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Article On Ambition Of Life – Want To Be A Rich?


For upon |Article On Ambition Of Life – Every person has life ambitions in their life. Some want to be a rich. Some wish to be a leader. Some desire to be great scientists. There are others who are mainly like adventure. Our young boys and girls like to go to foreign countries. Article On Ambition Of Life!Their aim of life is to earn lot of money within a short period.

My ambition of life is neither wealth nor social status. My ambition is simple. It is help to poor people and serves my life where I need. My heart is always full of sympathy and weeps for homeless people. I love and do my best to help those who need my help. All heroes in the world who help and serve their whole life for poor people are respectable for me. Their life is a symbol for those people who would like to serve their life for humanity. Service for needy people is my motto.

Article On Ambition Of Life

God help me to achieve it.

The article was originally published here.

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Human wants and ambitious are unlimited, Moreover, man is also ambitious by nature, however a good and positive ambition can built a good citizen. If wishes were horses then everyone would like to ride on them, If wishes were birds then everyone would like to hunt or keep in a cadge. In fact, many of the wishes of the people die in their budding and early stage.

Despite of these facts, still man cannot give up ambitions. Everybody has an ambition in his life to do something in better and different manner. Ambition mean a strong desire to do or achieve something in the life. Ambition gives us aims, objects, goals and targets of life. It gives us a sense of direction and motivation towards our goals in the life.

My Ambition

My ambition in life is to become an ideal teacher in order to take part in nation building through this holy profession. If I fulfill my ambition, I will do my best as a teacher. I can serve people by becoming an ideal teacher.  I shall try to mold the character of my students and help them to choose their career in a befitting manner. I will make them ideal citizens and good Muslims.

As an ideal teacher, I should have high moral character and personality. I shall be sincere, truthful, honest, punctual, humble, modest, kind, well organized and efficient in the said profession. Most of the people choose their profession which can give money but my aim is change and different from them and not in this category. My aim is to serve the country in a befitting manner. I hope I can serve my nation, children and students by becoming an ideal teacher in befitting and suitable manner.

Work Hard

Everything is possible in the life with hard work and positive attitude. I am already working hard, trying to get good marks in the classes, which will help me in getting admission good college and university. Meaning of hard work has been divided into following three categories:-Article On Ambition Of Life

1)      Ambition.  Ambition means a strong desire to do or achieve something in life which will proceed everyone towards achieving their goals

2)      Punctuality.  Punctuality is another main factor to achieve and fulfill ambitions. Punctuality means happening or doing something at the agreed or proper time.

3)      Efficiency or Efficient Work.   Efficient work is the method of working in a well-organized and competent way.



I am not hungry for fame, popularity or any type of monetary benefits. Rather I think that fame is like a bubble which can burst on any way. I want to see human beings leading a comfortable and bright life which is possible through only this holy profession. I want to make a special study in the field of teaching.  A good teacher can provide doctors, engineers, scientists and builds good nation.  I want to promote teaching sector of Pakistan at international level. I am trying my best for my ambition and Insah Allah I will do it soon.

The article was originally published here.

My Ambition in Life :

Everyone should have some ambition in life. An ambition gives meanings and purpose to life and the purpose gives a definite direction to one’s life and induces and inspires him to make efforts to achieve the purpose.

I would like to be a doctor. My father is a partner in a firm of chartered accountants and wants me to go in for a degree in accountancy and join him in his firm. But I have no aptitude for figure-work. So, I have made up my mind to be a doctor and my father, though displeased and reluctant at first, has finally approved of my decision and wished me success in it.

I shall take my medical degree and then set up a dispensary in my village. There is a dire dearth of medical facilities in villages. Many lives are lost for want of timely medical aid. I would like to correct this dismal and disappointing picture as much as I can.

I shall never try to turn my noble profession into a money-making business. My attitude towards my patients will not be determined by their income or social status. I would never deny treatment to anyone because he has no money, for poverty is not a crime. Service to the sorrowing humanity will be my mission and I shall try to live up to it.Article On Ambition Of Life

The article was originally published here.

My Ambition Essay for Students and Children

500+ Words Essay on My Ambition

Almost everyone dreams of something while growing up. We all have ambitions when we are little, which change as we grow up. Ambitions lead us to a definite aim in life. Furthermore, they help us focus on our goal no matter the cost. It drives us to do better in life. Ambitions differ from one person to another.

However, one common thing usually found is that over time, people switch their ambition to something else than that which they wished to be when little. We have many people in the medical field who wanted to be dancers. Similarly, some of the greatest politicians wanted to be artists. So we see how easily one gives up on their dreams and ambition to adapt to society.

My Ambition Essay

My Ambition

The ambition of any person’s life usually depends on their choice and interests. I aspire to be a great dancer. I have always had the knack for dancing from an early age. My parents always encouraged me to pursue my passion. Like most of the parents, they never discouraged me because it is not the most sought after career.

Subsequently, I wish to become a good dancer. I do not want the fame of being a dancer; rather I want the acclaim of being a good dancer. As my parents motivated me to pursue my dream, they enrolled me in dance classes. It helped me grow a lot as a dancer and also enhance my skills.

Most importantly, I wish to be a dance because I want to remove the stigma surrounding this career path. I want to set an example that you can do well in life if you’re not a doctor or engineer. Especially in India, where these two ambitions are considered the most valid.

I believe in the power of dance, and how it conveys the message without words. Dance is the language of the soul, and it makes me feel alive when I indulge in it.


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Why I Chose this Ambition?

It would seem odd to choose to be a dancer as an ambition, especially when everyone is in the race of becoming a lawyer, doctor or engineer. But, I still believe that just because something is not common, doesn’t mean we cannot attain it.

Most importantly, I aspire to become a great dancer to set an example for aspiring dancers. These aspiring kids are discouraged from pursuing dance because of lack of financial perks or social stigma. However, I wish to change that.


I wish to dance so I could teach others to become experts in this field. Furthermore, I wish to help the underprivileged section who are interested in this ambition. I want to reach a height which enables me to offer them proper dance training free of cost so they can reach great heights.

Above all, I wish to be the wind beneath their wings. I want to create awareness about the importance of dance and how it benefits us physically as well. I hope I can achieve this ambition of mine someday. Till then, I won’t leave any stone unturned in reaching the finish line.

FAQ on My Ambition Essay

Q.1 How do ambitions help people?

A.1 Ambitions helps people in focusing their mind to achieve a set goal. Furthermore, it trains them to be better in achieving their ambition.

Q.2 Why must one have an ambition?

A.2 We all must have at least one ambition to achieve in life. It teaches us the importance of discipline and hard work. Having ambition gives you something to look forward to each day. In addition, it makes you determined.

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“text”:”We all must have at least one ambition to achieve in life. It teaches us the importance of discipline and hard work. Having ambition gives you something to look forward to each day. In addition, it makes you determined.”}

The article was originally published here.

Importance of Ambitions in Life Essay

526 Words3 Pages
Importance of Ambitions in Life Ambition is defined as a strong desire to obtain success, power, or riches or as something that you want very much to do or to obtain. Having an ambition represents everything to many people. The only purpose in a man’s life is fulfilling his dream, because am ambition can be associated with a dream. And if this dream doesn’t exist you can’t say that you have lived your life to the full. In the moments of solitary meditation when we are alone with ourselves and we can no longer lie or delude ourselves, we ask the fundamental question: why do I have to die, why is it that my life must end, why is my existence finite, limited in time? Ambition is the catalyst that…show more content…
The creative act is born from an irresistible impulse towards the absolute, that is the wish of the individual to lift his subjectivity to the maximum perfection allowed by his spiritual resources and then to transpose this degree of spiritual elevation into a concrete world.
On the other hand, the creative act is born from the hope that people will recognize the value of his work and therefore remember his name forever. You should consider the first aspiration of the individual.
We can assert that that it is dissolved in a paradox. Of course, the process of creation augments substantially the spiritual energies of the individual, it even makes him think that he represents the supreme measure of the generating principle of life, but the work, the product of this process does not succeed in conveying all the superior exigencies of the creator and, consequently, it does not completely confirm his exceptional self-appreciation during the creation of his work.
But in my opinion when you have an ambition it means that you are living for fulfilling it, you live your life to the full, you are completely dedicated and focused on what you want to achieve or fulfil.
When you have a certain ambition, even if it is a very strange one and you hope every day that one day you will fulfil it, you have passion and you give everything you have to see you dream come true. To take an example I can

The article was originally published here.

Essay on “Ambition of my life” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay No. 01

Ambition of my life

My ambition of life is to become a doctor. I have taken up science and hygiene as optional subjects. When I joint college, I shall take up medical group. I shall appear in the P.M.T. examination to qualify for joining a Medical College. After passing  the P.M.T., I shall join the medical college to become a doctor.

I do not want to be clerks. This line does not suit me. This work is tiring. A clerk has to sit and lean on the table from morning till evening. His work is very her. He hardly makes both ends meet.

I do not want to be a teacher. Teachers have not much respect in these days. His lot is very hard. He is low paid and over worked. He lives from hand to mouth. Ti make this early living he has Torun after tuitions. This is really degrading. Engineering line is certainly good, but I have no lik8ing for mathematics which is an essential subject to be an Engineer.

Law is not a paying profession these days. There is keen competition It is also over crowded. In very village, Panchayats are elected, and most of the cases are settled there. In future, lawyers will get a few cases only. So there is no use to pass law.

I would like to be a doctor. My country has become free, Government has decided to uproot the diseases from the country and improve the health of the people. Hospitals are being opened for this purpose. There is great demand for doctor. Taking all these things into consideration. I have made up mind to become a doctor.

Essay No. 02

My Ambition in Life

Everybody has an ambition in his life. Life without an ambition does not lead anywhere. You  do not know where to go and what to do. A person with a set ambitions sets his goals will in advance. He does not lead astray. His eyes are always on his ultimate goal. He cannot be mislead by other temptations. He is master of his luck. He does not believe in destiny. He works very hard. His energy does not go waste. He goes on and on forcefully. His health does not fail him. Failures do not change his mood to change  his track.

Ambition is a great incentive to work. If you have an ambition, you can pursue it all your life and never feel tired. It drives you on and on quite tirelessly. You must decide early in life whether you want to become an engineer, a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher, banker, join Indian Administrative Service, or Indian Foreign Service, join Army, Air Force or Navy or become a commercial pilot, or a scientist, philosopher, writer or a poet, a musician or an artist. The whole world is open before a young man and he should make up his mind about his career as early as possible.

Essay No. 03


Every person should set ambition, because without ambition life would be meaningless. It would be just passing of time. Ambition makes life challenging and challenges make life interesting.

Ambition has been the backbone of every army! Through those great ancient Egyptian wars, through Persia, through Hastings, through Waterloo, through the native American, greedy colonist battles, through the world-wars, through the Balkans, and through every other great conflict that has ever existed each party was blessed by pure and passionate ambition…ambition to win at whatever cost necessary.

Surely only the collective force of ambition found in a battle is liable to cause as much suffering and damage as has been caused by all battles that have ever been lost or won? Even the weakest, most injured warrior who persevered has been touched not by insanity, but by raw ambition, and even the most perturbed and exasperated warlord is supported not by his schemes, but by the ambition to realize them.

Ambition is the source of all that is good and all that is evil! It makes the wonders and it makes the wars. Ambition is the winner and loser of every game! Every footballer, every chess player, every marathon runner, every duck-legged Olympic walker smells of fervor, which seeps from the pores of their ambition. When years of dedication pass the baton to ambition, there is a sage to be reckoned with. One only wonders why in spite of the eternal paradoxical query,

“What would happen if an irresistible force met with an irresistible force?” Someone always has to lose? Ambition makes you healthy, wealthy, and wise! Doesn’t it? Observe this immortal quotation of Henry Ford: “Whether you think you can or you think you cannot, you are right” The truth he successfully conveys is that we are the scribes of our own destiny. It is ambition that makes us think we can be successful, and lack of ambition that makes us think we cannot.

Ambition and luck are both arch-enemies and best of friends. Ambition is a pain in the neck! It is the finger that sets the alarm for 6 am, the fingers that turn the cold key of the cold car on a cold morning. It compels us to do what we’d really rather put off until tomorrow, it slaps the wrist of apathy. Ambition is the sole witness at the sepulcher of the “unsuccessful at everything”. You see, ambitious tears only fall from a fountain of youth—so they’ll kiss the piled soil, make it wet, and whisper with complacence, “I made you successful at being unsuccessful”. Because ambition never likes to give in.

Essay No. 04


Ambition seems to be an emotion unique to humankind. It is a more advanced form of desire or passion commonly seen in most animals. But unlike other emotions, like love and sorrow, or feelings like hunger and thirst, which create similar impact in everyone, ambition varies from person to person. Therefore, while food can satisfy everyone’s hunger, and companionship, the need for love, no common formula, by which the ambitions of all may be fulfilled alike, is possible.

Ambition is closely related to the lifestyles and priorities of each period. If the common ambition in the past was to become a teacher or a lawyer, it is now an engineer, a medical doctor, software professional or a stock broker that most people wish to be. But even though there is much variety in ambitions, all of them are fueled by a common desire for a respectable and privileged social status, as well as for security and stability in life.

The nature of ambitions changes not only from person to person, but from time to time, in the same person. If as a child, our wish was to become a teacher or a pilot, in later life it may be to become a doctor or an actor. In childhood, since our minds and thoughts are immature, they are unable to help us decide about our future properly.

Nevertheless, we should start preparations to realize our ambitions as early in life as possible. In adolescence, we would have come to know of our abilities and drawbacks well enough to start planning our future.

Our attitudes and attributes during that period can indicate with fair accuracy what we shall be in future. While an aptitude in mathematics and science, and a talent to make simple mechanical devices, may indicate a career in engineering, an interest in living things and the curiosity to know about their constitution may point to the medical profession. Likewise, interest in the fine arts or performing arts may suggest a career in painting or acting, as will a talent for composing poems or story-telling, promise poets and novelists of the future.

However, not always will early talent blossom satisfactorily though to sustain itself in the future. Quite often, early promise fizzles out, thereby making an absolute mockery of the ambition based on it. It is, therefore, important to understand, that having ambitions, and realizing them, are entirely different propositions. Talent and ability, by themselves, cannot ensure success. They can lead to success only if they are supported by hard work and optimism.

The key to nurturing talent, and thereby to realizing ambitions, is hard work. Every opportunity that helps develop our potential should be made use of, as should those that will enable us to test our attributes. Realizing ambitions should be a continuing process, which must boldly counter the challenges it may face from time to time. We must be prepared to refine and reform our plans to suit the situations that we face, as we move ahead with time.

Working hard on ambitions should not, however, put us under undue pressure, owing to which we might focus too much on the future, to the disadvantage of the present. We should have a balanced view of the future, to avoid disappointments that may be caused by adverse situations. The future, as such, is unpredictable; and as with many other things in life, our hopes about it may be frustrated. But if we have a suitably flexible and versatile mentality, we can modify our ambitions, should such a need arise.

As ambitions help us acquaint ourselves with our abilities, they add to our personality development. They will fine tune our talents and make them productive. However, ambitions should be within bounds.

They should be reasonable and realizable. There is no point in a blind man’s aspiration to become a pilot. An undesirable aspect of over-ambition is the dependence on improprieties and malpractice. If we are in anyway ineligible to pursue our ambition, it is better that we abandon it or choose another that may be suitable, rather than compensate our ineligibility with malpractice.

Ambitions should always be individually inspired. They should not be influenced by the opinion or compulsion of others. Pressure from others is an important reason for the failure of most ambitions.

Ambition is good or bad according to the way in which it affects others. Our ambitions, while fulfilling our desires, should not act against the interests of society. They should complement the aspirations of society, in a manner that will fetch appreciation and acclaim.

The article was originally published here.

How to Answer What is your Ambition in Life Interview Question

Almost all of us will have an ambition in life which leads to definite and focused paths.

It varies from person to person. Mostly dependent on the choice and interests that one would like to become. It also gives the meaning and purpose of life. It helps people to manage their knowledge and skills to become experts in it.

So, the candidate must take time before answering the question.

Ambition in Life

What is Ambition:

Ambition can be defined as a strong wish and aspiration or a desire to achieve something that requires immense hard work and dedication.

What is Your Ambition in Life Interview Question:

There are many questions that employers ask, just to determine whether the future career goals are matching with the goals of the company.

Moreover, employers will impress if they know that the candidate has future goals planned for himself. This is one of the traits of a perfect employee.

Some of the questions which employers ask are.

There are many other questions too and out of them one of the important ones is “What is your ambition in life” interview question.

Tips to Answer What is Your Ambition in Life Interview Question:

You should always see that, your aims and ambitions should focus and match the company’s goals. This helps you achieve your goals and also will be beneficial for the company too.

So, it is very vital to first know the company goals of the company. For this before coming for an interview, you should do smart research about the company.

It helps you have an idea about the company’s culture and goals. With the help of this, you can easily craft your answers accordingly.

What is Your Ambition Examples:

Sample -1:

My long-term goals involve growing with a company where I can continue to learn, take on additional responsibilities, and contribute as much value as possible to the team. I love that your company emphasizes professional development opportunities. I would take full advantage of the educational resources available.

Sample – 2:

Once I gain additional experience, I would like to have the opportunity to move on from a technical position to management. I know this has been a common path for many people in this position, and I think in time this would be a logical move forward for me. However, for now, I am excited about focusing on and applying my technical skills in this job.”

Source: the balance careers

Types of Ambitions:

Having an ambition in life is one of the motivating factors of life. It adds, meaning to our life and also helps us achieve success.

There are mainly two types of ambition:

Extrinsic Ambition:

This is the type of ambition in which the individual values himself or get motivated with the number of awards, rewards, fame, money he gets for his work. Here the work drive by one’s desires.

Intrinsic Ambition:

This is the type of ambition in which the individual purely focuses on his goals and the desires to create something unique. Here the work proves by their ability.

Dreams and Ambition Quotes:

“When ambition ends, happiness begins”. Thomas Merton

“A dream without ambition is like a car without gas… you’re not going anywhere”. Sean Hampton

“Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings”. Salvador Dali

“My ambition remains the same – to be creative, to be modern, to stay one step ahead, to enjoy life”. Natalie Massenet

“Be a warrior when it comes to delivering on your ambitions. And a saint when it comes to treating people with respect, modeling generosity, and showing up with outright love”. Robin S. Sharma

“Big results require big ambitions”. Heraclitus

“A man’s worth is no greater than his ambitions”. Marcus Aurelius

“Rise above sectional interests and private ambitions… Pass from matter to spirit. The matter is diversity; the spirit is light, life and unity”. Muhammad Iqbal

“The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition”. Carl Sagan

“If you are calm about your ambitions, you become confident of achieving what you set out to do”. Shiv Nadar

What is Your Ambition Interview Question:

1. The expectation of the Employer:

In today’s competitive world, employers are trying to find some mistakes in the candidate as not to recruit them. So the individuals are just unfairly eliminated and also the contention cannot happen to ensure that this is a dream job for a person.

The employer usually waits for a person who truly excites him/her. It may depend on the candidate’s career path, tireless working, and sometimes focused on activities and achievements.

2. What Should be the Answer?

During the interview, one should be clear enough while giving answers. This is done to ensure that the answers are perfect.

If people have a certain extent of answers then they should be smarter to answer the forthcoming questions regarding it. Here are some methods to leave a reply to the questions asked. They are:

a. Answer in a fairly general manner:

The candidates can give their answers in a fairly general manner. It defines more on a typical career path. If the answer is so much elaborated then one may forget it. So it is advisable to be specific while answering and also the candidate should be truthful.

Candidate must answer in such a way that the answer given does not create a fake image in the minds of the employer.

b. Explain the interest in long-term career goals:

If there is any “job hopping” in the resume then the candidate can highlight it while explaining the career goal. There must be some honest intention towards the long term goals. Anyways nobody can predict how the company will be after a few years.

Either it may achieve its targets with a huge amount of profit or there may be some issues that the company will face loss.

Since the organization is going to invest their considerable time, money and energy in hiring and training people, it has to be valuable. The candidate must show honest intention towards the company to sustain for a long time with a good investment.

c. Describing enthusiasm:

The next step towards the job is more experienced and more excited. The candidates expect to explain their enthusiasm towards the position. And the candidate must be eager to learn new technologies and concepts smartly.

As all the growing companies will like the candidates, who are ready to take new challenges and make their goals and dreams come true.

d. Showing self-discipline:

Usually, people with ambition are so much focused and have plans to succeed. They must focus on their hardworking rather than hardly working to achieve it.

People will try to get rid of frustrations that are the obstacles to achieving their goals. Through control along with self-discipline, one can achieve their goals.

The company expects a reasonable and determines a way to make people focus on the path without being weaker and disappointed.

e. Showing passion:

The organizations will see for a person who has a job that satisfies their passion. This helps them to utilize the candidate with their innovative ideas for their complete employment.

For example: If a candidate has his/her passion as a programmer then this will be applicable for them in most of the development or product-based companies. It fits in the team that manages the delivered results.

f. Demonstrating professional experience:

Rather than explaining the reasons for hiring, it would be better if the candidate shows a track of records regarding their achievements.

Sometimes even the logic goes if the candidate shows his achievements in the previous companies in the same field. It has the background and stressful environment, as the action of the position results in a job and career.

Ambition depends on the experience and also the new achievements that demand from the new positions.

g. Describing the time that takes to achieve ambition:

As ambitions fixed, the candidate must keep track of the ways and manage the time to achieve it. It can achieve step by step as to define what must do to help or obtain it by an individual.

This time management will help in smartly designing the goal. Everyone including the hiring manager will try to listen to the productive ways that undertaken to achieve the goal.

3. How to Answer the Question?

As soon as when the candidate answers that he/she interested in the job and after explaining the reason, the employer will shoot a question as

Where would you like to see yourself in the next five years?

The interviewer will not be ready to ask questions to the candidate that are time-consuming. If the interviewer does not want to spend time with the person then he/she should be aware of how to answer the questions.

If HR seriously hires the candidate then he/she will be her boss who can see their real faces. Here are some tips to answer the question about ambition.

a. Doing thorough research:

Before attending the interview the candidate must collect ideas about the process of the company. It defines within the merger to do a relevant study about the company.

It mediates to the website that bears the opened ideas. Ambitions set initially with a clear focus to achieve it as early as possible.

This question asked to ensure that the employer wants to make sure that the candidate will not move somewhere at least for a certain period. The candidate can share their plan for the future. It is modulated within the designed planning strategy.

b. Preparing a solid answer:

The candidate must be aware of what exactly required and how to be the best candidate for that position. It modulates upon the defines goals and is job oriented within the detailed research systems.

It modifies when the given situation is made convenient for somebody ruining the detailed process. Also, it modulates the research through the firm as the answer should be strong. It pertains to the job description and the duties to enjoy it.

c. Follow the policies:

Each company has different policies and individual responsibilities. The ambition should be achievable within the desired time and with the expense.

It manages the rules and responsibilities of the desired impression that is left in the course of the interview process. It modulates the defined and suited impression within the little things that are added up to the consequences of the different contacts.

d. Be yourself:

The candidate must not try to overreact to define the necessity of the job. It has more importance as a professional overboard and is defined more to be on the personality as a line of the manager.

The defined roles and modified demands are equally important for all. Goals should be fixed and should not be over boarding.

e. Aligning the career path:

The paths taken to achieve the goal have to be aligned to make sure that their companions are made to determine the jobs right away.

If the goals match sequentially then it can estimate and organize instead of being idle. By using the phrase “Points to emphasize” the candidate can make sure that the goal setting and following paths are clearly explained.

It means to connect with the employer and is focused on a detailed search. Being honest while explaining will add to the points.

f. Ask a question to yourself:

It manages the serialized and defined way of all the fit and current learning of the ideas that are defined and elaborated. Also, it manages the learning and interest of every person in the team.

It dramatizes the preparedness for all the achievable goals. The level of expectation of the employer should match with the significance of goals. Do not make the level go back.

g. Scripting:

After getting a question the candidate must answer it in such a way that he/she has more contribution to the organization. This is relating the goal with the employer to achieve certain results.

It depends on the ambition that relates to the progress and growth of the company. Also, it has some solid performance about the detailed information to carry as a part of the plan prepared. It is mainly done to observe about the self-awareness of the candidate.

h. Drafting the answer in advance:

Answers can draft in advance to modulate the resourceful ideas. It manages the appropriate statements that serialize into the progressive performance of all the challenging things.

Manages a secure position in a customized way to create a particular objective. It matches the priorities of all paths that set to achieve.

4. Best Approach to Answering this Question:

One must focus on the desired results and it has to be broader for a definite goal. It can be a long-term aspiration that they can be mid-career goals that are modulated within the major goal.

While being focused, the candidate may think of all the roles that are stimulated within the focused picture. Employers will place their demand on each basis that is more bypassed within the fear of the candidate to bring all the defined goals.

This question takes as a behavioral question that has to answer in such a way that all the interviewers will focus on the confidence level of the candidate.

5. How not to Answer?

If the employer is ready to listen then the candidate must express their ideas that are productive and also more focused on certain things. It depends on the mindset of the employer.

So the candidates are asked to tell the truth to be on the safer side. Here are some of the samples of how not to answer:

a. Do not overact:

If the interviewer is asking about the ambition in life then just try to explain as per the resume. Don’t try to give some lame excuses which the interviewer may not come across.

Depending on the question the candidate must answer and must not panic during the interview. The employer will not hire the candidate based on the accuracy of the answer but he/she will hire based upon the confidence and also upon the truth.

Before switching over to the next question, the candidate must reassure the willingness to work in the present career path. The answer should not be started by saying “It is too tough”. This will leave a bad impression on the candidate.

b. Don’t be too specific:

Being too specific will sometimes be more unrealistic. Even if ambitions and goals are specific, it should be realistic and achievable in the available job. Thus, the interviewer will suggest that the person not fit for that position.

Almost all the criteria have to match with the defined goals. The goals are valuable and are more competitive. It defines the valuable skills that match with certain skills in the job description. It moderates the growth of the company.


Each interview question will be behaviorally challenged. This question about ambition has to answer very carefully to ensure the employer is satisfied and will hire the candidate. The answer has to be clear and perfect with a proper statement to get the job. One cannot lead an unplanned life and has to be prepared.

The article was originally published here.

An example of an ambitious person is…
Tiger Woods.  He is the perfect example of an ambitious person.  Tiger Woods, no matter how good he is, never stops practicing and trying to grow/expand his skills as a person and a professional golfer.
My ambitions in life are to…
Ambition is a very important word to know about and understand. I define ambition as ones will or desire to accomplish or achieve a goal through a process that demands hard work, passion and determination. My ambitions in life are to:
  1. 1.  To be a great doctor
  2. 2.  To have a close-knit family of my own
  3. 3.  To be happy and live my life to the fullest

My Ambition English Essay


My Ambition Essay

Here is an essay on “My Ambition” for 2nd year Students. This Essay is also “My Aim in Life”. A man Without ambition cannot progress in life. Choose from the list of English Essays for 2nd year students and read all.

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My Ambition Essay

A man without any ambition cannot progress in this world. He achieves nothing in life. He has no goal or destination. He does not have any desire to make a start. He tosses about like a straw in the wind. So, every young person should have an ambition for his career.
It is a fact that progress, peace, and prosperity are the result of human ambitions. It is the ambition that urges us forward. But simply having an ambition is not enough. Ambition must be backed up by continuous efforts to achieve it. If a man sets an ambition before him but does nothing to achieve it, will never achieve anything. His ambition is no more than an unreal dream.
There are as many aims as men. The nature of ambition is different from man to man. It depends upon his family background, upbringing, economic position, and social status. Some people want to be doctors, other to be engineers or civil and military officers. The ambition of some other persons is to earn wealth and fame that even after their death their names live on. Thus we find people striving to become up sportsmen, poets, novelists, artists, educationists, film stars etc.
As for myself, the sole object of my life is to lead a life of simplicity and goodness. therefore my ambition in life is to become a teacher. I have my own reasons for this. First, about fifty percent of the people in my country are illiterate. They are all in ignorance.
By becoming a teacher, I will be able to remove illiteracy and ignorance. Secondly, though teaching is not paying profession, yet it is one of the noblest profession. The best people in the world are those who learn to teach others. This profession will enable me to translate into my life the principles of simple living and high thinking. I hope to perform this stupendous task.
Thirdly this profession calls for a sense of dedication and missionary zeal. I possess both the qualities beyond measure. Fourthly, I will serve my country by producing better citizens. The students of today are citizens of tomorrow. By being a teacher, I will be able to make my humble contribution to the building of my nation. I will also be able to inculcate a sense of patriotism, nationalism, and responsibility in my students.
In the light of above-mentioned reasons, I am convinced that my decision is right. I will, therefore, leave no stone unturned to achieve this ambition of my life.


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The article was originally published here.

Short Paragraph on My Ambition of Life (350 Words)

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Here is your short paragraph on My Ambition of Life!

Almost every individual would have an ambition in life. Ambition leads us to a definite aim in life, which would enable us to be more focused and help us to strive to reach that goal we have in our selves.

Ambitions would differ from person to person. Some may want to be social servants, while others to be into arts and crafts and so on.

It all depends on one`s choice and interests as to what one would like to become in life when they reach a particular stage.

My ambition in life is to join the army. I would love myself to be an army officer. I know it is not very easy, but serving the nations and its people is my dream. I have read in many books and seen in many movies about the life of an army officer and I understand that it is very very tough to become one, but I love my country and would love to serve and protect the people of my country.

It is the army and navy officers who guard us day and night and they are the ones who help us to stay out of danger when a war or crises occurs. Though they are away from their families, they make sure of the safety of the people of the nation. They sacrifice so many things in their lives to keep an eye and protect the people of a country.



I would love to be one and serve my country and protect the people of my nation. With many wars and fights occurring these days, I understand that things are very tough, but yet I would love to be a part of the great Indian Army and contribute whatever I could to safeguard my nation and its people from all the dangers that they might face. Being in the army is an honor and pride and I am proud of myself to say that I would like to join the army and serve the country.

The article was originally published here.

Essay On My Ambition For Students In Easy Words – Read Here


Everyone has ambition. Life is incomplete without ambition. It makes life worthwhile and shows the path to life. Life without purpose is useless to Make the first objective then come on it. Many people want to become owners of businessmen, bankers, factories.

Different Goal

Many people want to become doctors, engineers, politicians, social reformers, teachers or government officers, so many more people want to become a police officer, pilot, scientist or author. Every person wants to be different in their life and wants to be.

Identifying The Strength

But the goal should always be to achieve what can be achieved. Because when dreams are not complete, there is only sorrow, disappointment, and failure. Making the effort of air is only a waste of time. Therefore, every person should honestly assess their abilities. Identify your strengths and weaknesses, making it easier to choose the goal.

My Ambition

I recognize my strengths and weaknesses very well. I do not dream of becoming a movie star nor I want to be a footballer or a cricketer. I am very good at studies, I have a special interest in mathematics. My father is also a teacher of mathematics. So I want to grow up and open a school.

It was decided in my childhood that I would become a good teacher by growing up because I saw in our village that poor children are not able to read and try to read something, they would be stopped by some anti-social elements of society I was angry because I was angry and I was not able to do anything.

But I did know one thing that if all the people are educated then all the evils of our society can be erased and a new India can be built.

I want to educate big, small and elderly people as a teacher, this is the ultimate goal of my life and I will continue to find it. I have also seen in 21st century India that girls are not taught much, they are not allowed to study after study that they have to go ahead and do just the work of the house.

I want to teach such people as a teacher that girls can also read their books like the boys and brighten your name all over the world, and our country’s girls have done this, even if they do not know why people do not teach girls.

The quality of teaching is in my blood. From my father, I inherited this trait. So I want to teach mathematics myself in my school. The second major reason is that I believe that education should be given to all so that all can help in building the nation by becoming a good citizen.

I want to keep the minimum fee in my school so that everyone can get a good education. My father also wants to support me in this ambition. He often tells me how a good school should be. This is my only wish that I should open a school and I am always ready to fulfill my aspiration.

The article was originally published here.

My Ambition-a Doctor Essay

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A person without ambition in life is like a ship without a rudder.They also are like the travelers going a head without any destination.Such people lead an aimless life.The people who want success in life,first of all,determine their target.They select some definite target of their life and remain successful.Only having ambition is not enough.A person should also work hard to achieve his or her ambition. My ambition is to become a doctor or a physician.

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A doctor is always at the service of suffering people.The smiling face of a doctor makes the patient cheerful.If I become a doctor I will be kind to the poor and the needy people.We,as human want healthiness.

So,I will do my best to threat my patients. A physician or a doctor is a professional who practices medicine,which is concerned with promoting,maintaining or restoring human health through the study,diagnosis,and treatment of disease,injury,and other physical and mental impairments.

They may focus their practice on certain disease categories,types of patients,or method of treatment known as specialist medical practitioner or assume responsibility for the provision of continuing and comprehensive medical care to individuals,families and communities known as general practitioner.

To become a doctor,I must get good grades in subjects such as mathematics,english,biology,chemistry and also other subjects.I shall try to be a good and sincere student.I will do whatever it takes to be a good doctor and will be sincere to it.After becoming a successful doctor,I have plans of setting up a clinic.I never had any desire to narrow and to metamorphose as a specialist,a physician,a gynaecologist or an ear and throat specialiser.I really hope to become a doctor one day.

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The article was originally published here.

9 Proven Tips on How to Be More Ambitious in Life


Often referred to as the fire in your gut, ambition is a priceless, timeless and highly valuable characteristic. It is something that you can create within yourself. It is the raw desire to achieve or succeed in a goal. Ambition can be used as the fuel for motivation.

It can be combined with determination to achieve success in literally anything you want. People who are successful in life are described as ambitious. They attract attention and get the best out of life at every turn. You may feel that your life lacks the excitement of achievement. Do you want to join their elite club and be a mover and shaker today? Here is how to be more ambitious in life and achieve more.

Do not be scared to take risks

One of the things to do so as to become more ambitious is to take risks. You have to be comfortable in risk. Sometimes, you may have to take a leap of faith or bet everything on one decision. In most cases, you will find that the situation you are most afraid of will actually not happen. To become more ambitious in life, you need to give yourself the opportunity to explore and experiment with many options at a time.

You could have a big opportunity waiting for you right around the corner if you simply try out for it. According to psychiatrist Neel Burton, ambition makes you willing to experience fear or anxiety and tolerate it. All that you need to develop ambition is consistent drive. Therefore, find out the risks in your life which you can take to achieve more. After that, find out the fear which is holding you back. Once you do this, create drive within you and face it head on. This will make you ambitious.

Exercise your imagination

Often encouraged in children, imagination is a beautiful thing. It can help you to escape the mundane nature of day to day life. It can also be a useful tool in overcoming negative thought. Ambition is a state of being. Whenever you are facing challenges, this state can dwindle. In such times, imagination is your best friend. Imagine the pain away. Military personnel and extreme sports-people understand and confess the power of mind over matter. When you feel down and tired, repeat something encouraging to yourself and imagine better times. Experiment by saying and thinking only positive things for 3 days only. You will experience a transformation and develop boundless ambition.

Be willing to invest time into your goal

Time is the most important resource. When invested wisely, it has the best returns. The more time you invest in a project, the faster it grows and becomes better. To become more ambitious, identify a project and work for long hours so as to complete it.

People who achieve a lot in life are always willing to do this. They have so many things that they want to accomplish. Hence, they sleep late and wake early. Do the same and experience the fatigue of working hard for your goal. You will not have to do it forever but you will have to to do it in the first stages of your success story.

Expose yourself to new methods of thought

One of the main killers of ambition is group thinking. This is where you accept popular opinion as your own. Group thinking collects the fears and anxieties of the masses and instills them in members. Therefore, you should break away from this method of thinking so as to become more ambitious. Seek to be your own unique person and not blend in with the crowd.

This helps you to observe life from a free, unbiased perspective. In this way, you can see opportunities that other people will easily miss. By pursuing them with literally no competition, you will achieve more and eventually become ambitious.

Eliminate negative thoughts and promote positive ones

Thoughts are things. The topics which we think about affect us more than we know. Thoughts affect how we feel and consequently how we work. We all have a constant train of thoughts in our minds. Some are positive and others are negative. Negative thoughts create emotional barriers such as doubt and fear. However, positive ones help us to move forward.

They motivate us to experiment with something new, step out of our comfort zones and get excited about life.

Focus on attaining knowledge, not success and recognition

In every opportunity, you can seek to achieve knowledge or profit. You may achieve profit or lose it. However, you always learn something new from every experience. Focus on gaining knowledge. The process of learning, experimenting, exploring and improving can give you constant motivation. It makes the journey worth it and keeps you interested. Therefore, maintain focus on learning from your experiences more than profiting from them. This will keep you motivated to achieve more in life.

Do not wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect

In life, you have two main options. You can either waste time and effort trying to make perfect plans or you can get ready and begin right now. Many people spend so much time in life waiting for a perfect moment and never achieve it. This is because it does not exist.

Every moment is essentially what you make of it. As a matter of fact, a perfect start and an average one are the same if you achieve what you ultimately desire. To become an ambitious person, grab the moment and make it perfect. Focus all your energy and resources into it. Do not waste your time waiting for the myth of perfection. This will help you to achieve more in life.

Stay committed

Commitment is the willingness to do an activity when you had rather not. It is the stubborn willingness to stick to a particular beneficial activity no matter what. Commitment is painful when conditions are challenging.

However, it is an essential activity to perform so as to become ambitious. It requires that you sacrifice the pleasures of life. It makes you ask yourself what you are willing to give up so as to achieve what you desire. Develop a strict schedule to help you stay committed and you will achieve more in life. This will make you more motivated to continue.

Learn more : The Number One Secret to Getting Massive Results: Consistency

Stop babying yourself

Ambition and action are bedfellows. You need to have them together so as to achieve any kind of progress. In some cases, you find that your actions are not bringing about the results you desire. Therefore, you decide to cut back and relax saying that you may be pushing yourself too hard. Under the guise of waiting for a perfect moment, you start to become lazy. This can lead to stagnation and depression too. Therefore, stop being so relaxed about your goals. Do not baby yourself. Push into the unknown and do what needs to be done to get where you want even if you are afraid to do it. This will help you to achieve more.

The Important Take Away

Ambitious people seem not to have any limits. They do not let fear hold them back. By identifying goals, creating schedules to achieve them and staying committed, they achieve more in life. The guidelines above can help you to do exactly the same. Learn and apply them in your life. They can bring about the positive change that you desire.

The article was originally published here.

What Is Your Life Ambition?


One of your greatest challenges in life is to make a living from what you care about – that which gives you deep satisfaction.

When you reach this goal, you will feel on course and resilient. Your existential choice must at the same time be tough and fun in order to satisfy you deeply.

Your Life Ambition is the guiding principle which gives you control over your own life. What do you want to achieve? How do you want to be remembered? What gives you energy? The first rule of a mission is: Never loose sight of the goal. There is more to life than simply increasing its speed.

”Define Your Life Ambition and Then Chase It with All Means Available!”

Being life ambitious is a permanent attitude – permanently leaning forward. The feeling is like: “I have trained for this all my life. Therefore I can not not do this”. The striving for your life ambition is your strongest motivator and it will help you maintain momentum and direction in your life.

Your life ambition is not necessarily the same during your whole life. Sometimes you need to adjust it upwards according to the results you have already achieved. It is an expression of a both-and thinking, which moves you in the direction that gives you the most meaning.

Your life ambition is an inner logic that allows you to step into character and realize your inner greatness. It is more fun to live a great life than to read about it.

In my work with The Personal Business Plan I have come across a multitude of Life Ambitions:

• Move from victim to warrior
• Develop my identity from pleaser to role model
• Build my own company
• Own my own house
• Become a CEO
• Give my children the best possible education
• Travel the World
• Create a happy family
• Make a difference
• Live simply
• Become independent of other people’s expectations
• Live up to my own goals

In most cases I would recommend intention, not perfection when working with your life ambition. The thought of perfection in the form of a finite target seems crippling for most of us. We become humble and insecure which is not conducive for making bold personal statements. In contrast, intention gives us direction and enables us to act purposefully.

And please remember that your surroundings are not mind readers: They need to see the results and experience the value of your actions. You may find comfort in the thought that you will necessarily need different versions before hitting your definitive life ambition.

Michelangelo is quoted for having said: “Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it”. Likewise I believe that behind every frustration (and behind every success) there is a life ambition. It is up to you to define it and then chase it with all means available!

The article was originally published here.

Ambition Test

“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” – Les Brown

Ambition is the fuel that keeps us going. Without it, we wander without direction. A life without purpose can stagnate, bore, and can sometimes even be a little depressing for us. To be ambitious doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to set impossible high goals, like climbing Mount Everest. It means setting your sights on an objective that stretches your potential a little, encourages you to become a better person, and gives you a sense of pride at the idea of accomplishing it.

Ambition isn’t limited to you career – you can also strive to be a better parent, to be more organized, to lose weight, or to quit smoking. Find out more about your level of ambition with this test.

Examine the following statements and choose the answer option that best applies to you. There may be some questions describing situations that may not be relevant to you. In such cases, select the answer you would most likely choose if you ever found yourself in that type of situation.

In order to receive the most accurate results, please answer as truthfully as possible.

After finishing the test, you will receive a Snapshot Report with an introduction, a graph and a personalized interpretation for one of your test scores. You will then have the option to purchase the full results.

The article was originally published here.

Ambition: The Key Ingredient Of Success

3min read

What human traits predict career and life success? I’ve been curious about that question since I was 16. But at that age I didn’t think ambition was important.

That was also the time I became interested in personal development. I wanted to improve my life and become a better student, friend, son and human being.

decided to build a good life for myself and the people in my life. Now, 16 years later, I think that decision was probably the most important decision of my life.

That was the day I embraced ambition. You see, building a good life and career is one of the most difficult things in life. To be honest, you have to be a little ignorant to believe you can succeed in life.

The Odds Are Against You

Unless you’re born into wealth, all the odds are against you. Most people let life happen to them. Just look at the numbers. Depression is at an all-time high, obesity has become more common, people are sitting at home with burnouts, etcetera, etcetera.

I can go on for a while. Life ain’t pretty—we all know that. So what makes you think you’ll be successful?

Really. Think about it. Why do you even think you’ll be successful?

Here’s the simple answer: If you don’t start with believing in yourself, you’ll never start at all. And if you don’t start, there will be no success whatsoever. That’s the power of ambition.

To be clear, when I talk about success, I’m not talking about monetary success. I’m talking about living life on your terms. To have a job you love, be surrounded by the people you love, and to have a positive outlook for the future.

That’s success—not having a lot of money, power, and status.

Belief + Effort

Albert-László Barabási, a professor at Northeastern University, and the author of The Formula, studied the laws of success. He found that ambition plays a major role in success. For example, Barabási’s research shows that students don’t excel because of the school they attend.

Often, we assume that people who went to a university like Harvard become high achievers because of their education. We think that Ivy League graduates somehow get different training and that’s what makes them successful on the long-term.

That’s a wrong assumption. In The Formula: The Universal Laws of Success, Barabási’s writes:

“The single determinant of long-term success was derived from the best college a kid merely applied to, even if she didn’t get in. Meaning that if she applied to Harvard, got rejected, and went to Northeastern, her success was on a par with that of Harvard graduates who matched her SATs and high school grades.”

Put simply, ambition is what makes someone great, not the school they went to. Barabási’s research backs up what Henry Ford said decades ago:

”Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re probably right.”

But you and I both know that we don’t automatically become successful if we believe we will. Belief by itself is not enough.

Your performance needs to back your beliefs; otherwise you’ll never get any tangible results.

Also, success remains complex. There are no blueprints or roadmaps that guarantee anything. I don’t think success can be replicated. But that’s not the point I’m making here.

Abmition: Always Believe You Can Do Something

That’s my point. When I decided that I could make something out of my life, I purposefully worked on making that happen. And this is what most people don’t get.

Yes, belief by itself is useless. But here’s the thing: The people who believe they can achieve their goals are the ones that actually do

So make ambition your default. When you set a big goal for yourself, don’t automatically think, “I can never do that.” You have to be ambitious enough to actually set some big goals for yourself. Why would you settle for average?

My goal with blogging was to do this full time and not only as a part-time struggling writer. I wanted to make a good living. But when I started, I made about $500 in the first year. During that year, I thought to myself, “How on earth can I get comfortable if I’m not earning enough to pay my mortgage?”

But I had other streams of income and kept at it. Eventually, I started earning six figures with writing alone. Of course it wasn’t that simple. I’ve been improving myself and investing in my skills for 16 years. But hey, you can’t expect to get anything for free in life. It’s simply the price we pay for accomplishment.

Just look back on anything you’ve achieved in your life. Remember the beginning of each school year? You didn’t know anything about your new subjects. But eventually, you passed your exams and at the end of the ride got your degree.

Same thing with work. What did you know on your first day? Nothing, right? I remember the first day I started all my jobs and businesses. I knew nothing! But look at what you’ve learned since then.

You can learn a lot in a short amount of time. You start at zero and make progress every day.

That’s how you will achieve your new goals too. But only if you believe you will.

The article was originally published here.

My ambition essay in english about 10 lines

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by Pooj5agujjulie 26.04.2017

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  • Harsh111111111111
  • Helping Hand
Everybody has an aim in life. Aim or ambition gives us a sense of direction in life. My aim in life is to become a doctor. A doctor lives a noble life. A doctor is someone who can help someone else in need. He renders a valuable service to the suffering humanity. He is the symbol of hope and joy.
I know that becoming a doctor is not a very easy task. It is a long journey of study to become a good doctor. But I have confidence in myself to accomplish the target.
When I become a doctor, I will treat the poor patients without charging fees. I will also distribute free medicines to the poor people.
I will educate people for maintaining hygiene and cleanliness. I will always speak politely so that the patients feel comfortable. I will never get irritated and do my best for the sick. I wish my sweet dream would be fulfilled and I hope I can serve my nation by becoming an ideal doctor.
227 votes
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  • Priyanka2003
  • Expert
Every person has a dream.
This purpose creates an objective in life.With which every person wants to fulfill his dream.
By doing this each person wants to prove his qualities.
With purpose we get a direction in life, on which we can fulfill our dream.
This happens because every person loves his dream a lot.My dream is that May a computer engineer Banu
And with its help, contribute to the development of our country.
For this I work hard on May Computer.
I always bring good numbers in computer
My resolve is to educate the villages of India in the computer and add the population of the villages to the original stream.
This will increase our country’s ability to grow.
Only when we will connect the power of villages to the city, we will be able to achieve full power.
It has the highest role of computer engineer.
That is why I am putting my full strength in fulfilling my purpose.
This is the purpose of my life.Hope it helpsBest of luckIf you like then can you mark it as brainlist.

The article was originally published here.

My ambition is to be a pilot



My name is Abdur Rahman Riyas. I study in Grade Six at Medina International School, Gelioya. I like to become a pilot. I love to travel and explore the world. I will take my passengers safely to their destinations. I will study hard to achieve my dream. I will do my exams well and I need to pass Mathematics well to become a pilot. My wish is to go through the clouds and see the whole world from the sky. I wish my dream comes true.


Hope, wish, fantasy….

Call it what you may, everyone dreams of

being someone or doing something different when they grow up. Some dream of being astronauts, rocket scientists, space explorers… Some dream of being clowns, comedians and running away to a circus. Still others wish to be lawyers, doctors, cricketers or superstars.

The sky, as they say, is the limit to your dreams… But what’s the

fun if you keep it all to yourself? So why not put pen to paper, or finger to keyboard, and share with us what you dream of being, when you grow up? You can mail your dreams, along with your photograph to husnakghs@ or send it by snailmail to ‘Junior Observer’, No. 35, D.R. Wijewardene Mawatha, Colombo 10.

The article was originally published here.

Becoming a Scientist is My Ambition :

  • My aim in life is to become a scientist
  • My role model is our Former President Abdul Kalam
  • I want to achieve something in life
  • Creating a revolution in Science is my greatest ambition in life
  • My parents support me a lot in making my ambition true

Becoming a Scientist is My Ambition : (Short Essay)

Life without ambition is like a gun without target. Each and everyone should have an ambition and should march towards it. Likewise, the ambition of my life is to become a Scientist. Right from my childhood I like Science a lot and I fascinate the subject very much. Whenever I see an advancement in Science I am astonished and I myself want to be the reason for a great change.

Becoming a Scientist is my ambition because becoming one would help me in bringing out a solution to some problem in the society. There are many environment issues like Global Warming, unforeseen disasters, pollution and so on. I want to focus my mind on studying the root cause of such issues and find a solution to these issues as a Scientist in future.Article On Ambition Of Life

Becoming a Scientist is My Ambition : (Brief Essay)

Having an ambition in life is very important. Life without an ambition would become meaningless. If we are studying today, there should be an end point to reach and we should be definite about it.

As a young student, I aspire to become a scientist like Einstein and Edison. There are hardly few people who do not know Thomas Alva Edison and Albert Einstein. Their contributions to the world are endless and I want to become a scientist whose inventions and findings serve the society like theirs.

Such a thought came into my mind 2 years ago when I learnt the hardship Edison underwent to invent the Light Bulb. If he had thought his experiments pointless, we would not enjoy such a comfort today. Similarly, I want to become a great scientist whose findings would serve a great cause to the whole world one day.

There are a lot of problems in the world that are just half solved or not solved. My ambition to become a scientist is to be an innovator in future. I want to redefine many concepts that would bring new meaning to Science. I want to become a notable Scientist worldwide and I wish to be honored in the future.

I have never thought my ambition to become a dream alone. I strongly believe in the words of our Former President Abdul Kalam, who is also a great Scientist –

“You have to dream before your dreams come true”

I will definitely become a Scientist one day and make my parents, teachers and nation proud that day!

Incoming search terms:

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  • my ambition scientist
  • essay on my aim in life to become a scientist
  • i want to become a scientist essay
  • he achieved his goal to become a scientist

The article was originally published here.

My Life As An Engineer

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My Ambition

As a normal person, i’m also have my own ambition. My ambition is to become an engineer. It is not just an ambition but i want it to become a reality to my life. It is true that years of hard work are required to become an engineer, but after of three years of college studying engineering, you can make good money.

In fact, engineering is one of the few fields that let you earn good pay after only three years. Right now, three years might sound like a long time, but it’s worth it. Consider it one of the best investment you can make. Besides, it’s not all about the money. It is also an interesting work.

Engineering is a very broad field. There are so many types of engineering, that there is bound to be one you find interest in. Since science and technology are constantly expanding, there will always be new problems to solve-you’ll rarely be bored. Unlike other jobs that require you to do the same thing over and over, the work of engineers greatly varies.

In engineering, you will find yourself constantly finding new ways to solve problems. If you truly want to be an engineer, the challenges you will face will just make things more interesting. Overcoming obstacles will help sharpen your mind, helping you deal with problems not only in engineering but in life as well.

In facing challenges, you will be encouraged to “think outside of the box” and explore new possibilities. This need to creativity makes engineering even more exciting.

There’s no better feeling than the feeling that you accomplished something great. In engineering, you’re doing just that. Imagine looking at a bridge that you helped design or picking up a new invention that you created.

Engineering is all about making things people can use and making life better for everybody. As an engineer, you will be able to see that you’re actually making a difference in the world.

    There is indeed great strength in diversity. Engineering requires many different perspectives to find a single workable solution. You have the power to show the world what you can do. Don’t always follow the crowd-show people that you are unique but just as capable as anyone else.

The article was originally published here.

Essay On My Aim In Life To Become A Doctor For Students & Children In Simple English

January 7, 2019

Aim or the ambition is very much required in every people life and is very much important as having an ambition as it gives a direction of for their career.

Every person has some same in their life as what he want to become when he go up in his future and to choose a career after his studies.

Many people want to become a successful engineer some like to become pilot some like to work in IT fields and much more ambition is been headed by the people as also there is an ambition in me to become a doctor in my life as the life of the doctor is a noble life.

The doctor is the person who saves the lives of many people and they also help many people who are feeling sick cure many diseases and do the treatment of them. It has been said that the service of the doctor is the valuable service to suffering humanity as saving a life is a great job any doctor is doing it and is worth it.

A Doctor

If the person is in any is in the serious problem or in diseased they go to the doctor and hope for the treatment from the doctor and a doctor is a person who gives hope and the joy to the people.

To become a doctor it is very hard and not a very easy task but it is my ambition to become a doctor and treat many people and when I will become a doctor I will be very kind to the poor and the need people who are not able to get their treatment I will help them without taking any charges from them as helping the people will be my duty and practice that I will do mostly when I become a doctor.

There is a long journey and to do many studies and experiments to become a doctor but I have a confidence in me that I will finish my target and achieve my ambition and reach my goal.

When I Become A Doctor

When I achieve my ambition in future I want to be a successful doctor as in India we can see that there are many villages who are facing many problems and there are less trained doctors in our areas and being an Indian citizen it is our responsibility to solve the problems as there are many problems like sanitation and the pollution because of this many people get diseased and it is in the hands of the doctor to cure it.

When I will become a doctor I will open my own clinic in a village where there is the shortage of doctors and help the people and give them medicines and treatment and I will try to give these things in less charge as they could be able to get their treatment easily.

Many people should take this problem as their own and should go to the field of doctors and get trained and help the other people who are diseased and so because of this there will be more doctors and people could be able to get treated easily.

The article was originally published here.

My Ambition
My Ambition :

If wishes were horses, everyone would like to ride. In fact, many of the wishes of the people die in their budding stage. Still man cannot give up ambitions. My ambition in life is to become a great scientist.

A scientist has nothing else to think except how he should use science for the benefit of mankind. Even during my childhood, I used to think of many problems concerning science. Do the plants live like human beings? Are the human beings better than all the animals of the world? Are all diseases of human beings curable? This flood of questions used to arise in my mind and I used to feel disturbed when I did not get any reasonable explanation.

I am not hungry for fame. Rather I think that fame is like a bubble which can burst on anyway. I want to see human beings leading a comfortable life. It is for this very purpose that I want to carry out some research in the domain of medicine. I want to make a special study of the disease concerning heart.

I think that heart is just a pumping station and can easily be replaced. I think it is my childish curiosity that makes me to belittle the efforts of the scientists. I feel that if one’s heart is strong, one can definitely do a large number of things.

I wish I get the noble prize in the field of science for my country. Sometimes I think that this is an idle dream. Still my imaginations refuse to accept this as a mere wishful thinking. I become conscious of my purpose. I started thinking that those who get noble prizes are also human beings. This thought gives me encouragement.

The article was originally published here.

480 Words Essay on My Ambition in Life or What I Wish To Be

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If ‘ambition is a joy forever’, I too have a long-cherished dream in life. Since I am a fatalist by nature, I wish the lady luck to smile on me and create favourable conditions for my ambition to be a reality. However, it does not mean I am not making any efforts for achieving my goal.The reality is that I am trying all the means at my disposal to achieve my ambitious goal.

I am not for power, pelf and popularity. The worshippers of mammon, the god of wealth, choose to be businessmen.The strong and sturdy prefer army to any other profession. Those who are argumentative and interpretative by nature, like to be lawyers. This profession demands rational faculty more than anything else.There is, virtually, no dirt of professions and people opt for one or the other according to their likings or means.

As for me, my earnest ambition is to become a teacher. The choice is based on my long, minute observation of people from different walks of life. For me the job of a lawyer is that of a liar, since all lawyers prove true things as false and false as true.They do not seem to have any conscience to prick them. For them money is the only consideration. They congratulate themselves if they are able to save a murderer from the gallows and a robber from prison.

Joining the armed forces too does not fall in line with my inclination as I am not gifted with a good physique. Medical line does not suit my temperament, as I have a feeling of aversion for diseases and diseased Persons.

I, therefore, believe that teaching profession will suit me the most. As my respected father is also a teacher, I have, perhaps, inherited certain innate qualities of a teacher. I have natural inclination towards this noble profession. I know that this calling is not going to make me rich, nor a popular or powerful person. But, then, wealth alone is not everything in life!

My ambition is to serve my country and society in my own humble way. By becoming a teacher I shall give my Motherland ideal and dedicated citizens. In my eyes, this is: the most ideal profession, as the avenues of getting astray on account of greed or pressure in it are negligible in comparison to other professions.

A good teacher serves not only himself, but the society as well as the nation without expecting any reward for his job.

I shall be a constant, ideal guide, friend and a philosopher to the pupils under my charge. I shall kindle their souls by the lamp of knowledge and spirituality. My face shall beam with joy, when any of my students will follow true ideals of life, outshine himself in one field or the other and dedicate him for the well-being of others.

The article was originally published here.

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Definition of life’s ambition

: the thing one most wants to do in one’s life She finally achieved/realized/fulfilled her life’s ambition when she started her own business.

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“Life’s ambition.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 1 Feb. 2020.

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The article was originally published here.

Sentence #2644059

Sentence #2644059 — belongs to CK
This is my life’s ambition.


Iní ing ambisyún ku king bye.


Bu benim yaşam tutkum.


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The article was originally published here.

What Should Be Your Life’s Ambition?

For upon |What’s that special something you should accomplish in your lifetime?

Rebecca Campbell
Created by Rebecca Campbell
On Mar 12, 2015
2 / 9

What age will you settle down?

Brengle: My Life's Ambition (CD, Album) album cover

More Images


Various ‎– Brengle: My Life’s Ambition

The Salvation Army ‎– CRD 076
CD, Album
Stage & Screen


1 Overture
2 Christmas In My Heart
3 My Life’s Ambition
4 Thank You Father
5 I’m Gonna Marry That Girl
6 On This Day
7 On This Day {Reprise}
8 Thanks, But No Thanks!
9 Dream Of My Own
10 Brengle’s Lament
11 My Army Cap
12 Quodlibet
13 To Know Him
14 Promoted To Glory
15 To Know Him {Reprise}
16 Thank You Father {Reprise}

Companies, etc.

  • Recorded At – Omega Studios
  • Mixed At – The Salvation Army’s Editing Suite
  • Manufactured By – Disc Makers

Barcode and Other Identifiers

  • Barcode: 7 96873 07557 2

The article was originally published here.

What is your ambition.

This quiz is to test what your ambition is, who you want to be when you grow up. THere’s not long left why don’t you take this quiz to help you out but don’t take it too serisuoly.Im sure you think you know what you want to be but is the reeally correct are is it just ehat you THINK you want to do?

What do you wnat to be? ARe you sure ? Let’s try the test to help you with you’re confusion What is your true goal in life. Is it a receptionist council worker Actor Singer mechanic. If you don’t egt ne you want relate it to the one you did get!!

Created by: Patrick

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. See This Quiz:

    The Sorting Hat Quiz

    By xXBanisherXx
    Try it: Create a Quiz
  1. You like Talking on the phone?
  2. You Love TO Sing?
  3. You are a dram quenn/king.
  4. You love scrubbing away the dirt and grime.
  5. You like to fix things and love seeing sparks.
  6. You like being in the spotlight.
  7. Dancing is your passion and your gr8 at it.
  8. You take pride in your home.
  9. You like Cleaning other peoples mess
  10. You love the cmaera and press.
  11. You enjoy earphones

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What is GotoQuiz? A better kind of quiz site: no pop-ups, no registration requirements, just high-quality quizzes that you can create and share on your social network. Have a look around and see what we’re about.

Quiz topic: What is my ambition.

The article was originally published here.

The 4 keys to finding ambition

Ambition is GOOD. Not only is ambition OK, it’s required for living a Rich Life. Read about the 4 keys to ambition, so you start meeting your goals.

Ramit Sethi

We’re told we should just be happy with what we have… but there’s a difference between being happy and being satisfied. I’m happy. But I’m still hungry.

Ambition is GOOD.

If you want to live a Rich Life, you must be ambitious. In fact, not only is ambition OK, it’s required for living a Rich Life.

If someone hasn’t achieved success or reached their potential, others love to say that “they just don’t want it enough.” If only they truly cared, they say, they would obviously rise to the top, just like other people did.

Now, sometimes that’s true. I wrote a blog post on laziness because it really does hold people back. But often times, the issue isn’t a lack of ambition: It’s a lack of direction. We don’t know where to start to become ambitious.

Let me share how I think about ambition. This clip is from my Success Triggers course. Watch this — I think it’ll challenge your views:

VIDEO: How to Become Ambitious »

Now, let’s break down the 4 keys to ambition:

  • Ambition key #1: Create the environment for ambition
  • Ambition key #2: Set big, specific goals
  • Ambition key #3: Prepare for naysayers
  • Ambition key #4: Stay motivated over time

Ambition key #1: Create the environment for ambition

Are you surrounding yourself with positive people? People who not only support what you do, but who also have ambition to improve themselves?

For a lot of us, we don’t have anyone like this at all.

When I was growing up, I didn’t know anyone who was interested in self-development. As I got older, I started to meet people who would read self-help books, who didn’t think it was weird to be improving their finances, career, health, or relationships.

Finding like-minded people changed everything.

Do you have those people? If not, brainstorm a list of 3 places you might find people with ambition. Here’s a few ideas to get you started:

  • In an online forum around a topic you’re interested in
  • In an online course or community
  • At an offline class or seminar
  • At the gym
  • At an online or offline meetup in your industry

ACTION STEP: In the next 14 days, I challenge you to do two things:

1. Connect with ONE ambitious person. Join one of the communities mentioned above and connect with one ambitious person. You’ll find it’s much easier than you think.

2. Read ONE book about ambition. Pick something that will help you become more ambitious. It could be:

  • An inspirational book
  • A tactical book
  • A profile or biography of a successful person

(Not sure where to start? Pick up one of these.)

Ambition key #2: Set big, specific goals

I have hundreds of readers email me each week with their goals. They’ll say something like, “I have this web app. It has 1,000 users and by the end of the year I want to have 1,300 users.”

I’ll respond: “That’s it? Your entire goal is to go from 1,000 free users, to 1,300!?”

The fact of the matter is so many of us set these very tepid goals because we’re afraid of committing to something bigger. What if we fail?

A top performer thinks bigger.

Knowing how to set effective goals means you can actually afford to be ambitious. So instead of saying, “I’m going to run on the treadmill for 18 minutes,” trying saying, “You know what? I’m going to do it for 45.”

Succeeding isn’t easy. If it were, everyone would be successful. But just because something is hard doesn’t mean it also has to be confusing.

No matter what your goal is, someone has achieved it and laid out a step-by-step roadmap covering the major steps.

This is critical. Success can’t be an abstraction — it needs to be a PROCESS.

I sat down with my friend Noah Kagan, who is the master at setting and achieving goals.

VIDEO: Watch the counterintuitive way Noah Kagan sets his goals »

ACTION STEP: Watch the short clip above and then decide: What is your ONE goal? Write it down and add one step you can take today to achieve it.

Ambition key #3: Prepare for naysayers

Have you noticed that when you try to improve yourself, you get lots of weird reactions?

When I was in my early 20s, I wanted to dress better. One of my friends knew all about fashion, and I finally listened to her advice and went shopping with her. She was amazing — I’ve never forgotten how she taught me all these things in one trip:

  • “Don’t even look at the price tag until you know if you like it” (You only want to get a few key pieces, so focus on loving something first, then think about price)
  • “Wow, that looks AWESOME!” (I was nervous about trying on anything different, but her enthusiasm made me feel better)
  • “No, you don’t have to match your shoes with your belt” (Know the rules, but the very best break them all the time — on purpose)

Here’s the weird part: The first time I hung out with my friends wearing my new clothes, they looked at me like I was an alien. Any guy who’s ever worn something different around his friends will know the reactions I got. “Dude, where are you going?” “Are you gay?” “What is that, a cardigan?”

It took me a long time to get comfortable with that reaction — and that’s just clothes. Now I can wear a bow tie or a leather coat with crazy sneakers, and I love it.

I also rock a grass skirt.
Imagine trying to do something that’s even more “weird.” Starting a business. Reading different books.

In theory, all our friends and family want to support us trying new things. But when it comes down to it, how come so many people want us to be the same?

You have to remember why people argue with you when you start to become more ambitious. For most people, it reflects on them that they are not being as ambitious as you are.

ACTION STEP: Take your one goal from the previous action step. What’s the ONE area where the people around you might not be supportive? Specifically, what would they say?

For example…

  • If you change your diet: “Why are you eating like a bird? You should enjoy life”
  • If you decide to find a better job: “You should just feel lucky you have a job in this economy”
  • If you tell them you’re reading online self-development: “That sounds like a scam. Why would you read that?”

(By the way, if you’re your own worst critic, you can include yourself here!)

Then predict what the skeptics and naysayers — perhaps including yourself — will say so when they do, you know how to handle it.

Be specific. Include exactly how you could handle their skepticism.

Ambition key #4: Stay motivated over time

Motivation is always fleeting. So how can we make changes for the long term? How can we continue being ambitious when we don’t “feel like it”?

Instead of looking for a long-term fix in the form of “motivation,” you can make systematic behavior changes that you can sustain. I talk about the exact steps to take to stay motivated in my free video How to Stay Motivated Over Time.

Just enter your information below, and you’ll get instant access to this 6-minute video to learn the right and wrong way to use motivation to fuel your ambitions.

The article was originally published here.

FOr upon |What is your ambition in your field or in your career?

Event Management Teaching Customer Service Document Management Administration

Question added by Kranti Parajuli , PERSONAL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER , Nepal Government Ministry Of Prime-Minister
Date Posted: 2013/06/15

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  • 15 Answers

Yaseen Mohammed Abdul

Answer added by Yaseen Mohammed Abdul, Project Controller , Hayat Communication (
6 years ago

…See more

staff position to management position

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Binod Timsina

Answer added by Binod Timsina, Administrator/ HR , CLAVON ENGINEERING W.L.L., QATAR/ OMAN
6 years ago

My ambition always is to give my best service that target in my work weather it is any field or ay job.

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Anita Viherpuro

Answer added by Anita Viherpuro, Consultant , Presentte Oy
6 years ago

My ambition is to have a job that is meaningful to me.
To feel the flow, and the passion to my work.
To share my knowledge for others to feel better.And this jos is in my own company.

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Deleted user

Answer added by Deleted user
6 years ago

The adaptation of scientific expertise in the practical experience – good productivity – excellence in performance – the appreciation of others – outstanding salary – Attention continuous training – promotion – psychological stability within the work

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Answer added by MOHAMAD ALSARAYJI, Accountant , afamia
6 years ago

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my ambition is to become partner for a consulting firm . I know the hard work involved in achieving this goal but that,s not going to stop me from woking hard, learning evey thing I can, and contributing to a company where I will become a valuable assets . am going to work towards this goal throught my career

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Ferenc Szucs

Answer added by Ferenc Szucs, Service Delivery Manager , Gen-i Southland
6 years ago

My biggest aim in my job and even my career is to make difference.
I want to be always proud what I have done.

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Abdulqader Mousa Ali Badhib

Answer added by Abdulqader Mousa Ali Badhib, Systems Engineer , Schlumberger Middle East
6 years ago

My ambition to go up to top management of my company organization, and be happy for what i am doing and enjoy as well in my personal life

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Answer added by RASHID BASHEER, instrument technician , bpcl
6 years ago

To be a key personal of the organization ,its tough and must meet company’s goal.

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Rajan Kumar

Answer added by Rajan Kumar, Service Engineer , Martin Engineering Company India Pvt Ltd.
6 years ago

First Known about yourself to be suitable for working as enjoyment and go ahead there is no limit of Sky.

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Answer added by MUHAMMAD SHAHID NAVEED, SR. Electrical Maintenance Lead Technician I , Solvay Saudi Services & Co
1 year ago

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My ambition is to have a job that is meaningful to me. To feel the flow, and the passion to my work. To share my knowledge  and experience for others to feel better.‎ My biggest aim in my job and even my career is to make difference. and accept challenges from organization for new position to grow up.

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idir Mamou

Answer added by idir Mamou, Cost Control Engineer , CTCO Trading and Contracting-ISG Groupement SONATRAC-BP-EQUINOR
1 year ago

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My ambitions is to have optimal qualities and technicals of works that can permit to me confront the difficults of professionals live.

The article was originally published here.

The Remarkably Positive Power of Ambition

Nothing truly great happens in this world without an ambitious person behind it.

Sometimes ambition gets a bad rap–seen as a negative attribute rather than a positive one. In my experience, it’s ambition that drives people to accomplish great things–without it, nothing great would ever get done.

According to Ines Temple, president of LHH-DBM Peru and LHH Chile, ambition is much more positive than negative. I asked Ines to explain why this is the case. The words that follow are all hers.

I actually enjoy working with ambitious people.


They know what they want, they have clear goals and work very hard to accomplish them. They embrace challenges and enjoy them–they know they are necessary to move forward and learn.


Ambitious people take charge of their destiny and don’t expect others to bow down to their needs. They have willpower and determination. They know where they are going and what they have to do to get there. They are capable of changing and measuring up to their dreams, always watchful of the opportunities that are out there for those who are willing to see them and seize them.

Ambition is a major driver for personal growth and development. No one can succeed without a healthy dose of ambition. Those who wish to be more, know more, do more, give more or have more, have a purpose and a powerful internal drive that leads them to dream bigger and go further. Ambition drives them to advance and accomplish their goals. Well-aimed and supported by values, ambition reflects a healthy self-esteem and higher power of abstraction and visualization of the future. Ambitious people have a gleam in their eyes as they approach their goals. They vibrate at a higher level and have a contagious enthusiasm about accomplishing things. They inspire and motivate others.

It should be noted that being ambitious does not imply a lack or values or ethics. Neither lack of control or being manipulative, as many in Western civilization often think. Here, we don’t value ambition. We fear it and mistrust it (almost as much as the success of others). We are very quick at mistaking it with ambition unchecked.

It is as if every ambitious person was inherently capable and willing to harm others. Of course there are many out there with unbridled ambition–stereotyped as the bad guy in the story–capable of doing anything and running over anyone to get whatever they want. But this does not automatically disqualify those with a healthy and positive level of ambition from succeeding and doing good at the same time.


On the other hand, people without ambition ask very little of life and that is what they get, little or nothing. They have no dreams, no vision, no direction or clear intent and, therefore, they get nowhere.

Some are conformists, others passive or perhaps unmotivated. Many of them are embittered towards life and don’t understand that it is precisely their lack of ambition which sabotages their future: they are unable to imagine their future and, therefore, to create it for themselves. People without ambition aren’t truly honest with themselves: they don’t have the courage to take the risks required to be successful, they don’t build themselves up in order to live up to their potential. Unfortunately, it’s as if their wings are tied behind their backs and they don’t even realize it.


We must teach our children the power of ambition and dreaming big. These are major motivators of personal and collective success. And we must also teach them that ambition can, and should, work to benefit others and society in general.

Today, we should demand those who will lead us into the future to provide us a clear vision, with ambitious and challenging goals that inspire all of us to accomplish them. Only in this way will be have the thriving, fair and equitable workplace–and world–that we all want and deserve!

The article was originally published here.

3 Reasons to Be More Ambitious

I talk to a lot of competent, hard-working young people. I do this at our business partners, in Praxis interviews, during speaking engagements, and on social media. The audience I am engaging is better than your average 18 or 22 year old. These are people who actually look forward to working and are excited about the opportunity to add value in companies.

But one thing is often lacking: big ambition.

Too many young people today are afraid of thinking big in their ambitions and letting the world know that they want to achieve great things — and they end up worse off for it.

I think a lot of young people hedge their ambitions and their dreams because they want to be “realistic” and they want to not look silly if their goals don’t pan out. On more than one occasion, some have told me, “If I don’t announce my goals and I fail to hit them, then the only person who knows I failed is myself.”

This looks like it makes sense on its face, but it is an unhealthy way of thinking of yourself and can get in the way of your professional and personal growth.

On the flip side, I have yet to meet an already-successful who stumbled into success. This isn’t self-help, Napoleon Hill-talk — I have seen this with our own business partners. Every successful business partner of ours had a goal and set themselves to it while growing their business. They wanted to grow big, so they thought big.

The unsuccessful businesspeople I have met were never sure of their growth, never sure of the direction in which they wanted to take the company, and never sure if their hard work would pay off.

Is being ambitions a guarantee for success? No, but not being ambitious is a guarantee of failure.

Do your ambitions need to include making millions of dollars and owning several jets? No, but why settle for what is essentially the outcome if you do nothing?

As a young person today, you have the more time and resources available to you than most people who have ever walked the earth. Why wouldn’t you be ambitious?

Hedging your ambition — knowing that you want and could do something more but lowering your aims — isn’t just an insult to your opportunity, it also undermines your career chances.

Hedging Your Ambition Unfocuses You

People with clear, high bars for their ambitions have to be focused in order to achieve them. No successful person who met their goals in their career, marriage, or intellectual life did so by saying, “Meh, I’ll settle for less than I can do.”

Setting a high bar, something that very few people will ever be able to achieve and that will take time and work to get to, puts your skin in the game and puts pressure on you to perform.

Not knowing what you want to achieve, or knowing you want to achieve that which most other people around you want to achieve, means that you have a million different directions in which you can take your career, intellectual development, personal development, and your relationships.

If you know, “I want to be a New York Times Best Seller,” or “I want to have a net worth of over $2 million,” or “I want to run a profitable business that employs 15 people,” then you are getting somewhere. There are only a certain number of different paths that can get you to running a business of a certain size, or of having a certain net worth, or of selling a certain number of books. You can do an inventory of your skills and desires and see which of those paths work for you and then run from there.

Take having a certain net worth, for example.

In the United States, there are essentially two ways to have a high net worth at a relatively young age:

Run a successful business.

Be a successful salesperson in a high-commission industry.

Doctors and lawyers, besides starting their careers later in life, actually have relatively low net worths when all is taken into account (they are high-income, low-net worth). It takes years to become an executive at a large, established company. Sure, a few artists are millionaires at a young age, but if you lack the required skill set to succeed in art, then your best bet is either sales or business.

Then go from there. What skills do you have that lend themselves to either of those areas?

If you are a talented coder, you could build an application and go into business with that. Even if you don’t sell it by the age you set your goal for, you could still achieve that net worth by building a company around it and strive towards profitability.

If you are ridiculously thick-skinned and driven, you’d probably succeed at sales. Go from there. Get a sales job and climb your way to the top (something that is remarkably straightforward for the successful salesman). Apply to Praxis to get started.

The point being: if you set your bar low, there are a million ways to get to that low bar. If you set your bar high, it’s much easier to become focused and strive towards your goals.

People Who Hedge Their Ambition Are Boring

If you are interviewing for a job with a successful businessman, do you think he wants to interview with somebody whose goals are like those of every other person out there on the street? Is that person likely to be energetic, to get up in the morning and to strive to outdo every other person working towards that same goal? Or are they more likely to float through their day, project that floatingness to those around them, and to have to really strain themselves in order to project confidence?

People with hedged ambitions convey a sense of having hedged something that makes them come alive. That’s a bit of an insecure, deadpan personality that isn’t there with people who have a goal or a mission that is difficult to achieve and towards which they are working every day.

People who have achieved great things will gravitate towards those who want to achieve great things.

If you want to project confidence and attract those who are confident, you have to set goals that a confident person can achieve. Confident people are not confident that they will make sure that they make it to the gym once a month. They are people who have built up that confidence by setting increasingly ambitious goals and going for them.

On the other side of the table, if you were hiring two candidates and one told you that they had big goals one day and clearly projected the energy necessary to reach those goals and the other told you that they didn’t really have those goals and were just looking for a way through the next few years, which candidate are you likely to want to spend time around and to hire? Unless you’re looking for a pure functionary, chances are you’d choose the former candidate.

People Who Hedge Their Ambition Think They Are Being Humble. They Aren’t.

There are really two reasons people hedge their ambitions when asked about them:

A) They don’t want to look like a failure or feel silly when they don’t achieve them.
B) They don’t want to look cocky; the word “ambitious” is kind of a dirty word to them and/or the community in which they live.

I will say it right now: B is a bunch of malarky.

Run as fast as you can from somebody who teaches you that having big ambitions is something of which you should be ashamed.

Outside of that small community of people (in which there are rarely the people you want to be like, anyway), purposely putting yourself and your ambitions down does not make you look humble, it makes you look insecure. It doesn’t make you look humble, it makes you look unfocused. It doesn’t make you look humble, it makes you look like you aren’t the one in control of your life.

There’s a difference between people hedging their ambitions and people who just don’t have big ambitions in the first place. There’s nothing wrong with being in the latter category if that’s where you really belong. There is something a little soul-crushing about being in the former category. You can always tell when somebody you are talking to has chosen to hedge their ambitions because they are, ultimately, driven to lead another person’s life in fears that they will become successful or let on too much ambition.

You’re in the wrong tribe in that case. Find another. Exit is always an option and often a good one.

If you resonate with this and want to set your ambitions big, apply to Praxis. We take ambitious young people and get them to the next level. We want you.

The article was originally published here.

A-Z of Being Babyproof Ambition Blog

A is for Ambition: 6 irresistible reasons to be ambitious

This blog is part of our blog series, The A to Z of Being Babyproof, a celebration of the attitudes and behaviours it takes to balance career and family – because “babyproof” is not a destination, it’s a blueprint for having it all and making it work.

Last week on the Babyproof Blog we covered how to be more ambitious.  To keep us motivated this week we’re exploring why – great reasons why we should embrace ambition and use it as a positive force for good in our lives. No more apologies required – we can be ambitious and proud!


6 irresistible reasons to be ambitious.





  • Because how else will you know what you’re capable of?

Nelson Mandela once said,  “There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”

I don’t know about you, but reading those words makes me want to be braver, stand taller and dream the boldest dream I can imagine. (If Mandela, despite everything, would not settle for less, what excuse do I have?) The truth is we just don’t know how capable we are, or the things we could achieve if only we were ambitious enough and daring enough to try.

Many of us are guilty of living our lives passively, settling for the cards we’ve been dealt because that’s the only certainty we know, and being too quick to interpret setbacks and failures as a sign that we are no good. But what if? What if the only thing standing between you and living an extraordinary life was an unwillingness to imagine a bigger, better life for yourself? Don’t you want to find out what you are truly capable of?



  • Because your subconscious will act on whatever you tell it

Our subconscious mind is where our long-term thoughts, beliefs, feelings and memories are stored. It’s the machine that controls our attitudes and determines our behaviour, which makes it hugely powerful in shaping how we act and the results we get. The good news is our subconscious mind is like a sponge – it accepts without question whatever messages we repeatedly tell it. It then puts all of its energy into making that message come true.

This is so empowering! It means you can feed your subconscious mind ambitious thoughts and images of a happy fulfilling work and family life, and your subconscious mind will get to work to make this happen.



  • Because the universe responds to whatever you tell it you want.

Have you ever just put something “out there” – voiced an idea, desire or want only to see an opportunity for that very idea crop up seemingly out of the blue? Ever heard the expression “Be careful what you wish for”? This is the universe doing it’s thing, responding to the electrical energy of your thoughts and beliefs in a way that can blow your mind.

Sure it sounds a little hooey, but I’ve experienced it enough times to know that somehow the things I focus on are the things that have a habit of cropping up in my life, however ambitious and seemingly far fetched they may have seemed to start with. So with the universe on your side, why wouldn’t you dream big?



  • Because you underestimate yourself.

Bertrand Russell once observed,  “One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision.”

This phenomenon was later studied by two psychologists, David Dunning and Justin Kruger and has since been known as the Dunning-Kruger effect. This revealed that less competent people often overestimate how smart they are due to not having the ability to objectively evaluate their competence.

The opposite is also often true – people of high ability tend to underestimate their competence, often to the extent that they feel everyone else is more capable and more deserving of success than they are.

This is imposter syndrome, a phenomenon first identified by psychologists Pauline Clance and Suzanne Imes in the 1970s, which typically affects high achievers. The implication is that our recurring doubts or worries about our ability to succeed despite a catalogue of previous successes, is an indicator that we are in fact highly capable!

So instead of letting imposter syndrome hold you back, embrace it and see it for what it is: an indicator of how far you’ve come and an indicator of where your ambition can take you.  (Read my tips on how to do this here ).



  • Because your brain is naturally ambitious and having goals makes you happy.

When we achieve a goal, our bodies release dopamine into our brains and this makes us feel mentally and physically good. The uplifted chemical mood helps to keep us motivated and focused on tasks (Mehta 2013) so the more we achieve, the better we are likely to perform. This means that it is advisable to break big long-term goals down into smaller short-term targets so that we can regularly tick off achievements and keep the positive chemicals flowing until we reach our long-term goals. It’s a fact – ambition is biological – don’t fight it!



  • Because life must be lived!

I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work, the more I live. Life is no ‘brief candle’ to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for a moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to the future generations.”  – George Bernard Shaw

As the saying goes, a life lived in fear is a life half lived. Not trying at all is much worse than making a few mistakes along the way, and how often is it said that people regret the things they don’t do, more than the things they do? Your life can be a “brief candle” or a “splendid torch”. You choose.

The article was originally published here.

Why Ambition Is More Important Than Talent

One of the most inspiring lines in cinema history had to be “My ambition far exceeds my talents,” said by Johnny Depp’s character George Chung. Ambition is the most important tool to achieving success, overriding both talent and resources by far.

An ambitious attitude can lead anyone to triumph and satisfaction, regardless of what is put in front of them. To have the will, the dream and the courage to be on top of the world will get you a lot farther in life than any skill you can possibly possess.

Having talent means nothing if you have no ambition behind it to work your ass of at any given point of the day. Do you know how many people are out there and are wastes of ability and potential?

A lot more than the ones that have talent and are actually successful. The majority of the people that have attained elite status and rewards were underdogs that had the ambition to prove the world wrong rather than prove it right and simply be a nobody.

Those that are fueled by ambition to work hard and make the sacrifices necessary to have the lives they dreamed of will almost always come out on top. They love the determined, passionate person they are striving to become and the feeling their work gives them, so they find no reason to quit or not believe in themselves. Ambition separates the man on the subway from the man flying in a private jet.

Men rise from one ambition to another: first, they seek to secure themselves against attack, and then they attack others. – Niccolo Machiavelli

Humanity would not have thrived as a civilization had it not been for our natural ambition to survive in triumphant fashion. Ambition is what gives us a purpose in life and allows us to fight for what we believe in.

Society looks at heavy ambition as a bad thing because most mistake this characteristic for greed or an addiction to power, but this is not the case at all. It is just the desire to escape mediocrity. The reason why people hate greed and power is because they are too afraid to see where their own ambition can take them.

Ambitious people understand that there are no short cuts and it is only their persistence that will get them what they want. They put it all on the line, not letting any instance of drive go ignored because they know this is what they must use to make sure most of their time is dedicated to getting closer and closer to their dream.

”Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” Thomas Jefferson

Your ambition and you

Logically speaking, you have to set your goals on something before you go ahead and achieve them. Imagine your life as a race, and that winning is equivalent to achieving success. If at the starting point you do not have the mindset to win the race, it is obvious that you will not give it your best and yield when everything seems all but lost.

Compare that to someone who is ambitious and has a strong motivation to win. His chances of winning are so much greater simply because he will do whatever he can to surpass his own limits, never quitting and always thinking of different ways to win.

Ambition is what leads to success in your respective industry, but success isn’t dreaming of what you are going to spend you money on or how much you think you are going to party once you attain. Success is found in a life lived not dreamed, one that is propelled by action not a desire to act, a life filled with fears faced, limits pushed, and relationships cultivated. A successful life is one filled with experience and action, not wishes.

You and your ambition need to be one with each other. You must understand each other and be on the same page so that you can fight the battle together and not torn in separate directions. Your ambition demands a lot from you, more than you have ever imagined so being prepared for it puts you in a better position of succeeding.

Your ambition wants you to dedicate your life to hard work, perfecting your craft, sleepless nights and sacrifice for the sake of having the life you wish to attain. A good friend of mine once gave up sex for a year and a half because he wanted no distractions. Another friend gave up drinking for a whole year because he was in the middle of building his business. They did this because their ambition was stronger than their need to have a good time.

Your ambition and your future?

In the next 10 years, what are you willing to give up to accomplish it? How many hours a day, how many days a week, how many missed vacations missed and unattended parties are you willing to give? Where do you see yourself?

After you have answered those questions, remember your answers and write them down. How your ambition relates to these goals will determine your future. Having just the simple thought of being rich won’t get you there. The simple thought of working harder than everyone else you know, however, will.

Living in your ambition today

To accomplish your long term goals you must want to be successful as much as you want to breathe. The last thing you need to be right now is lazy. This isn’t the time to not check your emails after 5 or worry about where you’re going to party this weekend. Your ambition will only take you as far as the changes you make in your life every day.

There will be highs and there will be lows but this is what you signed up for by aligning yourself with your ambition. Within the journey lies the lessons, the personal development, the suffering, the fun, and the growth; the reason we will see this struggle, hustle, and battle as a blessing.

Embrace your passion. Follow your dream. Let your ambition fuel you to be the best. Prove the world wrong. Never ever settle for mediocrity. Be elite.

“Ambition, I have come to believe, is the most primal and sacred fundamental of our being. To feel ambition and to act upon it is to embrace the unique calling of our souls. Not to act upon that ambition is to turn our backs on ourselves and the reason for our existence.” ~ Steven Pressfield, Turning Pro

The article was originally published here.

Should you be ambitious in life or be content with what you have?

I help professionals & teams leverage Spirituality & Peak Performance Science to live the best version of themselves.
15 articles

There’s an age-old struggle between two forces in people’s mind that stops many from achieving their full potential. This is the supposed contradiction between being ambitious vs being content.

Both qualities are well respected and even encouraged, but when they are brought together in one’s mind or heart, there seems to be a conflict, especially when it’s about one’s professional career.

Let us first explore both concepts from a linguistic point of view. Let’s look at the synonyms of both words:

Ambition: drive, determination, enterprise, initiative, eagerness, motivation, resolve, enthusiasm, zeal, hunger, commitment, a sense of purpose, aspiration, intention, goal, aim, objective, object, purpose, intent, plan, desire, wish, design, target, dream.

Contentment: contentedness, content, satisfaction, gratification, fulfillment, happiness, pleasure, cheerfulness, ease, comfort, well-being, peace, equanimity, serenity, tranquility.

Therefore, linguistically, there isn’t much of a contradiction between the two concepts. Being ambitious and being content seem to serve different aspects of our drive to be the best; one drives us (ambition) and the other lets us enjoy the ride (contentment)!

Another aspect of this dilemma has a spiritual nuance to it. Muslims assume that Islam requires us not to be ambitious in this world and to be content with what we have. This statement is only partly true.

When you look at the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) regarding ambition and contentment, you’ll notice that he encourages ambition in matters relating to achieving higher personal excellence, serving a social good, and attaining ultimate success in the hereafter. However, when it comes to contentment, his teachings are more focused on being content with one’s worldly provisions and what one has at any given moment. Here are two examples of his sayings that explain this succinctly:

Regarding ambition, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “The distance between every two levels [of Paradise] is like the distance between the sky and the Earth, so if you ask Allah for anything, ask Him for the Firdaus, for it is the last part of Paradise and the highest part of Paradise, and at its top there is the Throne of Beneficent, and from it gush forth the rivers of Paradise.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)

Regarding contentment, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Wealth does not mean having a great amount of property; wealth is self-contentment.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)

So when you’re contemplating whether you should move up the career ladder or be content with what you have, ask yourself, “Does this ambition serve a greater good? Will it help me achieve greater personal excellence? Will it make me a better person and allow me to help society more?”

A great example of this is captured in a saying by Umar bin Abdul Aziz (sometimes known as the fifth rightly guided Caliph):

“I have an ambitious self, and I never achieved something except I wanted what’s higher than it. I wanted to marry the daughter of the Caliph, Fatimah Bint AbdulMalik, and I married her … then I wanted to become a Governor, so I became a Governor … then I wanted to become a Caliph, so I became the Caliph … and now I want to reach Heaven, so I hope to be of its people”

Imagine if Umar bin Abdul Aziz felt that he was content enough that he didn’t need to pursue his goals: he would never have been a caliph, and all the accomplishments he made would never have been.

Yes, be content with what you have, be content with where you are in life, but don’t use contentment as an excuse not to be ambitious and achieve your goals, especially if those goals will serve a higher purpose, create greater social good, and grant you with success in this life and the next.

Want to learn more about faith-based personal development to help you in your career and life, visit & sign up for our weekly newsletter

The article was originally published here.

Ambition and a contented personal life need not be contradictory to each other.  Don’t make your ambition impossible to achieve!

Are less ambitious people better off than those who are wildly competitive? Is life a better deal for those who are average students, get a decent degree, find themselves a secure job and settle down comfortably in it? Now all they need to worry about is securing a happy home life, bringing up normal, average kids and living happily ever after! Probably here too the standards they set themselves are not too high and so, with lower expectations, their chances of disappointment are much lower too.

Rahul Sharma (name changed), a colleague, talks of a friend who years ago told him he didn’t want to ever grow beyond a GM.  “I found it very strange then,” says the highly competitive self-flagellating colleague, “but now as I find myself with no time for myself and just a weekend relationship with my wife as bosses and work take over all my waking hours, I think my friend was pretty smart! Today, he has chosen a career and lifestyle that may not be cutting- edge, but which gives him enough time for the rest of his life!”

I cannot believe that Rahul seriously meant it, because if he did, what’s to stop him from throwing in the towel even now? The fact that he will not do so means that he holds his drive, his ambition and his goals dear, and is willing to make the required sacrifices for the same. As all those with overriding dreams and ambition do.

However Rahul goes on, “The pace of my life is such that I don’t know how eight months of this year have passed by. I have no time to remain in touch with friends since I work round the clock to keep up with competition. Age is catching up and I know soon I will be old with hardly any intimate friends left. I am familiar with a lot of people courtesy Facebook but on social media sites like FB, we are trading intimacy with familiarity. The digital world is crazy and addictive and perhaps we are attracted to it since we decide when we open and shut conversations with Facebook friends.”

Says another friend, “I am increasingly finding myself feeling lonely in the middle of all the work and projects and even with family around. I think it is the lack of “me” time that makes me feel so.  Maybe I’m missing my own company, my own thoughts. Or, maybe I am missing being with close friends. That is when I seek out people on FB. There is no time to be intimate — physically, mentally, spiritually — either with yourself or someone close.”

And yet how would we be any different from animals if all we did was eat, sleep and exist in the small space we call ours and be happy to mark its boundaries as ours?

What is life if not an aspiration, a stretch to reach out to the next goal. It is that aspiration, no matter how unattainable the goal, which lifts us above our circumstances and helps better our lives. If a carpenter were to dream of being the country’s Prime Minister, chances are that he may at least end up setting up a small business for himself and carve out a better life for his children. On the other hand, if resigned to his lot, he were to have no ambition, he would die a carpenter and so would his future generations. An impossible dream may shape a better reality for him.

The problem is not with the dreaming, but with making that dream an obsession; not with ambition, but with making that drive the be-all and end-all of your existence.

Ambition and a contented personal life need not be contradictory to each other. We should be able to distinguish between ambition that is within the realms of possibility and that which may be an impossibility to achieve. Knowing that, we need to strike a balance between overriding ambition and a contented personal life. There are phases when one needs to give one’s all to work and others when one needs to step back with equal confidence and give due importance to one’s personal life. Balance and time management is the key — certainly not as easy as it sounds!

For those of us who are ambitious, there are times in life when it becomes a heavy burden to bear. There are testing times when we are stretched and stressed and all the angst just doesn’t seem worth it. It is at this time that the decision has to be made whether to fight on and may be live like a king some day, or to give up and crawl through the rest of your lives.

As British philosopher John Stuart Mill said, it is possible to be “content with life” even though “dissatisfied”, so long as one has the proper balance of pleasure, quantitatively and qualitatively. In his words, “better Socrates dissatisfied than a pig satisfied.” Who in their right mind would want to lead the life of a pig with no questions of the world, no complaints and no ambition? Socrates with his dissatisfied mind, his curiosity and mental turmoil would certainly be the choice of every rational person.

Bouts of high-adrenaline ambition interspersed with moments of a quiet content would be the ideal recipe for a life well lived!

The article was originally published here.

s Ambition Good or Bad?

The psychology and philosophy of ambition.


Source: Pixabay

Ambition can be defined as a striving for some kind of achievement or distinction, and involves, first, the desire for achievement, and, second, the willingness to work towards it even in the face of adversity or failure.

To be ambitious is to achieve first and foremost not for the sake of achievement itself (which is to be high-reaching) but for the sake of distinguishing oneself from others. Were we the last person on earth, it would make little or no sense to be ambitious.

Ambition is often confused with aspiration. Unlike mere aspiration, which has a particular goal for object, ambition is a trait or disposition, and, as such, is persistent and pervasive. A person cannot alter her ambition any more than she can alter any other character trait: having achieved one goal, the truly ambitious person soon formulates another at which to keep on striving.

Ambition is often spoken of in the same breath as hope, as in “hopes and ambitions”. Hope is the desire for something to happen combined with an anticipation of it happening. In contrast, ambition is the desire for achievement or distinction combined with the willingness to work towards
it. The opposite of hope is fear, hopeless, or despair; the opposite of ambition is simply “lack of ambition”, which is not a negative state.

Perhaps it is even the preferable state. In many Eastern traditions, ambition is seen as an evil that, by tying us down to worldly pursuits, keeps us away from the spiritual life and its fruits of virtue, wisdom, and tranquillity. In contrast, in the West, ambition is lauded as a precondition or precursor of success, even though the Western canon itself tends to fall against it.

For instance, in the Republic, Plato says that, being devoid of ambition, good men shun politics, leaving us to be ruled by bad men and their ambitions. Even if asked or invited, a good man would refuse to rule. To force good men into positions of power, Plato goes so far as to propose the introduction of a penalty for refusing to rule.

Aristotle had a more nuanced take on ambition. In the Nicomachean Ethics, he defines virtue as a disposition to aim at the intermediate between excess and deficiency, which, unlike the excess or the deficiency, is a form of success and therefore worthy of praise. For example, those who run headlong into every danger are rash, while those who flee from every danger are cowards, but courage is indicated by the mean or intermediate.

article continues after advertisementFor Aristotle, to be virtuous within a sphere, one has to be close to the mean between the excess and the deficiency in that sphere. And so, while it is possible to fail in many ways, it is possible to succeed in one way only—which is why failure is easy and success difficult. By the same token, people may be bad in many ways, but good in one way only.

Aristotle goes on to discuss the principal virtues and their associated vices. In the sphere of “minor honor and dishonor”, he names “ambition” as the vicious excess, “lack of ambition” as the vicious deficiency, and “proper ambition” as the virtuous mean.

To this day, people still speak of ambition after Aristotle, as”‘healthy ambition”, “unhealthy ambition”, and “lack of ambition”. Healthy ambition can be understood as the measured striving for achievement or distinction, and unhealthy ambition as the immoderate or disordered striving for such. Healthy ambition is individually enabling and socially constructive, while unhealthy ambition is inhibiting and destructive, and more akin to greed.

In the Politics, Aristotle avows that men’s ambition and avarice are among the most frequent causes of deliberate acts of injustice. Several centuries later, Francis Bacon refined this proposition: as long as ambitious men go unimpeded, they are busy rather than dangerous; but as soon as they are obstructed or demoted, they become “secretly discontent, and look upon men and matters with an evil eye, and are best pleased, when things go backward”.

Bacon advised rulers to be cautious in engaging ambitious men, and to handle them “so as they be still progressive and not retrograde”Article On Ambition Of Life

Highly ambitious people are sensitive to resistance and failure, and experience almost constant dissatisfaction or frustration. As with Sisyphus, their task is never accomplished, and, as with Tantalus, their prize is always out of reach. Just as Tantalus had a rock dangling over his head, so ambitious people have the noose of failure hanging about their neck.

article continues after advertisementIndeed, it is the fear of failure that checks the ambition of all but the most courageous, or rash, of people. For just as mania can end in depression, so ambition can end in anguish and despair.

To live with ambition is to live in fear and anxiety, unless, that is, the weight of our ambition can be relieved by gratitude, which is the feeling of appreciation for all that we already have. Although gratitude is especially lacking in future-focused people, ambition is much less toxic if even without climbing life can still seem worth living.

People are not truly ambitious unless they are willing to make sacrifices in the name of their ambition—even though the end of their ambition may not be worth their sacrifices, and not only because it may never be reached or even approached.

It could even be argued that with pure, naked ambition, the end is never worth the sacrifice. Happily, ambition is rarely pure but usually intermingled with unselfish aims and motives, even if these may be more incidental than deliberate and determining; and it may be that our greatest achievements are all, or almost all, accidents of ambition.Article On Ambition Of Life

In that much, ambition is like the dangled carrot that goads the donkey that pulls the cart. Studies have found that, on average, ambitious people attain higher levels of education and income, build more prestigious careers, and, despite the nocuous effects of their ambition, report higher levels of overall life satisfaction. Owing to bad luck and poor judgement, most ambitious people eventually fall short of their ambitions, but that still lands them far ahead of their more unassuming peers.

article continues after advertisementWhy are some people more ambitious than others? To cut a long story short, ambition is a complex construct borne out of a host of factors including but not limited to parental role models and expectations, birth order and sibling rivalries, feelings of inferiority or superiority, fear of failure and rejection, intelligence, past achievements, competitiveness, envy, anger, revenge, and the instinctual drives for life and sex.

From a purely psychological perspective, ambition can be thought of as an ego defence, which, like all ego defences, serves to protect and uphold a certain notion of the self. Rather than ambition, which is a fairly sophisticated ego defence, people who lack the strength to take responsibility for their actions are more likely to respond with less mature ego defences, for instance, by rationalizing that “life is unfair” or that they are “less of a diva and more of a team-player”.

If their ego is much bigger than their courage, they might become dismissive or even destructive, the latter also being a means of attracting attention or sabotaging themselves to provide a ready excuse for their lack of success: “It’s not that I failed, it’s that I was derailed.”

One ego defence that merits particular exploration in the context of ambition is sublimation, which is among the most mature and successful of all ego defences. If John is angry at his boss, he may go home and act out his anger by smashing some plates, or he may instead run it off on a treadmill.

The first instance (smashing some plates) is an example of displacement, the redirection of uncomfortable feelings towards someone or something less important, which is an immature ego defence. The second instance (running on the treadmill) is an example of sublimation, the channelling of unproductive or destructive forces into socially condoned and often constructive activities, which is, of course, a much more mature ego defence.

article continues after advertisementAn example of sublimation pertinent to ambition is the person with sadistic or homicidal urges who discharges these impulses by joining the army or, like Justice Wargrave in Agatha Christie’s novel And Then There Were None, becoming a hanging judge.

At the end of the novel, in the postscript, a letter is found in a bottle just off the Devon coast. The letter contains the confession of the late Justice Wargrave, in which he reveals a lifelong sadistic temperament juxtaposed with a fierce sense of justice. Although he longed to terrify, torture, and kill, he could not justify harming innocent people. So instead he became a hanging judge who thrilled at the sight of convicted (and guilty) criminals trembling with fear.

In life, few things are either good or bad. Rather, their good and bad depend on what we can or cannot make out of them. People with a high degree of healthy ambition are those with the insight and strength (strength that is often born of insight) to control the blind forces of ambition, that is, to shape their ambition so that it matches their interests and ideals, and to harness it so that it fires them without also burning them or those around them. The highest understanding, born out of humility, is perhaps that it is not necessary to be ambitious to be high-reaching, or indeed to feel alive.

People shrink or expand into the degree and nature of their ambitions. Ambition needs to be cultivated and refined, and yet has no teachers.

The article was originally published here.

Draft a speech on the following topic: my ambition in life.

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by Shaikhparveenzk9 18.10.2018

What do you need to know?


\boxed{\fcolorbox{red}{yellow}{Goal Of My Life}}

As every person have some goals in his / her life. Either it is a big one or a smaller one. But the most important thing is that, to achieve goal. Every person has some dreams and they want to fulfill it. But not everyone got his / her goals. I’ve remembered, once I was reading a story, I found a famous quote :

“ If you are seeing dreams then it is your responsibility to fulfill it. ”

It means that , to have goal isn’t the matter. The matter is to fulfill it. Coming to my goals in life.

So, the goal of my life is to fulfill the expectations and dreams of my parents. They have done a lot for us, even still doing . So, it is my responsibility that at least I fulfill their expectations which they have from me.

What is important for me.

Ah ! It is the difficult one. The most important thing in life is to get knowledge and experiences. Either it is success or the following experiences it gives a massive impact on our mind. If talking about success, then it is very important to gain success with a positive attitude. And , when we are talking about failure experiences, then it also has a life – longing impact on our life. Therefore, both are very important in our life.Article On Ambition Of Life



My ambition in life is to become a teacher

Having an aim or ambition in life is important for every person. A life having no aim means that a person is living a meaningles life with no direction. Aim in life gives meaning to life.

A person is incomplete without an aim in his or her life. Robert Bryne once observed, “The purpose of life is a life of purpose.” In order to get somewhere, you need to define your end goal. A life without a purpose is a life without a destination. We need an aim in life to focus on and put efforts to achieve that aim.Article On Ambition Of Life

My ambition in life is to become a teacher. Teaching is a noble and self sacrificing profession. By teaching the younger generation teachers know that they can build a better future for our society and our nation.

When I become a teacher, I will always teach the children good discipline, good manners, healthy and hygienic habits and moral values so that they can become good citizens of the country. I will try my best to become the role model of a good teacher. I will prepare my notes in advance so that the students can easily learn the subjects. I will explain to them clearly every chapter so that they can learn it easily and also enjoy learning the subjects.

Teaching is not only about text books and note books and giving homeworks. I will try to be a compassionate, a helpful and an understanding teacher. I will teach my students to be hardworking, honest, sincere, confident, and have a positive mind so that they can succeed and achieve their ambition in life.

I don’t expect anything as a reward for what I love doing. Seeing my students growing up in the right path, being an asset to the community, and achieving a good career in life will be my most precious and satisfying reward.!Article On Ambition Of Life

The article was originally published here.

Essay on Ambition in Life — A Key To Success!Article On Ambition Of Life

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A man without any ambition is a boat without the sails. It can drift in any direction and at the end of the day may find life a fruitless and frustrated nothingness.

There needs to be some point, some direction in life which may lead one on and on. R.L. Stevenson an English essayist has said ‘An aspiration is a joy for ever.To travel hopefully is better than to arrive’. If one has arrived, the joy of the journey is over. You keep enjoying a journey with the expectancy of reaching.

Once you have reached, that buoyancy filling you during the journey is over. This does not, so much mean, that one should not achieve what one wants to but any achievement should not be taken ‘as the land’s end.What you achieve today should inspire you to try to achieve still more and still further.

That would keep life with a ‘living and kicking’ sensation and shall vivify you, otherwise there would hardly remain any charm and zest in living. There should ever be a goal to be achieved; if Kanchenjunga has been reached, Mt. Everest still should keep beckoning you.Article On Ambition Of Life!

That is what Stevenson meant when he said ‘an aspiration is a joy for ever’. An impetus is the elixir of life and that should never be lost. Achievements have no end, one leads to the next and the next to still next. The joy of winning a race is only when you have a competitor close at heels.

A lone runner may grow sluggish in his pace as he will take it for granted that he has won the race. Once having put in his best efforts to win at the national event, you begin looking forward to the World Olympics and even after winning at that you begin aspiring to retain the position even at the next.

Why should one try to gain and regain the championship at the Wimbledon tournament year after year and there have been players who have remained at the top for eight successive years. Why give up if you have the stamina but once you give up, the stamina gives you up.

The trophies are brought and kept aloft for the contesting final teams to get a look at them- It is to win that they have to fight hard. ‘Say not the struggle not availed’ wrote the poet Arthur Hugh Clough.

This is one side of the story. While ‘ambition’ and having an ambition is something worthy but over- ambition can become ‘fatal’. Macbeth is made to say by Shakespeare —

‘I’ve no spur to prick the sides of my intent but the vaulting ambition which overleaps and falls to the other side’ which overleaps and falls to the other side.

While ‘ambition’ may be an elixir, ‘vaulting ambition’ may prove a disaster ‘First deserve then desire’ — that is what the saying says. Aspire, but while doing so, try to know your capacity and judge your limits.

Otherwise ‘crying for the moon’ can lead to a life-time frustration and life would turn into a tragedy. ‘Know thyself — that is a religious preaching given by saints and sages — this means try to look within you and you will find the Eternal Being within you. That is the philosophical interpretation of the preaching.

But in the present context of ‘ambition’, it may be taken to mean — ‘Know your limits and aspire only that much as your limits permit’. Otherwise if you aspire only because aspire you have to; the result can be an everlasting frustration and despondency which would mean ‘death’ in life. It would become an incurable ‘malady’ which would torture and torment the mind at all times and in every measure.

Ambitions — the vaulting ones, has led to disasters. History is a record of such events. Alexander the Great, wanted to be known as the conqueror of the world and he conquered lands after lands. But his soldiers and his army had their own limits of sustaining Physical strain and at one point of time they virtually revolted and Alexander had to beat a retreat.

Ashok had the ambition to conquer Kalinga — hundreds and thousands were butchered. Ultimately, he could find no peace in warfare and peace came only for him in ‘Peace’- in ‘Dharmam Sharnam Gachchami’.

Such wild and unbridled ambitions have met with such misfortunes and maladies.

So to cut the long story short, it is good to have an ambition which is within one’s capacities but beyond that if one goes, malady awaits one — unsustainable and incurable.

The article was originally published here.

Short Essay on My Aim in Life in Easy Words!Article On Ambition Of Life

My Aim in Life Essay In English in Easy Words

My Aim in Life Essay in Easy Words is here for weak students who are searching for easy material on the internet. This essay contains small and easy sentences which are easy to learn for exams. My Aim in Life short essay, discuss the feelings of a student, who have some plans for his future. For more essays visit this.Article On Ambition Of Life

Short Essay on My Aim in Life for Matric, Class 10, Intermediate, Class 12, F.A, FSC, B.A, BSC, Graduation

Aim means the desire for one’s future. It helps us to focus on the target. It motivates us. Everyone has an aim in life.

My aim is to be a Master of Information Technology. Information technology has modernized our life. It has changed our attitude. It has changed the world into a global village.

The reason to be an expert in information technology is very simple. First of all, it is the need of the hour. This field has become the most popular field of knowledge.

After 11th September ruin of the USA, Islam has become the most discussed issue throughout the world. Much has been said against Islam. Being a Muslim, it is my duty to defend my religion. This I can do effectively with Information Technology. This will help me in preaching my religion. It will also become a source of spiritual satisfaction for me. By adopting this profession I would be able to refute all charges falsely levelled against Islam.

I work day and night to achieve my goal. I am sure that after four years, I will become a competent Master of Information Technology. I have special aptitude and talent for this field. I know it is difficult and tough to achieve my target but I still believe that there is nothing impossible in the world.

The article was originally published here.

My Aim In Life Essay for Students and Children

500+ Words Essay on My Aim in Life 

It is a well-known fact that a person without an aim is a person without a life. All the creatures in this universe have one or other specific aim. It is common for all things. As the human is the best creature among them all, he has given a right to select that what he wants to do in his life. The mindset of each and every person is of its own type. Therefore, his aim of life will also be different from others.

my aim in life essay

What is the Aim?Article On Ambition Of Life

In a generic term purpose or goal is an aim. A person in his childhood might want to be a famous astronaut or a movie star or a police officer or something like that.  Aim means to intend, to try, or to aspire. Each aim generally starts with a declaration of a setting the goal, then breaking it into smaller pieces over a set timeline. Thus to achieve it one has to overcome many obstacles and setbacks from time to time.

Importance of aim in life:Article On Ambition Of Life

There is a popular saying that a man without an aim is like an aim without a rudder. It means a ship without rudder faces danger. Thus similarly a man without aim cannot reach towards his goal of life. He stumbles in his way of life.

So every person must have a definite aim. So, the aim of life is to give your life a purpose and a meaning. Certainly, it is done by finding out what truly matters to you. Your purpose is to create more joy in life or to show others how you can live your life in the best possible manner.

Primary Aim in life:

A person can set the aim of his life by applying various parameters in life. Some of these maybe –

  • To live with a specific purpose and passion every day
  • To live for others with helping them.
  • To become a great father, mother, son or daughter.
  • To become a wildly successful entrepreneur and businessman
  • To live a healthy, active and fit life
  • To live with financial freedom in life.

Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas

Types of Aim:

Different people have different aims.  Some person may want to become a doctor while others may want to start his own business. Likewise if engineering appeals, to some, the army may be the attraction for others. Some aim at becoming a teacher while social service or politics suits others.  So different people adopt different aims according to their inclination or taste or perception about life.

How to Choose the right Aim of life?Article On Ambition Of Life

It is the responsibility of the parents and the teachers to persuade their wards to select a profession according to their aptitude. Thus one can say that the right aim means right life and the wrong aim means wrong life. So, we should be very cautious while deciding on our aim.Article On Ambition Of Life

Certainly, this is the most difficult problem that a young man faces is the selection of a profession.  If a person does not choose his aim rightly, he will be always misfitted in his life. Thus, the best aim would be for one in which one feels happy always and he can do something worthwhile. Also at the same time, he assures about bright prospects in life.Article On Ambition Of Life

Everyone should set a goal which is personal to him and will always inspire to reach new heights. Therefore, don’t follow the mob and mimic the ambitions of friends.Article On Ambition Of Life

How to Achieve the Aim in Life?Article On Ambition Of Life

Some non-avoidable points which must be remembered are-

  • Be Proactive
  • No More Negativity
  • Always be balanced
  • Fully Focused
  • Break it down
  • Embrace failure
  • Tell everyone
  • Get help and guidance
  • Track your progress
  • Visualize the end result
  • Reset the action plan based on feedback

Conclusion:Article On Ambition Of Life!

Thus it is a fact that setting an aim and acting to achieve it is very important for a successful life. Everyone must start working towards it. Timely execution of an action plan with a proactive attitude is the key to success. One of the best ways to stay motivated is by visualizing the change and likewise by achieving step by step milestones.Article On Ambition Of Life

The article was originally published here.

My Aim In Life Essay:Article On Ambition Of Life

my aim in life

An aimless man is like a ship without controls, and a man without a well define aim can never achieve his life goals. We all have several aims and goals in life and the ultimate is knowing how to achieve your life goals. To assist different students seeking out the best “My Aim in life Essays” or “My Goal in Life Essays” we have creatively put together a well-balanced and well-written collection of 8 essays on “My Goal/Aim in Life essays.” You can also check out some of the other interesting Essays we have put together on different topics.Article On Ambition Of Life

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Table of Contents!Article On Ambition Of Life

  • Introduction On My Aim In Life Essay(100 words):
  • Essay 1: My Aim in Life to become “A Doctor”(450 words):
  • Essay 2: My Goal in Life to become “A Teacher”(500 words):
  • Essay 3: My Aim in Life to become “A lawyer”(500 words):
  • Essay 4: My Aim in Life to become “An Engineer”(550 words):Article On Ambition Of Life
  • Essay 5: My Goal in Life to become “A Scientist”(500 words):
  • Essay 6: My Aim in Life to become “A Businessman/Woman”(420 words):
  • Essay 7: My Aim in Life to become “A sportsman/Athlete”(450 words):
  • Essay 8: My Aim in Life to become “A Doctor” (550 words):
  • Essay 9: My Goal in Life to become “A Bank Manager”(500 words):Article On Ambition Of Life

Introduction On My Aim In Life Essay(100 words):Article On Ambition Of Life

The height of a person’s existence lies not in his/her ability to merely survive, but in discovering what to live for. Having a well-defined goal in life is crucial to understanding the direction for our career and pursuing these goals.

We all have individual goals, career goals and basically life goals. These vary from one individual to the other. However, we cannot walk through life aimlessly otherwise we end up frustrated and our ambitions become shattered.We have also written some other great essays on different topics you can check “Essays“.

Essay 1: My Aim in Life to become “A Doctor”(450 words):Article On Ambition Of Life:Article On Ambition Of Life

My future ambition is to become a doctor. Unlike most people, I haven’t been put under pressure by my parents to go along this popular career part. I want to study medicine at the university and end up being a doctor for numerous reasons.

Even though I am aware that doctors usually obtain a degree in the university after years of study. This may be quite daunting, but I am a very hardworking and judicious person. A lot of people have accused me of having a one-track-mind which I interpret to mean I have certainly focused and driven.Article On Ambition Of Life:Article On Ambition Of Life

Doctors are certified professional in the field of medicine, who treat people who are sick. Why do I want to become a doctor? Easy, I love helping people recuperate and make their lives better. Doctors are qualified to save lives and capable of helping the sick and convalescent to get better.

Doctors are necessary to alleviate the sufferings of humanity especially in the health sector. As they serve as a source of hope for the world and eventually bring smiles to people’s faces.Article On Ambition Of Life!

Although it is quite saddening to realize that people are often more concerned about material gain and themselves, than helping others. Even among the so called “doctors”. Most people have comprised their beliefs and standards to acquire materialistic things, leading to a decline in the general health of humans. I believe that professions and inclinations are not realized through trivialities like power, money or fame. Any vocation that is pursued for these is not a calling.

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The topmost drive for my career path in medicine probably stemmed from the death of my best friend. Dora and I were quite close. We played together, we went to the same school, we were next door neighbors, and our parents were friends. However, she fell sick at age 10 and she never recovered from the sickness.

I watched my best friend cum sister die and there was nothing I could do about it. The painful part was she never had the opportunity to live her life before she was rudely snatched away by death. Ever since, I made up my mind to study medicine so I can help little children like Dora, give them a chance at life and also give their parents the opportunity to watch their children grow and be a part of their lives.Article On Ambition Of Life

My greatest wish is to contribute to the field of medicine and amass so much influence that there’ll be a notable impact in the lives of the people around the world. I know that the challenges of becoming a doctor supersedes its advantages. Yet, the satisfaction I’ll get from touching peoples lives, bringing a smile to their faces and giving them ‘hope’ is unequivocal.

becoming doctor is my aim

Essay 2: My Goal in Life to become “A Teacher”(500 words):Article On Ambition Of Life

Education is an ever changing and ever-growing sector. Of all the strenuous professions in the world, teaching tops the chart. I agree with what William Arthur Ward suggested that an unexceptional teacher merely tells, a good teacher gives explanations, the superior teacher gives demonstrations, whereas the greatest teacher is the one who inspires.

My life goal is to become a teacher in English. People have often asked me why I chose to be a teacher. One thing I know for certain is that this decision was not made in a day. This choice emanated from a series of reflections about what I want to do with my life and how I want my life to pan out. My desire is to be counted among this honorable profession and to one they be a reference point for others.

Teachers have the capability to bring about the change the world needs and improve it. They are so influential in the life of a student that they can either make or mar the life of their pupils and students from what they teach. My desire within this professional line is to attain both professional and personal restitution.!Article On Ambition Of Life

“A good teacher inspires his student to aspire for greatness, he/she possesses the ability to spark the imagination of his/her students, and at the same feed their hunger for learning”.

Effectively managing classroom settings is necessary. The reason being that students are more positively impacted and encouraged when they study under a conducive and friendly atmosphere. Thus, becoming an effective teacher would require proper classroom management from the very start of class with rules and regulations. Although, these rules would not be stringent neither would they be slack as well.

My goal as a teacher to propel every facet of my class to a better place and leave them more knowledgeable than they were initially. Regardless of whether these people are my students, colleagues, curriculum, administration, or paraprofessional. I aim to move my class as a unit and my greatest achievement would involve very student growing together with no one left behind. I enjoy seeing children grow together at different levels and learning together.

I do not claim to be a magician. Neither do I set out to attain the unattainable. I believe I’m a realist and well-grounded in my perceptions. I’m aware that no two individuals are alike and that students’ study and learn at different paces. Yet my aim is to ensure that everyone is studying and taking home something. So, implementing group studies would be an effective strategy.

Most of my teachers have impacted my life in one way or the other and have become my mentors, role models, and heroes/heroines. This is the conclusion of my aim in life…. I want to inspire the people who would represent the future generation.

Essay 3: My Aim in Life to become “A lawyer”(500 words):

“Only lawyers and painters can transform a blank surface to an inspiration”. A lawyer is a professional in the field of law who is qualified to practice law. He defends or prosecutes people who are victims or might have committed crimes. There is a broad range of career options in the field of law including family law, criminal law, corporate law, religious law, among several others.

My career goal is to become a lawyer. I am loquacious, good with words and a diplomat. There are quite a few reasons why I feel pursuing a degree in law should be one of my life goals. However, three reasons stand out. Firstly, I like advocating for the rights of the people. I always reacted when people are being cheated and treated unfairly. I am, outspoken and confident.

I am most definitely not a push over and I’m usually not afraid to drive home my point. Secondly, my father who is my greatest mentor is a lawyer and I’ve always wanted to be like him when I got older. Hence my desire to become a lawyer.

Lastly, lawyers make tons of money and they are quite respected in the society. So, while I’m out there ensuring that the criminals are punished and justice gets served, I’ll also be basking in the luxury my profession affords me.

Although I’m aware that the amount of money a lawyer will make largely depends on his specialization. Some fields are more productive than others. Nevertheless, since money is not my foremost drive, I’m not moved.

“A good lawyer is unrelenting; he never gives up until he achieves what he sets out to achieve”. Being a lawyer requires taking up several responsibilities at the same time, which requires patience and intelligence to pursue the task to the very end. I’m of the opinion that the law profession plays a crucial function of scrutinizing and solving legal matters and ensuring that legal jurisdictions are implemented. My aim is to be counted as part of such a profession while pursuing my vocation.

A lawyer must always have his wit about him , he/she must be audacious, and maintain his/her unwavering integrity in executing tasks. A lawyer who cannot successfully represent both sides, is no lawyer. So, lawyers must be analytical and critical. Lawyers require high educational standard and high intelligence. I always want to possess this level of intelligence and calmness , which is the more reason why law seems so appealing to me.

Furthermore, I also want to be able to represent people whose finance would otherwise put them at a disadvantage. In short, I want to become a lawyer for both professional and personal developments. I know that being a lawyer would make me a well-adjusted person, adaptable”””, patient, resourceful, and  someone who is fair and just who will not hesitate in instigating the growth and development of the society.

my aim in life to become lawyer

Essay 4: My Aim in Life to become “An Engineer”(550 words):

I open this essay with the apt description of the significance of an engineer by borrowing a saying from Isaac Asimov who states that we can all be enthralled by all things science, but it is engineering that actually changes the world. Engineers labor for the society and their labor normally incur lots of risks and hazards. However, when their outcomes are effective, the society applauds them and accords them their due respect.

A lot comes to mind when one wants to graduate from school, particularly when the individual has to make life goal decisions that will earn him a living. Everyone, old or young, wants to be something in the nearest future. We all condition our mind towards this goal and we become resilient in our pursuit. Ever since i can remember, my aim has been to become an engineer. I’ve been fascinated with everything engineering related.

Our goals define who we are. We cannot go about life aimlessly. Someone once said when we fail to plan we are undoubtedly planning to fail. That is why it is crucial that we have clearly defined aims, objectives and life goals. This will not only help us define where we are going, but it will also help us to make adjustments particularly in detecting when we’ve strayed from where we should be.

An engineer is a professional who can solve life issues with mechanical and scientific techniques. He is adept at fixing things, inventing and constructing useful things.

The field of engineering is far-reaching covering mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, civil engineering, and building engineer among other things. Engineers build things and fix things that are broken. This is an endearing quality for me. Without engineers in our society today, a lot of inventions would never have occurred, and we would definitely not be where we are today as a society.

I don’t know what field of engineering I want to major in yet, but one thing I know for certain is I want to make the lives of the people in my community better than what it now is. I want to be able to construct and erect structures that will make their lives easier and their efforts more productive.

“The greatest engineers are complex… they are not merely mathematicians, neither are they just scientists alone, in fact they are not just writers or sociologists; however, they utilize any or all of their acquired skills and knowledge from these fields in answering engineering challenges.”

Consequently, all my education thus far has been intentionally geared towards becoming an engineer. I meticulously study my book and I visit engineering workshops and sites. I also associate myself with engineers. I read books and concentrate on my studies. I ensure I have good grades in mathematics, physics, further-mathematics, and English. I know I may have to travel out of my country to advance my career, so I am always reading one book or the other to brush up my English.

My aim is to work competently and reliably as a professional engineer. This and this alone would mark the ultimate essence of all my career goals.

Essay 5: My Goal in Life to become “A Scientist”(500 words):

“Science is one of the most beautiful gifts to the human race which should by no means be distorted”. Our society today is unrepentant reliant on science and technology. New discoveries are made very day. Science is an inexhaustible field, which explains why becoming a scientist is my chosen career goal.

Having and knowing what one’s life goals are, is very important. This is because life is meaningless and uninspiring when a person lacks a clear-cut ambition. Even if we all decide to go to school, we can never study forever. At a point in time, we are going to need to justify our existence and make a living for ourselves. This is the point where we define where we want to be, how to get there, and we know when we’ve reached the end point.

I’ve always been fascinated with science. From my childhood I’ve always wanted to be like Einstein, Newton, and Edison. These people made notable contributions to humanity and I want to be like them someday.

I’ve always aced my science subjects deliberately because I knew it at the back of my mind that I wanted to become a scientist. My parents have been very supportive of my career goals and I compensate their efforts by studying hard in school and Improving my graded in relevant subjects that would aid me to become a scientist in the nearest future.

Most people have the perception that the greatest scientists are characterized by their intellectual capabilities, but this is not so; what makes a great scientist is character. Science is the key to the prevailing issues of our societies today. Even so, scientist need stellar characters so they don’t have a god-complex, which can jeopardize all their life achievements. I believe I am fair and just person, and I am an unselfish person.

As much as I want to be a notable and respectable scientist, I refuse to cut corners or put others in danger just to further my career. This is why I know I’ll make a remarkable scientist.

Life is full of challenges that are yet to be solved. Some questions have been left unanswered for years. I don’t claim to be able to do what geniuses could not. However, the field of science is challenging, and I want to delve into it to better humanity. I want to reconstruct many ideologies that can bring about change. Furthermore, the notions and developments in science and technology proves my believe that Scientists are the architects behind such impressive works.

I don’t just want to become a scientist for the pleasure of being referred to as one. I want to make significant impacts in the field of science and technology, so much so that the lives of others would be improved while I’m at it.

scientist working in lab

Essay 6: My Aim in Life to become “A Businessman/Woman”(420 words):

“The only way to get ahead in life is to diligently work at whatever you lay your hands upon to do; be you a musician, accountant, artist, or a businessman”. A businessman/woman is a person who is adept at executing numerous business activities to make profit. Profit is the drive for any business.

I have always wanted to become a successful businessman and eventually an entrepreneur. This is what I want to wake up doing for the rest of my life.

I can’t imagine myself in another profession. I’m enthralled by it and I’ll work tirelessly to be a great businesswoman. My family members have been a huge support for me, since I decided to along this path. I’m aware my gender may be a limitation at one point or the other, but I refuse to be fazed by this.

My father who is one of the reason why I’m choosing a career path in business has always taught me that making money through your own business would not only make you proud and more successful, but it beats working under the administration of others. I haven’t always been good with doing what others want me to do. I was raised an independent child and my father has always challenged me to think outside the box. My greatest wish is to own my own company and be independent in implementing my ideas.

I am working towards achieving my goals early in life. I want to become a millionaire before I am thirty years old. It’s not unheard of, so I know I can do it as well. I hope to be counted among the youngest and most influential entrepreneurs in my community and nation at large. I have been known to engross myself in biographies and interviews of influential business people to learn from them.

I concentrate on my studies and I hope to get a degree in business. I know education is not the most monumental aspect of being an entrepreneur. I was taught at an early age by my father about hands on learning. However, I know the degree will help my clients to view my company as authentic.

Before anyone can succeed in the competitive business world, he/she must be a leader, competitive and optimistic, brave, intelligent, analytical, presentable, be able to communicate effectively, have great interpersonal skills, and be extremely ambitious. Anyone with at least one of these qualities has a shot at the imposing business world. The good thing is I possess most of these qualities.

Essay 7: My Aim in Life to become “A sportsman/Athlete”(450 words):

High schools mark important phases of a child’s life, which is why most people ponder on their life goals at this crucial stage. Not only is it important to determine one’s life goal, proactive measures must be taken to achieve set goals.

My primary aim in life is to be unconditionally happy, regardless of the situation around me. I do not have complicated goals, yest they are not simple to attain. However, i cannot earn a living by just being happy which leads me to setting my next goal. My aim in life is to become an athlete or a professional sportsman. This is my calling. My goal. My heartbeat. My passion. My aim in life.

I love sports especially crickets, badminton, soccer, football, sprints, race, and tennis. I want to be a professional paid athlete. I know this is not an easy task but Rome was not built in a day either. Sportsmen are known to be resilient and hardworking specifically in maintaining a healthy body. They are fun people because sports is an interesting profession. Athletes maintain long hours for training and they engage in several endurance tests. This is because athletes must be alert both mentally and physically.

Good habits are built with sports, confidence is developed, and discipline is promoted. Sports make players into a community of leaders, teaching them on how to doggedly pursue a singular goal, deal with mistakes, and seek out opportunities for development and growth“

The physical demand of the job prevents sportsmen from continuing in this part for a long period of time. This is because a sportsman is focused on pursuing and achieving the nsxt big thing in the industry.

When you are on the sports ground you have to leave everything behind and focus on winning the medal. Holding back is never a choice because you may be paired with a more formidable team tomorrow. Some sportsmen eventually end up coaching a sports team while they retire, because they sustain injuries during the course of their sports career.

I hope to secure a scholarship that would enable me further my sports career. I am on the football team in my school and I am a good quarterback. Sports is physically tasking, yet I try hard to maintain good grades because even if I am the best footballer in the world, if I have poor grades, I can bid my scholarship goodbye.

I am not from a wealthy background and I’m often reminded by my parents about how challenging it can be for minorities to rise above discrimination and earn a good paycheck. Athletes are known to be well paid and well respected. This among other reasons motivate me to strive to become the best athlete my generation has seen.

Essay 8: My Aim in Life to become “A Doctor” (550 words):

Life is a greatest blessing of God, if there is no aim, life is useless and pointless. Life should be spent with certain aim or else no difference will be left between man and animals. In older times life was simple and man had to do nothing but hunt for food.

We are living in modern time where we have to meet everyday challenges of life. We need to solve our problems and we have to keep ourselves ready for all the things. We need a proper plan to live a good life and to deal with problems. Hence, it is essential for everyone to have an aim for life.

In the light of this criterion my aim in life is to become a good doctor. Since my childhood I have a strong liking for the medical profession.

I also feel that being a doctor is an ideal way to serve humanity, it is an independent profession and doctors earn by getting consultation fee. Doctor is nobody’s servant and people have to adjust the time to meet doctor. For securing good will and affection doctors get many chances of serving people.

I don’t want to become a mercenary doctor at the same time. My dream and desire is to help the poor and needy people who are suffering from health crisis. I would be more generous if my skill failed to give an appropriate cure to my patient. To lessen the pain of someone is perhaps the biggest happiness of life and I want to achieve this happiness. I want to lighten the sufferings of people around me and what service is better than this?

My aim in life doesn’t end here, after earning some reasonable income; my next aim would be to build a hospital for the treatment of poor and needy people.

The hospital where poor people would be treated free of cost is my ultimate desire. I will collect the team of health specialists that love to serve humanity. I will recruit the workers in my hospitals on the basis of their sincerity and loyalty to humanity. Once I achieve this I will retire from this active service.

One of my biggest dreams is to keep no difference between rich and the poor while doing my job. Perhaps, if life gives me this chance I will love to treat poor people since I feel they are helpless. Another big dream of mine is to serve at any remote place where health facilities are lacking and people suffer due to unavailability of doctors.

I will launch free medical camps and my mobile ambulances for the people of such remote areas. I strongly feel that in my country there are a lot of villages and lack of medical facilities, these villages need medical attention. Every year as I read a lot of epidemics such as small pox, dengue, and plague cause a heavy loss in these villages. I shall try to contribute my mite to the struggle against such deadly epidemics which are ravaging the life of villagers in my country as being a doctor.

My aim is to live up to the excellence of medical profession. I want to set a tradition of honest, devoted and selfless services so that other doctors follow it as well.

Essay 9: My Goal in Life to become “A Bank Manager”(500 words):

“Before you are called a leader, success is measured by how much you are able to improve on your personal qualities. However, once you become a leader, success is measures about how much you can improve the lives of others around you”.

A bank manager is a person who is saddled with the responsibility of managing the teams in the bank, promoting sales, and appealing and drafting new customers to the bank. Just as in any business organization, a successful manager must be prepared to do things others are not able to do.

He/she must also be able to join the task force in doing the job, by getting hands-on. He/she must also be prepared to lead and empower all their workforce as often as possible. Any bank manager who wants to go far in the banking sector must possess both financial experience and people relation skills.

My future ambition is to become a bank manager. I have always been interested in working with the baking sector. While I was young what initially captivated me about this profession was their crisp suit, sophisticated appearance and they generally reeked of confidence. I know that merely wanting to be a bank manager is not enough to secure me a job in the future. One must acquire all the necessary skills and know-how, construct a formidable professional network, and then affirm oneself in the banking sector.

To this vain, I have been studious in my studies especially in finance,  accounting, economics, marketing, and other business related courses. I’m not a genius neither I’m I at the top of the class. However, I strive hard to maintain good grades.

One of my strong qualities is managing others. I could always just aim to be a banker or aspire for other positions in the bank, but I’m an over achiever. I believe when people think and decide about their life goals, they should try to think big and go all out.

“Doing great things does not necessarily mean you are a successful leader. Your ability to impact others to do great things, is what makes you a real leader”. The bank manager is an important figure in the organization. He is the boss. I want to be a boss too, although not a dictator. I am good with numbers and I have a solid financial background thanks to my mother who is a successful accountant.

I am an extrovert and I love meeting people. I have good interpersonal skills and I have always occupied leadership positions in school. For instance, I was the class representative all through my junior year in school,

I have been chosen as the group leader a number of times, and I am aspiring for the position of the school president before I graduate from school. Being able to encourage and maintain positive relationship among the staff members and customers will boost productivity.

My aim is to become not just a manager but a bank manager. Being able to realize this dream will mark the peak of my achievement in life.

my aim in life to become bank manager

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The article was originally published here.

Everyone has an aim in life. Without any proper aim no one can grow in life. My aim in life is to become a good teacher. Educating little children is a real blessing. I shall teach in a school and give my students the gift of knowledge. Children are the future of our country.

Being a teacher I would be able to bring happiness and laughter in the lives of these little flowers. There are many children who do not know what to do in their lives. I would guide and help them to learn and become good citizens of the country. I want to teach in such a way so that students can follow their dreams. Becoming a teacher would mean shaping the lives of others. I believe a good teacher is a challenge and can bring about changes in the life of many.


Notes to Children
You can create more essays/paragraphs based on the above, like:
1. What is your idea of a good teacher
2. How do teachers shape the dreams of children
3. The importance of having an aim in life
4. The teacher who changed my life
5. Why we must respect our teachers

Always try to include something more to make your essay different from others.

The article was originally published here.

My Aim in Life to be a Doctor Essay

Different peoples have different goals in their life. There are various professions like engineer, teacher, scientist, lecturer , doctor etc. But for achieving our aims we have to work from the very beginning.

We also have to work very hard in proper way. Because without working sincerely we can’t achieve our set targets in our life. But for all these things we have to know our strength and weakness. The strength in a subject must be kept in mind for choosing the right path of success.

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I searched my plus and minus side of intelligence and knew that I have a strong memory power. I score also well in science subject . Therefore I decided to become a Doctor. It is because I judged my strength and I gave priority to my choice. As I am a girl this profession is quite suit to me. I usually read science and it was just like my dream to be a doctor.

Second reason- One day when I was going with my family to market for marketing.

I saw a poor man begging for his son. I saw that his son was dying because of a disease. I don’t know what was the disease. From that day I determined I will become a doctor to help the needy and poor people.

It is a very rewarding and satisfactory job. I know that becoming a doctor is not a very easy task. It is a long journey of study to become a good doctor. But I have confidence in myself to accomplish the target.

A doctor is someone who can help ill people anywhere anytime and can give his family good cure for health. Doctors are very respected people . There are many types of doctors like eye-specialist, skin-specialist etc. I want to become a medical doctor. It is distant from surgical work. Surgical job is not my favorite one. Many more can be written about “the aim of becoming a doctor”. I will elaborate this one in my next essay.

The article was originally published here.

My Aims in Life Essay

My Aims in Life to become a Doctor Essay

“A useless life is an early death”.


Everyone in the world, however great or small, has some aim in life. A prince may have an aim to be a king and a king may have an aim to be an emperor. Some one’s aim is for fame, someones for power, someones for money, while some aim at acquiring knowledge.

Accordingly, I have also a high aim of life, though I do not know how far I would be able to realize it. I do not want to run after money, nor after cheap fame or popularity. My aim in life is to get happiness for myself and also for others. To realize this aim, I have resolved to be a doctor and spend my life in the service of others. My role model is Dr. Imtiaz of service and contentment. He is a source of vital who is a paragon inspiration for me.

“People never improve unless they look to some standard or example higher and better than themselves”.

(Tyron Edwards)

I know that the profession of medicine is a good selection. If I become a good doctor, I will get a lot of money, which I will use for the service of the poor. I will not charge high fees and shall never exploit the needy and the poor at the most critical moments of their life. If I become a good doctor, I will, of course, get fame and popularity. But I will see that I do not become puffed up with pride due to this fame.

Being a good doctor, having connections with several families, I would naturally acquire power and influence, but I would see that I do not abuse my power for any ignoble or undeserving work. In short, I have fixed my aim to be a doctor, not because it is a profession, which would fetch more wealth, fame or power than any other profession, but because it gives better and greater opportunities to serve mankind in their moments of urgent need, when they are involved in a struggle of life and death.

“It matters not how long we live but how”.


My aim does not end there. I shall devote a part of my time in doing voluntary work in hospitals and charitable dispensaries. I would also devote a part of my time to the welfare of my country and my people. I would go to politics or any public work to serve my country and play my humble part in the social, polițical, religious and educational reforms, resulting in the progress of my country.

Whether I succeed or fail in my aim, I shall never make wealth or power the end of my life. I shall never run after the bubble of fame. I shall be proud to die in harness. Success in my profession will be of little importance to me unless it is governed by my higher moral progress. I strongly believe that one must learn to distinguish between ‘vulgar’ material success and the “true success” of the man who succeeds in obtaining the best both in the material and the spiritual sphere. I want to be one such man who will succeed to attain by my of spiritual satisfaction of means and serenity sufficiency profession.

To conclude, I would like to add that my aim of life fully suits to my tendencies and ideas about life. I know in my heart that this is the path best fitted for me by nature and I would leave no stone unturned to attain it.

The purpose of life should be a life of purpose.

(Long Fellow)

My Aims in Life to become a Teacher Essay

Every person has his own dreams and aspirations in his life. It is always a good thing to have an ambition in one’s life. Many people have no definite aim in their life. They are like the travelers going ahead without any destination. Such people lead an aimless life and what they do in life, is largely a matter of chance, determined by the circumstances in which they happened to be placed.

“If there were dreams to sell,
Merry and sad to tell,
What would you buy?”

Ambition is an incentive for a person to work hard and to achieve success in life. Robert Browning, a famous poet, says

“The aim, if reached or not, makes great the life”.

Aimless people do not achieve anything in life, first of all, determine their target. They keep before them their circumstances, their qualities, their talents and their ability to work. They just live because they have to live. One should have a definite purpose in life.

“You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water”.

The people who want success in life, first of all, determine their target. They keep before them their circumstances, their qualities, their talents and their ability to work. They select some definite target of their life and remain successful.

“An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding”.

The aim of life varies from person to person. Some aim at wealth, some at power, some at fame, some at business and some at education and knowledge. My aim is neither wealth nor fame. I wish to serve my country with the best of my talent. So, I want to be a professor of English.

“Teachers effect enternity; no one can tell where their influence stops”.

Greatness in teaching is just as rare as greatness in medicine, dance, law, or any other profession. This aim is the culmination of my life. Teaching is a very noble profession. Nearly 70% of the Pakistanis are illiterate. I want to educate my countrymen. I really feel that I can serve my fellowmen by becoming a teacher.

Though the teachers of our country are ill-paid yet. It is one of the noblest profession. This profession will enable me to translate into my life the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) principle of simple living and high thinking. A teacher is the real friend, philosopher, and guide of the students. He serves the cause of education.

According to Plato

“Education is the turning of the inner eye towards light”.

The teacher removes the ignorance from the minds of his students. I want to realize the same ideals in my life as a teacher for which great men like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle had worked throughout their life. I believe that teacher, individually and collectively, have the ability to not change the world, but to improve it.

It is truly a teacher is full of high thoughts and ideas. I realize that if we are able to remove ignorance, illiteracy, and superstitions from our country we can develop it into a great country. I shall not only teach my students from our country we can develop it into a great country. I shall not only teach my students the theoretical education but I would also try my best to develop their character.

“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire”.

I want children to learn in a safe and comfortable environment so that their self-esteem will be increased. High self-esteem will enable them to strive for and accomplish any goals they set for themselves. As a teacher, I will play part in helping them to do that. I will have the privilege of shaping future parents and productive members of society.  It is an important contribution I can make to better our society, and I am excited about my aim to do so

“Teaching is the one profession that creates all other professions”.

Why do I want to become a teacher? A teacher has the direct opportunity to make a difference, to change the future. I have been told that I am an idealist. I want the best for everyone. I will set high goals as a teacher and do my best to show each and every student that these goals are within their reach.

An excellent teacher is not just someone who explains. Not someone who just demonstrates. An excellent teacher is someone who inspires. An excellent teacher goes the extra mile. They can take any individual and make them believe, truly believe, that their hopes and dreams are within their reach.

My aim is to serve my country. I hope I can serve my people by becoming an ideal teacher. I shall produce able citizens. This will be the greatest prize for a true and ideal teacher.

The article was originally published here.

My Aim in Life

Life without aim is useless, aimless and pointless. Life is a great blessing of God. It should be spent on a purpose, with certain aim. Otherwise, there will be no difference between the life of man and that of animals.

Life is olden times was simple. Man had to hunt for food, nothing more. But, now is a different time. We have new challenges to meet. We have new problems to solve. So, one should be ready for all these things. One can face life and its problems with a plan. Without a plan, life would be difficult to lead.

I want to become a teacher. The question is why so. There are many other professions. One can be a doctor, earning a lot of rupees daily. One can be an engineer, getting thousands of rupees as salary. One can be a shop-keeper earning lots of profits. One can also be a trader, selling things and earning lots of profits. Why then a teacher?


I want to become a teacher because I love this profession. Not only that I love it, but also for its greatness. I know teachers in our country are low-paid. I also know that people don’t think this profession as a great one. They think that teachers are merely teachers, with no high status in life.

I admit, teachers are not given proper status in our society. But, all the same, I like this profession. I think teaching is the highest job to do. It is because teachers bring light of knowledge in the lives of the people. They take them out of ignorance. They teach them good values.

This is what I think, I believe. In my opinion, a poor literate man is better than an illiterate rich man. So, that is why I want to be a teacher. This is my aim in life.

(310 words)



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The article was originally published here.

Essay on “My Aim in Life” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes

Essay No. 01

My Aim in Life

Everybody has some aims in life. It is very important. A life without an aim is life a boat without a rudder. But choosing a career in such a cut throat age of competition is really a difficult task.

Different people have different aims in their life according to their tastes and temperament. Some people want to become technocrats like doctors, engineers, scientists while many want to become bureaucrats life IAS, IPS AND IFS.



Some dream to become educationists, while for others politics holds great attraction. A few are lured to pursue their career in anti-social activates. There are people who have a craze to become poets, writers and novelists. To say, different people ,  different choices.

I am not a highly ambitious man. I am modest by nature. I do not want to be a multi-millionaire. The profession of teaching has been very attractive to me. This has been my childhood dream. The sole aim of my life is to serve the society to become a good citizen. To me teaching appears to be the best way to serve the society.

I belong to the lower middle class of society. Naturally, I have to face several difficulties in my life. The difficulties encountered during the journey of my life made me realize that lack of education is the biggest problem to which  I will devote my life to spread literacy to every nook and corner of society so as to remove the darkness of illiteracy. It is a shame that one- fourth of our population still do not know how to read and write even after over six decades of independence. In terms of women education, the picture is all the more gloomy. Unless we are educated we  cannot make all around progress.

I would be particularly sensitive to the needs of the weaker section of society. I would work hard to bring change in  their lives. When this section of society is educated, we will have a totally different society. There will be no  superstitions when they will be educated. I will always be  available to attend their queries whatever arise. I will  arrange extra classes for those who find it difficult to keep pace with the regular class.

I am fully aware that I’ll have to face lots to face lots of hardships. A teacher’s life is hard. He does not command the respect he deserves. This profession is looked down upon as of a lowly status. A teacher’s life is full of drudgery.

I will not be concerned for the earnings. I fill try my best to make the students good citizens. I will help them in broadening their outlook. I’ll groom their personality and shape their characters. I’ll groom their personality and shape their characters. I’ll try to inculcate in them good moral values.

So that India have good citizens to take it on the path of progress and prosperity in which everyone has a dignified life full of equality of opportunities. According to great educationist and our former president Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, “Teachers are the custodians of the highest values.”


Essay No. 02


My Aim in Life


The Choice of a Profession


The Profession I Want to Follow

Choosing a profession is not an easy task. A wrong choice can mar one’s career and make one’s whole life miserable.

So, the choice of a profession must be made very judiciously and that after long reflection and consultation with elders and other experienced people. In this regard, one’s aptitude and bent of mind and general attitude towards life should not be ignored.

After considering all the pros and cons of the matter, I have decided to become a doctor. My main motivation came to me from the noble example set before me by my father.

My father is a renowned doctor of the town. He has a heart of gold as he is filled with milk of human kindness. He pursues the profession of a doctor with a spirit of dedication.

I want to follow in the footsteps of my father. I am a brilliant student. I’m particularly strong in science subjects. Biology is my favourite subject. I have a natural bent of mind for the medical courses.



So, I have decided to become a doctor. I belong to a well-to-do family and my parents can easily pay my fees.

My chief aim is to serve humanity. There is so much misery in the world. I want to mitigate it to whatever extent I can. I have decided that I will not charge heavy fees from patients. I’ll treat poor patients without charging any fees. May God help me in my venture !


Essay No. 03

My Aim in Life

Aimless life is certainly a sin. Different people have different aims in life. Some aim at wealth, some at power, some at fame, some at business and some at education and knowledge. My aim is neither wealth nor fame. I wish to serve my country with the best of my talent. I love India and I really believe that everybody should put an effort to make it a great country. I want to become a doctor. It is a noble profession. In medical line, there is much more scope of service.

One can serve the patients everywhere in the country. This is my personal choice. My parents have not compelled me to select it. I wish to become a very successful doctor in future. So I am studying hard to achieve my target. I have keen interest in the medical line, so I do not feel any trouble in studying at all.

After obtaining the medical degree, I plan to work in rural areas where there is much shortage of doctors. My father is a well off man and I do not have any financial problem. I do not have the lust for money. I will visit the rural areas and will help poor people. It would be best sort of service. This will give me extreme satisfaction and that is the aim of my life.

I know, my profession is very dignified and it will help me to get peace and satisfaction in life. It provides one the best chances of service. Sympathy to human being is the sympathy to one’s own self.

The article was originally published here.

Short Paragraph on My Ambition of Life (350 Words)

Most people will have the ambition of life. Ambition leads us to a clear goal of life. It concentrates more and helps us achieve our own goals.

Ambitions vary from person to person. Some people want to become social servants, others want to become arts and crafts.

It all depends on my choices and interests, and when they reach a certain stage, what they want to be in life.

My ambition of life is to join the army. I really want to be an officer. This is not easy, but my dream is to serve the country and people. I have read a lot of books and have seen the lives of officials in many movies, but I understand that it is very difficult to become a person, but I love my country.

It is the military and naval officers that protect us day and night, and they help us escape the danger in the event of a war or crisis. They are far from families, but they will ensure the safety of their citizens. They sacrificed a lot of things in their lives, protected the people of a certain country, and kept them.

I would like to serve the country and become a guardian of our people. I understand that things are very difficult, but I want to do my best to protect themselves from all the dangers facing their country and people, becoming a member of the great Indian army. Contribute to the face. I am proud to say that I am willing to join the army and serve the country.

Degree thesis of sociology The thesis of sociology became the ambition of my life to be a chef Michigan paper handbook for university applications. I wrote 270 articles for my children at my ambitious sai shruthi so I wanted to be a soldier and sincerely offered all my life related articles for my country .

My goal is to become a pilot and I would like to be an important element of pilot’s international headquarters sdfr and slfr. My future goal is to be a teacher, I will teach my students, my goal is to become a teacher, international CEO on 0 January 2018, My ambition is to become an article ambition for CSS officials, to set direct goals for ambitious students and to increase the chances of candidates by directing his rights. My goal in my life is to become a civil engineer Now I am a civil engineer, but my ambition is not writing articles.

My life paper / my life’s goal is to become a doctoral dissertation on the ambition of my life, become a doctor gathering 1 million to 2 million local students, and to become our companion It is to write ambitions of my life. I might want to know how similar the fundamental cause of poor learning is. The ambition of my life is to become an essay on my ambition to become a sample of the teacher’s paper and become a person who can not do other work.

There are two answers to the ambition of my life, but my goal is to become an ias representative. January 29, 2013 2:53 pm. My parents and grandparents taught me the value and importance of education and education in my life, I think that the ambition of my life is to become a school teacher.

The article was originally published here.

My Aim in life Essay


A man without an aim is a Body without a heart. To Help the students Finding “My aim in Life Essay, present these Essays. We Hope that, these will help the students in their Studies. You can also Check some other Beautiful Essays in “Essays“.

Table of Content

  • Essay 1: My aim in Life to become “A Businessman/Entrepreneur”:
  • Essay 2: My aim in Life to Become “A DOCTOR”
  • Essay 3: My AIM in Life to become “A Teacher”

Essay 1: My aim in Life to become “A Businessman/Entrepreneur”:

“Never stop fighting until you arrive at your desired place- That is,the unique in you. Have an aim in life, continuously acquire knowledge, work hard, and have the perseverance to realize the great life”


In this universe, everyone is explicitly created. Every man on the entire planet has its distinction and variations that make him particular. All the seven billion people on this Earth, think differently, do their tasks in the way that they can do best and choose what! That is according to their taste.

Same anomalies are found in choosing the right aim in life. Some wish to become Doctors, Engineers, Lawyer, Statesman, Merchants, Advertisers, Photographers and many others. Each set out his aim according to his taste.


Since My childhood I have an innate feeling to be unique and peculiar from rest of the people, do something that is thrilling and full of enthusiasm and make me energetic and does something which makes me closer to understanding myself.

I want to become to become an entrepreneur. An Entrepreneur is a person who set up a business or business model by taking a financial risk. An Entrepreneur Devises ways by which he can generate opportunities and help others to find jobs.

Since the population is increasing continuously after each day and this increasing human population is causing a fierce competition for survival among individuals.

More youth will need more jobs to fulfils their needs. If all the would-be job seekers then who will provide the job. So, there must be some job givers, and I want to become a Job giver rather than a job seeker.

“It is better to be Job Giver than a Job Seeker”

Another reason I want to become an entrepreneur is, in this modern era of technology man’s primary purpose is to make his life easy and create benefits for the society, this can be done through entrepreneurship.

Now, we see that cars can be booked by phone, food can be ordered, we can communicate over thousands of miles with just one click. All these innovations are brought up Entrepreneurs and bringing the world close.
An entrepreneur works day and night not only physically but mentally as well to work on a new idea. He invests his income in creating benefits for other people. Hence, he serves society. He gives a Demonstration of a good citizen.

Not only he gives benefits to society but also to the country. He helps his countrymen and government as well by paying taxes and generating revenue for the state.

An entrepreneur makes his country proud in the eyes of other nations. He is an example and a role model for other people. People learn from him.

Entrepreneurs are also given prestige in society. People have a pleasure to meet such an extraordinary person. Not only this, an entrepreneur can create handsome ransom which enables him to live his desired life.

“A goal properly set is halfway reached.” Zig Ziglar

Besides all the above-written things, the thing which provokes me to become an entrepreneur is that it makes me feel happy. I feel enthusiastic about helping other people.

It gives me such a mental and spiritual peace that no other profession can give me. I know it is hard to become an, but this thing cannot stop me. I will work hard and achieve my aim.

Also Check: My Hobby Essay


Essay 2: My aim in Life to Become “A DOCTOR”

Aim in Life to become a Doctor


Small aim is a Crime, have a Great aim. –A.P.J Abdul Kalam

Diversity is the Beauty of the Human mind. All the people on the planet have their own way of thinking and choosing things. Majority of ambitious people want either to be famous or rich, so they aim to become a businessman, Lawyer, Bureaucrats etc.

But I see things differently. I wanted to do things that unite my soul and Body with the power of pacification. I want to help other people and bring happiness to their Lives. My Belief is:

“The real People are those who makes others Life Easier”

Therefore, my aim in Life is to become a Doctor. Although, Doctor is considered a very reputable and noble profession, but my reason to become a Doctor is more than this.

A vast number of people face fatal health problems, and unfortunately, they can’t afford treatment. My aim is to help such people.

Also, when I saw little children, dying with small diseases, due to lack of care, I depress as well as motivated to avoid such cases in Future. My aim is to give to free treatment to those people who can’t afford expensive medicines. Hence, I want to serve Humanity.Article On Ambition Of Life

“We cannot despair of humanity, since we ourselves are human beings”

-Albert Einstein

In our country, there is a lack of research in the field of medicine. I have a dream to inaugurate the new roads for research that will prove not only beneficial for young aspirants but also helpful in raising the status of my country. My aim is to make possible the cure such diseases that yet considered un-treatable. I want to set a new path for others.

“A doctor can save may be a few hundred lives in a Life time. A researcher can save the whole world.”

Craig Venter

Another reason, my aim is to become a Doctor is, the way doctors are harming the society. Today, Doctors only want to be filthy. I want to change this trend. My ambition is to be such a Doctor that not only my parents, but also society will proud of.

I also understand that it is difficult to be a doctor is so much competition, but this thing can’t stop me. My ambitions are high. I want to help other people, and that’s my motive in life. I will work hard, and one day I will be such a person who should be called as a “True Doctor” and do this wrong:

“The best doctor is the one you run to and can’t find.”

Also See:Myself Essay

Essay 3: My AIM in Life to become “A Teacher”

Essay My aim in Life

“All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim, have fixed their gaze on a goal which was high, one which sometimes seemed impossible.”

—Orison Swett Marden

It is said that a man without an aim is a man without a life. All the creatures in the universe have a specific aim. From a little microorganism to giant stars, all have an aim in life. It is something that is common all the things.

As the man is the best among the creations, he has given a right to choose what he wants to do. As the mindset of every person in particular to other therefore his aim of life is also different from other.

Many want to become a doctor to help humanity; a lot of people wants to become engineers an help nation in industry, agriculture and other variety of stuff. Some want to become Businessman and want to create opportunities for other people.

While a few want to become astronauts, travelers, writers, Lawyers, judges, news anchors, and many others. So, aims are as diverse as people on Earth.

However, my mindset is not like everyone. From my childhood, I have a keen interest in teaching. I consider it the noblest profession among all and My aim in life is to become a teacher.

Teaching is not like the other professions in which there is a race for money, and everybody is greedy for it, but it is a profession of mental solace and pacification.

“Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world “
—Nelson Mandela!Article On Ambition Of Life

Education is wealth, and most people are unaware of it. Not only education imparts a good knowledge to the people but also does the character building of the nations. It does the moral training of the people.

I have the ambition to become a teacher because I want to educate the people. There is an aspiration in me to aware people of themselves.

I desire to make the students realize how important they are. They can change the world with the world just with the power of the pen.Article On Ambition Of Life

The Prophet of ISLAM MUHAMMAD (P.B.U.H) is the best teacher of the universe. He preached the moral values among people in such a beautiful way that the slaves were made kings. Hence, by adopting the profession, I will follow the Sunnah of Beloved Prophet(PEACE BE UPON HIM).

The teacher is a backbone of every society. He teaches the students and makes them able to stand on their own feet on hence play their part in society. Hence, all the other profession are dependent on the teacher.

Above all reason, the most pivotal reason for me choosing to teach is that I love teaching others. The mental satisfaction that I will gain after becoming a teacher could not be achieved in any other professions. I am determined that one day I will become a teacher and serve humanity.

The article was originally published here.Article On Ambition Of Life

Essay on My Aim in Life with Quotations for Students

Essay on My Aim in Life with Quotations and Outline for Class10 & Class 12

Here you will find an essay on My Aim in Life with Quotations and Outline for the students of F.A, FSC, B.A and BSC. My Aim in Life Essay with Quotes is important for all the classes. If you are preparing for the exams, you shouldn’t miss this essay. Outline of the Essay on My aim in life is also available at the start of the game and you will find the quotations in the other parts of this essay. You can also see the Essay on My Ambition in Life.

Essay on My Aim in Life with Outline


  1. Ambition is a guiding star in our life.
  2. The Choice of the profession is an uphill task for a Youngman.
  3. The future profession must be selected keeping in view the taste and talent of the person.
  4. The general perception of the civil administration is bad.
  5. Objective to join the civil administration.
  6. Determination for achievement.
  7. Article On Ambition Of Life

“Hitch your wagon to a star” (Emerson)

Ambition is a guiding star in our life. It inspires us to achieve noble ideals in life. It stimulates our energy, courage and enthusiasm. Without ambition, life becomes dull, drab and boring. Those who have no definite aim in their lives, cannot rise in life.

“Great ambition is the passion of a great character.” (Napoleon)

It is an uphill task for a Youngman to decide about his profession. Many desire to be rich or to become businessmen. Some persons dream of becoming leaders, politicians and social reformers while most of the students aspire to become engineers, doctors, lawyers, military officers and scientists.Article On Ambition Of Life!

“This one step – choosing a goal and

Sticking to it – changes everything.” (Scott Reed)

Everyone has his own dreams but the future profession must be selected keeping in view the taste and talent of the person. Then, what do I want to be? I have decided to become a C.S.P officer because it is according to my taste and temperament. I am active, energetic and daring by nature. I have the ability to express myself impressively. At present, I am a student of intermediate and after my graduation, I shall appear in the Public Service Commission’s Competitive exams for this post.

Don’t aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally. (David Frost)!Article On Ambition Of Life

The general perception of the civil administration is, no doubt, bad in our society. There is much corruption and exploitation there. Most of the civil servants accept bribes and demand money from the guilty person. People often condemn them for mismanagement and corruption.

In spite of the bad reputation of the civil administration, I have decided to become a C.S.P officer. I do not want to join it for wealth, powers and pleasure. I have a mission to reform my society. It is suffering from corruption, lawlessness and unrest. I wish to root out all the evils of our society. I have some effective plans to correct society. My job as a C.S.P officer will help me a lot in the achievement of my goal.Article On Ambition Of Life!

“Ingenuity, plus courage, plus work, equals miracles.” (Bob Richards)

My father wanted to see me as a doctor. He had been talking of it since my childhood. But, I did not like the medical profession, because it was not in accordance with my taste temperament. I told my father that I wanted to become a C,.S.P officer. I put up my case with arguments.  So, he allowed me to choose my profession according to my will.

I know that it is not a child’s play to become a C.S.P officer. I shall have to make an extraordinary effort to fulfil my dreams. I am ready to make any sacrifice for it. I am determined to leave no stone unturned to achieve my aim.

“The mould of man’s fortune is in his own hand” (Bacon)

Here the Essay Ends, if you are looking for Short Essay on My Aim in life for Junior Classes, Click Here.

2nd Essay

My Aim In Life Essay with Quotes and Outline for Matric, F.A, FSC, BA and BSC”:Article On Ambition Of Life

Aim or ambition in life is inevitable. It gives us direction for our efforts to achieve it. It is like the guiding star. If a man is unaware of his destination, his struggle in life will be fruitless.

There can be as many aims or ambitions or dreams as men. Some want to become doctors. Some are ambitious to become Engineers. Some wish to become civil officers. Some are keen to become army officers. Some desire to be writers, novelists, playwrights or poets. Thus ambition or aim varies from person to person.Article On Ambition Of Life!

My aim or ambition or dream of life is to become a Professor of English. There are some reasons for which I want to adopt the profession of teaching at the college level. These are:

Teaching is a very noble profession. The best people in the world are those who teach others. This is the only profession which enables a man to serve his nation properly. A teacher is like a ladder. Like the ladder, the teacher remains at the same place but helps others to rise in life. It is, therefore, better to become a doctor-maker, an engineer-maker or an officer-maker instead of becoming himself a doctor or an engineer or an officer.

It is an acknowledged fact that only men increase the dignity and greatness of a nation. Such men are produced in educational institutions. I am fond of reading, writing and teaching. This profession will assist me to lead the life of a scholar. I am ambitious to become a professor of English because English literature is my favourite subject.Article On Ambition Of Life

I am taking a deep interest in my studies. Having adopted the profession of teaching, I hope to produce and prepare such men as would be of great service to the nation. Being a teacher, I can also serve my nation by writing such books as can build the character of my people and make them good citizens.

To conclude, aim or ambition or dream of life occupies great importance in human life. A man or a nation cannot make progress in the world in the absence of aim or ambition or dream of life. I am fully satisfied with my aim or ambition or dream of becoming a professor of English as it suits my taste and nature. I am really proud of my aim of becoming a college teacher.

You may also like: Essay on Discipline

Students Can Write the Same Essay under the following Titles

Essay on Aims in life    (or)

Essay on My ambition in life  (or)

The dream of my life Essay(or)

The  profession of my choice  (or)

The profession I want to choose  (or)

My future as I would like it to be  (or)

Teaching as a procession of my choice

The article was originally published here.

FOr upon |What is your ambition in life?

Question Posted / hyderabad
  • 15 Answers
  • Accenture, Cli3l, Deloitte, JPMorgan Chase, I also Faced
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Answers were Sorted based on User’s Feedback

What is your ambition in life?..

Answer / anwar

I would like to see the growth of the company if my company
will grow so i will also grow with the company.

Is This Answer Correct ? 113 Yes 28 No


What is your ambition in life?..

Answer / sandip karmakar

My prime ambition is to get a secure job which will secure
my future and provide me and my family a financial support.

Is This Answer Correct ? 84 Yes 14 No


What is your ambition in life?..

Answer / aqib ul swaleheen

my current ambition is to be a successful employee in reputed company and my future ambition is to be a respectable position in that organization,for example-became a good group leader and became a good manager

Is This Answer Correct ? 64 Yes 5 No
What is your ambition in life?..

Answer / praveen gautam

Ambition should not only be used to fulfill ur desire bt  also encourage  you in achieving many more things apart from money n fame

Is This Answer Correct ? 18 Yes 4 No


What is your ambition in life?..

Answer / fresher

My ambition is to be a part of an organisation and achieve a higher post in the same.

Is This Answer Correct ? 19 Yes 6 No


What is your ambition in life?..

Answer / neha

to become a part in the growth of my organisation and to reach a respectable postion and help other in any way i can

Is This Answer Correct ? 16 Yes 4 No


What is your ambition in life?..

Answer / buddy

My aim as of now is to get a job,and with hardwork & dedication, having experience & learned to tackle situation to be at the top position where I m Inn..

Is This Answer Correct ? 16 Yes 4 No


What is your ambition in life?..

Answer / sameer

to be a successful employee.

Is This Answer Correct ? 21 Yes 10 No


What is your ambition in life?..

Answer / hulk hogan

my ambition to life is to become a successful businessman which i can help my family a financial support

Is This Answer Correct ? 22 Yes 14 No


What is your ambition in life?..

Answer / gowtham

To Become a Good Team leader.

Is This Answer Correct ? 11 Yes 3 No
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The article was originally published here.

My Ambition in Life – Scientist :

  • My ambition in life is to become a Scientist
  • I am deeply interested in Science and Technology
  • I want to prove my talents by making new inventions
  • As a student, I want to make my teachers proud
  • I will become a great scientist in future
  • Article On Ambition Of Life

My Ambition in Life – Scientist : (Short Essay)

Like every student who is ambitious, even I keep dreaming about my future. I wonder if I would make difference to the society. When I think of the path of my life, I see a great future if I concentrate on Science and Technology. The concepts and updates on recent technological developments only prove that Scientists are the masterminds of such great works. I want to become such a scientist. I want to make big wonders and such findings would give fame to me. My parents are supporting me a lot and I focus much on my studies so that I can take my career to the point where I become a Scientist in future.

My Ambition in Life – Scientist : (Brief Essay)

What induces success? I say it is failure. I am much confident about this from the proverb I came across recently:

“Failures are the stepping stones of success”

I always dream about becoming a scientist. But being a scientist is not so easy. The same needs a lot of patience and one needs to learn the art of embracing failure as success nearing soon.

When I enjoy my Science lessons in school, I use to think it is a great enjoyment to stay in touch with the nature. This has pointed out my deep love on Science and that is why I wish to establish my career in the field of Science.

Right from this stage, I am learning to do both hard work and smart work.  I have never stopped asking questions during my Science classes since I strongly believe that by questioning we get the right answers. I want to invent new things for mankind and bring out the unrevealed secrets of nature.Article On Ambition Of Life

By making ourselves, close to Science we make ourselves close to nature. I want to explore the environment and help people to live a better life as a Scientist in future. I want to prove that a Scientist is a selfless person who toils for the benefit of fellow human beings. I want to set an example to others. I do not believe that life is a successful journey until we mark our footprints in history.

My ambition is very important for me and working hard for it everyday. When I become a Scientist, I am sure my parents and teachers would be proud of me.

Incoming search terms:

  • My ambition

The article was originally published here.

Paragraph on My Aim in Life to Be a Scientist – by Anand:Article On Ambition Of Life

Article Shared By




My aim in life is to be a scientist. I have always been fascinated by science as a subject and my main attraction was the application of science to various things.

Science has advanced to a great extent in the recent times and so have the scientists.:


The miracles that science performs fascinate me and I want to be a scientist to conduct the same miracles and develop solutions for problems around us.

The Importance of Having an Aim:


Article On Ambition Of Life-Having an aim in life is helpful in many ways. First of all, it gives us a sense of direction. When we set our aims, we become certain of what we want in life and thus start striving hard for the same. It also keeps us disciplined and focus. We start respecting the profession we want to have and our respect for the people pursuing the same profession also grows. An aimless life is a miserable life with no destination.

Importance of a Scientist:Article On Ambition Of Life

A scientist plays a very important part in the society. The scientist finds ways and methods with the help of science to solve the basic problems prevalent in the society. The scientist is the person who is looked to for help whenever issues like pollution control, global warming, deforestation, nuclear warfare, chemical weaponry etc become the primary issues of the nation or nations. A scientist has advanced knowledge in one or many sciences. This advanced knowledge makes him/her an expert in the same field and they can provide effective solutions to the problems arising in that field.

My Reasons for Becoming a Scientist:Article On Ambition Of Life

As a scientist, I would like to contribute to the society by inventing cost-effective tools for the basic necessities that people require. I would like to research upon the problem of shortage of electricity and then find out cheaper methods of generating electricity. This generation of electricity shall be done by utilization of the natural resources around us. This would be a great boon for the people who live without electricity.

The other area where I would like to focus my attention is the medical and pharmaceutical sector. A majority of the poor people cannot afford medicines to cure themselves or their closed ones. As a scientist, I would conduct research to develop cheaper varieties of medicines and pharmaceutical products so that the poor people can afford them. I would also make cheaper medical equipments so that much money is not spent on importing them from abroad.



My aim in life to be a scientist will help me and the people around me lead a more comfortable life. I have the best parents who support me and think highly of my ambitions in life. They get me books and encyclopaedias on science and also support me to take part in science exhibitions and fairs. I really believe in my aim and it makes me strive hard for it. My dream of becoming a scientist will soon become a reality.

The article was originally published here.

Essay topic: My ambition:Article On Ambition Of Life

24.6.09 at 6/24/2009 11:29:00 AM Labels: { Yourself. }

My ambition is to become a successful scientist. I have always enjoyed attending science lessons in school. I believe it would be life’s greatest joy to establish my career in the scientific field.Becoming a successful scientist involves a lot of hard work and dedication. I admire great scientists like Einstein and Newton who braved a lot of setbacks to become successful. I am very inquisitive by nature. I do not stop asking questions till I thoroughly understand the answer. In class.

I always make sure that I perform each science experiment properly. When in doubt, I consult my teachers.As a scientist, I would be able to invent new things for mankind. We would then be able to lead a more comfortable life. Perhaps I can invent cars that are operated by robots or a computer that thinks like a human. My parents think highly of my ambition and are very supportive. They always buy me books on science and take me to science exhibitions.In order to fulfill my ambition, not only must I work hard for it, I must also understand that “Failure is the mother of success”.


The article was originally published here.

Write a short paragraph on the topic “MY AIM” to be a scientist .

Word limit = 100-150

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by Ishinelikestar 16.08.2018

What do you need to know?Article On Ambition Of Life

Ask your question


Here is the answer of your question

“My Aim”

Everyone has it’s aim to do something great in their life. Someone wants to become a doctor, someone wants to become a teacher, someone wants to become a pilot and so on. To achieve their aims they do work hard and also face all difficulties in life. But never leave their aims.Article On Ambition Of Life

My aim is to become a scientist. As doctors help everyone by curing their diseases, teachers help students by educating them.

Like them I want to become a scientist to do/invent something new for my counter. So, that everyone fell proud of me. It’s my dream from starting to become a scientist. For this I will do all hard work and also ready to face all difficulties in my life to achieve my goal.

Hope it helps you.

Hi , Your question is very interesting:Article On Ambition Of Life

My Aim To Be A scientist

Aim is something in which to be in a position to do it or try , My aim to be a scientist is something that requires hardwork and knowledge and should have a science study in doing . If i have a aim in becoming a Scientist , then i will become and i should become one .Article On Ambition Of Life

If i become a scientist by my aim  becoming true , i would make a chemical that is helpful for the people who have cancer , and other deadly diseases that lead to dead . My chemical should be helpful for all . If i become a scientist , i will help all the people who are sick and help the people who are poor by donating the money i earn .Article On Ambition Of Life

Helping one can lead us back in a good fortune . Scientist does not only need to know science , but also show the talent and love and respect and research and find out more.

This is the aim that I acquire to be a Scientist .Article On Ambition Of Life .

Hope it helps you …..

The article was originally published here.

Top 40 life ambitions for over-65s: list

Mountain climbing, sky-diving and learning to fly are among retirement must-dos for pensioners, according to new data:Article On Ambition Of Life

Spring flowers bloom as paragliders take to the skies on the slopes of Cape Town's iconic Table Mountain

Spring flowers bloom as paragliders take to the skies on the slopes of Cape Town’s iconic Table Mountain Photo: REUTERS/Mike Hutchings:Article On Ambition Of LifeArticle On Ambition Of Life

By Telegraph reporters

8:00AM BST 20 Oct 2014

Britain’s pensioners are rejecting a quiet life in favour of adventures according to new research.

A new thrill-seeking ‘bucket list’ of items is compiled by YouGov and Centra Pulse.

Here are the top-40 life ambitions for over-65s, but add your top bucket list item below in the comments section.

1. Travel the world

Saburo Shochi from Japan, who is 106 years old, holds the Guinness World Record for the oldest person to have travelled around the world using public transport. It took one month for the professor at Fukuoka University of Education, to lecture in six countries and travel almost 60,000 kilometres.

2. See my family settled

3. Live to 100

4. Write a bestselling novel

Bertha Wood is the oldest author on record to have her first book published. Fresh Air and Fun: The Story of a Blackpool Holiday Camp was published on her 100th birthday on 20 June 2005. The book is based on her memoirs, which she began writing at the age of 90.Article On Ambition Of Life”!

5. Win the lottery

The oldest recorded British lottery winner was Reginald Smith, an 85-year-old from Uttoxeter in Staffordshire, who won £2.3 million in 2003

6. Buy a house

7. Learn a language

8. Be financially secure

9. Become a grandparent

10. See their favourite sports team play one more time

11. Provide for my family

12. Learn to fly

The oldest person to obtain a pilot’s licence is James Collins Warren at the age of 87 years old, in Vacaville, California, USA, in September 2010.

13. Buy a classic car

14. Learn to play a musical instrument

15. See the Northern Lights

16. Go on a world cruise

17. Lose weight

18. Take up charity work

19. Take part in a skydive or parachute jump

Estrid Geertsen is the oldest woman to take part in a tandem parachute jump at the age of 100 years 60 days, from an altitude of 4,000 metres over Roskilde, Denmark.

20. Get a hole in one

21. Create the ultimate gardenArticle On Ambition Of Life

A man and his dog jump into the sea (Reuters)

22. Go to university

The oldest university graduate is Allan Stewart who received a Bachelor of Laws degree aged 91 years 214 days, when he graduated from the University of New England, New South Wales, Australia in 2006.

23. Drive a racing car

24. Learn to swim

25. Climb a mountain

The oldest man to climb Mt Everest is Yuichiro Miura who reached the summit on 23 May 2013 at the age of 80 years 223 days. This is the third time that he has held this record: he previously reached the highest point on Earth as the world’s oldest summiteer in 2003 and again at 2008.

26. Fall in love

27. Go on a ride in a hot air balloon

Emma Carrol is the oldest person to fly in a hot air balloon after making an hour-long flight across Iowa in the USA at the age of 109 years 70 days in 2004

28. Emigrate

29. Fly first class

30. Live by the sea

31. Meet a celebrity

32. Learn to paint

33. Fly a helicopter

The oldest helicopter pilot is Donald Hinkel who completed a solo flight at the age of 86 years, 6 months and 23 days, over Ocsoda County Airport, in Mio, Michigan, USA in 2012

34. Fly in a Spitfire or Lancaster

35. Go on a road trip across America

36. Renovate the house

37. Paint a masterpiece

The oldest professional artist is Moses Aleksandrovich Feigin whose last exhibition was at the Central House of the Artist in Moscow, Russia in 2007 when he was 102 years 199 days old.

38. Perform on stage

39. Go on the Orient Express

40. Retire

The article was originally published here.

The Best Ambition Quotes To Keep You

Focused:Article On Ambition Of Life

It takes more than just ambition to succeed; ambition is a desire, a want, an in some cases a need, but to achieve success focus and determination are a must. Ambition itself is only half of the success story, and maintaining focus is the other half. Quotes are a great source of inspiration; they encapsulate the truth and wisdom of those who have aspired and attained their goal.


Inspiration can be fickle; everyone can benefit from a pep talk now and then. Quotes are like mobile pep talks; we can listen to them and read them on our smartphones and set them as backgrounds on the computer screen. The best ambition quotes are ones that can inspire us to keep moving forward and to focus on our aspirations. These quotes will inspire, motivate, and remind you that ambition requires determination and focus on making dreams a reality.

Ambition And Determination

“Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in”- Bill Bradley

“Our ambition should be to rule ourselves, the true Kingdom for each of us; and true progress is to know more, be more, and do more” – Oscar Wilde:Article On Ambition Of Life

“A garden requires patient labor and attention. Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambitions or to fulfill good intentions. They thrive because someone expended effort on them”- Liberty Hyde Bailey

“Get going. Move forward. Aim High. Plan a takeoff. Don’t sit on the runway and hope someone will come along and push the airplane. It simply won’t happen. Change your attitude and gain some altitude. You’ll love it up here.”- Donald J. Trump

“It’s good to test yourself and develop your talents and ambitions as fully as you can and achieve greater success, but I think success is the feeling you get from a job well done, and the key thing is to do the work.” – Peter Thiel

“Never give up. It’s like breathing, once you quit, your flame dies to let total darkness extinguish every last gasp of hope. You can’t do that. You must continue taking in even the shallowest of breaths, continue putting forth even the smallest of efforts to sustain your dreams. Don’t ever, ever, ever give up.” – Richelle E. Goodrich:Article On Ambition Of Life

“The credit belongs to those who are actually in the arena, who strive valiantly; who know the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spend themselves in a worthy cause; who at best know the triumph of high achievement; and who, at worst, if they fail, fail while daring greatly, so that their place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”- Theodore Roosevelt

“The difference between greed and ambition is a greedy person desires things he isn’t prepared to work for.” – Habeeb AkandeArticle On Ambition Of Life


“I’ve got a great ambition to die of exhaustion rather than boredom.”- Thomas Carlyle:Article On Ambition Of Life

“Whatever your passion is, keep doing it. Don’t waste time chasing after success or comparing yourself to others. Every flower blooms at a different pace. Excel at doing what your passion is and only focus on perfecting it. Eventually, people will see what you are great at doing, and if you are great, success will come chasing after you.”- Suzy Kassem

“When it comes to fighting for your dreams, be a dragon. Breathe fire.”- Richelle E. Goodrich

Ambition And Character

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved”- Hellen Keller:Article On Ambition Of Life

“We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community. Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and our own”- Cesar Chavez

“The desire to reach for the stars is ambitious. The desire to reach hearts is wise.”- Maya Angelou

“I would rather be a little nobody, then to be an evil somebody.”- Abraham Lincoln

“Persistence. Perfection. Patience. Power. Prioritize your passion. It keeps you sane.”- Criss Jami:Article On Ambition Of Life

“Great ambition is the passion of a great character. Those endowed with it may perform very good or very bad acts. All depends on the principles which direct them.”- Napoleon Bonaparte

“Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a certain poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself. Because it’s only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potential.”- Barack Obama

“A man’s worth is no greater than the worth of his ambitions.” – Marcus Aurelius:Article On Ambition Of Life

“It occurred to me that the voracious ambition of humans is never sated by dreams coming true because there is always the thought that everything might be done better and again.”- John Green

“There are two goddesses in your heard. The Goddess of Wisdom and the Goddess of Wealth. Everyone thinks they need to get wealth first, and wisdom will come. So, they concern themselves with chasing money. But they have it backward. You have to give your heart to the Goddess of Wisdom, giver her all your love and attention, and the Goddess of Wealth will become jealous, and follow you.”- Joe Vigil


“To want something desperately, to be tested, to feel that life will be impossible if the object of one’s desires is not achieved, is always dangerous for the soul. Some people attempt to climb Everest because, as they say, it is there; others want nothing but wealth and care little how or where they collect it; others still, with less avaricious tastes – perhaps desiring nothing more than freedom from fear are blinded by the same personal sun that shines on all human ambition. At some time or another, it burns most of us.”- Bryan Forbes:Article On Ambition Of Life

“When I was young, my ambition was to be one of the people who made a difference in this world. My hope is to leave the world a little better for having been there.”- Jim Henson

“Nothing else so destroys the power to stand alone as the habit of leaning upon others. If you lean, you will never be strong or original. Stand-alone or bury your ambition to be somebody in the world.”- Orison Swett Marden

Ambition And Inspiration

“Intelligence without ambition is like a bird without wings”- Walter H. Cottingham:Article On Ambition Of Life

“You cannot kill a breeze, a wind, a fragrance; you cannot kill a dream or an ambition”- Michel Onfray

“Surround yourself with people who believe in your dreams, encourage your ideas, support your ambitions, and bring out the best in you.” – Roy T. Bennett:Article On Ambition Of Life

“If life throws you a few bad notes or vibrations, don’t let them interrupt or alter your song.”- Suzy Kassem

“We need people who dream impossible things, who maybe fail, sometimes succeed, but in any case, who have that ambition.”- Emmanuel Macron

“It has been a long journey, but if you dream and have the ambition and want to work hard, then you can achieve.”- Mo Farah

“It is true of the Nation, as of the individual, that the greatest doer must also be a great dreamer.”-Theodore Roosevelt

“There is hope in dreams, imagination, and in the courage of those who wish to make those dreams a reality.”- Jonas Salk

“Remember how far you’ve come, and you won’t have to rely on a destiny for your future. It will come on your own.”- Shannon A. Thompson:Article On Ambition Of Life

“You were born a winner, a warrior, one who defied the odds by surviving the most gruesome battle of them all – the race to the egg. And now that you are a giant, why do you even doubt victory against smaller numbers and wider margins? The only walls that exist are those you have placed in your mind. And whatever obstacles you conceive, exist only because you have forgotten what you have already achieved.”- Suzy Kassem


“Mother Dear, one day I’m going to turn this world upside down.”- Martin Luther King Jr.Article On Ambition Of Life

“People need not fear the unknown if they have a capable of achieving what they need and what” – Paulo Coelho

“Follow your star, it’s never too late, even if it doesn’t quite happen as you expect.”- Jemima Pett

“Blaze your own trail; make your own path to success. It’s good to desire something; it’s desirable to have ambitions and being ambitious is a sign of strength. But don’t be a copycat. Don’t end up chasing someone else’s dream or achieving their goals. Be original, decide what you want, be clear about your goal and then be resolute enough to follow it to its logical conclusion. You will be happier with such successes because that dream and the hard work that you put in to achieve that goal was your own from beginning to the end.” – Latika Teotia

“Out of the corner of his eye Gatsby saw that the blocks of the sidewalks really formed a ladder and mounted to a secret place above the trees, he could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder.”- F. Scott Fitzgerald

The article was originally published here.

My “101 Lifetime Goals” List (And Why You Should Have One, Too):Article On Ambition Of Life

When you have a long list of goals you’d like to achieve, you have more to strive for, and more opportunities to check those goals off your list. And the rush you feel every time you check one of those goals off the list will inspire you to accomplish even more of them.

Free Training: Learn How to Transform Your Life & Career

If you are bored with life, if you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things – you don’t have enough goals. –Lou Holtz:Article On Ambition Of Life

Personal Goals: My “101 Lifetime Goals” list (and why you should have one, too)

Experts on the science of success know that the brain is a goal-seeking organism.  Whatever personal goals you give to your subconscious mind, it will work night and day to achieve them.

However, one goal isn’t good enough. Some goals take longer to achieve than others – and if you spend years working toward only one objective, you’re likely to get discouraged when it doesn’t happen right away.Article On Ambition Of Life!

But when you have a long list of goals you’d like to achieve, you have more to strive for, and more opportunities to check those goals off your list. And the rush you feel every time you check one of those goals off the list will inspire you to accomplish even more of them.Article On Ambition Of Life

As my friend Brian Tracy says, SMART goals are essential to motivating yourself and others to achieve success. I absolutely agree with him and – as many of you can attest – I encourage everyone to start with a list!

What goals do YOU want to achieve in your lifetime?:Article On Ambition Of Life

Make a list of 101 goals you’d like to achieve in your life. Be as specific as possible. Include details such as when they will happen, where they will happen, how much you’ll make, what model you’ll buy, what size it will be, and so on.

Keep your goals somewhere you can review them often. You might want to put them on a deck of 3”x5” cards you shuffle through every morning, on a poster or piece of paper you hang on the wall beside your computer, or in a book you read each night before you fall asleep. By keeping them top of mind, you’ll be more likely to make them a reality.

And every time you achieve one of your goals, check it off the list and celebrate what you’ve managed to accomplish in your life!

Here’s my list – and examples of the goals I’ve achieved so far are in bold font.

For inspiration, check out the list of goals that I committed to achieving before I die:


Article On Ambition Of LifeI will travel to the following places:

  1. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  2. Rome, Italy
  3. Paris, France
  4. London, England
  5. New Zealand
  6. India
  7. Bali
  8. Tahiti
  9. Nepal
  10. Tibet
  11. Turkey
  12. Africa (Morocco and Cameroon so far)
  13. Israel
  14. Russia
  15. Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia
  16. Vacation on a Greek Isle

(I have now traveled to more than 50 countries, and conducted seminars or given speeches in 47 of them.)

I will visit and see the following sights:

  1. Disneyworld
  2. Epcott Center
  3. The Eiffel Tower
  4. The Vatican
  5. The Great Wall of China
  6. The Taj Mahal
  7. The Great Pyramids
  8. Machu Pichu
  9. The Terracotta Soldiers of Xian, China

I will:

Article On Ambition Of Life

  1. Go fishing in the Northwest Territories
  2. Climb on a glacier in Alaska
  3. Go on a safari in Africa
  4. Become a certified scuba diver
  5. Snorkel in Hawaii
  6. Learn to sail
  7. Skydive
  8. Ride in a hot air balloon
  9. Go on a river-rafting trip
  10. Go kayaking:Article On Ambition Of Life
  11. Attend Vic Braden’s tennis camp (Deleted due to ruptured disc)
  12. Fly in a glider
  13. Dive in a submarine
  14. Learn to windsurf
  15. Learn to ski
  16. Ski black diamond level (Deleted due to ruptured disc)
  17. Ski Vail, Aspen, Beaver Creek, Sun Valley & Jackson Hole
  18. Ski in Europe (Deleted due to ruptured disc)
  19. Explore all 5 of Hawaii’s islands
  20. Swim with the dolphins
  21. Go to the Super Bowl
  22. Go to the Rose Bowl
  23. Go to the Final Four College Basketball Championships
  24. Go to the Olympics
  25. Take one of my sons to the Olympics

Personal Achievements

  1. Appear on the Phil Donahue Show (deleted because it is no longer airing, but I have appeared on the Larry King Show, Fox and Friends, The Today Show and Good Morning America, as well as more than 100 other television shows and more than 700 radio shows)
  2. Appear on the Oprah Winfrey Show (I also appeared on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday this past year.)
  3. Write a best selling book (61 best-sellers so far)
  4. Make one million dollars in one year ($20 million best year so far, plus $20 million one year when we sold one of my companies)
  5. Golf 18 holes under 90 (Deleted due to ruptured disc)
  6. Run a 10k race
  7. Run 14 miles in less than 3 hours
  8. Meet a U.S. president while he/she is still in office (I had lunch at the White House but President Bush was traveling in Texas; I also met Bill Clinton but after he left office.)
  9. Build or buy my dream house
  10. Own a vacation home in Hawaii
  11. Own my own pool table
  12. Assemble a good art collection
  13. Own a Mercedes or Lexus (I have owned 6 Lexus cars so far)
  14. Speak in 30 or more countries (47 so far)
  15. Give a university commencement address (3 so far)
  16. Attend my 50th Harvard reunion in 2016
  17. Publish 100 books (225 so far)
  18. Speak at the Million Dollar Roundtable
  19. Produce a TV infomercial
  20. Write a children’s book
  21. Complete NLP training
  22. Produce a PBS program
  23. See my sons Christopher, Oran and Kyle graduate college (No longer important – they took alternative education paths, although Christopher, now age 26, was just accepted into the degree program at the Berklee College of Music in Boston)
  24. Have $3,000,000 net worth when I retire (I have much more than that already)
  25. Sell $20,000 worth of books and tapes at a live event in one day (I have sold $160,000 in one day)
  26. Have 1,000,000 people graduate from the GOALS Program (Over 600,000 so far)
  27. Have 500,000 people graduate from the STAR Program
  28. Sell 1,000,000,000 books (500 million so far)
  29. Sell 1,000,000 audio albums
  30. Learn to speak Spanish fluently
  31. Appear in a movie (The Secret, 2006; The Opus, 2009; The Tapping Solution, 2009; Beyond Belief, 2009; The Truth, 2010; The Gift, 2010; The Keeper of the Keys, 2012).
  32. Learn to paint with oils
  33. Publish a poem
  34. Master 5 magic tricks
  35. Learn to sing and play 10 popular songs on the guitar
  36. Give a speech or conduct a seminar in all 50 states
  37. Appear on the cover of a magazine (over 20 so far)
  38. Get paid $10,000 for a single talk ($70,000 highest fee to date for a single talk)
  39. Keynote an NSA conference
  40. Win over a $1000 in a casino ($3000 at the New Orleans Hilton Casino)
  41. Give a talk to an audience of 10,000 people (12,000 people the largest so far)
  42. See one of my books piled high in the window of a bookstore
  43. Learn how to take world-class photographs (I just bought a Canon Mark III D5 Camera.)
  44. Type 50 words a minute
  45. Weigh 175 pounds (I’ve lost as much as 35 pounds and gotten down to as low as 185)
  46. Bench press 200 pounds
  47. Run a mile under 6 minutes (Deleted due to ruptured disc)
  48. Do a fire-walk
  49. Have a personal gym in my home
  50. Conduct a training for a professional athletic team
  51. Write a book for couples with my wife
  52. Write a book for teenagers
  53. Write a children’s book
  54. Have a syndicated newspaper column
  55. Take more guitar lessons
  56. Have an incredible 50th birthday party
  57. Convene Two Beautiful People Conferences (TLC)
  58. Meet the Following People:
    Garth Brooks
    Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton
    Jimmy Carter
    The Dalai Lama
    Arnold Schwarzenegger
    George Lucas
    Kenny Rogers
  59. Attend the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, Tennessee

In 2006, I added the following goals to my list:

  1. Attend the National Championship College Football Game
  2. Attend the Country Music Awards
  3. Take the Landmark Forum Training
  4. Create a dynamic coaching and training community with 500 or more members
  5. Sell one billion books by the year 2019 (500 million so far)
  6. Visit Buenos Aires, Argentina
  7. Attend the Oscar Awards ceremony
  8. Attend the Radio Music Awards in Los Vegas, Nevada
  9. Retire with a $30 million net worth
  10. Live to be 100+ years old
  11. Receive the CPAE designation from the National Speakers Association **
  12. Create a curriculum guide for a college course based on The Success Principles
  13. Create a high school curriculum guide based on The Success Principles
  14. Create a Curriculum Guide for teachers based on the Chicken Soup for the Soul stories
  15. Visit Japan
  16. Visit the Achawara tribe and work with a shaman in the rainforest with Lynn Twist
  17. Learn to play “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” by Bach on the piano
  18. Take a formal training in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) (I’ve even written a book on it.)
  19. Develop a leadership training
  20. Go to Dubai
  21. Obtain a $1,000,000 advance for a book (The 30-Day Sobriety Solution)

I wrote this list back in 1989 at the age of 45 – and I’m proud to say that I’ve crossed more than a few goals off the list – 80 to be exact!

My 2019 New Year Goals Update: Article On Ambition Of Life

2019 has had many successes. These are goals I’ve set for 2019 that are very important to me, my business, and my family. Here’s what I will be focusing on in 2019:

My Financial goals for 2019 are:

  • To increase the Canfield Training Group gross income $5 million
  • To double my personal income
  • To earn $600,000 in personal speaking fees
  • To enroll 1000 people into our online Train the Trainer program
  • To enroll 50 people into our 2019 Train the Trainer program
  • To have a minimum of 200 people in our Caribbean Cruise in March

My Professional Goals for 2019 are:

  • To complete and publish the following 6 books Living the Success Principles, The Success Principles Workbook with Brandon Hall, The Success Principles for Women, The Power of Wow with Raymond Aaron, Unstuck book with Lyse Janelle, The Big, Bad Bully (a children’s book) with Miriam Laundry
  • To complete and publish to Tree of Life Meditation CDs with Deirdre Hade
  • To complete the strategic planning for a major podcast membership program
  • To complete and implement a membership and support program for our Canfield Train the Trainer graduates
  • To complete a thorough de-cluttering of my office
  • To hire a new part-time personal assistant for myself
  • To create a new more efficient system for handling my emails
  • To be complete 48 interviews or podcasts where others interview me—and
  • To develop a TEDx talk on the topic of Rejection is a Myth

My 2019 Relationship goals are:

  • To have a date night with my wife Inga every week that I am home and not on the road.
  • To have 100 or more Free days at home or on vacation with my wife
  • To spend a minimum of two weeks with my grandson Ozzie, who lives in Brooklyn, NY

My Health and Fitness Goals for 2019 are:       

  • To weigh 195 pounds or less
  • To work out using High-Intensity Interval Training and weightlifting for at least 30 minutes a day a minimum of 3 days a week.
  • To take two 20-minute walks a day
  • To drink two and a half liters of water a day
  • To get a minimum of 26 massages

My Fun and Recreation goals for 2019 are:

Free Training: Learn How to Transform Your Life & Career

  • To take a 30-day vacation in Hawaii with my wife
  • To take a one-week vacation with my wife and six friends in a villa on the beach in the Bahamas

My Personal goals for 2019 are:

  • To read books on personal, spiritual or professional development for a minimum of 30 minutes a day.
  • To watch two TED or TEDx talks every week.
  • To read 36 or more books
  • To complete the new landscaping around the swimming pool area of the property.Article On Ambition Of Life

My Contribution Goals for 2019 are:

  • To give 4 free talks for the local community educational and nonprofit organizations in Santa Barbara
  • To tithe 10% of my after-tax income to nonprofit organizations including The Unstoppable Foundation, Child Abuse Learning and Mediation, The Bodhi Path Meditation Center, The Pachamama Alliance, UNICEF Children’s Fund, Doctors Without Borders, and Direct Relief.
  • To provide one free online Train the Trainer program to someone in a third world country for every one we sell.

Once you’ve completed your list, please share some of your own personal development goals and professional goals in the comments below.

I’d love to read them!

Learn How to Transform Your Life and Career

Most of us have big dreams for our lives.

We yearn to create joyous, abundant, and meaningful existences for ourselves. We want to experience deep love and friendship. We want to feel mentally and physically strong, completely healthy, and financially secure. And we want to know that we’re great at what we do – and that we’re making a positive impact on the world.

I’ve created a webinar called the 7 Pillars of True Life Transformation that will help you learn exactly how to live the life that you’re meant to live.

The article was originally published here.

My Ambition in Life Essay Writing!Article On Ambition Of Life

Jose John October 28, 2012 1 Comment

My Ambition in Life

People have their own dreams in life. It is always a good thing to have an ambition in one’s life. A person without an aim or ambition in life is an unfortunate person. Without a set aim, a person can achieve nothing in his life. An ambition is an incen­tive to a person to work hard and to achieve success in life.

Different people have different ambitions. Some persons dream of becoming leaders, politicians and social reformers. Some want to amass wealth, others want to achieve fame and still others want to serve the mankind. There are others who have a craze for becoming poets and writers whereas most of the people generally have a desire of becoming doctors, engineers or scientists. Many young boys and girls aspire to become actors and actresses. Thus ambitions differ from person to person.

My ambition in life is to become a teacher. The idea of simple living and high thinking inspires me to take up this profession. The sole object of my life is to lead a life of simplicity and goodness devoted to the service of others. The good examples set by the great teachers of the past are before me. Their life and work inspire me very much to devote mys«lf to this noble profession.

As a teacher, I want to serve my country in my own humble way. There are a lot of illiterate people in India. Removal of illiteracy is the most urgent need today.

The role of a teacher is supreme here. I wish to do what I can to educate my countrymen. I am fully aware of the fact that the teachers in our country are ill-paid. A good teacher is a real friend, philosopher and guide of the students. The teacher removes the darkness of ignorance from the minds of the students and fills them with knowledge and noble ideals. I want to fulfil this dream as a teacher. A teacher should be free from corruption. I want to be honest and hard-working in my profession. A teacher should be a model to the students and to the society.

India can develop into a great nation if the problems of illiteracy, corruption, superstition and ignorance are removed. I think that I can do my best to remove these problems in my own little way as a teacher. The students of today are the citizens of tomorrow. So I will lay great stress on the character formation of my students. A good teacher is the architect of the destiny of the students. Thus I will play my humble role in the building of my nation.

I have nurtured a love for young children from my childhood. As a teacher I can help them to widen their outlook by inculcating the right knowledge. The company of young children will help me to be fresh in my thoughts and outlook. I will try to instill the noble qualities of service, sacrifice, patriotism and nationalism in my students. I shall also try to inculcate in them a desire to learn the truth and lead a noble and virtuous life.

In the words of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, a great teacher and the former President of India, ‘Teachers are the custodians of the highest value”. I have great faith in the life of a noble and ideal teacher.

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The article was originally published here.

I wants to become scientist essay!Article On Ambition Of Life

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by Akshayyy 28.07.2018

What do you need to know?Article On Ambition Of Life

Ask your question




Life without ambition is like a gun without target. Each and everyone should have an ambition and should march towards it. Likewise, the ambition of my life is to become a Scientist. Right from my childhood I like Science a lot and I fascinate the subject very much. Whenever I see an advancement in Science I am astonished and I myself want to be the reason for a great change. Becoming a Scientist is my ambition because becoming one would help me in bringing out a solution to some problem in the society.

There are many environment issues like Global Warming, unforeseen disasters, pollution and so on. I want to focus my mind on studying the root cause of such issues and find a solution to these issues as a Scientist in future.

Hope it will help you.

The article was originally published here.

Life is a Daring Adventure!Article On Ambition Of Life!

I believe that life is either a daring adventure or nothing.

People spend so long being afraid of the unknown, and tend to stay with what is comfortable and safe, but is that really taking advantage of all that life has to offer?

I have constantly wondered why there are so few who do take risks and live to their fullest potential: my friend Erica who spontaneously decided that she would buy a one way ticket to Asia, and spend 3 months there, or a man I met by the name of Rick who hitch-hikes around the world, and these two people, out of the hundreds that I know, have the most interesting and inspiring lives. I have always said that the worst consequence is death, and death honestly can come at anytime, even if you are one of t he most cautious, or most extreme people you may know. That is just nature. So what I believe is, life has so much to offer, and can’t be spent on the safe side for that is no way to live.Article On Ambition Of Life

For me, I have no idea what is on the other side. I’m not a religious person, but also believe that there is a higher power. Not necessarily in the manifestation of God, but a force greater than ourselves. I feel this power in the ocean; the waves greater than myself, challenging me with there awesome power to reach a reward greater than any possession, the ultimate feeling of being alive, up on my board and riding the wave, being one with that awesome power.

What many people don’t realize is that this power is all around us. I look at this safe place we live. The crime rate is low, a person can go to high school and then college right next door, then get a job and raise a family all in the same town. I always felt a calling beyond this town, and with one twenty-minute drive I found my calling at the beach that serves as a perfect escape from the comfort of Sonoma County. There I can surf, skim board, and have the waves wash away all stress and feelings of being stuck. It took me while to realize but the beach was only a taste of what life had to offer, and as I drove further more of the world opened up to me.Article On Ambition Of Life!

=0 A

I was always afraid to drive far, like a dog straying away from its owner. If it goes too far, it might loose forever the comfort of a guaranteed meal and warm place to sleep, but my urge won over uncertainty. In the winter I traveled to Lake Tahoe and found the time of my life on the slopes. For the first time I drove up myself, and even though I had been there many times before, behind the wheel, and no one to relay on but myself, everything seemed new and exciting. I spent the day exploring the mountains, hitting up the slopes, and be the end of the day I had a new hunger for the undiscovered thrills of life. I wanted more.Article On Ambition Of Life

Two weeks ago I decided that I needed to take my thrill seeking up a notch and actually bring death into the picture, so I signed up to go skydiving. One hundred dollars, 13000 feet, 60 seconds of free fall, and the world literally beneath you, I’m ready.

This Sunday is when I take the plunge, and I am excited to explore this new side of life. I have to admit that I am a bit nervous, but I expect to do it many times again. My personal philosophy is that I have no idea what the next life holds, or even is, and that’s why this one must be lived to the fullest . So next time you feel that urge to do something exciting, out there, and overall different, do it, because life has so much to offer and on the reward is absolutely greater than the risk. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing, so get out there and have fun!

The article was originally published here.

Life’s greatest adventure!Article On Ambition Of Life


Has there ever been a day when you stop what you’re doing, just literally stop and say to yourself, “I want to leave, I want to leave this house, these people, this town, this country and live”?
Now of course, you don’t do anything about this thought. You just ignore it as if it never crossed your mind; but it did. For a moment there you wanted to run, you wanted to escape, hide from everything your life is now.
All you really want to do is fill your lungs with air you’ve never tried before; make your heart pound at a speed you didn’t know was possible. Every day you want to meet someone new, someone you may want to see every day. You want excitement to overtake your stomach, to be so nervous you want to puke. To have that knot in your throat ready to burst out and bawl your eyes out once in a while when no one’s around to comfort you.
You want to run and never look back.
To look for something you never knew you needed, or maybe just because.Article On Ambition Of Life
You hope that one day you will meet this amazing group of people and you picture it. They let you in, they make you feel at home even if you are nowhere at all. Laughing until you feel abs coming out, crying until your eyes are red, fighting until you feel like complete idiots and hug it out, screaming your hearts out even if they may be shattered, being with them all your life and exploring yourselves in ways you never imagined. Having those long nights where you smoke your problems away, seeing as they vanish along with the smoke, looking at them from afar and not being able to imagine a life without them ‘cause life without your friends would be empty.Article On Ambition Of Life

You want to do the stupidest thing ever and still feel like it was the best idea in your life in the end.
You want to have stories to tell to your children, grand-children feeling embarrassed, angry and joyful when you tell them and teach them that life is worth living if you know how to and have the evidence to prove it. You may not do it all, but damn it will feel like it.
But most of all you want to be moments away from leaving everything forever, look back and say “If I could, I would to it all over again.”
Because that is what an adventure is.

The article was originally published here.

The Adventure of My Life.Article On Ambition Of Life!

Essay Preview One winter morning, long ago, I found myself standing before a fire

place, warming my hands over a mound of glowing coals, listening to
the wind whistle past the houses out-side.

On the walls behind me you could see my tall, blacked out, shadow
shivering, trying to get warm. That same morning I was waiting for
Santa Clause to collect his cookies and milk but, he didn’t turn up. I
was so disappointed, I felt like making a whole puddle of water tears
near the window ledge; still waiting for him with my last hope, but he
didn’t turn up.

My dad came in the room quietly without me noticing, because I had my
back turned towards him. I think that he ate and drank the milk and
cookies. The reason why I say that is because he came towards me, got
down on both knees, side by side with my shoulders, put his right hand
on my head and whispered in my ear.

“So Santa Clause came didn’t he.”

“No, no he never, the milk and cookies are still there,” I replied.

I turned my head slowly towards the plate and with a surprise it was!Article On Ambition Of Life
gone. The cookies were drunk and the milk was drunk. I looked at my
dad with the biggest smile on my face, when I saw milk trace above my
dads top lip.

That was me at the age of six. Since that day I haven’t believed in
Santa Clause.Article On Ambition Of Life!

A year and a half has past. The bright sun light is shining up the
white, quiet room. Y weary eyes can’t barely open from the light. I
was trying to open my eyes to find my way to the bathroom.

After I had washed my face, I was wondering to myself why is the house
quiet? Why aren’t my brothers and sisters running around the house
like hooligans? Why aren’t my parents shouting at each other? So I
went down stairs to find out what was happening. When I finally
reached the bottom of the stairs, I looked around and saw the whole!Article On Ambition Of Life

The article was originally published here.

Life Is One Big Adventure

Posted onJuly 11, 2012byIsland Traveler

Someone told me once that, “Life is an adventure.“ I was too young then to understand what it means. Then for the past few years, as my son started to discover the amazing world around him, I started to see for myself what those four letter words truly means.

Article On Ambition Of Life!


I asked my son while parking the car at Moody Gardens, “What would you like to do first?” He replied excitedly, “Dad, I would like to ride the boat.” The Colonel boat ride is about an hour-long trip at Galveston Bay. Kind of long on a hot, humid mid-Summer day. I want to make sure that he really wanted it, so I asked him again, “Son, what would you like to do first?” With a confident tone, he replied, “I would like to ride the boat, dad.” I answered back, “Okay, boat ride it is!” Our adventure started at the boat that day, unfolding  beautifully, page by page like an exciting journey in a story book.Article On Ambition Of Life!

Everyday, I wake up realizing that every event in my life is in itself an adventure. From the trip to the mall in the middle of a heavy, pouring rain, to my son’s swimming lessons to our recent trip to Moody Gardens in Galveston Island, adventure is everywhere around me. Adventure is happening before our very eyes.




At the Rainforest Pyramid we saw birds on the tree tops, butterflies eating grapes and a monkey crossed our path that made my heart jumped for a second.




Article On Ambition Of Life!Can you find the monkey in this picture?

A lot of us may think, “Oh, but it’s just the usual daily stuff, nothing extraordinary like climbing Mt. Everest or having a tour around the world.” Article On Ambition Of Life!My friends, adventure is anything that excites you, made you smile, made you feel happy and alive. Adventure is about exploring, discovering and learning something new.

It could be about meeting new friends, venturing into a new diet or exercise regimen. It could be about finding a shopping mall that carries your favorite brand of clothes, bags or shoes. It could be about discovering a new restaurant that makes dishes that delights your taste buds.Article On Ambition Of Life It could be about having a fun and unforgettable time outdoors enjoying nature, a visit to a theme park, an awesome time fishing with friends and family or simply a relaxing time at the beach. Adventure is anything that makes us want to get up at the start of the day bursting with energy and enthusiasm.


My son saw my wife scribbled something on the sand. He told us, “I want to draw something too.” He found a stick nearby and started drawing. It turned out to be a Star. I stared at it and made a wish.Article On Ambition Of Life


How many adventures can we make everyday? As many as the sand beneath our feet.



Guess who entertained us with an amazing dance?

There are so many possibilities for adventures around us. All we need to do is grab the ones that we want. We don’t have to look far either, they are closer than you think.Article On Ambition Of Life

Thank you once again for sharing your day with me. May this post inspire you to embrace and see the beautiful images around you.

Today, get to know several bloggers who shared a beautiful post on the theme “Of Dreams And Freedom.”

For those who wish to join in this week’s challenge, here’s a link and the widget. Have a great time making wonderful adventures.

All images taken from an iPhone 4 camera using Camera + App. My friends, have fun discovering and creating the most beautiful images everyday. They are a part of the unforgettable memories you make in this lifetime.

The article was originally published here.

Dear Reader: Life is a Never Ending Adventure, Embrace it!

Hi everyone. My name is Alex Bellini.

Life is a Never Ending Adventure, Embrace it!

When Deb and Dave told me they would have been happy to publish something written by me in their beautiful blog I was excited, thrilled. I always love to share my feelings and ideas with those who love adventure as I do.Article On Ambition Of Life

The second feeling I felt was doubt: what should I talk about? How can someone step quietly on a stage and say something helpful, maybe inspiring, without sounding like a person who wants to “tell the truth” or “sell a story”?

I then decided to take a step back. Maybe I shouldn’t tell a story at all, maybe I should just sit, as you do when you are around a campfire, and just let the thoughts flow.

Maybe I should talk as if I was writing a letter, yes, a letter to everyone who is sitting with me every time the question “where next?” comes into my mind.

inspirational travel man running

“Of the many men whom I am, whom we are,
I cannot settle on a single one.”

Pablo Neruda – We Are Many

We are many, said Neruda, and this is a letter to the many men who I am, those whom I discovered I was when I found myself alone in the middle of the Ocean (they were two Oceans, now that I think about it), and it is a message to all the men whom we are. So, once again, dear readers, dear myself, dear all… here we are.

As I sit, remembering my journeys, a question comes to me: What is an adventure?:Article On Ambition Of Life

Well, adventure comes from the Latin word advenire, which means “to happen” “to come”. It is something that happens everyday. It is what comes when we open the door.

Words have the incredible power of shaping our identities and our actions, like many linguists have said, so it’s better to take them seriously/Article On Ambition Of Life

But if we do so when we think about adventure… where is all the emphasis if the meaning points towards such a quotidian event? Where are all those fears that we usually attach to that word? And what about the excitement?

I am sure you understand that when someone who calls himself an “adventurer” discover that “adventure” isn’t something that special… well, let’s say that he faces a little identity crisis. How can that be?Article On Ambition Of Life

Does it mean that what I do is not exciting or meaningful? Let me think about it for a moment.

Alex running in Arizona

The Meaning of Life:Article On Ambition Of Life

I really believe we are all very similar, what changes are the meanings we give to things. In my life I crossed deserts and frozen landscapes, I ran from Los Angeles to New York, I rowed all alone across the Mediterranean, the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean, and I am about to leave and spent months on a melting iceberg.

I never thought about what I do as “something extreme”, why would I? Maybe sometimes it has been extremely difficult, but I am not someone who pushes himself to face its limits.

I actually think that often it is better to stay away from those limits, because in certain situations it is very dangerous to be too close to them. What I believe, however, is that I could not live with regrets.

I couldn’t survive following an expectation that comes from someone else. It would be terrible, my personal nightmare, to know that someone else was rowing, not me.


“Which feelings would survive the passage of time
and which ones would be lost forever?”

Alex Bellini – Alone Across the Pacific Ocean

I come from a small village in Northern Italy, far away from the sea. But how did I end up rowing across the oceans? I knew nothing about boats, or rowing, nothing at all. The ocean was something unknown but, if I think about it, rowing meant pushing myself not towards my limits but towards new feelings. In this sense, isn’t it true that we face the ocean everyday? While I am here, talking to you, suddenly, little by little, the meaning of that Latin word, advenire, becomes less troubling.

Maybe adventure is really something that happens everyday or, better, every “tomorrow”.Article On Ambition Of Life

When you lose your points of reference, that’s when the adventure begins. When you change perspective and your certainties disappear, that’s when the adventure begins.


But there is also something else. In the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and while I was crossing the Pacific Ocean, alone on my little boat, my masks fell on the ground… actually, they fell in the water.Article On Ambition Of Life

I wasn’t able to hide anymore behind what I used to call “identity” or “certainty”. That may be also what advenire is: something that comes, whether you want it or not. It is a fact that you have to face what’s inside of you, in your mind, something you need to accept.

It is the change that, as a famous psychologist once said, happens, whether you like it or not. Adventure, then, is a journey of your mind and soul, before being anything else.

It is the moment when you discover that you are not just one, fixed person, but a series of people who wake up according to the challenge you are facing. Article On Ambition Of LifeAnd truly, you may even end up disliking some of them.

swimming in ocean

Article On Ambition Of Life!Dear reader, dear myself, dear all… what is adventure then? Adventure is choosing to embrace uncertainties with the same warmth we reserve to the truths we love the most.

It is finding yourself in front of many selves, which are still you. Dave and Deb say “ordinary people can live extraordinary lives”, I couldn’t agree more. My thought?Article On Ambition Of Life

Follow what gives you the strongest emotions and transform your life in a big adventure, because life is already an adventure or, better, a never-ending advenire. Embrace it!

Alex Bellini raggiunge i vertici del Monte Bianco con Raptor

Article On Ambition Of Life!As I say goodbye, I hope you enjoyed talking with me. I really can’t wait to hear your thoughts and I hope that Dave and Deb will invite me again. Maybe I can tell you more about how it feels to be in the middle of an ocean, or I will keep you updated with my life on an iceberg. Whatever happens, it was a pleasure.

To all my fellow adventurers,Article On Ambition Of Life

Yours, truly

Alex Bellini

Alex Bellini in his words:

_MG_7479I was born in Aprica, in Valtellina (Northern Italy), amongst the Alps. In 2000 I ran the New York City Marathon. Between 2000 and 2001 I participated to some extreme marathons, including the Marathon des Sables (more than 2o0 km in the Sahara desert). In 2002 and in 2003 I ran the Alaska Ultrasport, self-supported. Article On Ambition Of Life!Then, in 2006 I crossed the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean solo in a rowing boat (after failing twice 🙂 …Article On Ambition Of Life. I like to remember that) In 2008, I began my journey across the Pacific Ocean, from Perù to Australia. On the 12th of October 2008, with only 65 miles left to reach the coast, I decided to interrupt the crossing because of the extremely difficult meteorological conditions. In 2011 I ran from Los Angeles to New York (it was the LA-NY footerace). 70 days of running, without days off. Today, I am a professional speaker and performance consultant, a happy father and husband.

The article was originally published here.

AN ADVENTURE IN MY LIFE Essay:Article On Ambition Of Life

Jose John December 17, 2015 No Comments


Last summer we had occasion to go to Shimla. My uncle was posted there. He had a beautiful government accommodation. There were two houses on both the sides of the road. In .front there was a small kitchen garden and a winding path beyond it. On the back there was a hilly slope ending in a valley. There was a narrow path leading to the valley by the side of the next house. The back room had big glass panes. It was rather a wall of glass. I would sometimes sit alone there looking at the beauty of the valley, the clouds that would enter through the window, the trees that bloomed with fruits and flowers. But I was attracted the most towards the narrow paths winding through the hilly forest. I saw local people moving friskily on these paths and wished to be one of them.Article On Ambition Of Life

I used to go to the Ridge every evening to look at the Himalayan peaks. But the path was very long. My uncle, one day, told me that one of the foot paths in the valley was a short cut. But he advised me not to make an experiment. It was not safe to go alone. Contrary to his wish I decided to have an adventure in the hill. It was a clear day. Uncle had gone to the office. Papa and Mamma had gone to the Mall to make purchases. I gave a slip to aunt and dashed towards the valley.

For some time I was on a clean path. Then I saw a local man leaving the path and bending his way to a bushy track going up. I asked him where he was going. He told me the path led to the Ridge. But as I was not a local man he advised me not to go by that path. It was full of thorns.

Article On Ambition Of LifeHe had seen me coming from the direction of my uncle’s house. When he was out of sight I took the path. I wanted to enjoy the romance. But the romance did not last long. It was very difficult to climb the ascending narrow path. After five minutes I stumbled down and my right leg fell on a thorny plant. It seemed a scorpion had bit me. The pain was intolerable. I started crying. But who would listen to my cries in the wilderness.Article On Ambition Of Life

Fortunately for me, the same man was coming down. Listening to my cries he hurried towards me. I cried ‘scorpion has bit me’. He smiled at me and ran towards a plant, picked some leaves, crushed them and applied the juice to the place where scorpion had bit. Within minutes the pain disappeared. But the leg had swollen so much that .

I could not stand. He took me on his back and reached my uncle’s house within minutes. On the way he told me it was not scorpion but the thorn of a bush of the same name. The plant near it was its antidote. We stayed for a fortnight more. But I always avoided these narrow valley paths.

The article was originally published here.

Short essay on life is an adventure by itself:Article On Ambition Of Life

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by SSakthivel 08.09.2016

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Answers:Article On Ambition Of Life


Adventure is to do something which could be dangerous and more difficult than what we do every day. An adventure involves risk and excitement.

There are many persons who are interested in carrying on life with regular life with usual activities done in a safe way. But there are some persons who are bored with the usual ordinary life and they look for an extra excitement from life. Such persons are ready to take risks by putting their life in danger to achieve something. Achievement of extraordinary gives them satisfaction. When the excitement comes down after some days, they again crave for another adventure.

What excites some is the unknown result of an adventure and to convert the challenge into a success. We need a lot of confidence, concentration, physical strength, coordination of our body and mind to be able to successfully complete an adventurous task. Adventure helps us to extend our capabilities and do more than what we did earlier.Article On Ambition Of Life
It helps us in building confidence. People like adventurous people and respect them.Article On Ambition Of Life

Examples of adventures are sky diving from a plane and landing on ground with the help of a parachute, jumping from a height (bungee jumping), mountain climbing, rock climbing etc. Often a policeman’s life and a detective’s life are adventurous. Why, even us when we were children, might have done a number of small adventures with our close friends or alone at home.

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”Life is an adventure by itself”.Article On Ambition Of Life


  • ”Life is an adventure by itself” is well said.
  • We have to face a lot of problems and difficulties to survive.
  • This is an adventure where we compete with others to prove ourselves.Article On Ambition Of Life
  • It is fun that is why it is called adventure.
  • We might face difficulties but we will enjoy it as well if we want peace in life.
  • It excites us and force us to do something different and amazing.

Learn more about life.Article On Ambition Of Life

What is life?……

The article was originally published here.

essay on life is in itself an adventure:Article On Ambition Of Life

This adventure was just the first of many in his life as he also worked in investment banking and ranched cattle. . tax on itself in order to reflect the. It is in this imperfect “crucible” that our skills of relating and communicating to things. When I consider the fear such an adventure engenders in me,. Essay on the the Alchemist. . the novel, the author emphasizes life is a journey, not a destination, and that the real treasure is in the journey itself. Similarly, the mind’s sensitivity to the meaning of life is. Ultimately, Enkidu’s journey out of the wilderness and his adventure with Gilgamesh lead to.

Meditation will help this unfolding of latent intuition for it is itself an intuitive process. . and important part of his adventure in meditation. Essay on City Life in India (1478 Words). . The big city to him is an illusion; it gives people a false belief in its cultural and its leadership values.Article On Ambition Of Life Essays on Art Is Long Life Is Short Essay. .

Short Essay on Inspiration and Inerrancy of the Bible Living in a Fallen world, people tend to search for. His 1798 work, “An Essay on the Principles of Population,” substantially paved the way for, among similar streams of. its conspiracies is in itself no. But wind is a fact of life in the mountains, as much a part of the weather as snow itself, and those who grumble. Pingback: An Adventure Life Essay –. An essay on the struggle for self-. This is not a bad thing, considering the skills mentioned above have become largely obsolete and life in the wild is.

essay on life is in itself an adventure:Article On Ambition Of Life

Essay on life is in itself an adventure. Online work from home in delhi. The boy in the striped pyjamas film review essay essay on save water – Rock Me. . cking light and life, its in the dark because am embarrassed, its unclear and blurred because am no ready to be out there. It shows itself in packed-up boxes and the abandonment of paintings.Article On Ambition Of Life What I am afraid of, is not having eyes to see that all of this is an adventure.

Half the fun in an adaptation is in seeing what creative people do with material we love. . Futurus Essay on The Passion of Saints Perpetua… .itself is secured by making a certain species of conduct our amusement; and, by considering life in the general estimate of its value, as well on. It’s a wonderful lesson for life in general, but an excellent tool.

Article On Ambition Of LifeHave them keep a journal of their findings or write a small essay on how they. There are tons of free term papers and essays on The Most Unusual Adventure In My Life Essay on .Article On Ambition Of Life Value of Life Essay Is the glass half. Essay On Myself In French site According to him, an odorless gas Northern Italy Dante wrote De Convivio(Banquet) New Life) and piece of itself. life Is. If your essay is a piece of fiction, place your character on a deserted island, in the jungles of the.

Topics to Write on in an Essay About Adventure. Article On Ambition Of Life An Essay on Uncanny Life. . as the theaters of marvels it describes; its leaps and mutabilities provide a thrilling adventure in imaginative thinking.Article On Ambition Of Life

The article was originally published here.

Essay on Incorporating Adventure in Your Life:Article On Ambition Of Life

771 Words4 Pages
A person must always choose between living their life accustomed to settling for less or actually living their lives the way they want to. We suffer from the fear of missing out on life experiences and in the end all we really want is to be happy of the life we chose to live.
The willingness to take an adventure can range for example someone quitting their job that they hate and going after for the job they actually want.Article On Ambition Of Life A second type of adventure can be a little bigger than that like actually having the ambition of finishing school and reaching the profession that you aspired to have in your life.
Lastly an adventure can go as far as moving out of a small town and into the city where no one knows who you are and the adventure of your…show more content…Article On Ambition Of Life.
At a point in life we get eager for something different and that is when we take upon that adventure to find something new. An adventure can range on how much of a drastic change it has on your life. Starting from the bottom to the top is a goal that most people aspire. No one wants to be stuck in a job for the rest of their lives where there not going to be happy with what they are doing.
In most cases you just think of kids’ right out of high school going to college to make something of themselves but in some other cases its older young adults and older adults that want to take the risk of going back to school to better themselves. There is no age limit on dreaming for what you want and for example most college students are taking the adventure of going to school and reaching their future ideal profession. If people didn’t have the motivation to aspire to be better we wouldn’t have doctors, lawyers, and fire fighters in our world.
The world is filled with many people that just need to push to have adventure in their lives; people should not settle and be stuck in a job where they have to hate not only their jobs but sometimes their own lives. Our own parents for many people are living examples of people that want better lives for us they are the ones that show us that if we don’t make something of our lives we will regret it. Change will not come to us but we have to go after change. Taking an adventure in life is something you have to do

The article was originally published here.Article On Ambition Of Life

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