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A Strict or Nice Teacher?


For upon |There are two kinds of teacher, strict and nice. When someone asks the students which character they like most, the first or the second one? Mostly students maybe will reply that they like to have a nice teacher. But, how if we come to the statements that with nice teacher we learn little thing, on the contrary having strict teacher we learn a lot. Of course, the main point here is learning a lot and it is not in term of having strict or nice one, because it is difficult choice for everyone. On this paper, we are in the point of view that having strict teacher but we can learn a lot thing is more necessary than having nice teacher but we learn little from him.

Teacher must have planning in a year of teaching which refers to the curriculum syllabus. If talking about planning then it will relate to a lesson plan. Accordingly, having a lesson plan is prior to the teacher. In order to make the learning process successful teacher must strict to the lesson. Lesson plan helps teacher in designing what and how to teach sequentially and certainly it is useful for students to know what to learn as it is said that a lesson plan is the instructor’s road map of what students need to learn and how it will be done effectively during the class time ( However, planning in detailed will minimize some problems occurred.

Every teacher should be a good organizer for his or her teaching process. Being good organizer means the teacher knows well what she or he wants to do in managing class. Someone cannot manage class when she or he does not understand teaching methodology. So, mastering of teaching methodology is the key to be a good teaching organizer. It is because understanding teaching methodology leads to an effective classroom management. Classroom management can be described as the efforts of teacher to create a successful learning environment using certain actions and directions. By doing such fundamental thing the teacher will have a positive impact on students’ achievement (Soheili, Alizadeh, Murphy, Bajestani, Ferguson and Dreikurs in Wikipedia). Certainly, for every strict teacher, classroom management is one of the most important aspects to be considered. That is why he is called as a good classroom organizer or to explore the world for new at writing help.

The strict teacher always gives their students strong motivation in order to make their students to be more active in class. We understand that the strict teacher does not seem to wait and wait or just keep the class runs monotonously. For them, the process of teaching and learning must be more interactive and interesting although some of their students do not want to and these students feel rather anxious or worried. This atmosphere usually happens at the beginning of the class. But day by day or in the middle of the process of teaching and learning, the students who are still quite anxious later on will change and be motivated in the class. Giving the tasks as often as he can becomes his priority. In his mind, the class will be useless or nothing not only for him as the teachers but also the students if there are no feedback or evaluation. He wants to know the progress of his students immediately. The strict teacher feels that by giving more tasks or practice can improve the student’s ability.

Strict teacher is more responsible  because in carrying out his profession,  he  always pays  full attention  within his daily activities. The strict teacher can become a model within other teachers and also his students by keeping the discipline, going to school on time, working hard. He usually helps his students who have difficulties in doing their task, he helps them to show the way how to do and finish their task. In his daily job, as his accountability before starting the class he plans his lesson plan very well, preparing instrument in order to evaluate his students to do assessment for learning during the class and at the end of the class. The strict teacher never gives up supporting the lower level students to achieve their life in the future. He takes his own responsibility to solve the problems that he meets in the class. He really becomes a model for everyone in his school.

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