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16 Weeks Pregnant Your baby is the size of an avocado


Your Baby at Week 16

baby size at 16 weeks pregnant

At a Glance

Sensitive to Light
For upon |Your baby’s eyes are making small side-to-side movements this week and can perceive some light, even though they’re still closed.
The Sucking Reflex
That thumb-sucking habit of many newborns may have already begun. At 16 weeks, babies may be able to make sucking motions.
Strong Heart
Baby-to-be’s circulatory system is now up and (beginning) to run. In fact, her heart can pump about 25 quarts of blood a day.

Baby’s Eyes Are Working

Your baby now weighs in at a whopping three to four ounces and he’s four to five inches in length. The backbone and tiny muscles in his back are gaining strength, so he can straighten out his head and neck even more. And thanks to his developing facial muscles, your baby is capable of making a few expressive frowns and squints, even at this early stage. His eyes are finally working too, making small side-to-side movements and perceiving light (although the eyelids are still sealed). Peekaboo!

16 Weeks Pregnant Is How Many Months?

If you’re 16 weeks pregnant, you’re in month 4 of your pregnancy.  Only 5 months left to go!  Still have questions?  Here’s some more information on how weeks, months and trimesters are broken down in pregnancy.

Baby’s Skin Is Transparent

Your fetus is becoming a looker too — with a face that has both eyebrows and eyelashes — but a skinny looker, since there’s no baby fat yet. And here’s the skinny on baby skin: It’s practically translucent now, so if you took a peek inside your uterus, you’d be able to see your baby’s blood vessels under that thin skin.

Baby Can Hear Your Voice

Listen up: Tiny bones in your fetus’ ears are in place, making it likely that the baby can hear your voice when you’re speaking (or singing in the shower) at 16 weeks pregnant. In fact, studies have found that babies who hear a song while they’re in the womb recognize the same tune when it’s sung to them after they’re born (so choose your lullabies with that in mind).

Watch Your Baby’s Growth at Week 16
Don’t have headphones?

View video transcript.

Your Body at Week 16

baby size at 16 weeks pregnant

Your Pregnancy Weight Gain

At 16 weeks pregnant, you’re getting to the point (if you’re not there already) where the bulge in your belly says “baby” and not “fat.” It’s hard to watch yourself gain weight during pregnancy, even when you know there’s a wonderful reason for it. The challenge is to try to embrace your body’s new shape and think of every pound you put on as a sign of good health for you and your baby. As long as you eat right during pregnancy (minimize junk and maximize nutrient-dense foods) and get regular exercise, you’ll be fine in the long run. Remember, every woman is different and gains and loses at her own pace. One way to show your changing shape some love this week and feel better about yourself in the process: Buy a garment or accessory that makes you feel pretty at your new size (and don’t forget to buy underwear that fits!).

Nasal Congestion

Your uterus is not the only thing that’s starting to swell. The mucous membranes of your nose may be too from all the pregnancy hormones circulating in your body, which are also increasing blood flow. The result? Your nose probably already knows: pregnancy congestion and possibly even nosebleeds. Unfortunately, the stuffiness may only get worse as your pregnancy progresses, but your practitioner will probably not prescribe any medications or antihistamine nasal sprays to help clear things up (but do ask if he or she recommends something else instead). You can safely try saline sprays or nasal strips, especially if the congestion takes a turn for the truly uncomfortable. A humidifier in your room and a little petroleum jelly dabbed under your nose may also help overcome the dryness associated with any congestion.

Determining Your Baby’s Gender

True or false: A fetal heart rate of fewer than 140 beats per minute means you’re having a boy, while a heart rate of more than 140 beats per minute means you’re having a girl. It’s a notion that’s been making the obstetrical rounds forever and the truth is…it’s false. Sorry, but while it sounds plausible (and grounded in medical fact), this one is about as reliable as holding a ring on a string over your belly and determining the baby’s gender based on which way the ring turns. There are as many old wives’ tales about ways to find out your baby’s gender as there are old wives to tell about them (and try them out at family gatherings). Sure, they’re fun to talk about, but all of them share just one truth: They’re correct in predicting gender 50 percent of the time. If you’d like better odds than that (the kind you can base your nursery paint colors on), ask at your ultrasound.

Learn more about finding out the sex of the baby.

The article was originally published here.

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