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Lapis Lazuli: Meaning, Healing Properties and Powers


Lapis Lazuli: Meaning, Healing Properties, and Powers

What is Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a beautiful celestial deep blue stone and is considered a semi-precious stone with its intense color display. It consists of deep blue lazurite, sparkly pyrite, cloudy white calcite, and other minerals.

It is considered to be a protection from psychic attacks,  bringing deep peace, and harmony, revealing inner truth, honesty, compassion, self-awareness, and self-expression. Because of its healing powers, Lapis lazuli is celebrated as being The Wisdom Stone. Having its classic type, it is being loved by the pharaohs from Egypt thousands of years back.

Lapis Lazuli crystal welcomes most of the truth, wisdom, and spiritual wonder and makes it into your inner peace.

Lapis Lazuli Meaning

8Lapis lazuli stone meaning came from the Latin word Lapis means stone and from the Persian word Lazhward meaning blue. The color meaning of Lapis lazuli was also used in several languages including Spanish and Portuguese Azul. Lapis Lazuli was mined in the Sar-i Sang mines in Shortugai and found in Bhirrana, which is the oldest site of Indus Valley Civilisation dated to 7570 BCE and being valued from that time by the community.

This stone was declared one of the oldest opaque gemstones in history which are more than 6,500 years. Some bible scholars believe Lapis lazuli’s spiritual meaning has its reference from the Old Testament to “sapphire” which indicates lapis lazuli.

6It was used as the finest art through the ages especially when it was used in ancient Egypt, beloved by the Babylonians, Minoans, Chinese, Greeks, and up to Romans. It was historically used in the death mask of King Tutankhamun, which they inlaid with turquoise and carnelian in bright gold.

It was also being played as cosmetics of Cleopatra and was a subject from a well-known writer Marco Polo way back in 1271. Michelangelo grounds up lapis lazuli to create blue paint called ultramarine that brings color and brings the robes of Mary of Nazareth painted on church walls.

Lapis Lazuli is a combination of a rock type of Calcite, Diopside, Lazurite, Pyrite, and more. This semi-precious stone is so popular over the centuries because of its mystical appearance and its compelling energies. It is commonly used by faith healers because they considered lapis lazuli meaning has a deeper purpose over the centuries. They proved its calming influence that reveals the truth and empowers your senses.

Lapis Lazuli Healing Properties and Benefits

Lapis Lazuli’s benefits consist of a powerful intense blue stone used to open minds and give enlightenment. It is used to encourage self-awareness, self-confidence, self-knowledge, peace and harmony, compassion, and morality,  making the wearer in a good mood throughout the day. Lapis lazuli properties are effective to soothe inflammation and help both respiratory and nervous systems fight problems. It clears the throat and thyroid, best for those who suffer from vocal issues and sore throats.

What are the healing properties of Lapis Lazuli? There are a lot of benefits you can get when you are owning a stone like this. It can boost the immune system, cool and soothes inflammation, reduces insomnia, and overcomes depression, and vertigo.

This is a helpful tool for intellectual analysis, problem-solving, and creating new ideas. This stone can be handily used to generate different ideas, enhance intellectual abilities, and activates and sharpens your memory. Lapis lazuli’s metaphysical properties make this crystal so useful and popular up to this era.

Feelings and Emotional Healing

Lapis Lazuli’s healing crystal was discovered to relieve anger and negative thoughts. It is a useful tool for those who suffer emotional breakdowns, it calms the senses and opens up the mind to produce knowledge and self-awareness. It is a stone of protection against anxiety, and psychic attacks that down the mind to think more and create more ideas.

it stimulates clarity and objectivity and speaks one’s truth and emotions. 7It also came to balance the male and female aspects of your personality which vibrates with the energy of the inner king or queen, and are historically stones of royalty.

Lapis lazuli emotional healing is not just with the inner issues but it can let into your life to generate goals and determination. it can wash out the negativity in your mind so you to think clearly. Strengthens the mind to influence your body for being active at work, career, and life, in general, are designed to be lapis lazuli healing properties.


Because of its connection to heaven energies, and used by the ancient royal families way back, some of the lapis lazuli healing properties are believed to produce vibrations activating the mind, and influence life of more intelligence, success, and stillness of inner senses.

It helps the person to be more aware, and can easily express his or her truth. It is also called The Wisdom Keeper as it synchronizes the mind, body, and spirit. Its power can unveil your inner wisdom and enhance your connection with your inner strength.

This is a way to clear the minds and set a new pattern to generate new ideas. Openness, tranquility, and self-confidence are an exchange of anxiety, depression, and negative thoughts brought by different experiences in life that lapis lazuli has and can provide.


Lapis lazuli stone can connect your heart and mind forcing it to create a good flow of blood and calms your emotions. This happens to be a treat for skin issues, aids respiratory problems, and is good for the nervous system that controls brain disorders like Asperger’s syndrome, autism, and attention deficit.

4It is believed to boost the immune system, help the blood circulate normally, and soothe the areas of inflammation. It cleanses organs, the thymus, and bone marrow. It is also a good treatment for women suffering from menstrual difficulties, cramps, dysmenorrhea, stiffness, and lumbago.

Placing this in your upper area can stimulate power from its chakra (throat), particularly on your throat, larynx, thyroids, and vocal cords area that needs improvement. It is beneficial to those who want to perform in auditions that can receive perfect focus and gives clarity, encouragement, and self-knowledge. These are based on faith healers who identified lapis lazuli healing properties through its chakra representation.


Like the other common crystals, Lapis lazuli’s spiritual properties can open your psychic abilities and empower your senses. It is a powerful stone that helps find your inner peace, intuition, and wisdom. 5It can enhance your inner self to uncover the truth and reveal your true self.

It has the energy to connect your desire with the divine will merging the Lapis Lazuli crystal meaning into your daily living that empowers you to live your life with confidence and authenticity. Lapis Lazuli is known for providing serenity and tranquility that makes the wearer dependent on herself/himself concentrated on truth and trust.

It will speak out to you and can change your move with your job, career moving, and goals that made you unsure of your past decisions. This stone has a way of making you fearless with your choice or decisions throughout your journey that increases your spirit to become more motivated every day.

Lapis Lazuli Uses & Metaphysical Properties

Wearing Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a shimmering shade of deep blue color with golden or brownish internal flecks that brings light to the dark atmosphere. By cutting this stone and creating a piece of jewelry, it can never have the same lining or coloring pattern that makes it unique and more attractive. It does not carry a strong metal ability that leads it to easy scratches and chips if you’re not too careful wearing it.

Based on Astrologer’s advice, the best time to wear lapis lazuli jewels is on a Saturday night of Krishna Paksha (waning moon). Lapis lazuli powers can boost deeply your inner intuition and produce more energy from the moon to its surface.  While in Verdict astrology, this is a stone of the planet Saturn that gives the wearer an auspicious effect of Saturn. Some say it’s ruled by the planet of Jupiter which enhances consciousness and wisdom.

Lapis lazuli benefits of wearing especially in the upper part of the body like earrings, and necklaces, empower your self-confidence and remind you of your authenticity all the time.

Wearing lapis lazuli anywhere in your body offers powerful vibrations connecting to your mind, body, and soul that are known to attract promotion and success. So it is the best partner when you’re not sure of something you want or might not understand the meaning of your life.

Lapis Lazuli at Home

3Lapis lazuli has a lot of benefits not only for health but also inside the house. Lapis lazuli and feng shui are used to know how exactly the powers are absorbed and effective when placing it inside the house.

Lapis lazuli home accessories can bring protection and add positive energy inside the house. It can neutralize energy in all family members which calms the surroundings and can produce peace and harmony. You may place it on the altar to absorb more powers from the Divine.

Lapis lazuli home decors are the best in fashion and interior designs. It was used by ancient painters as the base color for their masterpieces. Those paintings were popular because of the intense and sparkling color of Lapis. When being alone inside your house, can help you manage your thoughts and emotions to a deeper understanding of your inner worth.

For those individuals that suffer from depression, stress, or anxiety, this stone has the power to heal wounds from within mostly those who are not with their families and independent souls. The best advised where to place lapis lazuli at home based on Feng shui, are in bedrooms and living rooms facing South for abundance and wealth, North for career, or East for Health.

Lapis Lazuli at Work 

This stone is one way to help you concentrate and think about how life can bring you success and determination. Lapis lazuli can be the best among others to wear at work. It allows you to decide where to step forward and when not. It is used for those struggling with their goals and directions to take.

Lapis lazuli’s benefits at the workplace are being expressive about what you feel and being fearless all the time. It promotes inspiration in every task you’re going to make. If you’re not sure about what or where to take an opportunity, this stone is your first choice.

Meditation with Lapis Lazuli 

Lapis Lazuli witnessed how ancient people used it as part of their meditation. It is proven to increase awareness, inner truth, hope, and peace. When meditating, a quiet place is the best start to focus and feel the power of the stone. You can hold even a small polished stone of Lapis in your hands or put it in any place near you. You can use a raw lapis lazuli stone but others prefer to use the polished one since they’re placing it somewhere on their body.

Shorter or longer meditations can both work on this stone. But for more intense meditations, like powerful emotion-releasing moments, lapis lazuli meditation is advisable to do for not more than 2 hours. Depending on how you’re feeling that day, if you need more time for yourself or not, it will always be your decision.

Deep breaths for relaxation to express tensions and worries. Continue to inhale and exhale to release negative thoughts and absorb light from the crystal. It will open your mind to things you wanna know about yourself. It increases the ability to think more and feels more about things you’re not aware of.

People and relationships

Lapis lazuli powers are considered to bring harmony to friendships and relationships. It influences truth and promotes the self-awareness of others. You can carry the mood and touch others as you go along with them. They can absorb your positive energy and provide relief to them without holding the stone.

It protects harmony in relationships and balances feelings or emotions. It will open the door of acceptance for friendships or relationships and gives more understanding as they can facilitate inner peace and truth. This stone helps you value the person and keep the relationship alive for it promotes serendipity and stands for good luck.

Lapis Lazuli Crystal Therapies 

Lapis lazuli was one of the most highly prized paid tributes to Egypt, acquired from the oldest mines and still in use today. In modern studies, lapis lazuli crystal therapy was proven to help those people who have higher IQs, have autism, and have Asperger’s syndrome with their consciousness, and helps them identify their habitual thought patterns.

This stone carries a lot of positive energy that gives the wearer good and healthy feelings. 2It strengthens the mind that assists those suffering from traumas, depression, and grief. It gives them hope, clears their minds, and adds courage. It is also best for those who think deeper and need to focus every day such as psychologists, writers, executives, and professionals. This is a suitable tool for helping their intellectual analysis, being more creative, and perfect for critical thinking.

It is also used to eliminate toxins in the body, and it has proven Lapis lazuli as a tool for weight loss, women with an intense effect on female hormonal balance that increases their menstrual cycle by two days. This crystal is profoundly recommended to those who want an extreme understanding of their inner self and exceptional emotional healing. Exposed in sunlight for heating lapis lazuli helps reduce bruises and insect bites.

Lapis Lazuli and Chakras 

What chakra is Lapis lazuli? It is associated with the Third-Eye Chakra. It is known as the mind’s eye or inner eye which is linked to mind consciousness and provides perception beyond normal sight. Located in the brain and the upper part of the nose area, its purpose is to see both the inner and outer worlds. As a sixth chakra, it is well-motivated by knowledge, wisdom, intuition, insight, wisdom, and self-consciousness.

When the stone can awaken your Third Eye chakra, your psychic ability opens, and can see further. If you need to organize your life and focus on what you wanna do or become, this stone has this Third-Eye chakra helping you with what you desire, and with your mindset.

Lapis lazuli won’t be completed as being the Wisdom stone without this Throat Chakra linked with it. This can communicate, if you feel unheard, and not being understood, this is an absolute choice of stone. This helps you expose what you feel inside, know the inner truth, express confidence, and clarity, and stand up for yourself. It pushes you to convey a full expression of words, and the discomfort of showing yourself to others. It will encourage you to speak with a clear mind and share the real you with other people.

Lapis Lazuli Beauty Products

Lapis lazuli is also one of the best stones having flexible use. They found a way to create oil from this stone called the Blue tansy. This Lapis lazuli crystal facial tool helps soothe skin irritations and reduces the appearance of blemishes and redness balancing the skin. It is also used to create Face rollers with almost the same effect as the oil but more on massaging the face. Lapis lazuli’s healing properties for skin are: soothes inflammation, stimulates lymphatic drainage, and lowers blood pressure.

Lapis Lazuli Intimate Accessories

Because of its extremely expressive blue color, lapis lazuli is one of the best crystal materials to create accessories, hand-made jewels, and home decor. Lapis lazuli yoni egg is a common tool for meditation, and muscle tightening. Lapis lazuli is also the best material to create crystal wand yoni sticks, a body massager for women’s kegel exercise. Its natural characteristics made it good for this kind of method. It will help to practice your kegel, chest, arms, legs, neck, waist, head, and other body parts. This tool activates energy and increases it. It will make an expanding flow of energy along the spine.

Lapis Lazuli Gem Water 

For deeper creativity, focus, and memory, this lapis lazuli gem water bottle is best to carry anywhere. It will allow you to bring the power of the crystal-infused water anywhere you go, especially the time you need it. It’s advisable to drink 6-8 glasses of water every day, and for added enlightenment, lapis lazuli comes with it. It is considered to help you hydrate at the same time energized by the power of the crystal.

You can remove the elixir from the bottle to use inside your home. It’s a highly spiritual crystal that expands your thinking, and deeper connections to the spiritual world, and promotes awareness.

Lapis Lazuli Shapes and Forms


Lapis lazuli bracelets for communication and intuition are made with a natural crystal top with mini beads with the deep color cobalt blue that can only be found in high-quality Lapis.

Lapis lazuli cluster bracelets can be partnered with the following pieces of clustered jewelry with the same effect and benefits:

  • Lapis lazuli earrings
  • Lapis lazuli pendants
  • Lapis lazuli ring
  • Lapis lazuli necklace
  • Lapis lazuli heart-shaped cut jewelry

With a beautiful set of laps crystals in a sterling silver or gold frame and lace, is a stunning duo for a sophisticated and elegant look.


This type of cut and polished lapis lazuli point crystal has a sparkling color and shine which is used for home decorations, particularly in bedrooms to promote overall wellness. It also may be used by holding it in your palm to get away with negative energies caused by a bad day. Usually, a lapis lazuli wand cuts a pointed crystal to easily carry it and hold it in one hand.


Raw lapis lazuli jewelry is commonly used for yoga practice. 1It enhances the mind and body during exercise. It activates the inner chakra that gives you peace, wisdom, truth, and all forms of deep communication. It calms your mind, body, and spirit connecting to your inner self, and opens your third eye chakra for your psychic ability enhancement.


If you wanna look fancier this lapis lazuli loose tube rice bead shape is perfect for you. It has different beads sizes depending on how comfortable wearing large cut beads or how many number strands you want.  It can be in round shapes, oval, cubes, or even in saucer-shaped beads.


This stone has a flexible material that can be formed also as plates. This is a handmade crafted royal blue plate and is also used as lapis lazuli furniture. They’re usually designed with Lapis blue color touch to make them more elegant and classy. This also is in a bowl form or oval plates with the raw or polished piece. You may also request customized plates with your own set of designs and sizes.


Natural lapis lazuli spheres are adorable with their excellent smoothness and Lapis gold or browny flashes carved in a crystal ball. It is normally carved 5-6 inches in diameter for perfect home decor and usually comes with a wood or acrylic stand.

Tumbled stones

Tumbled stones are perfect for healing purposes which have always been associated with the natural healing powers of lapis lazuli spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally. This can be sold per piece or by bundle depending on its sizes and cuts. It is a mostly polished stone for a more sparkling look as it can also be decorated inside your home.

Other examples of tumbled stones

There is a lot of lapis lazuli crystal carved pieces that guarantee to be useful, loveable, and unique. From a baby elephant carved with a variety of lapis lazuli shapes, a pale color of a scarab beetle in a raw type, to a free-form piece example with saturated royal blue polished stone attractively elegant as they’re filled with the natural beauty of the crystal.

Lapis Lazuli found with other minerals/crystals 

Lapis lazuli has an essential ingredient called lazurite that gives its deep bright blue phosphate. It contains less calcite and pyrite, it also consists of sodium, calcium, and aluminosilicate mineral that contains sulfur. This mineral is durable to heat, acid, and alkali, usually dyed or wax coated. It may also contain some feldspar, mica, apatite, titanite, diopside, muscovite, and amphibole. Since its a rock composition, it has variable physical properties and usually comes with crystalline limestones, and is a product of contact metamorphism.

It typically contains a whitish calcite matrix, a rock-forming mineral that is extremely common and found in sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks that are widely used for construction, material, abrasive, pigment, and pharmaceutical than other minerals. If the appearance of a Lapiz lazuli looks dull and green, it can be considered a lowest-quality Lapis for it may have excess pyrite.

Calcite is frequently the second most mineral present in lapis lazuli. It is the one giving the stone white layers, and fractures that produce a rock with a faded denim color. It is one of the major constituents of sedimentary rocks such as marble, and limestone. These materials are modernly used for construction and are easily mixed and transported. This is also used to make houses, buildings, highways, walls, and many other structures.

While pyrite, on the other hand, is a brass-yellow material with a brought metallic luster. It is normally distinguished as gold. But it has a different texture as god has soft and bent but the pyrite has a brittle texture and can be broken into thin pieces. Gold can leave yellow streaks while pyrite has its mark of greenish-black. Pyrite can be used and sold separately as a guard against criticism, and manipulation. It is a symbol of courage and inspires creativity in many ways.

Lapis Lazuli Crystal Combinations

This crystal is so versatile that any stone might work with it. You can combine it with emerald, sapphire, labradorite, onyx, coral, carnelian, agate, amethyst, turquoise, or even white pearl. They’re all providing healing and energy which are best to be with lapis lazuli. These combinations are beneficial especially if you want to deepen your intuitions, and awareness, and magnify your energy that promotes success and abundance.

Lapis Lazuli and Opal

The best crystal combined with Lapis lazuli is the Opal. It can strengthen the power of lapis lazuli in terms of manifesting your desires through your hard work, and dedication, and bringing success to both finances and business.

Lapis Lazuli and Turquoise

The Turquoise combination is believed to attain clear communication of thought as it will help your throat chakra flow smoothly into your body. It suppresses anger and frustrations that will gives you direct answers and balance your emotions. This combination helps to provide forgiveness, and self-acceptance, improving mood, and enhancing speaking skills. Turquoise boosts the capabilities of lapis lazuli for deeper connections between the physical, and spiritual realms.

Lapis Lazuli and Emerald

While Emerald and Lapis lazuli combination expresses more love and understanding in the relationships. Emerald is best at giving compassion throughout its heart chakra. It will be best for a wearer to keep it with lapis lazuli as it can encourage forgiveness, and acceptance to gain unconditional love. While emerald is healing the heart for emotions, lapis lazuli will clear the way to communicate more and bring loyalty to the relationship.

Lapis Lazuli Origin

Lapis lazuli was believed to be treasured by the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia, Egypt., Greece, China, and Rome. They considered it a semi-precious gem-like sapphire and turquoise. But they discovered other places where lapis lazuli can be mined::

Afghanistan: The world’s main source of semi-precious stone of lapis lazuli in the province of Badakhshan in northern Afghanistan and the Pamir Mountains of southern Tajikistan. They’re earning millions of dollars per year resulting to be the primary mine and the largest source of high-quality lapis lazuli stones.

Chile: One of the largest deposits of lapis lazuli is also found in the Andes Mountains of Chile. But it is not highly considered as in Afghanistan but is mostly used around the world. Dominated by white calcite with a lesser amount of blue lazurite than the blue intense color in Afghanistan.

Russia: The blue less intense lapis lazuli is found in Lake Baikal in Russia. It has more white Calcite and collaborating of the rock than the high-quality Lapis in Afghanistan.

California and Colorado: You may also find lapis lazuli commercial mines in Wrightwood, California, and Crested Butte, Colorado.

Canada: Lapis lazuli occurrences are present in Lakes Harbour, and Southern Baffin Island, Canada.

Lapis Lazuli Birthstone and Zodiac Sign

Lapis lazuli birthstone is traditionally for December and is considered the gem for the seventh and ninth wedding anniversary. It is also the planetary stone for the Zodiac sign of Libra and Capricorn. The natural birthstone for September is Sapphire and for December is Turquoise, but for an alternative, they considered lapis lazuli as it brings peace, royal honor, power, vision, and a universal symbol of wisdom and truth.

Lapis lazuli is considered in the United States as an alternative birthstone of September, jointly with Sapphire. People born in December are mostly self-reliant, ambitious, persistent, realistic, and sensitive. They’re not into partying and want to be alone most of the time.

Those people born in September with the zodiac sign of Libra are not compatible with Capricorn in terms of social relationships. They hated being alone and were fond of material things. Libra is ruled by the planet Venus which makes them great lovers characterized as charming and cool.

People linked with these zodiac signs need to wear this powerful stone to attract more energy and help them with their journey. It protects them from evil thoughts because this crystal clears your minds and promotes inner truth.

Lapis Lazuli Energy Color

Lapis lazuli gemstones usually have an intense blue color. It is identified as a semi-precious stone with high lazurite or blue color to recognize its authenticity. Faded blue lapis lazuli is also considered as lower grade Lapis stone. It is composed of a larger amount of white calcite and pyrite mineral mistakenly pointed as white flecks instead of gold and often called denim Lapis.

The deeper in color the more power it has to give. It has a beautiful celestial blue color that can be easily identified as a high-graded lapis lazuli. Intense blue energy means you can express truth and compassion, muddy blue in opposite fears speaking one’s truth.

How To Care For Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli properties were examined to be fragile and delicate. It should not be kept with other gemstones to avoid unnecessary scratches on it. Always remember to remove your jewelry when exercising or participating in any sports that can put pressure on the stone.

For taking care of lapis lazuli’s, you may take the first step of wrapping it in a soft cloth, velvet, or acid-free paper and you may place it with other stones. It’s not necessarily separating it with a box but a cloth may help to prevent damages or scratches.

Lapis lazuli’s is a form of porous rock that needs to be kept in a cool dry place. It should not be exposed to a warm temperature and advisable to put silica gel to keep it moisturized.

Things to be aware of on how to use lapis lazuli’s: Always remind yourself of the golden rule: ‘Last to wear, first to remove.’  Make sure it will not be in contact with other chemicals and it can crack or break if you drop it onto the floor. Do not sleep in your jewelry to prevent it from getting dropped or scratched.

How To Cleanse Lapis Lazuli’s

The powers of lapis lazuli’s will remain active as long as you take good care of it. Cleansing it using only soft dry cloth can maintain its shine and quality. Others use chemicals to polish the Lapis. They’re suggesting using chrome oxide, and others say you may use Alumina to polish the stone.  But not all lapis lazuli’s are perfectly polished when used in jewels. You may encounter a slightly rough appearance.

Here are ways to cleanse your lapis lazuli’s:

1. The usual cleansing of the stone is soaking it in warm soapy water, being the safest and easy way to remove specks of dirt and other chemicals stained in the stone. Don’t use chemicals that produce heat like acid

2. the Second method is to use cool water, but don’t soak it for hours. It may remove some minerals attached to it if that happens.

3. Don’t use a cleaner with acid ingredients. It might damage the appearance and can change the color of the stone.

4.  Lapis lazuli’s is a soft rock gemstone. The color is intense and if you notice that the color is fading, you may need to change the method of cleansing it.

How To Program Lapis Lazuli’s 

After cleansing, you need to restore the lapis lazuli’s energy and power by charging it using the methods below:

  • Using the moonlight is a great help to the stone to transmit the energy from the moon. You just have to place it in the moonlight for a day or two while you’re asleep.
  • Palm rubbing: Others like Native Americans use their palm to recharge the stone. They believe that the heat from your body produces energy to recharge the gemstone.

To program the lapis lazuli’s stone, you may refer to the list below:

1. You have to meditate and focus on what you want to attain. Think about what you want from your stone and compose your intuition.

2. Go to a place where you can sit quietly and away from distractions. Using a desk lamp can help the crystal produce energy.

3. Concentrate and feel the energy coming out from you and coming out from the crystal; Negative vibrations should be taken away by the Lapis and transmit its positive energy directly to you.

You may also program this stone for your sleeping intentions. Just place it under your pillow or bed, or you may just wear a piece of jewelry made from Lapis lazuli’s.

Where to buy Lapis Lazuli’s

Online stores

Gemrockauction – It’s one of the largest online gemstone shops where there are 45 branches in the USA and other large countries like Australia and Russia. They are offering auctions and sales of Lapis lazuli’s.

Ross-simons – Located at The Mall at Short Hills, 1200 Morris Turnpike

Short Hills, NJ 07078 USA and 112 Christiana Mall Newark, DE 19702 USA. Founded in 1952, this store provides exceptional quality jewelry and luxury items at the most affordable price possible.

Whim collection – Located at 55 Lewis Street, Unit 210 Boston MA 02128 offering high-quality crystals that can fit your wildest adventures and interests. You can buy lapis lazuli’s at any time of the day.

Events & Shows

For current trade shows and Events you may refer to the following links for more info:

Local stores

Because of modern technology, many stores are making larger amounts of sales online than in their physical stores. They’re offering the same variety of gemstones online and providing customer service hotlines by mostly larger stores.

‍The article was originally published here.


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