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January 9, 2020

Vacation To Go To: My favorite vacation!!!!

My favorite vacation!!!! Vacation To Go To: For Upon |My favorite family vacation was when my whole mom went to Hilton Head. We have been going to Hilton Head since I was a little kid. We try to go every year but, everybody is so busy and…

How I Got My First Pet

For upon |My story about getting my first pet was the best. One day me and my family were walking in Desert Sky Mall and we saw a nice lady with a puppy and she was just walking around telling people if they wanted the dog but everyone…

Should Teachers Give Homework?

For upon |Homework is defined by schoolwork that a student is required to do at home (Google Dictionaries). Yet, students may be given time to complete homework at school. Many children believe that there is no point in homework. Homework…

Which shoes are better Jordan or Vans

For upon |I think the better shoes are vans.Why I say that because they don not cause lot like the Jordan shoes .The Jordan shoes cost until five hundred dollars the Vans shoes cost only fifty dollars.The Vans shoes are more cool than…

Hairy Pooter

For upon |One day, in a mystical land, far, far, away, there was a school for wizards. No, this is not a story about any normal wizard, this is the story of a special wizard named Hairy Pooter. Now that I have introduced him, now you are…

How to be The Clorox

How to be The Clorax CLOROX: Disclaimer: DO NOT DO THE STUFF ON THIS LIST!!! IT WILL SEVERELY HURT YOU!!! For upon |Have you ever wanted to clean up other people’s attitude (and their skin cells that are dead or alive) at the same…

Find DA WAE Lyrics – Lyrics and Music by Cg5

For upon |Disclaimer:  Find DA WAE Lyrics - If you do this in real life and get no friends, I am not responsible. Man, not that much could actually go wrong with this list… Growth Goal: Write more informative “lists.” Hello there, I am…