3 Questions We Want Answered in ‘Riddick 4’
For Upon |The Chronicles Or Riddick It’s been over two years since we’ve heard anything regarding Vin Diesel’s Riddick franchise. It was back in December 2015 when Vin revealed that the fourth film would be an R-rated origin story and would probably be shot in 2017.
Well, 2017 has passed and there’s still no sign of Riddick 4.
So, since everyone only talks about the Fast and the Furious, xXx, and the MCU when it comes to Vin Diesel, I felt it was time to consider some of the great mysteries of the franchise that made him famous.
1: Who is Riddick?
Who and what Riddick is has been kept very ambiguous in the series thus far. In Pitch Black, he was portrayed as a psychopathic criminal with a rough past but in The Chronicles of Riddick, it has been made clear that he is an alien—an Alpha Furyan from the planet Furya, to be specific.
Since it has been confirmed that the next film will be an origin story, it would be great to see Furya and what the Furyans and their culture are like. Most importantly, it would be exciting to discover more about Riddick’s role in Furya and how and why he left the planet. These mysteries have been central to the Riddick series for a while now, and if some of them were addressed it would make the fourth film stand out as a turning point in the franchise.
2: What state is Riddick and Vaako’s relationship in?
The necromancer commander Vaako has had an interesting history in the Riddick series. In The Chronicles of Riddick, he was a complete opponent to the Furyan, trying to hunt him down for most of the plot. In 2013’s Riddick however, Vaako appears to be an ally to the convict. He served by his side during his reign as Lord Marshal and provided him with the location of his home planet and a ship to get him there.
Of course, the planet Riddick reaches is not Furya. Whether it was Vaako or Krone, the necromancer escorting him, who abandoned him there is left unclear. However, in the extended cut of Riddick, the film ends with Riddick’s demanding Vaako’s whereabouts from Krone, teasing that he’ll “kill him first” if Krone complies.
From what’s been presented, it’s logical to presume that Riddick simply wants to find Vaako to get the reallocation of Furya, maintaining their alliance. However, considering the vicious, no-nonsense side of the convict, it could be plausible that Riddick has more vengeful intentions, making Vaako a villain again as he was in Chronicles.
3. How is this franchise going to end?
While promoting Riddick, director David Twohy suggested in an interview that the series would be a five-film saga, stating “I believe there are two more movies. And I think it’s good that we are looking at ending the series so it doesn’t feel like an open-ended thing.”
If Twohy and Vin Diesel follow this plan, then the fourth film should give hints as to where Riddick is heading and what his remaining goals are before the final adventure begins.
One theme that seems to reoccur in the series is compassion. Riddick is a selfish character but occasionally someone—whether it’s Carolyn in Pitch Black or Kyra in Chronicles—shows him that people are worth saving. This theme could reach fruition at the end of the series, possibly with Riddick putting his ego aside and sacrificing himself to save someone’s life. If the fourth and fifth films answer these questions, then we should be in for a satisfying, badass ending.
The article was originally published here.
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