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She looks just like you: The doppelganger theory


For upon |‘No one can be better at being you than you’ is a common quote that is shared on all social media platforms. We are told from a young age that we are all unique; that no one is quite like us. But what if that’s not true? What if there’s someone, better or worse, but looks exactly like you? There is plenty of modern day evidence that would suggest we all, in fact, have at least one doppelganger out there somewhere in the big wide cosmos. The word “doppelgänger” is often used in a more general sense to describe any person who physically or behaviorally resembles another person, who can also be called the ‘twin stranger’. The meeting of the two is considered to be an omen of bad luck, even death.

Some myths and some truths

The mythology of spirit doubles can be traced back to thousands of years. Different culture historians tell the tales of doppelgangers through various ancient legends, stories, and artworks. In Greek mythology, Narcissus falls in love with his own reflection. In Edgar Allan Poe’s William Wilson, William meets a boy at his boarding school who is his exact replica. The twin pursues William throughout his life, imitating his every move. Maddened by his presence, William stabs him at a masked ball, only to find his own body bleeding. While Doppelgänger cases are said to be works of fiction, there are a number of real-life cases in which individuals claim to have met their sinister duo.

Among the most noteworthy is Abraham Lincoln’s experience, as chronicled by Noah Brooks in his book Washington in Lincoln’s Time (1895). According to his account, soon after Lincoln was elected in 1860, he arrived home one day and looked into the bureau mirror where he saw himself reflected in double. Lincoln said, “…nearly at full length; but my face had two separate and distinct images.” He noticed that although the images were nearly identical, one was “a little paler—say five shades—than the other”. His wife was said to be very worried and told Lincoln she believed that the paleness of half the dual image was a bad omen, which meant that Lincoln would serve his first full term, but would not live to finish his second.

Science versus fiction

While many people still believe in the existence of another self, some scientists believe the phenomenon occurs purely in the brain, based on injuries or stimulation to certain parts of it. Others believe it is the result of a vision or hallucination. But this does not explain the existence of two similar people in different parts of the universe without any genetic relevance. There is another plausible theory that is even more disturbing than a supernatural explanation. According to this hypothesis, we exist in a parallel universe in which everything in this world is replicated in another dimension. At certain times, we are able to experience the fourth dimension. This would explain the doppelgangers and deja-vu. After all, it is highly unlikely that we are alone in this universe, or even that this is the only universe in existence.

History is said to repeat itself

Many experts believe we are just one of many. In fact, some physicists have theorized that there could be infinite universes existing next to each other in a sort of giant patchwork quilt and that the Big Bang led to the creation of such parallel universes which now hover just outside of our own. Columbia University physicist Brian Greene, author of the book ‘The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos’ says the latter theory supports the idea that we all have doppelgangers. “The argument for doppelgangers is pretty straightforward. Assuming that space goes on infinitely far, in any finite chunk, matter can only arrange itself in a finite number of ways, like cards in a deck. You and I are just a configuration of particles, so sooner or later we’re going to repeat. Matter can almost repeat its configuration but not repeat it identically. Your physical body may repeat, but your mental configuration can be a little bit different. So there might be an evil version of you, and a version that loves skydiving.”

Thus, the idea of the doppelgangers goes far beyond folklore and superstitions. But, there is no astronomical support for the existence of a parallel universe yet. Although the theory of doppelgangers might still be unaccounted for, there are too many look-alikes to discard it as a myth altogether. Truth or delusion, doppelgangers are a fascinating research.

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