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What is Business Planning: Improve Your Business


How Learning To Plan Can Take Your Business To New Heights

Plan Ahead

What is Business Planning: For upon|The object of any business, in the long run, is usually to turn a profit. You may be involved in a non-profit endeavor or perhaps a passion project. However, both of these kinds of businesses still need to reap a reasonable amount of income (a non-profit has to cover its costs and make a “profit” that goes to its charitable cause) for the wheels to keep turning.

If you have absolutely no planning strategy in your business, there’s no way that you’ll be able to move forward and grow into what you could become. Having a weekly plan is good. Having a monthly plan is better and having a plan that reaches into the future (such as a quarterly or yearly plan) is better still! All these sets of plans and goals work together to propel your business to greater heights. Let’s take a look at some of the ways that planning ahead can be good for your business.

Planning Helps Manage Money

Money is the lifeblood of a business, and careful planning can help ensure that it keeps flowing all year round. For example, if your business is a seasonal one and makes better sales at some points of the year and worse ones at others, you need to plan for ways to bring in cash flow during the quiet seasons. Diversifying is a great way to prepare for when things might not go smoothly with one aspect of your business. Let us use farming as an example. If you are a farmer whose income relies mainly on summer fruits, you will have an issue bringing in money in the winter months. If you diversify your crops and also add a few winter fruits, you’ll have cash flow coming in all year round.

Diversifying is a wonderful way to plan ahead, but businesses should be careful to guard against “over-trading.” Small businesses often fall into the trap of saying yes to everything that comes their way in an effort to guard against every possible downturn in cash flow. While you must plan for as many eventualities as you can to ensure that the business stays afloat financially speaking, you must also maintain your integrity as a business and your peace as a businessperson.

Planning ahead and thinking of different ways in which you could diversify should the need arise will ensure that no matter the situation, you have a way in mind to make things work.

Planning Helps Manage Staff

Let’s say you run a restaurant. Medium to large restaurants usually has a number of hosts or hostesses, servers, bussers, and kitchen staff on their schedule for any given day. If a schedule like this is not appropriately planned and far enough in advance, it can cause problems when too many or too few staff members show up for work. Keep in mind that planning ahead also considers your staff and their plans.

You’ll have shift workers in a restaurant, as a full day and night is too much for one staff member to work straight through; the same can be said of retail. While office jobs do not often use shift work schedules, it’s imperative that you take a close look at all staff off days and when public holidays fall to ensure that the office keeps running smoothly. If you’ve already given two staff members the day off, it might be unwise to do the same for a third, for example. As they say, a stitch in time saves nine!

Planning Ahead Helps Expansion

While some businesses do not have the sole goal of bringing cash flow into their owner’s bank accounts (such as the passion project type that we mentioned earlier) and, as such, do not ever wish to grow and become big businesses, most businesses do want to expand, generate more cash flow and offer more jobs. Without a plan for what that expansion might look like, you’ll never get it right. While you might not be ready to expand your operation just yet, it’s always wise to look to the future and set up a few different plans for what expansion might look like when the time comes. You could set out a yearly plan, one for five years from now and then another for two to five years after that.

Wrap Up

Planning ahead can sometimes feel a little bit overwhelming because you have to think of all kinds of scenarios that might or might not ever actually come to fruition. However, let us tell you from experience that planning now is far better than getting to the point where you wish you had planned ages ago! These important reasons for planning ahead should help ease you into the process.


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