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Unforgettable Memories Quotes: strong emotion


Unforgettable Memories

Unforgettable Memories Quotes – Childhood is one of the most beautiful memories that I ever felt in my life. One of the experiences I which never back to. When I was young, I always played in the rice field and caught some dragonflies or ell with my friends. An ell was caught by me it will be cooked by me and friends, I felt happy without thinking about how my future is. I have had friends who always played with me, and never felt bored. They were Ayu, Sri, Olga, Iky, and many more. I am grateful because I felt during childhood time that kids in this era will not feel that. They will not feel how cool the water in the river, is or how beautiful the sunset behind the mount is. So pity they are.

Unforgettable moment

For upon | Many games when I was young, such as ucing sumput, ucing-ucingan, masak-masakan, ucing galah (galah asin), loncat tinggi, and many more. But the unforgettable moment is when I run in the rice field while chasing a dragonfly. That was so much fun. My closest friend is Ayu, I did everything with her, and even took a bath together until changing our slippers. Make sure it would be an unforgettable moment in my life.

Perhaps kids in this era will not feel childhood memories like me. So for now, I am not curious about how to run in the ricefield how to swim in the river or cook something using Hau or a traditional stove. That was fantastic when you tried to find wood for making a fire in the Hau, and you never worried about your skin. When I see kids in this era they will be afraid of their skin. They are afraid, they will be dirty or smell. The point is I would never forget my childhood memories and my friends who grow up together. And one day when we meet, we would talk about our happiness in the past. The end.Unforgettable Memories Quotes

The article was originally published here.


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