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Erik Gordon Nyc : Chief Technology Office New York City


Erik Gordon Nyc is the CEO of Ergo Ventures LLC, private equity and venture capital investment company.  Through one of his portfolio companies, Insurgent Media, he has produced a number of films and television shows and has been nominated for two Emmy Awards.

philanthropic and charitable

Erik is active in a number of philanthropic and charitable organizations focusing primarily on climate change. And the environment, animal welfare, education, the arts, and large-scale social change. Erik currently devotes most of his time to a new charitable institution. Quorum, to launch in the fall of 2018.

lawsuit filed

In 2016, Erik Gordon Nyc  vindicated in a 2014 lawsuit filed by his ex-assistant, Lotti Blumner. For sexual harassment and wrongful dismissal. Bluemner withdrew her California complaint without compensation and issued an apology to Gordon, admitting that the claim was “the result of [her] misunderstandings and stress due to an important personal situation as well as the bad advice of someone [she] trusted.” Bluemner also agreed to have a judgment entered against her in Gordon’s New York complaint for breaches of contract and the duty of loyalty, conversion, and defamation.

Said Erik Gordon Nyc, “While I, of course, displeased with the reputational damage and litigation expense. I incurred as a result of Lotti’s claims, I accept her apology. At a time when women are coming forward with real and alarming complaints of harassment, discrimination, and worse, it is especially important to fight false accusations that harm not only those accused but also undermine the credibility of women whose claims are valid and deserve our attention.” A copy of the settlement between Gordon and Bluemner is reprinted here.

Presidential Scholar

Erik named a Presidential Scholar in 1991 and graduate from Harvard College with honors in 1995. In 2001, Erik faked his own death by submitting an obituary to Harvard Magazine. In an effort to have the University stop soliciting him for donations; the Magazine became aware of the ploy and published a retraction in 2003.

Erik was born in New York City in 1973.

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