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Loving Hearts: What you should keep in mind


What you should keep in mind

Loving Hearts: Among all the kaleidoscope of the per-holiday race, do not forget about such an important event as a wedding dance. And for it to be successful, it is important to approach very responsibly to its preparation.

It is in this case that you will feel confident on your own holiday and your performance will undoubtedly decorate the wedding ceremony and leave romantic memories for the whole life. Your dance can be slow or fast, with live music or with a soundtrack, the main thing is that you choose the music you like, the one that inspires you and, perhaps, was special for you, to become later a sound reminder of an important and happy event in your common life. If you have any difficulties with the musical composition, we will help you to choose a beautiful emotional music, advise the style of wedding dance, according to your taste and capabilities.

Among the genres, the classic waltz remains, as it was decades ago, the most popular.

A gentle dance that connects loving hearts, looks romantic, organic and elegant. Combining a unique style, elegant steps and the majesty of body movements, the waltz completely conveys the atmosphere of the holiday. Passionate tango, emotional rumba, salsa and even hustle will be very appropriate during the first dance. These genres are characterized by more complex preparation and more wedding dance lessons to take,, but all efforts will be justified – such a production will be very effective. If your spiritual impulse draws you in search of something unusual – boldly go to the goal. The choreographers of our center realize your every idea.

The dance of the newlyweds is a kind of training of married life: a young couple together does one thing, and, having a common goal, learns to find compromises. To achieve the result, you will have to spend some effort, be able to agree with a partner, and the reward for the effort will be shared.

Setting the dance requires effort and time. We advise you to think as soon as possible about your first dance, not to postpone rehearsals to the last moment, when per-wedding efforts will take you all the time. In order for your dance to be harmonious, laid-back, and for you to be confident and uninhibited, systematic rehearsals are necessary. For someone even 4 rehearsals are enough to gain skills, learn dance moves and dance composition, and other couples need to work much more. You need to start about a month and a half before the event. In average the couple will have to attend 4-8 lessons for a simple dance number. Training can be documented: first, in order to work at home to improve the movements, and secondly, such videos will be the great asset for the family archive.

Our task is to compose for you a beautiful composition, to reveal the potential of your couple, to teach you how to naturally move together, musically, plastic ally and beautifully move, sincerely express your emotions. Do not despair if you have not danced before, the main thing is your desire and confidence to the choreographers, professionals of our school. Remember that the greatest memories bring not the ideally learned and performed dance, but one that is filled with live emotions and comes from a pure heart.

On request, we can prepare dance of witnesses, wedding battles, dance gifts-surprises for the groom or the bride, parents. Make your wedding in Dubai unique!

Classes are held in a comfortable, equipped hall (there are showers, the administrator will always offer you tea). We will select for you an individual schedule for rehearsals.

This article was first published here.


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