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INTJ Personality Type: 10 Things That Excite INTJ Personality Type


10 Things That Excite the INTJ Personality Type

INTJ Personality Type: For upon |INTJs are one of the rarest Myers-Briggs® personality types. Making up a mere 2.1% of the US population, individuals of this type are often outnumbered and hard to come by. They are highly independent and they tend to be reserved about sharing their feelings. Because of this many people wish to know more about what makes them tick and inspires them. As an MBTI® practitioner, I’ve come across many INTJs, and I’ve also spent a lot of time surveying INTJs to get an idea of what activities and experiences excite them and bring them joy.

Let’s take a look!

#1 – The Future

INTJs are intensely focused on the future. In fact, according to neuroscience expert Dario Nardi, INTJs enter a flow state when they envision the distant future. INTJs use a process called Introverted Intuition (or “Ni” for short) as their dominant mental process. This process is all about extrapolating future implications, envisioning how various situations could play out, and predicting the most likely possibility. Using this process invigorates INTJs and helps them to feel alive and energized.

#2 – Strategy

INTJs are skilled in the art of strategic thinking. They get a thrill from foreseeing future goals and moving the pieces around to achieve the desired outcome. The more complex the problem, the more excited they will be to find the solution.

#3 – Solitude

INTJs thrive on independence and uncontrolled time. They enjoy having regular time for themselves where they can let their mind wander, imagine, envision, and analyze. Being in a tranquil, quiet place gives them the mental space to delve into their deeper philosophical thoughts and musings.

#4 – Reading

If you ask INTJs what their favorite activities are, you will almost invariably find them listing off some of their favorite books. As intellectuals and deep thinkers, INTJs enjoy delving into books that broaden their perspective on life, philosophy, psychology, or any other subject that captures their interest.

#5 – Classes

According to the MBTI® Manual, INTJs listed “taking classes” as one of their most preferred leisure activities. INTJs are always trying to improve, learn more, widen their perspective, and activate their analytical thinking powers.

#6 – Technology

Many INTJs have mentioned that they enjoy tinkering with technology and finding ways to improve it. In fact, according to psychologist and typologist David Kiersey, NT types are driven to engineer the technology upon which civilization is based.

#7 – Philosophy

Because of the INTJ’s persistent use of Introverted Intuition, they are constantly trying to take in new perspectives and various points of view. They are especially concerned with conceptual ideas and understanding the underlying meaning of life and the universe. They are often drawn to philosophical writings. Many typologists believe that philosophers Friedrich Nietzsche and G.W.F. Hegel were INTJs.

#8 – Art

INTJs are very sensitive to aesthetic beauty, especially in artwork that is symbolic or conveys deep meaning. I’ve met dozens of INTJs who were self-proclaimed artists and used painting or drawing to unwind and relax.

#9 – Being Alone in Nature

INTJs have very busy, analytical minds and it can be easy for them to become disconnected from their environment. Sometimes this results in stress because they suppress their inferior function, Extraverted Sensing (Se), for too long. One of the ways INTJs can combat this and still let their minds wander is by spending quiet time in a tranquil, natural environment. Many INTJs find it rejuvenating to hike alone in the forest or go kayaking, canoeing, or fishing.

#10 – Creating Order Out of Chaos

INTJs are driven to create efficient and effective systems. They crave an organized, peaceful environment and are willing to work hard to create it. When other people are feeling flustered or without direction, INTJs get a sense of satisfaction from organizing, delegating, and improving plans and systems so that they are more effective and productive.

What Are Your Thoughts?

Do these things excite you? Do you have any thoughts to add? Let us know in the comments!

The article was originally published here.


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