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Essay on Pollution


Pollution is a worldwide problem. It affected human life as well as animals and plants. Pollution has been increasing very rapidly. Many articles have been written on this issue to aware the people but all in vain. First of all, we have to point out the kinds of pollution. There are several types of pollution which we have to face in our lives.

Environment pollution is most important when we breathe in this polluted air then it is an open threat to our lives. Every hour smoke from cars buses and traffic is adding more and more poison to the environment. Now forests have been converted into factories, steel mills, and industries. So the trees are not enough to convert carbon dioxide, into oxygen. So every passing day our atmosphere is becoming polluted.

Water in our country is polluted Millions of factories and mills are discharging their wastes into streams and rivers. A large number of fishes living in this water die because of poisonous water. If the some of them survive they absorb so much poison from that polluted water that it becomes unfit for human use. When crops and fruit trees are irrigated with that polluted water then the grains, vegetables, and fruits become harmful to human health. When these fruits vegetables reach the human body it causes many harmful diseases.

Pollution is actually the result of modern science and violent technology. In agricultural areas, the use of insecticides and herbicides is not only badly affecting the crops but it is also poisoning our atmosphere, water, and land.

Now how this worldwide problem can be solved. First of all government of Pakistan in this context should issue an ordinance to control this problem. There is need to make layman aware of the consequences of pollution through Radio, Television, and newspapers.

Moreover, we should try to overcome the noise pollution such as Auto-rickshaws, buses, and trucks and car horns are the cause of noise pollution. Unfortunately, we have no noise control. Society or agency to eliminates this problem of pollution.

Thus if pollution is not checked then in coming times the earth will be barren. The major problem which Pakistan is facing today are poverty, illiteracy, pollution, overpopulation, and corruption, so for a better society, these problems have to be solved.

Short Essay on Pollution

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