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Social Networks In Marketing: 5 Find Hobbies To Overcome Addiction


How To Find Hobbies To Overcome Addiction To Social Networks

Social Networks In Marketing: Social media is one of the most addictive activities anyone can engage in. The addiction may cause anxiety and also lead to a lot of time wastage. If you are in college or working, the habit will reduce your productivity. 

Since social media addiction is an acquired habit, it is possible to reverse the trend. However, the first step is recognizing addiction. This recognition then helps you to take steps towards recovery. How do you ascertain that you are an addict? My paper Done has highlighted the most common features:

  • It is the first place you visit even before leaving your bed
  • You feel anxious if you have not visited social media for a few hours
  • You login to social media without any purpose
  • You can open the same site on different devices
  • You rush to check every notification
  • You can hear imaginary notifications
  • Lack of internet leaves you anxious
  • You overthink the status updates, likes, comments, shares, and other activities on social media.

Having identified the signs of addiction, it is time to look for a solution. Picking a hobby is one of the ways to kick out social media addiction. How do you choose hobbies that will help you to overcome this addiction? 

  • Choose Hobbies Away From The Internet

The hobbies chosen should be away from the internet. For instance, the choice of blogging as a hobby can be misleading and may never help you find a solution because the temptation to sign into social media remains. Pick a hobby like football, hiking, theater, music instrumentation, and other amusements that will get you away from the internet. 

  • Go Away From Your Phone

Social media is addictive to inactive persons. If the hobby involves sitting or going to places where you can still have your phone around, it will be challenging to overcome this addiction. Some of the options could include swimming, sports, and other engaging activities. For instance, it will be difficult to get into the swimming pool with your phone. The few minutes you will drop the phone are enough to help you overcome the addiction. However, you must remain mindful of the temptation to post your activities for your friends to see. Find a way to handle this temptation so that it does not affect your attempt to fight the addiction. 

  • Involve Friends In The Hobbies

Choose hobbies that involve friends and family. Social media is addictive because it gives you a chance to interact with friends who could be miles away. Unless you are an introvert, you have to maintain this contact with friends. It helps you to compensate for the joy of spending time with friends on social media and catching up on their progress in life. 

  • Have A Compensation Mechanism

Dropping social media addiction will come with resistance. The body and mind still want to enjoy the compensation that comes with comments, likes, shares, and other activities on social media. How will you compensate for these losses? 

The best compensation is to keep tabs with friends regularly. The activity you choose must be so enjoyable that it can cause you to forget social media. The body needs to enjoy the same rewards that come from social media. 

  • It Takes Time To Overcome

Do not target a sudden withdrawal. You will be expecting too much from the process to the point of disappointment. The temptation to log in to social media will remain. Find a way of compensating and do not give up on the quest to quit social media

Us professional help if the need arises. You must also appreciate the benefits of social media so that you do not kick it out of your life completely. The best way to overcome this is to find a replacement for the joy that comes with social media presence. 


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