Student Jingyu Lin received globally competitive award IEEE Microwave Theory and Technique Society Graduate Fellowship 2020, by IEEE MTT-S (Second time in Australia, first time received by Yizhuo Yang -2011- supervised by Prof. Christina Lim and Prof. Thas Nirmalathas, UoM)
One of the Three Winners of 2018 CST University Publication Award, by CST, Germany
Student Jianfeng Zhu received Honorable Mention Award in 2019 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology (ICMMT)
Student Jinxu Xu received Best Student Paper Award in 2019 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology (ICMMT).
Other Honors and Awards:
- Feb. 2018:
Best student paper nomination in 2018 Australia Microwave Symposium, Brisbane, Australia, Feb. 2018 (supervised PhD student – Ting Zhang).
- Dec. 2017:
Golden Reviewer of IEEE Electron Device Letters 2017
- Jun. 2017:
Best student paper nomination (24 out of 390) in 2017 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, Jun 2017 (supervised PhD student).
- Jun. 2017:
Advanced Practice Competition nomination in 2017 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, Jun 2017(supervised PhD student).
- May.2017:
IEEE EDL Editor’s Picks (top three) in Issue May 2017. Y. Zhong, Y. Yang, X. Zhu, E. Dutkiewicz, K. M. Shum and Q. Xue, “An On-Chip Bandpass Filter Using a Broadside-Coupled Meander Line Resonator with a Defected-Ground Structure,” IEEE Electron Device Lett., vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 626–629, May 2017 (supervised PhD student).
- Jan. 2014:
Rain Bird Corporation Global Service Plan Success (one out of 30 engineers globally)
- Jun. 2013:
PhD Completion Award by MMARS, Monash University
- Jul. 2007:
Dean’s Congratulation Letter on excellent result in Optical Communications by Engineering Faculty Monash University
Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (TAP), IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory & Techniques (TMTT), IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (AWPL), IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters (MWCL), IEEE Electron Device Letters (EDL), IEEE Sensors Journal, IEEE Access, Sensors and Actuator, IET Electronics Letters (EL), IET MAP, etc.
Member of the Technical Program Committee for The 17th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT2017), Special Session Chair of Microwave Circuit Design and Applications
Member of the Technical Program Committee for 2017 Global Symposium on Millimeter-Waves (GSMM 2017)
Member of the Technical Program Committee for 2018 Global Symposium on Millimeter-Waves (GSMM 2018)
Member of the Technical Program Committee for The 12th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology, Special Session Chair of Emerging Technologies in Biomedical Devices, Systems and Applications
IEEE Microwave Theory and Technique Society Graduate Fellowship 2020
2018 Winner: CST Studio Suite® University Publication Award
Can supervise: YES
Research Interests
Wireless Communication Systems
- 3D printed radio frequency circuits and antennas for 5G, smart antennas, microwave and millimeter-wave filters, power amplifiers, oscillators, couplers/power dividers, baluns and continuously tunable and multifunctional antennas, packaged antennas.
RFIC Devices
- power amplifiers, oscillators, bandpass/lowpass filters, couplers/power dividers/phaseshifters, baluns and antennas, terahertz on-chip antennas and array,
Teaching Areas
Electronics and Circuits; Integrated Electronic System Design; Wireless Network Technology; CCNA; Network Essentials; Cloud Computing; Engineering Graduate Project;
Karmakar, NC, Yang, Y & Rahim, A 2018, Microwave Sleep Apnoea Monitoring, Springer, Germany.View/Download from: Publisher’s site
View description
External partners
- State Key Laboratory of Millimeter-Waves, City University of Hong Kong
- South China University of Technology
- Shenzhen University
The article was originally published here.
General Practitioner, Female
COVID-19 billing policy – We acknowledge the hardship our community is currently experiencing due to the virus outbreak and therefore, our practice will waive gap payments for afterhours GP consults until further notice.
Please call us prior to your appointment if you have travelled in the last 14 days, have been in contact with a known coronavirus case, have a fever or flu-like symptoms like a cough or runny nose.
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Professional statement
Dr. Yang Yang graduated from the University of New South Wales in 2011 and completed her training in Bankstown and Campbelltown Hospitals. She has a special interest in Women’s Health and completed a 6 month rotation in obstetrics and gynaecology at Bankstown Hospital while completing her Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. She is registered for antenatal shared care with Westmead and Ryde Hospitals. After deciding that she didn’t want to be limited to only one field of medicine, she pursued General Practice, and also completed a Diploma in Child Health. She has worked across Sydney from Gladesville to Penrith and particularly enjoys the opportunities in general practice to develop a lasting relationship with her patients and their families. Outside of work, she enjoys seeking adventures, travelling and reading epic fantasy novels.
Areas of Interest
- Workcover rehabilitation
- Women’s health
- Travel medicine
- Preventative health care
- Pap Smears
- Paediatrics
- Motor vehicle injuries
- Implanon insertion & removal
- General health & wellbeing
- Excision of skin lesions
- Family planning
- Chronic disease management
Languages Spoken
- English
- Mandarin
The article was originally published here.
Master Yang Yang Curriculum Vitae
A healing experience helped Dr. Yang Yang find his life’s work. He was born with a congenital heart defect, and doctors warned his family that without surgery he might die. Such measures were beyond the resources of his family and, as a last hope, an uncle uncle suggested that Yang, then 12 years old, try Taiji and Qigong to improve his health. It worked. His health and strength improved quickly and dramatically. He developed a deep appreciation for these arts and a desire to teach others.
Master Yang studied for six years with three local teachers, (Wu Xiubao, Yuan Shiming, and Zhang Xitang before going away to Shanghai to attend the university. During the next few years, he met and studied with Gu Liuxin, Chen Zhaokui and Feng Zhiqiang, all top grandmasters of 1970-80s era Chen taiji in China. He won first place in the Shanghai University Gongfu Tournament for three straight years (1981–1983) and was voted Best Overall Martial Artist in 1983. In 1987 he became a formal disciple of Grandmaster Feng Zhiqiang.
To understand the power and mechanics of Taiji and Qigong beyond traditional explanatory frameworks, Master Yang then completed a doctorate degree in kinesiology at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign in 2005. His research focuses directly on the mechanisms and benefits of traditional Taiji/Qigong with publications of several scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals. Yang’s detailed study of taiji/qigong enables him to clarify and/or demystify what are often obscure points of theory and practice, and to serve as a bridge between the Eastern/traditional and Western/academic fields. His traditional training also allowed him to distill the essence of various aspects of traditional Taiji training into an evidence-based program that he has refined over the course of several longitudinal studies. Dr. Yang is the founder and Director of the Center for Taiji and Qigong Studies in New York City and is also a clinical specialist at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in NY, where he teaches patients and staff.
Yang’s book Taijiquan: The Art of Nurturing, the Science of Power has been acclaimed as an instant classic by experts in Chinese martial and healing arts, and he is in high demand as a lecturer at academic and medical research institutions. Recent presentations include lectures at the Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, Harvard Medical School, Weill Cornell Medical Center, the Hospital for Special Surgery, American Public Health Association, American College of Sports Medicine, and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
More information about Yang’s Taiji training, including personal stories of his experiences with the 18th generation Masters of the Chen Style, is provided in the magazine and journal articles.
The article was originally published here.
Yang Yang
Dr, PhD, CEng, MIChemE, FHEA
- Engineering & Applied Science
- Lecturer, Chemical Eng & Applied Chemistry
School of Engineering and Applied Science, Aston University
B4 7ET Birmingham
United Kingdom
Research output per year
Personal profile
Contact Details
Phone: 0121 204 3433
I am currently a lecturer within the Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry department. My research interest lies in the field of:
Advanced thermal conversion
• Intermediate and slow pyrolysis process development
• Biomass derived liquid for diesel and heavy marine fuels
• Waste plastic polymer conversion to chemical monomers
• Novel bio-bitumen and bio-asphalt
Energy System
• Combined heat and power from stationary engine system
• Renewable energy system integration (e.g. biological, thermal and solar processing) and evaluation
• Energy system techno-economic evaluation and carbon footprint analysis
Teaching Activity
CE2002 Design Project
CE3003 Advanced Design Project
CE4011 MEng Research Project
Process Labs (2nd Year)
PhD Chemical Engineering, Aston University 2014
BEng Mechanical Engineering, University of Birmingham 2009
BEng Thermal and Energy Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology 2009
2019 – present: Lecturer, Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, Aston University
2014 – 2019: Research Fellow, European Bioenergy Research Institute, Aston University
2013 – 2014: Marie Curie Early Stage Fellow, WEHRLE-WERK AG (Germany)
Research Grant
2020 – 2022, PI, £11.9k “Healing-capable Bitumen from Pyrolysis of Mixed Plastic Waste”, Royal Society International Exchanges grant.
2020 – 2022, Co-I, £149.9k, “FuelPlas”, British Council UK-Turkey Institutional Link grant.
2019 – 2022, Co-I, €846k, “Biomass-CCU”, Horizon 2020 MSCA RISE grant.
2018 – 2018, PI, £1.3k, “Upgrading of Pyrolysis Oil by Low Temperature Plasma”, SUPERGEN Bioenergy Hub Mobility Award.
2017 – 2020, Co-I, €3.6m, “GreenCarbon”, Horizon 2020 MSA ITN grant.
2016 – 2017, PI (Aston), £50.2k, “Process Intensification of Biodiesel Produciton” SUPERGEN Bioenergy Hub Sandpit grant.
Professional Bodies
2020 – present, Chartered Member, IChemE
2020 – present, Chartered Engineer, Engineering Council
2019 – present, Associate Member, EPSRC Peer Review College
2019 – present, Fellow, The Higher Education Academy
2012 – present, Associate Member, The Energy Institute
The article was originally published here.
Dr. Yang Yang’s Home Page
I am currently a tenured associate professor in the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management at Temple University. I got Ph.D. in Geography, Master of Statistics, and M.A in Economics from University of Florida.
My major research interests lie in tourism demand analysis, regional tourism growth, as well as hotel financial and real estate analysis. With a solid multi-disciplinary education background, I am able to thoroughly investigate research questions in the tourism and hospitality industry and offer unique insights and perspectives. After ten years of research experience, my academic papers have been published in top-tier tourism and hospitality journals. At the same time, I have accumulated abundant industrial experience from various consulting projects.
Here is my latest CV [PDF]
The article was originally published here.
Dr Yang Yang
Dr Yang Yang completed undergraduate (College of Music, Northwest Normal University, China) and masters (College of Music, Capital Normal University, China) study in singing performance with distinctions. He is an established professional solo singer in both Western classical and Chinese music. In 2011, he was awarded a PhD in music education by the Institution of Education, University of London. His doctoral research explored pedagogical challenges in the teaching and learning of traditional folk song performance (intangible cultural heritage) in higher education. This included an initial in-depth cultural inquiry into China’s higher music education policies since the 1900s, as well as extensive fieldwork with associated acoustic and qualitative data analyses. He has been actively involved in regular public music performances and academic presentations at international conference across a wide range of research fields. Since 2005, he has been responsible for Chinese translations in two leading English-speaking academic publications, Psychology of Music and Research Studies in Music Education, the intention being to promote and facilitate further academic exchange and cooperation amongst international and Chinese higher institutions and music/educational organisations (such as ISME and CMA). Recently, he has co-authored a handbook on singing pedagogies in Chinese music and two articles in singing pedagogy and performance for Chinese academic journals, as well as a number of conference papers for ISME, BVA and PEVOC.
special interests…
The article was originally published here.
Yang Yang
Yang Yang, PhD, is recognized in the traditional tai chi and qigong community as a master practitioner and teacher. He is also an academic researcher interested in applying the highest standards of the Western scientific process to explore and promote evidence-based Eastern philosophy and wellness programs. Yang is author of the highly acclaimed book Taijiquan: The Art of Nurturing, the Science of Power, and in 2006 he was honored as the Qigong Master of the Year at the 9th World Congress on Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Founder of the Center for Taiji and Qigong Studies, and currently a researcher and instructor of Tai Chi and Qigong at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, Yang has more than 30 years’ experience teaching tai chi and qigong in China and the United States.
“Dr. Yang’s program has profoundly changed my life. His philosophy of life has opened up an entire world for me.” —Linda N., MD
Learn more about this presenter’s work:
The article was originally published here.
Yang, Yang
Associate Professor![FACULTY_YangYang]()
- Office: 441 Dauer Hall or 108 EPI
- Phone: 352-294-1933 or 352-273-7396
- Fax: 352-294-1930
- Email:
Department of Biostatistics
College of Public Health & Health Professions College of Medicine
University of Florida
2004 Mowry Rd
P.O. Box 117450
Gainesville, FL 32611
- PhD, Emory University
- MS, Emory University
- BS, South China University of Technology
Professional Biography
Yang Yang is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Biostatistics, College of Public Health and Health Professions, with joint affiliation in the Emerging Pathogen Institute, at the University of Florida. His primary research topics are statistical methods for assessing transmissibility of infectious diseases and intervention effectiveness and nonparametric hypothesis-testing methods.
- Statistical inference problems for acute infectious diseases in complex settings, for example, when there are multiple cocirculating pathogens and/or there are a substantial number of missing data such as transmission times or routes
- Resampling-based methods for multiple comparisons of groups means and covariances.
The article was originally published here.
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