All Schools Should Let Students Wear Regular Clothes To School
An Argument Essay Topics: For upon |All schools should let students wear regular clothes to school because students feel more comfortable with regular clothes. I also think that if kids are allowed to wear regular clothes to school they have more variety of clothes to choose from and they won’t have to spend extra time in the morning finding clothes. If students wear regular clothes to school they have more freedom to express themselves. Regular clothes can be bought on sale or for discounts. 1Uniforms are expensive, so wearing regular clothes to school will take the extra weight off of parents. An Argument Essay Topics.
2Uniforms can also be boring since everyone in the whole school is wearing the same thing. Uniforms can take away a student’s individuality. Uniforms can’t be worn outside of school and regular clothes can. When wearing uniforms they can be outgrown quickly and then parents will have to buy a whole new set of uniforms. When students wear uniforms they don’t express themselves very freely. click to explore the world for new at сustom essays in 24 hours.
Uniforms are supposed to help reduce discrimination in students but studies show that uniforms don’t show any improvement in this area. Students will always be bullied regardless of what they are wearing. If uniforms are used in middle school students will get used to wearing them and when they go to high school they will feel uncomfortable and won’t be used to wearing regular clothes to school. Instead of focusing on teaching, teachers spend most of their checking if students are wearing the correct uniform according to the dress code. An Argument Essay Topics.
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