the media’s treatment of celebrities. They don’t really care about the celebrity, but just go with what the crowd is saying. If the town people in Edward Scissorhands really cared about him they would have tried to figure out why he was in this situation, but instead they just believed that he was a robber and dangerous. Another aspect of conformity is in the character Esmerelda. She is the opposite of conformity because she is the only one with a unique perspective of Edward in the beginning of the movie. She tells the village to be afraid of him when they are all curious and excited about him. Her opinion also doesn’t change because of how societies opinion changes. Throughout the whole movie she remains the crazy lady telling everyone to watch out for Edward. I think the directors made her specifically different than the rest of the towns people to help symbolize her nonconformity to the group. She dresses goth and does weird rituals in her house, making her an outcast to colorful, fashion-centered towns people.
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